I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 108 Sorry, I just want to bully others (9000 words long chapter)

During New Year's Day, Song Yi's family went to Lijing Garden for vacation. Song Miao likes the Qianping Garden in the villa the most. Large gardens and independent yards are the characteristics of Lijing Garden.

The courtyard of Song Yi's single-family villa is paved with fine sand, covered with soft grass and green grass, which is very comfortable and natural. At the same time, the yard is paved with swimming pool, basketball court, flower beds and rockery.

What surprised Song Miao the most was that Song Yi bought a golden retriever puppy for him to play with her. Song Miao has already thought of a name for the puppy, called Pippi.

The puppy quickly understood that Pippi was its name. When Song Miao called Pippi, the puppy quickly stood up and tilted its head to look at Miaomiao. It felt super cute.

Liao Yu watched Song Miao having so much fun with her puppy Pippi and felt emotional, "This is the first time I've seen Miaomiao so happy since she came to Yanjing. Maybe she's still too lonely?"

"When we go back, she will definitely beg us to take Pippi back to Everbright Garden." Liao Yu said.

"In the future, large dogs will definitely not be allowed in urban areas. It is better for Pippi to be kept in Lijing Garden. After the Spring Festival, I will buy another house in Lijing Garden for entertaining, and I will keep this one for myself. Every time I have a holiday, I ask the driver to pick Miaomiao and her mother over to stay for a few days," Song Yi said.

Lijing Garden is in Shunyi. If Song Miao had been living here, it would not be convenient for him to go to Zhongguancun No. 3 Primary School. Song Miao comes to live in Lijing Garden on weekends or during holidays, and it is just right to play with the puppy Pippi.

"By the way, Mom said she wanted to enroll Miaomiao in a hobby training class to learn piano, dance or painting. I think Miaomiao is still young and I don't want to enroll her in a class. However, many of Miaomiao's classmates have already Even though I have reported it, I am also afraid that she will fall behind step by step." Liao Yu was a little troubled.

"It depends on Miaomiao's personal thoughts. You can let her try them all. If she is willing to learn, we will learn. If Miaomiao is not willing, then respect the child's opinion. Artistic expertise can only cultivate the child's temperament. In fact, these are all Things at the technical level are the lowest level of competition between people, and they are skills."

"What really makes the children stand out is their independent personality, strong will, and deep understanding of today's society and human nature."

"So when Miaomiao said that she is not afraid of isolation from Duoduo, I was really pleased. She is a strong person in spirit. Miaomiao will also have younger brothers and sisters in the future, and I believe she will set a good example for her younger brothers and sisters." Song Yi sighed.

While Song Miao was playing with Pippi, she would run over to interact with her mother Liao Yu from time to time. Song Miao's little face was stained with sand at some point. Liao Yu carefully wiped the sand off, for fear that Song Miao would rub the sand into his eyes.

As soon as Liao Yu wiped Song Miao's face clean, Song Miao couldn't wait any longer and immediately ran out of the house, followed behind by Pippi. There was no water in the swimming pool in winter, so Liao Yu was relieved to let Song Miao breathe the fresh air outdoors. The child could just take a bath if he was sweating.

"Miaomiao has been so naughty since she was a child. When she was in kindergarten, she dared to fight with the boys in the senior class. I don't know if she followed her father." Liao Yu looked at her daughter and said casually.

As soon as Liao Yu finished speaking, she felt a little regretful. She shouldn't have mentioned Song Bo in front of Song Yi. But strangely enough, Liao Yu rarely thought of Song Bo since he lived in Yanjing. After all, it had been several years since Song Bo's death.

Before she got along with Song Yi last year, she was under pressure and felt like she couldn't pass the test. After she truly became Song Yi's woman, she became much more calm. No matter how independent a woman is, she still hopes to have a man's shoulder to lean on.

Liao Yu's main focus now is on her daughter Song Miao. She is very satisfied to be able to get comfort from Song Yi. Liao Yu sometimes thinks that it would be great if Song Yi's future wife could acquiesce to her existence. Perhaps for this reason, she has been trying to have a good relationship with Kim Tae Hee.

While Song Yi and Liao Yu were playing with Song Miao in the yard, Song Mingzhe and Zhou Shulan were talking in the house.

Song Mingzhe asked Zhou Shulan, "Xiaoyu has been in Yanjing for more than a year, and she hasn't thought about finding another partner?"

