I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 110 Kim Jong Kook’s request for help (first update)

The Korean Advertising Awards ended, and Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee were surrounded by reporters, preparing to interview them.

"President Song, Miss Kim Tae Hee said when she won the award just now that she will appear in a TV series this year. Is this true?"

Song Yi saw that the reporter who asked the question this time was actually an old acquaintance, Lu Qiuyan from Chosun Ilbo.

"Yes, New Asia Pictures is preparing to shoot a costume drama. Kim Tae Hee has been confirmed to star in the drama. The production cost of the entire drama is approximately US$20 million." Song Yi revealed.

"20 million U.S. dollars?" The reporters at the scene thought they were hearing hallucinations. These days, 20 million U.S. dollars can be used to produce a medium-cost Hollywood movie!

20 million US dollars, which is a full 30 billion won. The profit created by the movie "My Naughty Girlfriend" for New Asia Pictures was only 20 billion won. How did New Asia Pictures rely on this costume drama to make back the money?

Lu Qiuyan was very excited. She felt that she was very lucky. Every time she interviewed Song Yi, Song Yi could break the news to her.

"President Song, are you sure you are not talking about 2 million US dollars, but 20 million US dollars?" Lu Qiuyan asked worriedly.

"I am sure that New Asia Pictures will produce this TV series according to the specifications of making movies. For example, the costume designer of this costume drama is Mr. Li Yingxi. In order to restore the history of a ***** dynasty, we also hired As a consultant for this drama, I have invited history experts from Seoul National University and Yonsei University to present a well-produced drama, so please rest assured." Song Yi revealed some more details.

Lee Young Hee is South Korea's national treasure hanbok designer. As soon as Lu Qiuyan heard this name, she immediately knew the importance of this drama.

When the reporters were about to ask about the name of the show, whether Kim Tae Hee was the heroine of the show, and whether they could provide information about the hero, director and screenwriter, Song Yi directly said "no comment". I went crazy all of a sudden, nothing could be so torturous. It's like the wedding night, the bride's veil has been lifted, and she tells you that a good friend is here today.

At this time, Song Yi saw Cha Taixian outside the reporter circle. He looked at Song Yi and seemed to have something to say. He stood outside and walked around, feeling a little embarrassed.

Song Yi remembered that Kim Tae Hee said that Cha Tae Hyun seemed to have something to do with him, and quickly stopped him, "Tae Hee, wait for me. Everyone, regarding the TV series, please go and interview the official of New Asia Pictures. Today, Tae Hee and I I will not answer any questions about the new drama for the time being, as this involves the company’s confidentiality agreement, please forgive me, I have something to do with my friends right now.”

Song Yi squeezed out of the crowd and put his arm around Cha Taehyun's shoulders, "Taehyun, I just heard Taehee say you were looking for me. What's the matter?"

Cha Taixian looked at the reporters around him and said nothing. Song Yi understood immediately that it was not convenient to talk about Cha Taixian when there were many people.

Song Yi walked up to Jin Taixi and said hello, throwing the car keys to her, "Taixian and I will have a supper together tonight. You can drive back first and Taixian will see me off later."

Kim Tae Hee was still being interviewed by reporters and took the key, "Okay, OPPA." Some reporters at the scene who didn't understand the situation were in an uproar. It turned out that Kim Tae Hee was already living with her boyfriend Song Yi?

Song Yi and Cha Taixian went to the hotel parking lot, and Song Yi's personal bodyguard Cha Taizhi followed Song Yi silently.

Cha Tae-hyun's car is a silver BMW M3. Cha Tae-sik guest-drives. Cha Tae-hyun and Song Yi sit in the back seat and talk about things.

"Brother Yi, I shouldn't have spoken to you about this matter, but Zhong Guo is so pitiful that I really can't stand it anymore. You are the only friend I know who can help him. Please help him." Right?" Che Taixian said to Song Yi.

"When you say Zhong Guo, you mean Jin Zhong Guo?" Song Yi confirmed.

"Yes, Zhong Guo is also a member of the Year of the Dragon Club, but he hasn't had a chance to meet you yet. I mentioned you to him last time and asked him to ask you for help, but he was afraid of hurting his friends, so he refused to speak, but Jin Guangzhu The representative is getting more and more excessive, and I really can’t bear Zhong Guo being tortured like this, so I thought of asking you for help." Cha Tae Hyun said.

