Chapter 260: Critical Strike Squad! Heaven and earth are destroyed! Nar was stunned!!

Chirp! Chirp!!

A loud and pleasant phoenix cry echoed! It was like a thunder blow that suddenly cut through the firmament!

Also shattered all darkness and filth! Bring light and life to the earth again!

The blazing phoenix hot vision instantly burst out with unimaginable power and destructive power, tearing apart almost everything and crushing all the substances in the world!

Even if Captain Marvel moves at the speed of light, he can’t get rid of the phoenix’s hot eyesight!

Phoenix thermal vision.

Constantly switch paths in the sky, turn repeatedly, and in an instant, the entire sky is covered!

Compared to the phoenix shockwave emitted by Scott, Du Ye’s phoenix thermal vision is undoubtedly more powerful and powerful!

After all, thermal vision comes from the human gods of the universe next door!

At this moment, thermal vision has also evolved to an unbelievable point. Almost reached the pinnacle that Bronze Superman can reach!

Once the target is hit, no matter how amazing the armor and defense power of the target, it will also be hit hard, the skin will bloom, and the flesh and blood will be blurred!

“Damn it!”

“Can’t even shake it off?!”

Captain Marvel was embarrassed. Suddenly hovering in mid-air.

Swung her fist hard! However.

The phoenix has hot vision like an antelope hanging horns, no trace can be found, and the angle is deflected again. The next moment!

An unprecedented pain swept in!

Her astral battle uniform also had a miserable opening!

Even the nanoalloy fibers invented by the Kree Empire could not withstand the impact of the phoenix’s thermal vision!

Nanoalloy fibers.

It seems to be a black technology that ordinary people cannot imagine.

Even a nuclear blow would tear a crack at most. It doesn’t hurt at all!

It’s just that………

Captain Marvel never dreamed that Venom’s phoenix thermal vision would be able to destroy nanoalloy fibers!

It seems that at the molecular level, the structure of matter has been disintegrated! There is hardly any means to recover!


“It hurts!”

“When did you come when you were injured last time?”


“It looks like the symbiote is repairing my suit!”

Carol Danfoss’s eyes froze slightly.

I saw that the black liquid substance frantically converged on the astral suit, sewn the opening of the suit, and healed the injuries she suffered by the way!

An unprecedented huge amount of energy filled hundreds of limbs and hundreds of trillion cells in the body.

It also made Captain Marvel can’t help but let out a sigh! Reinvigorated decaying morale!

Whoosh! Woohoo!!

I saw Captain Marvel clasp his hands together and suddenly burst out with an incomparably brilliant flame of light.

With the blessing of the symbiote, all her abilities have skyrocketed to an unprecedented level!

Photon blaster!

It can be on par with Phoenix Thermal Vision!

Two completely different cosmic secret energies collided wildly… It also made Du Ye’s face sink slightly.

“Can’t drag it out!”

“Her connection with the symbiote is getting closer and closer!”


“The symbiote dragon created by Nar is also about to take shape!”

Du Ye twisted his brows.

The next moment! Shout! Woohoo!!

One shadow after another was like a living creature, quickly rushing from all directions to the black-clothed emperor immersed in the kneaded symbiote, and couldn’t help but raise his head

Come, an inexplicable color appeared.


“Dormammu’s breath!”

“The magical creature he created has become a slave of the venom symbiote?”


The black-clothed emperor grinned. The face is hideous to the extreme!

If you can enslave the Black Shadow Corps and combine the Black Shadow Corps and the symbiote, you will definitely be able to create a super force that comes and goes without a trace!

It is also convenient for him to travel through the multiverse.

Occupy a pocket universe dominated by lords of other dimensions!

“Dark Shadow Corps!”

“He was actually able to summon the Dark Shadow Corps?”


“What is that thing?”

“It’s unheard of, unseen!”

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