Chapter 271: Curse Blue Qi PK Magnetic Field Control!!


Magneto knows nothing about the threat of poison symbiotes. He had a fierce and gloomy face.

Cast his fierce gaze on Du Ye, who was not far away! Then!

It is as if an invisible thread has fallen from the fingertips!

An invisible magnetic field fluctuation suddenly enveloped the radius of 10,000 meters, directly controlling the operation of the magnetic field, and also attracting all metal products closer!

All substances containing metal elements rise from the ground! All extinguished!

Turn into powder!

Like a torrent of steel, it converges towards Magneto! An incredible protective barrier is formed.

It also imprisoned the space where Du Ye was! Magnetic field control!

It is also one of the four basic forces of nature!

Everything in nature in the multiverse, whether oxygen or fresh water, is made of atoms!

And the medium responsible for bonding atoms! It’s the electromagnetic force!

Without the electromagnetic force, the whole world would fall into chaos, with no rules and order to speak of, and life would not be born, let alone human beings! So………

Magneto, who can control the magnetic field, is definitely a well-deserved omega-level mutant!

The potential is limitless!

Enough to be regarded as the ultimate threat to humanity! Possess supreme talents comparable to gods. However.

After all, he can’t resist the passage of time, and there is still a change of time. Veterans don’t die, they just wither!

Due to the shadow brought by his childhood, he has not studied relevant physics knowledge, and can only rely on experience and imagination to interfere with the earth’s magnetic field to a certain extent. Control the metal!

Severely weakened his talent ceiling!

Even so, it made General William Stryker revere as a god, even the sentry secret service did not dare to easily set foot in this place, for fear of angering the vicious Magneto!

“Young man.”

“Rigid and easy to break!”

“Don’t you even understand such an obvious truth?”

Magneto’s eyes were deep.

The next moment!

One after another, metal blades, with the force of thunder, penetrated the firmament and cut through the long sky!

Shot straight at the majestic Du Ye!

On the surface of all metal blades, an invisible layer of electromagnetic force is wrapped, which can penetrate almost any indestructible substance.

Even the atomic structure of genes can be easily torn! This is the deadly killing move developed by Magneto!

Deep in the mountains and old forests at the end of the line of sight. Member of the Brotherhood of Mutants.

At the same time, they also appeared one after another. Can’t help but let out a long sigh! Because of this trick, there has always been no disadvantage! Even the X-Men have to avoid it!

Steel Lux will also be broken through the defense!

At least 100 days of rest to pick up a life! However.

An incredible scene unfolded. I saw the overwhelming metal blades! Suddenly a sharp brake! Hovered directly in the air!

It’s almost only a hair-thin spacing from Duno!

“What’s going on?!”

“Is Magneto soft-hearted?”

“It shouldn’t be!”

“He’s not the eldest son!”

“Could it be…”

“The enemy has the same magnetic control capability?!!

Everyone was silent for a while, and couldn’t help but gasp! Then.

The enemy’s actions perfectly confirmed everyone’s speculation!

I saw Du Ye slowly raise his palm and directly release the Vientiane Heavenly Citation from the Moon Demon Curse Blue!

Control all the metal blades within the range of vision to turn the spearhead and directly return to Magneto, whose pupils are shrinking!

Universal gravitation!

It is also one of the basic forces of nature!

It comes from the distortion of the mass of the object to the surrounding time and space! Manipulating gravity is actually manipulating space!

There is undoubtedly a gap between atoms and atoms, which gives gravity the opportunity to take advantage of the void!

Strictly speaking.

Gravity and electromagnetic force seem to belong to a mutually reinforcing relationship! Electromagnetic forces bind everything.

Gravity is born from the gravitational interaction of everything.

Without the electromagnetic force, everything in the entire universe would perish, and there would be no gravitational force without it!

There is no gravity.

There will be no law between different objects, and the multiverse will be chaotic!

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