Zhou Shulan replied: "Xiaoyu is so busy at work every day, and often works overtime on weekends. If she has a little time, she spends a little time with Miaomiao doing homework or going out to play. How can she have time to go on a blind date? And I feel like she has no intention of looking for another one. .”

Song Mingzhe heard this and said, "If Xiao Yu doesn't care, don't you care too? I know you are selfish and hope that Xiao Yu will stay in our house forever, but we can't be so selfish. Xiao Yu is not yet thirty years old this year. , Miaomiao will get married sooner or later. When she gets old and we pass away, will you leave her alone and helpless?"

"We sent Xiaoyu to Yanjing. In addition to providing a good learning environment for Miaomiao, we also hope that Xiaoyu can find someone worthy of entrusting her to her life. If she remains single without getting married, how will we explain it to her in-laws?" Song Mingzhe said seriously.

"Look around, is it so easy to find? Now Xiaoyu is also a company boss. With a year's salary plus dividends, her income this year is more than 500,000 yuan. She has a house, a car, and a career in Yanjing, like an ordinary man , she doesn’t like him. He is a very good man, but he has to worry about her raising a child. Even though someone of Yanjing’s age is not worthy of our Xiaoyu.”

"Now Xiaoyi treats Miaomiao as her own daughter, and Xiaoyi has also filled the vacancy in Miaomiao's heart without a father. Today Xiaoyi is also planning to write the villa in Lijing Garden under Miaomiao's name. Miaomiao is also Xiaoyi. The designated beneficiary of the Yi family trust. If Xiaoyu remarries, Miaomiao will follow her, and the tens of millions of family assets may fall to outsiders. How do you know whether others are pursuing Xiaoyu for money or people? Where is the land?" Zhou Shulan analyzed.

"Although I say that, Xiaoyi is just Miaomiao's biological uncle. He can't replace his father's role. What will happen when Miaomiao grows up?" Song Mingzhe was a little worried.

"But Miaomiao's biological father is no longer here, are you really sure that Miaomiao's stepfather will treat Miaomiao well? I know you feel sorry for Xiaoyu, and we have always treated Xiaoyu as our biological daughter. If Xiaoyu Yu has someone in her heart and wants to marry again, so I will definitely not object. I will also prepare a dowry for her so that she can marry decently."

"As long as the man she is looking for can truly treat Xiaoyu and Miaomiao well. From now on, it will be okay to treat us as relatives. But Liao Yu doesn't want to get married now. As a mother-in-law, I can't force him. Is she going on a blind date?" Zhou Shulan said it right.

Liao Yu didn't know that Song Mingzhe and Zhou Shulan almost quarreled over her lifelong event, and she was still talking to Song Yi.

"I went back to Yeji this year to visit my dad and my mom. They advised me to find a partner while I'm young. If I wait until I'm thirty, it will be difficult to find a partner. I'm still young now, so I can have another child. ." Liao Yu sat on the sofa in the yard, looking at the sky in the distance.

Song Yi's heart tightened. If Liao Yu chose to marry, of course he would respect her choice. Just like Jun Ji-hyun and Song Hye-kyo, he is just coveting other people's youth and beauty. Jun Ji-hyun and Song Hye-kyo are just coveting his power in the entertainment industry. Everyone gets what they want.

If they get tired of being Song Yi's lovers, Song Yi will also give them freedom and let them get married.

"I will definitely not have any more children. I am not willing to give this love to other children, and I am not willing to have another child for another man. So I have made it clear to my parents that I will not If you get married again, if Miaomiao gets married, I will live with Miaomiao."

"Love is no longer a necessity in my life. Even if you are not in the country, I will only miss you occasionally."

"You may have a few women in your heart." Liao Yu pointed at Song Yi's heart, and before he could deny it, "I just hope that I can occupy a corner of your heart, so that you can think of me from time to time. I There is no need to compete with them for favor, after all, it is enough for me to have Miaomiao."

Song Yi was reborn through time travel. He had never seen the deceased Song Bo. Naturally, there was no relationship between him and Song Bo, so there was no moral pressure on him and Liao Yu to be together. Of course, the pressure in Liao Yu's heart was far greater than that of Song Yi. In this relationship, Liao Yu certainly paid more and worked harder than Song Yi.

