I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 151 $1 million goal reward!

On June 4, Song Yi and Liao Yu appeared together at the match venue between China and Costa Rica. Perhaps because of the hot weather, Liao Yu, who was sitting in the box at Gwangju Stadium, seemed a little sleepy and yawned profusely.

Yawning is really contagious. Jin Xiyuan, who was sitting next to Liao Yu, also felt sleepy. She nodded repeatedly and almost knocked her head to the ground. The alert Song Yi decisively stopped her.

"Xiyuan, you don't need to accompany me to watch the Huaguo team's game. After all, the Huaguo team's strength is average and it is indeed difficult to break through the group stage. If you are sleepy, go back to the company first or sleep on your seat. Son. Taixi, take care of Xiyuan and don’t let your sister fall." Song Yi said.

Liao Yu found that she still underestimated Song Yi's shamelessness. Why were she and Jin Xiyuan so sleepy? As the instigator, didn't Song Yi know that they were actually exhausted last night?

Last night was Liao Yu's last night before returning to China. Liao Yu did not continue to whet Song Yi's appetite. She secretly opened the door for Song Yi in the middle of the night when she was sleeping alone.

When Song Yi entered Liao Yu's room, Jin Xiyuan thought that she had not been close to Song Yi for a long time, and could not bear to let Song Yi stay alone in the empty room. As a result, when she entered Song Yi's room, she found that Song Yi's door was unlocked. Song Yi was nowhere to be found. The blanket was still warm. Apparently, he had not left the room long.

There is a private bathroom in Song Yi's master bedroom. It is obviously impossible for him to go to the bathroom outside the room for convenience. Sisters Jin Xiyuan and Kim Taexi slept together. If Jin Xiyuan hadn't waited until Jin Taixi fell asleep, she would have dared to leave her sister and come to meet Song Yi secretly.

After a dispute between Song Yi and Liao Yu, Song Yi was planning to stay in Liao Yu's room for the night, but was kicked out by Liao Yu.

"Liao Yu, I didn't lead you to burn bridges like this. You drove me away before my anger could subside. With your help, you stirred up my thunderous fire, but you didn't help me completely calm down my anger. You only care about killing and not burying me." Song Yi complained softly.

Liao Yu was very proud, "Xiao Yi, I am a woman who is easily satisfied. Aren't all the women in the villa yours? You can ask them for help. Look at how generous I am."

Song Yi whispered to Liao Yu to change her mind. Now there are only two sisters, Liao Yu and Jin Xiyuan, in the villa.

Due to her Catholic faith, it is impossible for Kim Tae Hee to take the last step with Song Yi before marriage, but she also has her own way to help Song Yi calm down. And Jin Xiyuan and Kim Taehee sleep in the same bed, so he can't team up with Jin Xiyuan to give Kim Taehee a physiological knowledge lesson.

Song Yi saw that Liao Yu refused to relent, so he returned to his master bedroom gloomily. When he entered the bedroom, he found that Jin Xiyuan, who was washing the fragrance, had gotten into Song Yi's blanket.

When Song Yi saw Jin Xiyuan, he was very surprised and quickly got into the blanket to hug Jin Xiyuan. "Xiyuan, I was thinking about you just now. I didn't expect you to actually come to me. There is really a tacit understanding between the two of us."

Jin Xiyuan did not let Song Yi go. She smelled Song Yi's neck and said, "OPPA, you have the scent of a woman. Which woman did you run out in the middle of the night to have a private meeting with? Don't tell me that you were going to meet her. The nanny at home has gone, after all, it’s impossible for her to use such expensive perfume.”

When Song Yi heard what Jin Xiyuan said, his mind was spinning rapidly. Liao Yu was the only female guest in the villa. Jin Xiyuan obviously placed suspicion on Liao Yu. It's just that Liao Yu is Song Yi's sister-in-law, but Song Yi's eldest brother Song Bo passed away a few years ago, but Jin Xiyuan still dare not point out the relationship between Song Yi and Liao Yu.

"You're right, I did go to see a certain woman just now. Aunt Enxuan couldn't sleep at night, so she invited me to her house to discuss things. She originally wanted to keep me drinking red wine with her, but because I didn't like red wine, she didn't sit down I'll go home in a while." Song Yi said nonsense seriously.

Jin Xiyuan was amused when she heard what Song Yi said, "When you tell lies, you really just open your mouth. President Eun Xuan is your elder, and you dare to even arrange it for her. Besides, others How could my husband ask you over in the middle of the night when he's at home? However, President Enxuan's perfume is of the same brand as the perfume you are wearing, and it seems that rich women have similar tastes."

