I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 103 Visiting Song Shanggong (6000 words)

Not long after Song Hye Kyo's birthday passed, it will be Song Yi's 25th birthday soon. Kim Tae Hee is still having a headache as to what birthday gift to give Song Yi.

Jin Xiyuan teased her sister, "What's so difficult about this? Song Yi has been coveting you for a long time, why don't you give yourself to him?"

Kim Tae Hee was unhappy, "Sister, I'm not kidding you."

Jin Xiyuan looked serious, "Taixi, sister is not joking with you. Men, just like cats, you have to feed them well so that they don't go out to look for food."

Jin Taixi looked confused. She knew that her sister was right. There were countless people outside who were eyeing her position. She was now Song Yi's official girlfriend and would be the president's wife of Xinya Group in the future.

In South Korea, one important indicator of whether a chaebol is rich or not is whether the president’s wife owns a private art museum.

Private art galleries can be used to collect various art works. It is not only a low-risk and high-grade investment, but also a face for corporate giants. It is also a reassurance to appease the first wife.

You are the president's wife, born in a famous family, and pampered. If you are too leisurely, you will always pay attention to whether your husband is looking for a lover. Therefore, a private art gallery is the best choice, which can keep the president's wife busy and also have her own social circle of celebrities.

Luo Hongxi owns Huyan Art Museum, and Song Suying is the director of Caidi Art Museum. SK Group is accustomed to respectfully calling her Director Song. For the current Kim Tae Hee, when she quits the entertainment industry and stays at home to raise her husband and children, she also hopes that others can call her Director Kim.

Jin Xiyuan knew that Kim Tae Hee still couldn't get over the hurdle in her heart. After all, she and Song Yi were not officially a couple yet. She actually admired Song Yi a little. How could Song Yi bear it when faced with such a beautiful girl like Kim Tae Hee every night?

While Kim Tae Hee was struggling with what gift to give, Song Yi was a guest at the Yanhui-dong private residence of former President Song Sangong. He came with Song Suying.

The outgoing president of South Korea follows the principle of "where you come from, where you go back." Former President Song Shanggong, who has a Seoul household registration, can return to Yanhui-dong to live in his private residence, and current President Zhong Xiaotong can also stay in Seoul.

If Song Woo-seok, who does not have a Seoul registered residence, is elected president, he will have no choice but to return to his hometown in Gyeongsangnam-do after leaving office. Because South Korean law stipulates that public officials without Seoul household registration cannot buy a house in Seoul unless they obtain the title of "National Meritorious Officer".

Song Shanggong's retirement benefits are good and he can enjoy free medical and health care services. The pension is comparable to that of the current president, and he can receive nearly 190 million won per year, which is approximately 1 million yuan. Even if Song Shanggong passes away, her widow can still receive 143 million won in survivorship benefits every year. The government also provides free medical services to the former president's wife.

In addition to medical treatment, the government also provided security services for Song Shanggong. A total of 27 guards were deployed to protect the safety of Song Shanggong and his family. This kind of security service can last for 20 years, after which the police will take over.

Songsangong is a president with mixed success and failure in South Korea, so after his retirement, Songsangong has been living in seclusion and rarely sees guests.

Song Suying first introduced Song Yi to Song Shanggong, "Father, this is the Song Yi I mentioned to you. He is my junior student at Yonsei University and the founder of the inschool website."

Song Shanggong was born as a soldier. Although he is almost seventy years old this year, he is physically strong and energetic.

Song Yi is a junior, and he quickly bent down to say hello, "Hello, Grandpa Song."

Songsangong's eyes were bright, "I felt very sad when Chairman Masanaga passed away in March. When I bid for the Olympic Games more than ten years ago, Chairman Masanaga helped me a lot. I originally wanted to go to the hospital to send him off for his final journey, but I was afraid The media reporters wrote randomly, so I had to express my condolences over the phone. Fortunately, Soyoung also came over and expressed her feelings for me."

Song Yi suddenly realized that no wonder Song Suying looked at him differently on the day of the funeral.

"When Suying came to visit me later, she said that the modern family had a great descendant, the most outstanding person in the third generation. I know Suying, she is very accurate in judging people, so I will remember your words at that time I have a name." Song Shanggong said.

"Actually, it's because of my senior sister's favor. In fact, I haven't achieved anything." Song Yi quickly humbled himself.

Song Shanggong waved his hand, "That's the bad thing about you Chinese people. You are always habitually modest. In this way, you are easily looked down upon by others."

