I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 149 The World Cup Begins

Zhong Xiaotong was a little surprised, and Zhong Xiaotong's secretary-general Jin Chengguo couldn't help but look at Song Yi again.

No matter which South Korean government it is, economic development is the top priority. The annual total revenue of South Korea's top ten conglomerates accounts for almost 60% of South Korea's GDP. No matter who is elected president, if you want to develop the economy, you cannot avoid the support of the top ten consortiums.

In order to consolidate the power in their hands, the measures taken by South Korean presidents against the top ten financial groups are generally to win over one group, divide one group and suppress another group.

After the 1997 financial crisis, Daewoo Group, Hanbao Steel Group and Hankook Group went bankrupt one after another.

Not only that, 16 of the top 30 financial groups are facing bankruptcy liquidation, 15 of the 33 large banks have declared bankruptcy, and one-third of more than 2,000 financial institutions have gone bankrupt and closed down.

The then President Zhong Xiaotong called on the people of the country to unite to save the country on the verge of bankruptcy. At that time, three million Koreans lined up in long lines at major banks, taking their rings, earrings, necklaces and US dollars to the banks in exchange for the wildly devalued Korean won to help the government repay foreign exchange loans.

What is ironic is that the founders of this financial crisis, the South Korean chaebol family, turned a blind eye to this crisis. Instead, they took advantage of the people's patriotic sentiments and used worthless Korean won to defraud gold from the people.

Since the era of Jeong Pu-seo, in order to enhance the competitiveness of Korean companies in overseas enterprises, the Korean government has consciously supported large consortiums such as Samsung, Hyundai, LG and Daewoo to undertake construction projects overseas. From Southeast Asia to the Middle East, major Korean companies can be seen.

Large Korean consortiums and banking institutions cooperate with each other and pool funds and resources from all over Korea for investment to achieve monopolistic growth.

Since the 1990s, South Korea has carried out financial reforms and made the Korean won and the US dollar freely convertible. South Korea's major companies are borrowing crazy amounts of money to expand their market share.

In fact, large Korean consortiums can enjoy loans with the lowest interest rates from Korean financial institutions. Even if they lend the funds from the loans to other companies, they can still make profits. Therefore, large Korean consortiums are greedy for big things.

Due to the particularity of the Korean system, a considerable portion of bank loans are US dollar loans borrowed in the name of the Korean government.

The government then lends this part of the funds to large consortiums operating overseas. Once the enterprises perform poorly, such as Hanbao Steel Group, which declares bankruptcy, the US dollar loans will need to be repaid by the Korean government.

In order to develop the economy, Zhong Xiaotong proposed the cultural nation and sunshine policy under the advice of economic experts.

The former is to vigorously develop South Korea's entertainment industry. Due to the financial crisis, South Korea's absolute poverty population soared sharply to 14.9%, and 1.3 million South Koreans were unemployed.

In order to comfort these "abandoned" groups in society and reduce the dissatisfaction of ordinary Korean people against the government and large conglomerates. The Korean government encourages companies to invest money into the entertainment industry, and the rise of boy groups and girl groups came into being. This is actually a variation of the "nipple music theory".

In order to repay IMF loans, the Korean government signed a series of market agreements, allowing foreign capital to acquire domestic companies in any form and for any reason. The Korean government officially lost control of domestic companies.

South Korea's economic sovereignty has been completely handed over to the capital giants on Wall Street in the United States. Foreign shares in South Korea's eight major banks all account for more than 2/3. Most of the shares of Samsung Group, which Koreans are most proud of, are in the hands of Wall Street giants.

In order to alleviate the humiliation felt by the Korean people, Zhong Xiaotong hoped to make a difference on the diplomatic line, so he wanted to take the lead in achieving reconciliation between North and South Korea.

Zhou Zhengyong, the founder of Hyundai Group, grasped Zhong Xiaotong’s idea and drove 500 scalpers across the border. Scalper diplomacy also became a good talk.

After Zhou Zhengyong's son Zhou Mengzhun heard that FIFA intended to hold the World Cup in an Asian country, he tried his best to turn the World Cup in Japan into a World Cup in South Korea and Japan.

For Zhong Xiaotong, tonight's World Cup opening ceremony is extremely important. Zhong Xiaotong wants to announce in the eyes of the world that South Korea has completely escaped the financial crisis, achieved industrial transformation and upgrading, and once again become a first-class country.

Among South Korea's top ten conglomerates, Zhou Zhengyong's Hyundai Group has the lowest proportion of foreign shareholders in its equity. Zhong Xiaotong needs Zhou Zhengyong to realize his political intentions, and Zhou Zhengyong also needs Zhong Xiaotong to provide help at all levels. This is a mutually beneficial cooperation.

