Chapter 266: Strengthen and Seriously Punch! The Venom universe is born?!!

Serious punch!

The ultimate killer move of the bald cape man of the one-punch world of Punch Man! This is an incomparably heaven-defying combat skill!

Mobilizing the innate spirit and raising the mind and body skills to an incomparable level will surely erupt into overwhelming deterrence and destructive power!

Even the Cosmic Emperor Poros lost to the bald Cloak Man’s serious punch! Even god-level creatures can’t resist his attacks!

What’s more, now that Du Ye Holy Body has become a masterpiece, the body of steel has begun to emerge, although it has not reached the realm of silver superman, it is not far away! Two very different forces converge at this moment!

I saw a brilliant divine light on Du Ye’s body!

An invisible huge momentum, penetrating the pores, swept away in all directions, the whole human treasure was solemn, like an angry King Kong!

Belief! Will! Spirit! Strength! Occasion!

A high degree of coordination was achieved at the same moment! One punch!

Wherever the fist pressure went, almost no substance could stay for a long time, directly turning into overwhelming powder, crashing out and collapsing!

The curtain of space ripples layer by layer!

Even the dimensional crystal wall that Gu Yi and the observer stood on was shaking. It seems that the borders of the multiverse are about to collapse!

Can’t dodge, can’t displace, can’t dodge!

The heavenly firmament also cracked a hideous scar! The world can’t help but lose its voice!

It was shocking like never before. No one dares to breathe loudly!

Don’t dare to speak loudly, I’m afraid to frighten the heavens!

Is this kind of power really something that humans can burst out?

“Damn it!”

“I almost forgot!”

“He’s not human at all!”

“It’s a symbiote!”


“It seems to be able to increase the strength of your talent? How exactly do you get an obedient symbiote? ”

“Far away! Sight! ”

A whisper sounded. In an instant.

Everyone’s eyes couldn’t help but light up!

Aim at the symbiote dragon not far away!

Such a huge symbiote dragon will definitely be able to split into countless symbiotes as long as they get a symbiote, and their strength will skyrocket!

Why not buy and sell without loss? The next moment!

Everyone hurriedly rushed out and decisively rushed towards the dying symbiote dragon! Then.

The symbiote dragon let out a long cry of grief.

Suddenly outlaws, directly eaten up!

Symbionts and genetic factors collide with each other and immediately mutate into symbionts that fit them!



A deafening whistling sound came.

I saw that there were tons of super criminals, all turned into venom! Symbionts.

It can enhance the host’s own abilities and talents, and will also give the host the ability to heal itself and regenerate rapidly!


Symbiotes also have themselves! Have the will!

Not all hosts are able to tame symbiotes and become their masters! In fact.

The host of most symbiotes only acts as mounts for symbiotes!

What’s more, the symbiote god Nar still exists today! No one can escape the control of this emperor in black!

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