Chapter 273: Wanda is out of control! Chaos Illusion! Silent film world!!



After the promulgation of the Madrid Poe Agreement, he directly broke away from the Avengers, experienced a series of wanderings, and finally devoted himself to the Brotherhood of Mutants!

The two are deeply trusted by Magneto. Named a guest!

Because Magneto’s transformation machine needs Scarlet Witch’s chaotic magic drive to be able to reverse reality and complete the feat he expected!


The Scarlet Witch is not brainless, she has always been hesitant, and secondly, she has not contacted Du Ye for a long time, and she is even more afraid to make a decision.

Until……… This is the moment!

She saw the man haunted by her dreams again!

With a burly physique like Mr. Bodybuilder of the World, the black liquid substance is woven into an airtight dark trench suit.

All of them exude a unique temperament that is different from ordinary people! Overbearing!


Full of hot masculine atmosphere!

Even Quicksilver has to admit that he is simply perfect! It’s like a beautiful work of art carved by God’s own hand!


“He seems to be injured!”


“Why did you have a conflict with Magneto?”

“What’s going on?”

Wanda and Quicksilver looked at each other, and couldn’t help muttering secretly.

During this time, the two stayed in the secret stronghold of the Brotherhood of Mutants, relying on Magneto’s prestige, and finally got rid of the pursuit of the Sentinel Secret Service, and also had a place to live.

For what Magneto did, I also saw it in my eyes and remembered it in my heart!


Venom symbiotes, who also helped themselves! Makes sense.

She should stop this fight! It’s just that………

Before she could react, she felt a shaking sensation, and her brain was constantly dizzy.

Even the sight was in a trance and confusion.

In the dark, as if the devil is whispering, death is also wailing!

The curse of the Underworld God in the depths of her bloodline seemed to surge again, making her suffer to the point of being unable to suppress herself!

More than just a gift! Also a curse!

Whoever carries this power will become a Horcrux marked by the god Sithon, tormented by doom and pain!


Wanda of the main universe will lose her parents at an early age. Adult Death Quicksilver!

Even the beloved Vision and the child could not be kept. Buried in the ruins of a temple in the Himalayas!

All along, the black light lamp ring given to her by Du Ye was suppressing the chaos curse in the depths of her blood.

Indirectly rewrote the tragic fate of the Scarlet Witch. However.

The martyrdom of the ancient demons directly caused the vacancy of the dark forces, and the mysterious ancient gods of the underworld couldn’t help but want to move!

Sithonne! Time that overrides time. Space above space.

She actually sensed the awakening of the Scarlet Witch and continued to interfere with her!

So that He Himself may come to this parallel world!



“The power of chaos is about to burst out?”

“Not good!!”

Magneto and Du Ye sensed something, and stopped their movements together, turning their eyes to the Scarlet Witch at the end of their sight.

The next moment!

A surging chaotic tide suddenly penetrated Wanda’s delicate body and expanded wildly in all directions.

Like a flood that burst the embankment, it directly submerged all the matter!

Wherever the chaos magic went, it instantly showed an unparalleled anti-heaven effect, directly rewriting the molecular structure of matter, causing everything to change dramatically…

Even the colors are transformed into gray. It’s like the tone of the silent film era!

Even Magneto and Duye did not react at the first time. Naturally, there is no way to dodge!

Directly included in chaos magic, transformed into another image by the Scarlet Witch, under the suppression of the cosmic origin force, gravity and electromagnetic force are not deterred!

Void immediately! However.

The scope of chaos magic is still expanding, expanding! Dilate!

Even the dying symbiote god and Captain Marvel, even the secret stronghold of the Brotherhood of Mutants, all the poison symbiotes, the cold-eyed masters of the world………

All are devoured by chaos magic!

Thinking. Will. Ability.

Almost all of them have collapsed to some extent! This is the case.

It’s like the western fantasy in the American drama “WandaVision”!

Overlooking the earth from the sky, the whole world is shrouded in chaotic magic, ordinary people cannot enter and exit at all, and there is no means to spy on the internal scene!

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