Song Yi secretly laughed in his heart. He usually likes to collect expensive perfumes and give them as small gifts to his friends of the opposite sex. Is there anything strange about Liao Yu and Zheng Enxuan using the same perfume? Song Suying and Chen Fuzhen also like to use the same perfume.

Since Jin Xiyuan didn't get any substantial evidence that Song Yi and Liao Yu slept together, she had to put the matter aside for now.

"Mr. Song Yi, although you are the only passenger on our New Asia flight, according to aviation regulations, you cannot be rude to the stewardess of this flight, Ms. Jin Xiyuan, otherwise the security officer has the right to expel you from this flight. ." Jin Xiyuan quickly entered the role of stewardess.

"Ms. Jin Xiyuan, as a passenger, I am going to complain that you are not dressed properly. You did not put on your flight attendant uniform. It is too unprofessional for you to provide me with services in pajamas. How about we both review weightlessness at high altitudes first?" Under such circumstances, how did you help me with cardiopulmonary resuscitation and oral respiration?" Song Yi and Jin Xiyuan still cooperated very well.

When Song Yi and Jin Xiyuan were fighting over who got on and who got off the blanket, Liao Yu suddenly came to Song Yi's room.

When Liao Yu's footsteps sounded in the room, Jin Xiyuan thought it was Kim Tae Hee coming to find her. Jin Xiyuan was too frightened to move. She knew in her heart that Kim Tae Hee would not blame her for climbing into Song Yi's bed. After all, it was their consensus that the two sisters of Jin Xiyuan would join forces to support each other.

However, Song Yi recognized Liao Yu through the woman's figure at a glance. He was secretly happy. Since Liao Yu took the initiative to come to the door this time, Song Yi would definitely realize his ultimate dream of killing two birds with one stone.

Liao Yu thought Song Yi was the only one in the blanket. When she got into the blanket, she found that there was another woman in the blanket. Liao Yu knew that the person sleeping on the other side of Song Yi was either Jin Taixi or Jin Xiyuan. If she had to choose, she would rather the other woman was Jin Xiyuan.

Liao Yu is Song Yi's sister-in-law, and Jin Xiyuan is Song Yi's eldest sister-in-law. As Song Yi's women, both of them are a little embarrassed in their status.

Liao Yu feels that she and Jin Xiyuan still have a lot in common. Liao Yu is the spokesperson for Song Yi's career in the mainland. If there are other companies or individuals in the mainland who want to contact Song Yi to discuss cooperation, it will definitely be more effective to find Liao Yu than Li Yu from New Asia Network.

And Jin Xiyuan happens to be the spokesperson of Song Yi's career in South Korea, especially the media business. Korean media has selected a ranking list of female power in the Korean entertainment industry. Chen Meijing of CJ Entertainment topped the list, while Kim Hee-won ranked second. Behind Kim Hee-won were Barrunson Entertainment representative director Kim Min-sook and others.

Jun Ji-hyun, who became popular in Asia with "My Naughty Girlfriend" last year, also ranked among the top five in the Korean entertainment industry's female power rankings for the first time.

Liao Yu and Jin Xiyuan probably never dreamed that they would meet under the same blanket.

The embarrassed Jin Xiyuan was already ready to turn on the lights and leave Song Yi's room first, but Song Yi naturally couldn't let her do so.

Liao Yu and Jin Xiyuan seemed to have guessed Song Yi's little thoughts, and they were ready to join forces to take revenge on Song Yi. Who would have known that the next day, Song Yi went to watch the Chinese national team's game in high spirits, but Liao Yu and Jin Xiyuan were so sleepy that they almost fell asleep during the game.

Of course, the football match between the Chinese team and the Costa Rica team was indeed boring. The Chinese team did not organize decent offensive tactics. Moreover, not long after the game started, the main defender Sun Jihai of the Chinese team was injured and left the field, which cast a shadow over the game of the Chinese team.

In Song Yi's view, the strongest national football team is actually the Chinese national team in 1998. However, the Chinese team was not very lucky at that World Cup and failed to break through the top ten and reach the World Cup finals.

South Korea and Japan jointly applied for the World Cup. As hosts, South Korea and Japan automatically obtained a seat in the World Cup finals. In this way, the Chinese team has a much higher chance of qualifying.

At this time, national football coach Milu had been advocating "happy football" to the players. Perhaps Milu is not an experienced tactician, but she is indeed an excellent psychological adjustment master.

Milu knows that based on the current strength of the Chinese team, it is impossible to qualify from the group stage. Costa Rica is the weakest opponent the Chinese team has encountered in the group.

Jin Xiyuan was unwilling to go back to the company to rest. During the whole game, Jin Xiyuan kept napping.