Zhou Zhengyong passed away, Zhou Mengxian was exposed as a political donation case, and cracks appeared in the good relationship between Zhong Xiaotong and the modern family. In order to avoid suspicion, Zhong Xiaotong will even deliberately keep a distance from modern family members.

So when Song Yi asked him for a special loan of US$200 million through Jin Chengguo, although Zhong Xiaotong was very annoyed, he still agreed to Song Yi's request for the sake of the overall situation.

Song Woo-seok won the intra-party election of the New Millennium Democratic Party in April and was nominated as the presidential candidate. Zhong Xiaotong felt that there was a high probability that he would not be liquidated by the next president, so he agreed with Li Xiangda to release Zhou Mengxian and show goodwill to the entire modern family.

Zhou Mengzhun also immediately seized this opportunity and used the opening ceremony of the World Cup to let Zhong Xiaotong meet the core members of the Modern Family. Zhou Mengzhun actually wanted to show the responsibility of the head of the Modern Family.

Although Hyundai Motor Group is the leading company of the entire Hyundai family, Zhou Mengjiu and his son have only a moderate relationship with Asan Group and New Asia Group. Zhou Mengzhun, who is good at dancing and long-sleeved, aims at this point to appear in front of Zhong Xiaotong as the head of a modern family.

Zhong Xiaotong knew that inschool played a key role in helping Song Yuxi win the intra-party election. He was worried that Song Yi would take credit and be arrogant in front of Song Yuxi, which would cause Song Yuxi to lose the presidential election in December this year.

He had already planned before coming. If Song Yi was still so flamboyant in front of elders such as Zhou Mengjiu, Zhou Mengzhun, and Zheng Enxuan, then he would give the New Asia Department a hard beating. During the World Cup, officials from the Korean National Tax Service will station in various branches of the New Asia Department of Korea to start tax inspections. Even if nothing is found, Song Yi can still be convinced.

Zhong Xiaotong was going to let Song Yi understand the truth. The reason why he agreed to New Asia Media's special loan of 200 million US dollars was not because Song Yi pinched him. Rather, he took into account the good personal relationship with Zhou Zhengyong and Zhou Mengxian, and made amends to Zhou Mengxian's family who was behind bars.

Now that Song Yi's posture was so low, Zhong Xiaotong naturally couldn't find a suitable reason to take action. In order to show his support for emerging Korean Internet companies like New Asia Network, Zhong Xiaotong also took a photo with Song Yi alone. In the photo, Zhong Xiaotong was smiling.

Song Yi was also very knowledgeable. He asked Zhong Xiaotong for his opinion and asked him if he could post this photo with the president to his inschool personal homepage. In order to maintain his people-friendly image, Zhong Xiaotong readily agreed.

Jin Chengguo and Song Yi looked at each other. When Jin Chengguo took Song Yi to the bank to apply for a loan, the two of them naturally tried to avoid appearing together in public to avoid being noticed by interested parties.

Zhong Xiaotong came to the stadium in advance to meet the core members of the Hyundai Family. This was nothing more than a signal to the outside world that he and the Hyundai Family had reconciled. Even if he wanted to discuss business with Zhou Mengjiu or Zhou Mengzhun brothers, he would change the time and place.

The atmosphere of today's meeting was quite pleasant, except for Zhou Xiangyong who felt unhappy. As Zhou Zhengyong's biological brother, Zhong Xiaotong had to meet Zhou Mengjiu and Zhou Mengzhun first, so why should Zheng Enxuan and Song Yi overwhelm him.

Zhou Xiangyong is Zhou Zhengyong's youngest brother. He has been raised by Zhou Zhengyong since he was a child. Even his wife was married with Zhou Zhengyong's help. He shares the same concept as Zhou Zhengyong, believing that women should not participate in running family businesses and should stay at home to support their husbands and raise children.

Three minutes into modern times, Zhou Xiangyong did not support Zheng Enxuan as chairman of Asan Group. At that time, he kindly advised Zhou Mengxian that he could help manage the Ashan Group, and after Zhou Mengxian was released from prison, he would return the company to him.

Zhou Xiangyong means that he cannot write two characters of "zhou" in one stroke. As Zhou Mengxian's uncle, he is always more reliable than Zheng Enxuan.

After Zheng Enxuan became the chairman of Asan Group, Zhou Xiangyong secretly absorbed Asan Group's stocks through KCC Group, hoping to turn Asan Group into a subsidiary company of KCC Group.

Unexpectedly, this guy Song Yi intervened, and Zheng Enxuan actually raised enough funds to become the largest individual shareholder of Ashan Group, turning Zhou Xiangyong's careful planning into a joke.

Zhou Xiangyong felt that Zhou Mengxian was brainless and actually handed over the Ashan Group to two outsiders, Zheng Enxuan and Song Yi. Now Zheng Enxuan and Song Yi are as good as wearing the same pants. Even if you, Zhou Mengxian, have been released from prison, where will the Ashan Group still have a suitable position for you, Zhou Mengxian?