Song Yi was stunned. Nowadays, few people would mention the issue of Song Yi's nationality. Song Shanggong is a wily politician who will not target without aim.

"Suying said that you want to come over and visit me and thank me in person. The current Minister of Education is indeed my old subordinate. It's just a little effort for me to say hello to you. You don't need to thank me. I believe that even if I don't say anything, , you also have a way to get the Ministry of Education to agree to share the student status information of current college students with Xinya Network." Song Shanggong said.

Before inschool went online, Song Yi wanted to obtain information about Korean college students from the Ministry of Education, but was directly rejected by the Ministry of Education.

Later, Song Yi thought of a way. New Asia Network would assist the Ministry of Education in establishing a database KNKI, and enter the academic papers and academic achievements published by teachers and students of all universities in Korea into KNKI.

KNKI will open access to all teachers and students in Korea to facilitate them to query, download and upload information. In fact, KNKI is the Korean version of CNKI, the abbreviation of Korea National Knowledge Infrastructure, also called Korea Basic Knowledge Infrastructure Project.

The attitude of South Korea's Ministry of Education has relaxed, but Song Yi found that the resistance lies with the current Minister of Education. After making inquiries, Song Yi found out that the Minister of Education was an old subordinate of Song Shanggong. Finally, he went to Song Shanggong through Song Suying. Song Shanggong said hello, and the matter was resolved smoothly.

"No, no, no, without your help, inschool would not be online so quickly." Song Yi said. He came to visit Mr. Song today and only prepared some specialties, such as Changbai Mountain ginseng. After all, Mr. Song did not dare to accept expensive gifts now.

Song Shanggong continued: "I'm not here to help you. I think KNKI is very helpful in improving the level of scientific research in South Korea. Students with average family conditions no longer have to spend money on expensive papers and can learn about the latest Korean research." Scientific research results have reduced a lot of wasted work, which is a good thing that benefits the country and the people. I want to thank you on behalf of these students."

Song Yi was ashamed. His original intention was just to exchange the student status information of college students held by the Ministry of Education. New Asia Network provides technical support and services for the KNKI database. The Ministry of Education shares college freshman information with New Asia Network every year. New Asia Network, like Microsoft, has become an Internet technology supplier for the Ministry of Education of South Korea.

After Song Shanggong finished talking about business, he talked with Song Yi about what he had seen during his visit to China. Three major events also happened in China this year: On July 13, Yanjing successfully bid for the Olympics. On October 7, the Chinese men’s football team entered the World Cup in Japan and South Korea; on November 10, China’s decision to join the WTO was approved.

"After joining the WTO, China's economy will usher in a period of rapid growth, just like South Korea's 'Miracle on the Han River.' China and South Korea are neighbors separated by a narrow strip of water. I was the one who single-handedly promoted the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea. The ties between the two countries will definitely become closer and closer, and China will definitely surpass Japan and the United States and become South Korea's largest trading partner."

"I heard that you have quite a lot of industries in China and South Korea. I also sincerely hope that Xinya can develop better and better, and build a communication channel and communication channel for the economic, cultural, sports and other exchanges between China and South Korea. The bridge of friendship." Song Shanggong was very talkative today, and Song Yi could only listen.

Song Suying also introduced Song Yi's work. Last year, he introduced "Blue Life and Death" to Mango TV for broadcast. This year, he introduced the movie "My Naughty Girlfriend" to the mainland. The most popular online game in China this year, "Legend of Blood", is also distributed by Song Yi's company through Wemade.

Song Yi looked at Song Suying in surprise. She was wearing a brown windbreaker today, with a white sweater underneath, a long black skirt on her lower body, and white boots, making her look elegant.

Song Suying noticed Song Yi's eyes, "You didn't expect that I would pay so much attention to you, right? In fact, you receive as much attention in Korea as your Uncle Meng Jiu. After all, you are the most successful among the 20th generation young people in Korea. "

"I'm running SK Group, so I want to learn from you and learn from your experience in managing a company." Song Suying said.

Song Yi smiled, "Sister, the scale of SK Group is much larger than that of Xinya. There is no comparison between the two. Each business of your group has a corresponding person in charge. If I were asked to give an idea, I would suggest 'Xiao Follow the rules and follow the rules."

Song Suying became interested and sat closer to Song Yi, "What do you mean?"

Song Yi explained: "During the Western Han Dynasty, Xiao He and Cao Shen served as prime ministers successively. Xiao He established the rules and regulations. After his death, Cao Shen became prime minister and still implemented them."