"Let's do this. You call Jin Zhongguo first and call him out. I'll find out what's going on first, okay?" Song Yi did not agree rashly.

Cha Taixian is very happy. If Song Yi is willing to intervene, Kim Jong-guo's current predicament will turn around.

"Hey, Zhong Guo, I'm Taixian. I've invited Brother Song Yi, and I'm going home now. Brother Yi wants to talk to you. You can just go to my house and wait for me. I'll ask Xian to prepare a supper. I have beer at home. It seems they are gone, please remember to buy some!" Cha Taixian said.

"You and Zhong Guo have a really good relationship." Song Yi was a little envious. He didn't have a good buddy in Korea.

"We have known each other for several years. When this guy met my girlfriend for the first time, he actually thought that Zion was my biological sister. I initially thought he said that we were a couple, but later I found out that he actually said that my girlfriend looked older. Prime Minister, you are really a rude guy!" Cha Tae Hyun told an interesting story about Kim Jong Kook.

Cha Tae-hyun rented an apartment in Samseong-dong. Cha Tae-hyun chose this apartment because it was nearby the COEX shopping mall, which was more convenient for shopping.

When Cha Tae Hyun arrived home, Kim Jong Kook was waiting for them with beer. As soon as Cha Tae Hyun saw Kim Jong Kook, "Didn't I ask you to wait for us at home? It's so cold outside."

A smile appeared on Jin Zhongguo's face, "It's okay, I just arrived." After Jin Zhongguo and Cha Taixian exchanged greetings, when he saw Song Yi, he quickly bent down to say hello to Song Yi, "Hello, President Song."

Song Yi nodded, "Hello, Zhong Guo, you're welcome." Jin Zhong Guo saw Cha Tae Zhi behind Song Yi and knew that he was Song Yi's bodyguard. He smiled and nodded. Cha Tae Zhi was cool and didn't say anything. He was waiting in the car. Song Yi finished talking about the business.

Cha Tae-hyun opened the door, and Cha Tae-hyun's girlfriend Cui Xien heard the noise and came out to entertain the guests. Song Yi took off his shoes, "Sorry to bother you."

Cha Tae-hyun introduced Song Yi, "President Song of New Asia Media, just call me brother." Luo Xien suddenly understood. It turned out to be Jun Ji-hyun's boss. Cha Tae-hyun and Kim Tae-hee had just collaborated on inshcool's advertisement. Song Yi's name is like thunder.

"Hello, President Song, you are welcome to be our guest. Taixian asked me to prepare some late-night snacks. I don't know if they suit your taste. Please don't mind if the hospitality is not good."

Cha Taixian was very satisfied. Cui Xien was indeed very virtuous and gave him a lot of face in front of outsiders. "Xian, you should rest first. I have something to discuss with Zhong Guo and Brother Yi."

"Okay, then I'll take a shower first, and you guys eat first. If you need anything, please tell me." Cui Xi'en was indeed a little sleepy, so he went back to the bedroom first.

What Cui Xien prepared was barbecue, coupled with Kim Jong-guo's beer, which aroused Song Yi's appetite.

Song Yi opened the can and touched it with Jin Zhongguo, "Taixian said you encountered some trouble, can you tell me more specifically?"

Jin Zhongguo looked at Song Yi, a little embarrassed. Cha Taehyun next to him was a little anxious, "President Jin has beaten you like this, do you still want to keep it a secret?"

"President Song, my last management company was Star Music. Representative Kim Kwang Soo had a rough style and beat me and Jungnam at every turn."

"When Turbo was at its most popular, we had more than a dozen trips a day, but we still couldn't get any money. When the Turbo contract ended, Brother Zhengnan and I couldn't stand it anymore, so we didn't renew the contract."

"I was planning to debut as a solo singer, but Representative Kim told the songwriting teachers in the industry not to allow them to compose songs for me."

"In desperation, I wanted to make a song for myself and publish it, but Representative Kim still prevented me from participating in the TV station's song competition program. I am almost unemployed now. If I still can't continue my beloved music career, I may I have to consider finding a class and say goodbye to the music industry completely." Kim Jong Kook said helplessly.

Cha Tae Hyun defended Kim Jong Kook's injustice, "Not only that, Representative Kim smashed the ashtray into Jong Kook's waist. He already had scoliosis in his waist, which also made his waist injury more serious."