Song Yi's parents in his previous life both passed away before he went to college. He was also a non-marriage person and had little appreciation for the value of family ties. After being reborn, Song Yi did feel the care of his relatives from Song Mingzhe, Zhou Shulan and Liao Yu, and he did treat Song Miao as his own child.

So when Song Yi heard Liao Yu express his feelings this time, he was really moved. He said to Liao Yu, "Sister-in-law, this is really unfair to you. Wouldn't it be an advantage for me?"

Liao Yu looked at Song Yi carefully. During the two years of development in South Korea, Song Yi quickly matured and became very manly. In the past, she and Song Yi stood together, a bit like siblings, but now it's the other way around. She looks younger than Song Yi.

"Don't want to? Then I can make it easier for others to go?" Liao Yu talked to Song Yi and felt much more relaxed.

"Don't, don't, don't, you can only give me an advantage. After all, who can be as shameless as me and hold on to you. Then when Miaomiao falls asleep that night, you can come and talk to me about work?" Song Yi suggested.

When Liao Yu heard this, her face turned a little red, her lips pursed tightly, and she did not say whether she agreed or disagreed.

At the end of the New Year's Day holiday, Song Yi sent Song Miao to school. The driver drove a BMW 740, and Song Yi and Song Miao sat in the back. This was also the first time Song Yi sent Song Miao to school. She felt it was very novel, "Uncle, will you pick me up from school today?"

"Yes. Aren't you going to invite your good friends to celebrate your birthday today? Then uncle must get to know your good friends. Later, uncle will go to the office to discuss things, and Duoduo's parents will also be waiting for you later. Will come."

"When you face several adults in the office later, you need to repeat what Duoduo did to you, how she scolded you, and how she joined forces with her classmates to isolate you. Don't exaggerate, be honest. To be honest, uncle will definitely protect you, are you afraid?" Song Yi asked Song Miao.

"Does Duoduo want to apologize to me today?" Song Miao was very excited. "If she apologizes to me and stops scolding me in the future, I will forgive her." Song Yi touched the back of Song Miao's head. The child was still so innocent. and kindness.

Song Yi sent Song Miao into school, then went directly to the principal's office and knocked on the door. "Please come in." A voice came from the office.

When Song Yi walked into the office, there was a desk in the office, a computer placed on the desk, a large bookcase behind the desk, and a picture hanging on the other wall, "Heaven moves vigorously, and a gentleman strives for self-improvement; The terrain is uneven, and a gentleman carries his wealth with great virtue." The calligraphy font is vigorous and upright, yet stretched and smooth. It should be the work of a famous calligrapher.

Principal Wen of the third primary school is a middle-aged woman wearing glasses. She is a senior teacher, a special mathematics teacher, and has also won the honorary title of Yanjing City Model Worker. Song Yi had already inquired about Principal Wen's details before visiting.

"Hello, Principal Wen, I am Song Yi, the parent of Song Miao, a child in Class 1, Grade 2. I called you during the holiday." Song Yi said hello first. No matter how awesome the student's parents are, they still have to be polite to the school teachers. .

Principal Wen stood up, and she suddenly remembered. She shook hands with Song Yi warmly, "Hello, hello, please sit down."

"I specifically checked Song Miao's information this morning. She has been very good in all subjects since she entered school. She even ranked first in the class in the last exam. Teacher Chen Jie, the teacher of Class 2, even praised her. Then come here today, Is something wrong?"

Principal Wen asked very cleverly, "Your children have done so well in our school, and you don't seem to be here to praise the school today. So what are you doing here?"

The reason why Principal Wen attaches so much importance to Song Yi is because her friends in the district reminded her to take care of Song Miao in school and make sure Song Miao is not bullied.

As the principal, she tries to treat all students in the school equally. However, each school will establish a list and record the parents' information of some students. The school will be more cautious in educating these students. Song Miao is not on this list. .

"Principal Wen, I am also very grateful to the third primary school. She can achieve good results without the hard work of the teachers. However, Miaomiao reported to me that she encountered abuse and isolation from her classmates at school. This is a kind of Campus bullying. So I want to know the details of the matter." Song Yi said.

When Principal Wen heard what Song Yi said, her face immediately became more solemn. She forced a smile and said, "Mr. Song, the matter is not as serious as you said, right? I believe there must be some misunderstanding, and it is just a matter between children at most. There has been no conflict. Our Third Primary School has a very upright school spirit. It has been 20 years since the school was established and we will never allow this to happen."