"Senior, since you think your management skills are not as good as those of President Cui Anyuan, why don't you just follow what Cui Anyuan did before?" Song Yi said.

Song Suying was silent. Of course she knew that this was the least risky approach. However, she finally had the opportunity to take control of SK, and of course she wanted to cultivate her own team within the SK Group.

Song Shanggong noticed Song Suying's thoughts, and he was very pleased. Song Suying already knew that Cui Anyuan was unreliable, and she still had to rely on herself.

Song Shanggong decided to help Song Suying and took the initiative to ask: "Song Yi, if Xiao He is not dead, but just demoted, Cao Shen temporarily serves as prime minister. He wants to obtain some of Xiao He's power before Xiao He comes back, what should he do?"

When Song Yi heard this, he understood that this was the reward Song Shanggong asked for after helping him. He needed to help Song Suying take a real position in the SK Group, instead of being Director Lu in name only.

Perhaps Song Shanggong saw the precedent of Zheng Enxuan becoming the chairman of Ashan Group. Zheng Enxuan could take over, and Song Yi was the driving force behind Zheng Enxuan. Without Song Yi supporting Zheng Enxuan from behind, Zheng Enxuan would not be able to secure his position as chairman of Ashan Group.

Song Yi thought quickly. If Song Suying could hold a core position in SK Group, it would be of great benefit to him without any harm.

"In my opinion, Xiao He's demotion will not last too long, and he may be reinstated soon. Now is not a good time to compete for the position of prime minister. The essence of power comes from the cooperation and obedience of subordinates to superiors. ."

"If I were Cao Shen, I would first cultivate a group of loyal subordinates during this period, so that when Xiao He is demoted next time, these people can be used immediately, and they can also help me quickly grasp the situation in the court. Song Yi replied.

Song Shanggong pondered for a while, and Song Yi told him clearly that Cui Anyuan would be released soon this time, and Song Suying might as well take advantage of this opportunity to control SK Group to cultivate a few more confidants.

In this way, next time something happens to Cui Anyuan, Song Suying can use these confidants to firmly control part of the power of SK Group, and even have the opportunity to oust Cui Anyuan.

Song Shanggong looked at Song Yi carefully. He didn't know why Song Yi judged that even if Cui Anyuan was released from prison this time, he would still be imprisoned in the future.

Cui Anyuan is arrogant and groveling when asking for help from others. He was like this when he wanted to marry Lu Suying. When he realizes that you have lost your use value, he will not hesitate to fall out with you. He will be respectful at first and arrogant at second.

Cui Anyuan's character naturally offended many people and made enemies everywhere. If there was an opportunity to add insult to injury, others would definitely not miss it.

Song Shanggong also looked down upon this son-in-law. He also believed in Song Yi's judgment. Even if Cui Anyuan was released from prison this time, if he did not change his style of life, he would still be plotted. Moreover, Cui Anyuan was not disciplined and easy to do things. Make someone's talk.

Song Shanggong got the answer he wanted and knew that if Song Suying wanted to gain real power in the SK Group, it might fall on Song Yi.

"Suying, I'm tired now. I need to rest first. You can see Song Yi off for me, and then treat him to dinner as a way to thank him for me." Song Shanggong ordered.

"Okay, father." Song Suying and Song Yi announced their farewells to Song Shan together.

Song Yi was satisfied that his visit had achieved its purpose. Although Song Shangong has resigned, he still has considerable influence. Having a good relationship with Song Shangong in advance will also be of great help to Song Yuxi's presidential campaign next year.

Since Song Shanggong asked Song Suying to invite Song Yi to dinner on his behalf, it means that Song Yi has been recognized by Song Shanggong. Song Shanggong helped Song Yi this time, and he may still help Song Yuxi next year, as long as the conditions offered by Song Yuxi satisfy Song Shanggong.

Song Suying was driving, and Song Yi was sitting in the passenger seat. "Tell me? Where do you want to eat tonight? I'll treat you to it."

Song Yi leaned back and said, "I feel like all I've been eating lately are takeaways. I don't really want to go to a restaurant. How about some home-cooked food?"

Song Suying was startled, "You still want me to cook for you? That's not a good idea. You are not my husband. Besides, I have been very tired recently and don't want to move."

Song Yi said: "You don't need to cook, I will cook. How about you come to my house? The food at home is ready. I am responsible for cooking and you are responsible for eating. Aren't you exhausted recently? I have a few bottles there. Nice red wine, you can ask Taixi and the others to drink some with you in the evening."