"Zhong Guo went to participate in activities, but unknown people always blocked him, and he was punched and kicked. In order to protect himself, Zhong Guo started working out in high school. His muscles were all developed by him later." Cha Taehyun said.

Kim Jong Kook seemed unwilling to speak ill of Kim Kwang Soo, "You can't say that. The doctor said that exercise can help me relieve the symptoms of scoliosis. Once I started exercising, I couldn't stop."

"Okay, Zhong Guo, I already understand your situation. Star Music is a management company managed by gangsters. It's really a miracle that such a company hasn't closed down yet. Oh, I get it. Normally Newspapers dare not report negative news about their family for fear of people coming to retaliate." Song Yi knocked on the table and began to think.

Of course he is not afraid of Kim Kwang Soo. Cha Tae Hyun's intention is very obvious. He hopes that New Asia Media can sign Kim Jong Kook. With the protection of New Asia Media, Star Music would not dare to attack Kim Jong Kook.

But beating a dog depends on the owner. Even though Kim Kwang Soo is so fierce in front of Kim Jong Kook, he is quite obedient in front of Chen Meijing of CJ Group.

Chen Meijing is the sister of CJ Group Chairman Chen Jae-hyun, and she is also the true godmother of Hallyu. In 1995, Chen Meijing founded the CJ Entertainment and Media Department, which was the predecessor of CJ Entertainment.

In the same year, CJ Group invested US$300 million to acquire 10% of the equity of DreamWorks in the United States. At the same time, it became the film distributor of DreamWorks in Asia (except Japan), officially entering the film industry.

As a producer, Chen Meijing has successively invested in Korean movies "The King's Man", "Haeundae" and "Silmi Island". The movie "Parasite" she produced won the Oscar for Best Picture, and Chen Meijing ranked C at the Oscars.

Chen Meijing suffers from a hereditary neurological disease and has some mobility difficulties. She is divorced and likes to "make" friends with handsome male stars in the entertainment industry, such as Lee Jun-ki and Rain. Rain was serving in the army, and Chen Meijing went to the army to visit Rain and gave him a lot of warmth.

Jin Guangzhu is like Chen Meijing's glove. Jin Guangzhu plays the white face, and Chen Meijing plays the red face. The two work together, allowing the male star to actively or passively please Chen Meijing.

Therefore, although the Korean entertainment industry has great opinions on Kim Kwang-soo, his position is as stable as a rock. Star Music later changed its name to Core Contents Media and became a subsidiary of CJ Mnet Media. During Core Contents Media, Crown Group Tara was launched. Core Contents Media later changed its name to MBK Entertainment.

Whether it is Star Music, Core Contents Media or MBK Entertainment, Kim Kwang Soo has always served as the representative director, which shows that his position within the CJ system is stable. Moreover, it is said that Kim Kwang-soo also scouts for beauties in the entertainment industry for Chen Jae-hyun. Kim Kwang-soo can please both Chen Meijing and Chen Jae-hyun's siblings at the same time, which shows that he is very skilled in flattering. To outsiders, Jin Guangzhu is someone everyone calls out. To Chen Meijing and her brother, Jin Guangzhu is commendable for his loyalty.

Song Yi and Chen Zaixian have a good relationship, but they don't have much friendship with Chen Meijing. It can even be said that the two of them have a little feud.

When Li Haoyan of DPS Entertainment was preparing to sell the company, CJ Mnet Media wanted to acquire DSP Entertainment because Chen Meijing also took a fancy to the potential of Fin.K.L. Unexpectedly, Song Yijie took the lead.

Xinya Media renewed the contracts of Lee Hyori and Sung Yuri in advance, and Lee Jin and Ok Joo-hyun joined CJ Mnet Media together.

Now, apart from arranging announcements for Lee Hyori and Sung Yuri, New Asia Media has almost hidden Lee Jin and Ok Joo-hyun. CJ Mnet Media wants Lee Jin and Ok Joo-hyun to terminate their contracts with New Asia Media in advance, but Song Yi said that he needs to wait for Fin.K.L. The fourth album "Forever" has been produced.

Song Yi's business-like attitude probably also made Chen Meijing very unhappy. Chen Meijing knew that if she spoke to Song Yi, Song Yi would definitely agree. However, in Chen Meijing's view, she is a senior in the Korean entertainment industry, and Song Yi is just a junior. She is obviously unhappy that Song Yi is showing off in front of Chen Meijing.