Song Yi nodded, "I also hope this matter is a misunderstanding. I also made an appointment with Director Gao of the Education Bureau this afternoon and wanted to report this matter to him. Don't do good deeds because they are small, and don't do evil because they are small. For this reason, the moral education of primary school students is really careless.”

Principal Wen broke into a cold sweat when she heard what Song Yi said. She naturally didn't want this matter to get into the Education Bureau, and judging from Song Yi's tone, he seemed to be very familiar with Director Gao.

"Okay, Mr. Song, let's call Teacher Song Miao and Chen Jie over first to see what happened. If the campus bullying you mentioned really happened, our school will definitely deal with the students involved. Yes." Principal Wen said.

"If Principal Wen is free now, why don't we go to Song Miao's class together? We shouldn't let Song Miao have contact with the school's teachers alone now, lest Teacher Chen protect the school's image and teach children to tell white lies, what do you think? ?" Song Yi stood up.

Principal Wen's heart sank. Song Yi was obviously very dissatisfied with Song Miao's homeroom teacher Chen Jie. It seemed that it would be difficult to resolve the matter today. She couldn't help scolding her in her heart. Chen Jie was usually a very smart person, and he was also very sensible during the holidays. How could he suddenly make such a big mistake?

She used her mobile phone to ask friends in the area to find out the details of Song Yi. She first needed to know who Song Yi was, so that she would know how to handle the matter. This kind of thing is not big or small. Fortunately, she does not know about it. After all, there are hundreds of classes in the third primary school. She cannot take care of them all. If it is not possible, she can only lose her soldiers and save her. So handsome.

Song Yi came to Song Miao's class, which was taking a Chinese class. Song Yi waved to Song Miao. Song Miao happily walked towards Song Yi. When she saw Principal Wen next to Song Yi, she was startled and quickly said hello to Principal Wen, "Hello, Principal Wen!"

When Principal Wen saw Song Miao, his eyes lit up. She was such a beautiful and sensible little girl. I saw that Song Miao had a fair face with melon seeds, a pair of bright big eyes under her curved eyebrows, and long black and shiny hair. She was indeed a beauty.

Principal Wen called Song Miao aside, "You are Song Miao, right? A good boy cannot lie. I will ask you something later, and you have to tell me everything. Do you understand?"

"I understand!" Song Miao agreed simply. Principal Wen's heart tilted a little more toward Song Miao. At this time, Teacher Chen Jie, who heard the news, also ran over panting.

Chen Jie wore a Fendi cream-colored down jacket, paired with a pair of rolled-up straight jeans, and a beige sweater inside the down jacket. Song Yi was a little impressed. Chen Jie was just an ordinary teacher in a third primary school. She could buy tens of thousands of down jackets at any time. The teacher was still rich.

As soon as she saw Song Miao and then Song Yi, she understood instantly. She criticized Song Miao, "Song Miao, didn't the teacher mediate the quarrel between you and Zhang Yixuan? He also changed your seat. Since the matter has been resolved, why do you still have to complain to the parents?"

Song Yi glanced at Song Miao, and Song Miao immediately understood, "Duoduo is a nickname, and her real name is Zhang Yixuan."

Principal Wen coughed, and she suddenly felt that Chen Jie was acting particularly stupid today. Other parents have come to your door, and you still criticize your children. Do you think that if the evildoer complains first, you can give others a blow?

At this time, Principal Wen received a call from a friend in the district, "Xiao Wen, I can't send you a text message, so I'll talk to you on the phone. This Song Yi is the big boss behind Xinya Real Estate and is planning to invest 4 billion in Wangjing." Build landmarks.”

"Of course, you may think that Wangjing's real estate project has nothing to do with Haidian, right? But Song Yi also has an Internet company, Xinya Network. The management committee has helped Xinya Network apply for national high-tech enterprise certification from the Ministry of Information Industry. . The leaders of the management committee also hope that New Asia Network can increase investment in the science and technology park, so you must handle Song Yi's matter well and don't leave any trouble or excuse for the leaders." Friendly reminder from a friend.

Principal Wen took a breath. She knew that Song Yi had a lot of energy, but she didn't expect it to be so big. No matter which district of Yanjing the 4 billion real estate project is located, it is an investment project that the district pays special attention to, and New Asia Real Estate also has a foreign investment background.

