Chapter 258 Venom vs Captain Marvel! Ping A is like heaven!!

Carol Danfoss!

In the entire Avengers, only she is qualified to participate in this level of battle!

Since she and Nick Fury met, she has wandered in the depths of the vast universe, solved the contradictions and conflicts that broke out between different civilizations, and accumulated a lot of combat experience, with incomparably rich and outstanding insights.


For the appearance of the god of symbiotes, she still sincerely felt dazed, even strange!

The innate fighting instinct is also crazy warning!

Even in the face of the supreme wisdom of the Kree Empire, she did not experience a hint of threat!


How powerful is the god of symbiotes!

As for the other man in black, he was able to stand tall above the void without changing his face?

There is no meaning of being suppressed at all.

It also made her feel a sense of curiosity and favor! For the strong, she has always admired it!

Only the strong can be worthy of her!


“What’s going on!!”

Carol Danfoss thought for a moment, and suddenly felt a hurricane roaring towards him.

Lightning fast.

Even she can’t catch the enemy’s movements! The next moment!

A black liquid substance has been poured on her body, penetrating into her pores, and completely awakening the darkness in the depths of her soul!


It can give the host unimaginable physical abilities and skills. Amplify innate talent.

Moreover, it can also cause the host’s mood swings and change the host’s thinking and personality!

Even if Captain Marvel traveled through the universe, he had never seen this strange substance!

Hit right away!

The whole person turned hideous. A hint of ferocity appeared!

“Go for it!”

“My servant!”

“Finish him off for me!”

The magnetic, enchanting voice echoed.

The symbiote god grinned and continued to mobilize the dark force to transform the earth’s native things into symbiotes to control all superheroes!

The voice fell.

Captain Marvel, who was brainwashed by him, also turned into a brilliant and dazzling long rainbow, rushing straight towards Du Ye!

The rapidly changing situation also stunned the bald bureau chief who was watching coldly!


“Buy cakes!”

“What’s going on?”

“Why did Carol Danfoss attack Venom?”

“I obviously warned her!”

Nick Fury stepped on his sandals and seemed to be on vacation at the beach.

At this moment, the one-eye revealed an incredible color, staring at the surveillance screen.

The chest couldn’t help but set off a terrifying wave. Venom!

It seems to be the prey of the symbiote god!

In any case, S.H.I.E.L.D. should be on the side of Venom. Instead of attacking Venom!


The change in Carol Danfoss directly shocked all the top level of the federation! Captain Marvel, known as the strongest combat force in the Avengers………

All failed!

Who else can turn the tide?


“Stark is also working on symbiotes!”

“It also invented the wisdom memory material of the whole people.”

“Hurry up and inform Stark!”

General Thunderbolt ordered. At the same time.

The fist that was circulating with brilliant light flames also collided fiercely with Du Ye’s fist!

Bang! Boom!!

A surging tide of energy swept in all directions in an instant, directly tearing the earth, shattering the clouds, and colliding the curtain of space out of a hideous crack!

Everything within a radius of 10,000 meters was shattered under one blow! It was shaken into a grit!!

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