In fact, after Kim Jong Kook's contract with Star Music expired, Kim Kwang Soo suppressed Kim Jong Kook for two and a half years. Within two and a half years, Kim Jong Kook was almost banned from the Korean entertainment industry.

Later, because his first solo album "Renaissance" could not be released normally, Kim Jong Kook sued the court, and finally ended with private mediation.

Kim Jong Kook handed over the distribution rights of the record to Synnara Music, a record company under CJ Entertainment. Kim Jong Kook was equivalent to giving in to Jin Mi Kyung and Kim Kwang Soo, and the matter came to an end.

Song Yi can bluntly say that Star Muisc is a gang-managed agency, but Kim Jong Kook dare not agree, "President Song, now I just hope that my album "Renaissance" can be released smoothly."

"To tell you the truth, when I called Representative Kim to plead with him to let me go, he told others, 'I'm going to kill him.' Now I don't have much income, so I rely on Taehyun and Jang Hyuk. This group of friends are helping me." Jeon Jong Kook revealed his shortcomings.

Song Yi didn't want to turn against Chen Meijing directly yet, so he asked Cha Taehyun first, "Is it possible for sidusHQ to sign Zhong Guo? Zhong Guo is also the lead singer of Turbo after all, and the album sales are at least one million. Isn't CEO Cha Shengjae interested?"

sidusHQ also has a record division. Signing Kim Jong Kook can bring sidusHQ at least 10 billion won in revenue.

Cha Tae Hyun shook his head, "I talked to Representative Cha, and he said that Jong Kook's matter is very complicated and cannot be solved by conciliating with Kim Kwang Soo."

"In 1998, in order to protest against Star Music, Turbo participated in the Asia Super Concert by lip-synching and not bowing to the audience. In the end, he was banned by Mnet TV station. Afterwards, Representative Kim doubled down on his revenge on Turbo." Cha Tae-hyun said.

Song Yi understood now. The Asia Super Concert is the predecessor of the Mnet Music Awards and a music award hosted by CJ E\u0026amp;amp;amp;amp;M.

In 1999, this award became the Mnet Video Music Awards, Mnet Music Video Festival, Mnet KM Music Video Festival, and Mnet KM Music Festival.

In 2009, the music award was officially renamed the Mnet Asian Music Awards. The award ceremony is the largest music awards ceremony in Asia and one of the most representative and authoritative music awards ceremonies in South Korea.

The Mnet Asian Music Awards are usually held from November to December every year. From 1999 to 2009, the Mnet Asian Music Awards ceremony has been held in South Korea.

Ten years later, in order to highlight the overseas influence of Korean music, the Mnet Asian Music Awards are generally held in overseas countries.

Starting in 2022, the Mnet Asian Music Awards (MAMA) will be officially renamed the MAMA Awards. Wang Lihong and Jolin Tsai have both participated in the MAMA awards ceremony.

Turbo participated in the music award ceremony held by Mnet and actually dared to lip-sync and not bow to the audience. Mnet naturally banned Turbo without any discussion. For Chen Meijing, Kim Jong-guo's move was simply a provocation to Chen Meijing. No wonder Kim Jong-guo was asking for help but couldn't resolve the dispute. Kim Kwang-soo was venting his anger on Chen Meijing's behalf.

The source of the problem was found, and Song Yi was interested in intervening. He wanted to help mediate between Jin Zhongguo and Chen Meijing. As long as Chen Meijing is willing to let Kim Jong-kook go, then Kim Kwang-soo will definitely ask Xian Ge to understand Ya's intention and will never make another mistake.

"In this case, I will take you to meet with President Chen Meijing of CJ E\u0026amp;amp;M in the next two days. We will have a face-to-face talk and try our best to handle your matter so that your album can go smoothly. Release." Song Yi has already thought of a solution.

"Thank you, Chairman Song. Thank you for your hard work." Jin Zhongguo was very grateful. He now understood a little bit. It seemed that the person he offended was not Jin Guangshu.

"Okay, it's getting late, I'll go back first." Song Yi stood up and said goodbye. Song Yi contacted Cha Taizhi, and after a while, Cha Taizhi came to pick him up. Cha Taixian and Jin Jongguo sent Song Yi to the parking lot together and watched Song Yi leave in the car.