She already knew what to choose, "Chen Jie, call Zhang Yixuan's parents and ask them to come to school. If there is a conflict between the children, it would be better to invite both parents over."

Chen Jie was stunned for a moment and said hesitantly, "Principal Wen, Yixuan's parents should be working now and may not have time to come to school."

Principal Wen gave Chen Jie a meaningful look, and Chen Jie felt uncomfortable all over.

"Chen Jie, if Zhang Yixuan's parents don't come to school today to deal with this matter, then I can't guarantee that Zhang Yixuan will still be a student in the third primary school in the first half of next year." Principal Wen reminded.

Only then did Chen Jie understand the meaning of Principal Wen's words and was startled, "Okay, I'll notify Zhang Yixuan's parents right away."

Chen Jie glanced at Song Miao and Song Yi. As a class teacher, this was her first time meeting Song Yi. She had only met Song Miao's grandmother and mother before.

She knew that Principal Wen's change of attitude was related to Song Yi, and she felt a little uneasy inside. After the conflict between Zhang Yixuan and Song Miao, she only pretended to criticize Zhang Yixuan, knowing that Zhang Yixuan was at fault, but she still defended Zhang Yixuan.

She also knew that Zhang Yixuan teamed up with other classmates in the class to isolate Song Miao, but she still chose to ignore it. She might also be waiting for Song Miao's mother to ask her for help.

Chen Jie is actually very dissatisfied with Song Miao's mother, Liao Yu. Every time there is a school event that requires parents to show up, Song Miao's family always has her grandmother to show up, and her mother never shows up. The excuse is that the company is busy.

Zhang Yixuan's mother also runs a company, but she is not very cooperative with school work. Moreover, Zhang Yixuan’s mother is a good person and always brings her small gifts from abroad, sometimes it’s lipstick, sometimes it’s skin care products. Compared to Liao Yu who didn't give anything, Chen Jie naturally and subconsciously preferred Zhang Yixuan.

Chen Jie quickly contacted Zhang Yixuan's parents, and Zhang Yixuan's parents rushed to the school soon. Zhang Yixuan's mother was wearing a mink coat, and her father was wearing a black leather jacket and carrying a briefcase.

All the parents of both parties were present, and Chen Jie also called Zhang Yixuan from the class. Song Yi held Song Miao's hand. Zhang Yixuan stood next to her parents and looked at Song Miao with unconvinced eyes.

Zhang Yixuan's mother is impatient, "Teacher Chen, you just said on the phone that our family Duoduo may have gotten into trouble. If the situation is serious, she may be expelled from the third primary school. Our family Duoduo has always been a good child. She is only seven years old this year. How much trouble can it cause?"

Principal Wen opened his mouth to clarify the matter first, "I understand how you feel. This is Song Miao's parent. I also asked the classmates in Song Miao's class just now."

"The cause of this incident is this. At the end of the last exam, Song Miao got the first place and Zhang Yixuan got the second place. The classmates in the class praised Song Miao for being very good, but Zhang Yixuan was very unconvinced and said, 'What's so great about Song Miao? She is just a stinky person from out of town who came to Yanjing to snatch our opportunity to study and tell her to go back to where she came from.' These were Zhang Yixuan's original words, and many students in the class heard them," said Principal Wen.

Zhang Yixuan's mother glanced at Song Miao, the contempt in her eyes fleeting, "I admit that what Duoduo said may be a bit unpleasant, but what she said is also true. These days, a large number of outsiders come to Yanjing to buy houses, and the nearby There are so many students from out of town, and we had to go through a lot of trouble to get into the third primary school. Aren’t these out-of-town students just taking the opportunity to study from us locals?”

Zhang Yixuan's father is more capable of getting things done. When Principal Wen called them over, there was no way he could ask Song Miao to apologize to their daughter. "No matter what, it's wrong for children to curse. We are all in the same class, so how can we curse. Duoduo, hurry up and apologize to your classmates."

Zhang Yixuan shook her head, "Mom said I was right, why should I apologize? Song Miao is a stinky foreigner!"

Zhang Yixuan's father said politely, "I'm sorry, our daughter is not sensible. My little friend Song Miao, uncle will apologize to you on her behalf, okay?"