Song Suying was wary, "You probably want to get me drunk and then do something to me. Although I have no feelings for Anyuan anymore, I don't want to do anything to regret him."

Song Yi laughed dumbly, "Sister Suying, don't you have this little trust in me? If I really want to do something to you, wouldn't the last time in the beauty salon be the best opportunity?"

Song Suying's face turned hot. She knew that Song Yi was right. After Chen Fuzhen and Song Yi talked about something last time, they never came to the beauty salon again, and then the news came out that Chen Fuzhen was pregnant.

Song Suying vaguely guessed that the child in Chen Fuzhen's belly was actually Song Yi's, but she was not sure. Song Suying, Song Yi and Chen Fuzhen formed a tacit understanding and never mentioned this matter.

She actually regrets now that she shouldn't have listened to Song Yi and Chen Fuzhen. There is no benefit in knowing this secret.

Song Suying understood afterwards that the reason why Chen Fuzhen called her into the lounge was to get a promise from her to keep the secret for Chen Fuzhen and the two.

She also sensed Chen Fuzhen's thoughts. Chen Fuzhen wanted to drag her into the water at that time. She and Chen Fuzhen would control each other when the time came, so they would not be afraid of her being exposed. It's just that Song Yi is thin-skinned and cares about his friendship with her, so he doesn't attack her.

"Okay, I'll listen to you. You are my father's guest. I will listen to you today." Song Suying said.

There were only two people in the car, and Song Suying didn't shy away from it, "Cui Anyuan is very suspicious and refuses to decentralize power. How should I train my confidants?"

Song Yi smiled, "This question is simple. Don't win over the department leaders first. You can win over some deputies first."

"Isn't Cui Anyuan suspicious? Look at the SK Group and see if there are any old people who are being unfaithful to you and showing off their seniority."

"You praise these old people desperately in front of Cui Anyuan, and then suggest them to take more important positions, let Cui Anyuan be suspicious of them, and Cui Anyuan will transfer them when the time comes. After this trick of borrowing a knife to kill is used up, the deputy you knew before , they will have the opportunity to hold important positions. As long as you let them know that you promoted them, they will be your confidants in the future."

"As I said, Cui Anyuan is quite arrogant. After the next president takes office, if he is unwilling to give in, the five major chaebols will still take action on him first. Next time he goes in, it will not be solved by a few months of imprisonment. By then, it will be too late for you to show off your talents." Song Yi said.

"By the way, after Cui Anyuan is released from prison this time, after you get rid of those disobedient old people, don't contact your confidants again."

"You should return to your family, continue to be a good wife and mother, and only take care of Cai Die Art Museum and beauty salon. Only in this way can you gain Cui Anyuan's trust. Only when something happens to him next time will you be willing to continue to hand over control of SK Group to In your hands, you can also use art galleries and beauty salons as cover to contact the wives of your subordinates, after all, the pillow style is quite powerful." Song Yi added.

Song Suying now understood why Song Shanggong asked her to send Song Yi personally, just to ask Song Yi to give her this idea. "How big is your brain? You have eight hundred ideas!"

Song Yi smiled and said, "I'll just take it as you praising me."

When Song Suying came to Song Yi's house, she felt a little regretful. It turned out that neither Jin Xiyuan nor the sisters were off work, and only the nanny was at home.

Song Yi first brought a bottle of more than three bottles of water to Song Suying, and then turned on the TV, "You watch TV for a while, and I'll cook. When I'm done, I guess Taixi and the others will be back."

When Song Yi turned on the TV, an inschool advertisement happened to be playing on the TV. Song Yi was about to change the channel, but Song Suying stopped him, and the two of them watched the entire advertisement.

"Who is the little girl who appears in the front? She is very beautiful, and her performance is very natural. Especially the interaction with the mother in the advertisement seems very real, just like a real mother and daughter." Song Suying said.

Song Yi knew that Song Suying was very busy recently and had no time to read entertainment news. "They are mother and daughter. This little girl is the daughter of my friend, named Xu Zhuxian. Xu Zhuxian's mother is the principal of a piano training school in Seoul."

Mother Xu did not show her face in the advertisement. There were only two shots in the advertisement. One was of packing luggage in the room, and a piano appeared in the shot.

Another scene shows her calling "Xiao Mei" played by Seo Joo Hyun at the door to go home. But just from the back and the tone of her voice, Song Suying knew that Mother Xu was a beautiful and intellectual woman.

Song Suying sighed, worried for Song Yi, "Song Yi, you really can't get rid of your habit of liking other people's wives!"

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