After the referee blew the whistle to end the game, Song Yi stood up, and the score between Costa Rica and the Chinese team was fixed at 2-0.

The Chinese team lost to the Costa Rica team with a score of 0-2. The Chinese team had no choice but to start its World Cup journey with a defeat.

Kim Tae Hee, who was watching the football with Song Yi, originally wanted to comfort Song Yi, but she found that there was no sadness on Song Yi's face.

"OPPA, this is the first time for the Chinese team to participate in the World Cup. They have performed well to represent Asian teams in the World Cup." Kim Tae Hee felt sincerely.

Song Yi was not a senior football fan in his previous life. He usually only took time to watch the World Cup, European Cup and Champions League games of wealthy clubs.

He remembered that the Glazer family began to acquire Manchester United Football Club in early 2003, and finally completed the entire acquisition in June 2005. The Glazer family later reorganized the club. Manchester United is also the most commercially successful sports club representative in the world.

The Glazer family originally bought the Manchester United club for 800 million pounds. Eighteen years later, the Qatari consortium prepared to change the owner of Old Trafford Stadium for 6 billion pounds.

From an investment perspective, it is indeed a good investment deal for Song Yi to buy a top league team in the Premier League, Serie A and La Liga at this time.

But it's still early, and Song Yi can't come up with the hundreds of millions of dollars in acquisition funds. Zhou Mengzhun has already begun to persuade Song Yi to buy a football team in the Korean K-League to try the waters.

There are two Hyundai teams in the Korean K-League, namely Jeonbuk Hyundai and Ulsan Hyundai. The former is a football club owned by Hyundai Motor and the latter is a football club owned by Hyundai Heavy Industries.

In addition to the wealthy Hyundai Family, football clubs in the K-League that have been named by large consortiums include Suwon Samsung Blue Wings, Pohang Steelers, etc.

Although the Korean K-League is the top football league in South Korea, it has not implemented a promotion and relegation system. After the World Cup is over, Jeonbuk Hyundai will officially use the World Cup venue as its home stadium. Nicknamed "Jeonju Castle," the stadium can accommodate a total of 42,477 players.

Song Yi has no interest in adding a new team to the K-League. After the World Cup, the best destination for the stadiums built by South Korea for the World Cup is to become the home stadium of the K-League.

If Song Yi buys a team and can obtain the development rights of the land around a certain World Cup venue, he would be interested in participating. However, if there is such a good thing, it will be targeted by large consortiums such as Samsung, Hyundai Motor or Posco, and Song Yi, who joined later, will not be able to get a share of the pie.

Just after the afternoon game ended, Song Yi and his team flew back to Seoul from Gwangju. Kim Jong Kook, Cha Tae Hyun, Kim Hyung Soo and Chen Jae Chan went to the Busan Stadium together to watch the match between the South Korean team and Poland. This was also the South Korean team's first appearance at the World Cup.

As soon as Song Yi returned to Seoul, he and Jin Xiyuan sent Liao Yu to the airport. Before leaving, Liao Yu called Jin Xiyuan to the side and whispered some private words to her.

After last night's sleepover incident, the relationship between Liao Yu and Jin Xiyuan has obviously heated up a lot. While listening to Liao Yu's teachings, Jin Xiyuan glanced at Song Yi from time to time. Both women's faces were a little blushing.

After Liao Yu boarded the plane, Song Yi casually asked Jin Xiyuan what bad things Liao Yu said behind his back.

Jin Xiyuan smiled and said, "OPPA, this is a secret between me and Sister Liao Yu. I promise she can't tell you yet, but you are so smart, I believe you can guess it."

Song Yi thought for a moment and guessed, "Did she ask you to persuade you to sign more male artists or female artists with average looks, outstanding singing or acting skills, so that I won't attack the company's artists? After all, The rabbit hasn’t eaten the grass beside its nest yet.”

Jin Xiyuan smiled and said nothing when she heard what Song Yi said. Obviously Liao Yu was right. Song Yi is quite picky in her aesthetics, and even the average Korean beauty star Song Yi doesn't like her.

With the improvement of his social status, Song Yi basically received text messages or emails from certain starlets from time to time recommending themselves as pillow seats, but Song Yi chose to ignore them all. If it weren't for a beauties like Jun Ji-hyun or Song Hye-kyo, Song Yi wouldn't bother to bother.

Liao Yu and Jin Xiyuan have now reached a consensus, and they decided to join forces to prevent Song Yi from having any new situations. The two of them were caught off guard by Song Yi last night. If Song Yi followed suit next time and introduced new sisters to them under the quilt again, how could that be possible?

