Chapter 275: Agnes! Mysterious witch’s peeping!!

Magneto Group?

Du Ye’s eyes flickered when he heard this.

In this chaotic fantasy realm, everything has been rewritten and reversed by the Scarlet Witch to transform into what she expected.

Black and white sitcom from the fifties.

Then to modern Friends, growing pains……… Wanda.

Undoubtedly a die-hard movie fan!

Therefore, the world is also influenced by Wanda’s subconscious. Scenes that have been fixed into sitcoms!

“It seems…”

“In the whole world, I am the only one who has resisted the chaos magic of the Scarlet Witch?”

“It seems that the Void Engine is also useless as imagined.”

Du Ye grinned.

Even if he has self-awareness and has recovered all his strength, he still decides to continue playing!

After all, the Scarlet Witch became his wife, didn’t she let him do it?


“Let’s go.”

“Take me to see what you said about the Magneto Group.”

Du Ye pushed open the door.

Under the guidance of Quicksilver, walk towards the Magneto Group residence. Then.

He saw familiar characters.

The members of the Brotherhood of Mutants almost all became neighbors of the Scarlet Witch. Even Captain Marvel is playing the role of an agent!


“Emperor in Black!”

“He actually opened a fast food restaurant?”

Duye’s pupils contracted. The next moment.

He found a fast-food restaurant that resembled a McDonald’s. And in front of the door stands a cartoon sculpture.

The cartoon sculpture looks like the god of symbiotes! Emperor in Black!


This is a living statue, as if able to breathe, standing silently here, transformed into dead things by chaos magic, and seemingly unable to escape from suppression and confinement. Strictly speaking.

Chaos Magic.

It’s about equal to a kind of creation power!

The god Sithon, symbolizing the eternal opposite of the creation god, hurting Sithon is tantamount to attacking eternity.

Even the gods of symbiotes are pluralistic and unique beings. But it is still not comparable to the gods of Hades.

It’s just that………

The Scarlet Witch is not the Buddha-figure of the Underworld after all!

Nar may not be able to get rid of the suppression of the Chaos Illusion Realm and recover again. Therefore, Du Ye needs to dispose of the symbiote god as soon as possible!


“Can’t get the attention of the Scarlet Witch.”

“Once Wanda finds out that I am out of control, it may trigger a series of unpredictable chain reactions.”

Du Ye thought silently.

Immediately, he saw a skyscraper in front of him.

Almost everywhere you look, it’s silent film color.

Not a bit of greenery!

At this moment, Du Ye couldn’t help but marvel at the magic of chaos magic. The position of him and the Scarlet Witch has never moved! It should be on the edge of a dead town and a secret stronghold.


In a very short time, it was transformed into another paradise.

Whether it is skyscrapers, or rows of bungalows, single-family villas, and even grass and trees, they are all extremely realistic!

Even the Crashing Jade Engine can’t do it to this extent! Meticulous to this point!

At the same time… Magneto Group. Senior.

Gorgeously renovated office.

A gray-haired old man in a suit and leather shoes admires a complex machine with interest.

I don’t know why.

When he looks at the complex machine, he will be excited from the heart!

“This is a machine that can change the world!”


“Do you believe it?”

Magneto took a shallow sip of red wine. Then.

Putting down the goblet, he asked the dignified and elegant private secretary.

“Of course!”

“I believe 100 percent!”

Agnes smiled brightly. There is no fraud in the slightest. However.

Her gaze, consciously or unconsciously, always turned to the distance, the community where the Scarlet Witch lived.

There is an unconcealable shock in the depths of the beautiful eyes! Chaos magic?

Scarlet Witch?

An ancient existence recorded in the Book of Darkness. He actually appeared in front of himself! Oh, my God!

It seems that everything is providential!

She will break through the life level and be completely promoted to God!

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