Cha Taixian patted Jin Jongguo on the shoulder, "Since Brother Song Yi is willing to intervene, your matter will be settled. If he fails, no one will be able to solve it. Okay, don't think too much, the barbecue is not finished yet, we brothers Let’s have some more beer and chat for a while.”

When Song Yi returned home, Kim Tae Hee was still awake. She was on the phone with Kim Hee-won who was back home. January 3rd was her brother Kim Hyung-soo's 18th birthday. Kim Hee-won rushed back to Ulsan to celebrate her brother's birthday.

Because Xinya Media has no important things to be busy with recently, Song Yi also gave Jin Xiyuan two more days of leave so that she could spend time with her family at home.

For the birthday of his brother-in-law-to-be, Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee worked together to give him a set of HONMA golf clubs. A set of clubs cost 20 million won, which is about 110,000 yuan. This gift is really not cheap.

Kim Tae Hee's parents thought the gift was a bit expensive and wanted to help their son Kim Hyung Soo refuse it. Kim Tae Hee persuaded her parents to help her brother accept it, "OPPA said that turning 18 means growing up, and a good set of golf clubs can be used for many years."

"Oh, Dad wants to play golf with his business partners or friends from the church. It's just a good time for my younger brother to learn more from him," Kim Tae Hee said.

Kim Tae Hee's parents immediately understood that the relationship between Kim Tae Hee and Song Yi had entered a new stage, and their daughter's status was still very stable. The second daughter Tae Hee's life-long affair has been decided, but the eldest daughter Hee Won has not found a partner yet.

As soon as Xiyuan got home, she only talked about work and talked about Song Yi and Tae Hee. Jin's mother was worried. No matter how good Song Yi is, he is also your sister's fiancé. However, Jin Xiyuan has been rebellious since she was a child, and Jin Xiyuan is also the only non-Catholic in the family.

When Jin Xiyuan was in college, she planned to date a non-Catholic boy, but her parents stopped her. After experiencing this emotional injury, Jin Xiyuan gave up participating in church activities. So Song Yi came to Kim Tae Hee's house for the first time. Kim Tae Hee's parents didn't care about Song Yi's status as a non-believer. They just didn't want their second daughter, Kim Tae Hee, to make the same mistake again.

After Kim Tae Hee left the Advertising Awards, she called Kim Hee Won to announce the good news and share her joy of winning the Best Spokesperson of the Year at the Korea Advertising Awards.

Jin Xiyuan heard that Song Yi was back, "Okay, Taixi, you can have a good rest. I won't delay your and Song Yi's rest. Be quiet at night and don't wake up the nannies." Jin Xiyuan gave a friendly reminder.

Kim Tae Hee had a dark look on her face. She really had nothing to do with Kim Hee Won. In addition to sticking to the last line of defense, Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee now also tried many ways to make each other experience happiness.

Jin Xiyuan once passed by Kim Tae Hee's bedroom when she went to the kitchen refrigerator to get fruit in the middle of the night. She heard her sister Tae Hee's tone of voice was completely different from that during the day. Kim Hee Won also laughed at her sister Tae Hee several times when no one was around.

Kim Tae Hee is now much thicker-skinned. She handed her phone to Song Yi, "OPPA, sister wants to have a chat with you."

Song Yi believed it, "Xiyuan, what's the matter?"

Jin Xiyuan was lying on the bed at home talking to Kim Tae Hee on the phone. When she heard Song Yi's voice, she subconsciously sat up straight, "OPPA, I heard that you won three gold awards and Tae Hee also won the best spokesperson. Congratulations! You are really amazing, I love you!"

Song Yi couldn't help this weird sister-in-law and responded perfunctorily, "Yeah, yeah, I love you too."

Jin Xiyuan was not satisfied, "OPPA, when I went home this time, I found the flight attendant work clothes I used when I worked for Korean Air. I am going to bring the work clothes to Seoul this time. If you behave well, I will wear them alone for you to see, How about it?"

Song Yi imagined Jin Xiyuan wearing a stewardess uniform and black stockings, and her bones became tense.

He said with a serious face: "Xiyuan, your spirit of not forgetting to work at home is very worthy of praise. Let's do this. You can prepare the report materials at home these two days. When you return to the company, we will discuss it together. The feasibility of this plan.”

Jin Xiyuan continued to tease Song Yi, "OPPA, you have a lustful heart but no courage. When you and Taixi play games later, can you give me a call? I want to hear that Taixi is under you. The look of submission and begging for mercy.”

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