Song Miao said, "My mother taught me that everyone must be responsible for what they have done. Since Duoduo is the one who scolded her, why doesn't she apologize? If Duoduo breaks the law in the future, uncle, are you going to go to jail for her? ?"

When Zhang Yixuan's mother heard what Song Miao said, she was furious, "You little girl, you are quite sharp-tongued. Are you talking to that bitch?"

Song Yi slapped the table and stood in front of Zhang Yixuan's mother, "I don't hit women, but if you dare to continue to scold Miaomiao or her mother, I promise to make you understand that there are some people you can't afford to offend! "

Zhang Yixuan looked at Song Yi, and she could feel that Song Yi's words were not a joke. Song Yi has a net worth of several billion and manages thousands of employees. His contacts in South Korea are all ministerial-level officials. He has dealt with both the former president and the president-elect, and even the current president dares to rip him off. Song Yi naturally had an aura of calmness and authority when he spoke.

Principal Wen saw Song Yi getting angry, and she knew that Zhang Yixuan's parents and Chen Jie had kicked the steel plate this time.

"Zhang Yixuan not only insulted her classmates this time, she also called on her classmates many times in the class not to play with Song Miao, threatening that she would retaliate against anyone who wanted to play with Song Miao. Zhang Yixuan teamed up with other students to prepare to fight with Song Miao There was a fight, but the teacher discovered it and stopped it in time.”

"Zhang Yixuan's behavior has already involved campus bullying. If you are still unwilling to apologize to Song Miao, if this matter is reported to the district education bureau, Zhang Yixuan will most likely be expelled from the third primary school." Principal Wen said.

Zhang Yixuan's father understood what Principal Wen meant. If this matter was reported to the Education Bureau, even if he tried to find connections, it would be useless. It was obvious that Song Yi had strong connections behind his back.

Zhang Yixuan's father wanted to break up with Song Yi, so he took out a Chinese stick and handed it to Song Yi, "Mr. Song, I'm very sorry. I am Zhang Yunlong from Haidian Information Industry Bureau. This matter is our fault. We will definitely criticize her." .Zhang Yixuan, apologize to your classmates quickly!"

Zhang Yixuan was obviously frightened by her father. She pouted, walked up to Song Miao, and said timidly: "Song Miao, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have scolded you." After the little girl apologized, tears were about to flow out. The mother looked distressed and hugged her daughter quickly.

Zhang Yixuan's mother obviously didn't understand the situation, "Principal Wen, Teacher Chen, since our family Duoduo has apologized, why don't you think about letting this matter go? I still have things to do in the company, and Duoduo's father also took a leave of absence."

Principal Wen glanced at Song Yi. Song Yi didn't nod. She couldn't just let Zhang Yixuan's parents leave. She didn't know if Song Yi would be satisfied with this handling.

Song Yi smiled, "I'm actually really surprised. It was your daughter who did something wrong. She insulted our Song Miao first, and then called on other students in the class not to play with her. If I hadn't intervened, Song Miao would have done something wrong. Miao may have to be isolated from her classmates throughout elementary school."

"Children's psychology is very fragile. When they are isolated and bullied, children with fragile hearts may think that I am really not good enough. If I were a local, they would be willing to be friends with me. ? If this continues, she will even hate herself and deny herself. In serious cases, she may even become depressed."

"When Zhang Yixuan scolded Song Miao, she did not apologize. When Zhang Yixuan teamed up with other students to isolate Song Miao, she still did not apologize. When she walked into the principal's office, she still did not apologize. Now you are worried that Zhang Yixuan will be expelled from the third primary school, you She was scared, so she reluctantly forced Zhang Yixuan to apologize, but Zhang Yixuan still didn't think she was wrong, so after the apology, she cried in grievance."

"Compared with the possible serious consequences of what she did, her apology is so insincere. Why do you think that the matter is over after she apologizes? I would like to say this on behalf of Song Miao. It's not over, I won't accept your apology!" Song Yi said word for word.

Zhang Yixuan's mother glared at Song Yi, "Then what do you want? Do you want to extort money? How much do you want? Ten thousand? One hundred thousand? Principal Wen, our Miaomiao is a local student, and our ancestor is Zhenghuangqi, You can't force Zhang Yixuan to be expelled because of such a foreign student, right?"

Principal Wen frowned, "Mother Yixuan, you don't have the attitude to solve the problem."