At night, the score between the South Korean team and the Polish team was also 2-0, which was the same as the post-match score of the Chinese team in their World Cup debut. The difference is that the Korean team completely defeated the Polish team, and the Chinese team completely defeated the Costa Rica team.

Not long after the game ended, there were already eager Korean fans posting in inschool.

"On June 4, the three teams of Hanhua and Japan all ushered in three games of the Korea-Japan World Cup. The Korean team defeated the Polish team 2-0, and the situation of qualifying for the group was excellent; Japan drew with Belgium 2-2 and still retained The hope of qualifying, the Chinese team completely defeated the Costa Rica team 0-2, the qualifying situation is slim. The Republic of Korea deserves to be the strongest football team in Asia, the light of Asia, praise, praise, praise!"

This inschool article was quickly marked as a 24-hour hot article by the inschool administrator, and many people reposted it.

Song Yi sneered in his heart. Although Japan stopped in the top 16, the Japanese team did not use the Korean team's extra-game tricks. You Korean fans advocate that the Korean team is the "light of Asia". In front of strong European teams such as Spain and Italy, the Korean team is the "shame of Asia."

Of course, Song Yi also knows that there is a gap in strength between the Chinese team and Costa Rica. The 0-2 score is not unacceptable, but Song Yi, who was watching the game at the scene, relived the Chinese team's World Cup trip, which made Song Yi feel a little uncomfortable. .

The Chinese Football Association has quietly given up the goal of the Chinese team to qualify with one win, one draw and one loss during the group stage. The leaders of the Chinese Football Association only hope to score goals in the last two games of the group stage. If they are eliminated in all three games A bald head looks too ugly.

Song Yi's heart moved, and he was thinking about whether to use the Chinese national team to promote inschool and the school network.

In October last year, the Chinese men's football team won the top ten tournament and qualified for the 2002 World Cup. Liao Yu and Zheng Yiping have noticed the huge commercial value of the Chinese men's football team and men's football coach Milu. They also studied whether to invite the Chinese men's football team to be the spokesperson for Xinya Advertising, but Song Yi refused.

Song Yi, who knew the results of the Chinese national team's group stage in advance, could not let New Asia Advertising sign the Chinese men's football team. First, the advertising endorsement fees for the Chinese men's football team were not cheap. If New Asia Advertising wanted to cooperate with the Chinese men's football team, Advertising fees are too high.

Secondly, after the World Cup is over, the commercial value of the Chinese men's football team will experience a major decline, and Song Yi does not need to take this risk.

If Chinese men's football players frequently appear in TV commercials, it will not give Chinese fans a good experience.

They may be thinking, "No wonder China has lost three consecutive games. The players are busy filming commercials to make money, so how can they bother to participate in games and training?"

A small number of fans will even mock the Chinese men's football team, "They were given 9 goals in three consecutive games and they didn't score a single goal. How can they have the nerve to shoot commercials? Businesses use the Chinese men's football team as spokespersons, so they are not afraid of losing money." Are they all gone?”

In order to make the Huaguo team realize their shame and be courageous, Song Yi posted a message on his personal inschool homepage, "If any player of the Huaguo men's football team scores a goal in the next two games, I will personally reward him with 1 million US dollars and an assist." The players also have $500,000!”

Korean netizens were the first to see Song Yi's post. They originally thought it was just a prank by someone. After they discovered that the official certification of Song Yi who posted the post was the chairman of New Asia Media Group and the CEO of New Asia Network Co., Ltd. Only then did they believe that Song Yi's news was not just talk.

Korean netizens who felt sour in their hearts and were not afraid of trouble after watching the excitement moved Song Yi's post intact to the Xiaonei network in the Mainland. Not long after, the Chinese men's football team also learned about the news.

A well-intentioned sports reporter also made a special trip to interview the corresponding officials of the Chinese Football Association and the forwards of the Chinese national team, asking them what they thought of Song Yi's development and whether they wanted to make relevant responses.

In 2002, 1 million U.S. dollars was equivalent to 8 million yuan, which could buy a dozen houses in Yanjing City. As a super rich man living in South Korea, no one doubts Song Yi's ability to deliver.

Fans feel that Song Yi's post is to motivate Chinese players. As the saying goes, there must be brave men under heavy rewards, not to mention the reward this time is as high as one million US dollars.

Some financial experts have already analyzed the truth. If a Chinese men's football player received a reward of US$1 million, how much tax would he have to pay. The Chinese men's football players who are in the whirlpool are very dissatisfied with Song Yi, because the pressure on them is really great now.

Thank you all for your monthly votes, see you all tomorrow

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