Zhou Xiangyong knew that Song Yi was very skillful. He first used Shinko Media's listing plan to win over Zhou Mengzhun, and then used the real estate project The One Apartment to develop Zhou Mengkui into an ally. Recently, he also used HugeDream Cinemas and Hyundai Department Store's Zhou Jixuan to leave. Come together.

So Zhou Mengzhun stood in front of Zhou Xiangyong and introduced Song Yi before Zhou Xiangyong. The members of the modern family did not find it strange at all.

Zhou Xiangyong plans to meet Zhou Mengxian in two days. Zhou Mengxian is now living in seclusion at home, and his thoughts may have changed. He can find a way to help Zhou Mengxian regain control of the Ashan Group.

Zhou Xiangyong felt that he and Zhou Mengxian could not defeat Song Yi and Zheng Enxuan even if they joined forces, and he needed more helpers. For example, Zhou Mengjiu, who has a normal relationship with Song Yi, and Zhou Mengri, who has a bad relationship with Song Yi, etc.

Song Yi didn't know that a simple meeting between him and Zhong Xiaotong would make Zhou Xiangyong so hostile to him. The old guy Zhou Xiangyong actually wanted to join forces with other members of the Hyundai family to force Zheng Eunxuan to give up his throne to Zhou Mengxian.

Perhaps in the minds of people like Zhou Xiangyong, it is more in line with the interests of the modern family for the economically weak Zhou Mengxian to control the Asan Group. They are also coveting high-quality real estate projects like The One Apartment and trying to get a piece of the pie.

However, Song Yi, Zheng Enxuan and Zhou Mengkui are all monolithic and do not agree with the participation of modern family members at all. If he, Zhou Xiangyong, helps Zhou Mengxian become the chairman of Asan Group, then KCC Group can participate in the land development of Yongsan Cave.

Zhong Xiaotong had to prepare a speech for the opening ceremony, and Song Yi and Zheng Enxuan left the lounge together. Zheng Enxuan and Song Yi's seats were staggered. Zheng Enxuan wanted to sit with his daughter Zhou Zhiyi and his prospective son-in-law Gu Guangmo.

Next to Jung Eun-sun are Chairman Koo Bon-sung of LG Group and his wife. Gu Guangmo and Zhou Zhiyi are going to live together in Puhai City, and Zheng Eunxuan wants to talk to Gu Bensheng and his wife about the marriage of their two children.

Gu Guangmo and Zhou Zhiyi can get engaged in the second half of this year or early next year. As for the wedding date, they can put it later, so there is no need to be so anxious.

Zheng Enxuan and Song Yi walked side by side. She reminded Song Yi in a low voice, "Uncle Liu is a narrow-minded person and has a very good reputation. If you stand in front of him to shake hands with the president, he must have begun to hate you in his heart. This person has great ambitions and little talent. , but be careful of his dirty tricks on you, you must be on guard."

Song Yi was speechless when he heard Zheng Enxuan's words. He didn't expect that Zhou Xiangyong would become enemies with him because of a ranking issue.

In the previous life, Zhou Mengxian committed suicide by jumping off a building, and his widow Zheng Eunxuan took over as the chairman of Hyundai Group. KCC Group's Joo Sang-young launched an acquisition of Hyundai Group and bullied the orphaned and widowed Jung Eun-sun. The modern family fell into a second internal fight, but Zhou Xiangyong's actions also made outsiders look down upon him.

"It's okay, he can't make any waves. If he doesn't care about life and death and insists on attacking me, I won't be able to save his KCC Group." Song Yi did not regard Zhou Xiangyong as an opponent of the same weight.

Song Yi and Zheng En circled around, and Song Yi found the stadium box where he was. The sharp-eyed Jin Hyung-soo saw Song Yi at a glance. He pointed to the empty seat and said, "Brother-in-law, everyone is waiting for you."

Song Yi walked over and sat between Liao Yu and Jin Taixi. Song Yi first asked his girlfriend, "Taixi, are you feeling bored?"

Kim Tae Hee shook his head, "The rehearsal for the opening ceremony's artistic performance was quite interesting. Did you just meet the president?"

"Yes, we also took a photo together. I will post it on the inschool homepage later."

The theme of this World Cup cultural performance is "From the East", which is mainly to express the charm of the East. Based on Korean traditional culture, but also showing Korean modern technology. The performance started at 7:30 and lasted for half an hour. 2,300 players participated in the performance.

Regarding the 2002 World Cup, Song Yi only remembered the records of four teams: Brazil, Germany, South Korea and China.

The Brazilian team in 2002 had a 3R combination of Ronaldo, Rivaldo and Ronaldinho. Kaka could only sit on the bench in a Brazilian team with many strong players.