Zhang Yixuan looked at Chen Jie who was silent and became very angry. She usually gave so many gifts, but now she actually pretended to be deaf and dumb. "Teacher Chen, as the head teacher, you should come out and say something."

Chen Jie was very embarrassed. She was even more afraid of Song Yi now, so she mustered up the courage to persuade, "Mr. Song, Song Miao will still study in the third primary school in the future. If Zhang Yixuan is really expelled from the school, she may really be hostile to other students." .”

"Teacher Chen," Song Yi called out. Chen Jie felt her heart tremble and did not dare to look directly into Song Yi's eyes.

"Originally, this was just a small matter. If Zhang Yixuan scolded Song Miao, you would have stopped her in time and asked Zhang Yixuan to apologize to Song Miao in front of the whole class and tell everyone that it is wrong to curse."

"If Song Miao was isolated by Zhang Yixuan and other classmates, you would have stood up in time and told everyone to unite, love and help each other, would things have turned into what they are now? I think Zhang Yixuan's mother seems to be familiar with Teacher Chen. So when Zhang Yixuan made a mistake, you chose to ignore it and allowed Zhang Yixuan to continue making mistakes. You thought you were helping Zhang Yixuan, but you were actually harming her." Song Yi said clearly.

"My current appeal is very simple. Zhang Yixuan apologizes to Song Miao in front of the whole class. Teacher Chen Jie is transferred from the first grade (2) class and no longer continues to serve as the class teacher. A teacher who cannot treat every student in the class fairly , not suitable for managing classes." Song Yi said.

"You may feel aggrieved now, being forced to apologize. But right is right, wrong is wrong, and the law cannot give in to the law. I'm sorry, I just want to bully others today! Believe me, apologizing in public is something you can bear now. Minimal cost.”

Zhang Yixuan's mother's face turned green and pale for a while. Of course she refused to give in, but she also knew that the situation was stronger than the person. "We apologize. Later, together with Duoduo, we will apologize to child Song Miao in class."

The children in the first grade (2) class felt very strange because many adults suddenly came to the class. The principal, head teacher, Zhang Yixuan's parents, and Song Miao's parents all came to the class.

Zhang Yixuan stood on the podium and read a letter of apology, saying that she should not insult her classmates, which was very rude. She shouldn't call on her classmates not to play with Song Miao. This kind of isolating her classmates is adding insult to injury. Now she sincerely realizes her mistake. She wants to apologize to Song Miao and say she's sorry.

Song Miao accepted Zhang Yixuan's apology and hugged Zhang Yixuan generously. Principal Wen clapped his hands and said, "Okay, that's the end of this matter. Both locals and outsiders have made a lot of contributions to this kind of city. For example, Song Miao's mother is a New Yanjing native. She He is an excellent advertiser and has shot many great advertisements. Next time we invite Song Miao's mother to the school to share the process of making an advertisement, okay?"

"Okay!" The children in the class said in unison. The children next to Song Miao had already begun to chirp, asking Song Miao if she knew how her mother usually worked. Obviously, how could there be an overnight feud between children?

Principal Wen sent Song Yi away from the school, "Mr. Song, what you just said in the office impressed me very much. In fact, the psychological education of primary school students is also very important. I am going to invite psychology experts from the university to teach the first grade (2) class We need to provide popular psychological education to our children on how to deal with bullying on campus, and we must also take precautions.”

"It's great that Principal Wen can think so. The school must do two parts of the work. One is to educate students to be united and friendly and not to unite to bully classmates. The other is to teach children that if they encounter bullying, they must Ask parents or schools for help in a timely manner, and third, do a good job in legal education and tell those things that cannot be done," Song Yi said.

"Thank you for your advice, I will remember it." Principal Wen said in a gentle tone.

"Heaven moves vigorously, a gentleman strives for self-improvement, and the terrain is prosperous. A gentleman carries things with kindness. I sincerely hope that the students of No. 3 Primary School, including our Song Miao, can do this one day in the future. Goodbye, Principal Wen." Yi waved goodbye and the driver had already opened the car door and was waiting for him.

Principal Wen looked at Song Yi's BMW 740 and shook her head. She originally thought Song Yi was a little high-profile driving two 7-series BMWs, but now compared to his net worth, it is simply low-key and outrageous. Yanjing is indeed a crouching tiger. dragon

Thanks to Redmon, the tech god believer for the reward, and thanks to everyone for your monthly votes.

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