The Brazilian team has outstanding offensive strength. Ronaldo is at his peak, scoring 8 goals in 7 games. In the final, he still scored two goals against German goalkeeper Kahn, who had not conceded a goal before. In the end, Ronaldo won the Golden Boot and Kahn won the Golden Ball.

The German team relied on their excellent defense to reach the final. No one had ever broken through Kahn's defensive goal before.

The South Korean team defeated Italy and Spain in the quarter-finals and quarter-finals, and finally reached the semi-finals. At that time, except for the champion Brazil team, the other teams felt the fear of being dominated by the Korean team.

As for the Chinese men's football team, which came to participate in the World Cup for the first time, they came here to pay tuition and failed to score a point in three games. If Germany hadn't beaten Saudi Arabia 8-0, the Chinese team would have been at the bottom of this cup.

In the third and fourth place finals, the South Korean team lost to Turkey 2-3. Song Yi feels that the reason why South Korea did not defeat Turkey is because the third place in the World Cup cannot be on the podium. There is not much difference in honor between the third place and the first place, so Zhou Mengzhun is too lazy to put in the effort.

If only the World Cup awarded gold, silver and bronze medals like the Olympics. So in order to win the bronze medal, South Korea will definitely think of using off-the-table tricks to defeat Turkey.

However, South Korea's operation was not without cost. Just after the World Cup, the Italian Football Association ordered all Serie A and Serie B teams to expel Korean players represented by Ahn Jung-hwan. Korean players did not appear in Serie A for more than ten years. On the playing field.

Next to Song Yi, Kim Tae Hee introduced all aspects of the theatrical performance. The first part is "Welcome". After President Zhong Xiaotong announces the opening of the World Cup, more than 400 dancers and a wind and percussion band will perform congratulatory dances.

The second part is "communication". The whole world is eager to communicate and achieve peace. Various types of drums from around the world will be included as one of the performances.

Song Yi smiled inwardly. Zhong Xiaotong won the Nobel Peace Prize last year for promoting reconciliation between the North and the South. The director of this opening ceremony is a talented person, and his flattery made Zhong Xiaotong very comfortable.

The third part is "Harmony". From the auditoriums at the four corners of the football field, the audience will pull the colorful cloth symbolizing harmony to the center of the stadium. A "peace bell" will rise in the center of the colorful cloth, symbolizing Peace.

The fourth part is "Sharing". Children's representatives from all over the world and performers will gather together to sing the song "Sangam Arirang" adapted from the main melody of the traditional Korean folk song "Arirang".

Finally, Korean and Japanese singers will perform, colorful fireworks will be set off around the stadium, and a 202-meter fountain will spray into the sky. Fireworks and fountains intertwined together to become the most brilliant colors in the night sky in Seoul.

Liao Yu heard Song Yi's introduction and said to Song Yi: "Miaomiao originally had a chance to be selected for the children's performance at the World Cup opening ceremony. I asked Miaomiao if she wanted to participate. She heard that she would take time off to come to South Korea to rehearse and perform. She might do it. After it affected my studies, I refused.”

Song Yi had never heard of this matter, and the school would definitely not find Song Miao for no reason. Principal Wen and the others had obviously heard of the New Asia Department, so they wanted to be a favor, but Song Miao didn't know that Song Miao didn't like this performance opportunity at all.

"It's okay. The 2008 Olympics is Miaomiao's home court. If she is interested in artistic performances, she can just participate in the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games." Song Yi was unwilling to let Song Miao sing the traditional Korean folk song "Arirang" .

The time has reached 7:30, and the opening ceremony has officially begun. The Korean and Japanese flags have appeared side by side in the stadium. The Korean Taegeukgi is on the left and the Japanese flag is on the right.

Just the arrangement of the national flags has highlighted the carefulness of Koreans. In the Confucian cultural circle of East Asia, the left has always been respected.

The official FIFA documentary said that Japan and South Korea jointly hosted the World Cup, because Japan applied first and South Korea jointly applied later. So the 2002 World Cup should be the Japan-Korea World Cup, but South Korea abruptly turned this World Cup into the Korea-Japan World Cup.

The passionate performances of 2,300 actors present the charm of the East to the world. The whole world has turned its attention to South Korea's traditional yellow and blue national costumes, and the Japanese are probably so angry at home that they are vomiting blood.

Because this World Cup is clearly a Japan-Korea World Cup, but the opening ceremony only presented Korean culture. When Korean and Japanese singers performed on stage, the audience could not hear their singing clearly.

In Song Yi's view, the opening ceremony performance of the Koreans had no highlights. Compared with the magnificent opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games, it was like fireflies competing with the sun and the moon. In the 2008 Olympic Games, China proved to the world who can do it. Represent Eastern culture by qualification.

The content of the World Cup is basically a quick glance, and no specific games will be written. Thank you all for your monthly votes

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