I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 158 Preparing to acquire Manchester United

As Turkey defeated Senegal 1-0, the top four of the World Cup were all announced, namely Brazil, Germany, South Korea and Turkey.

The semi-final schedule is at 18:30 Seoul time on June 25, South Korea will play Germany; at 18:30 on June 26, Brazil will play Turkey.

In the 4 quarter-finals, Brazil defeated England 2-1. This game is one of the few classic games in the World Cup between Korea and Japan.

In fact, England was in hot form in this World Cup. They defeated the favorite Argentina in the group stage and eliminated Denmark 3-0 in the 1/8 finals. If they didn't meet Brazil, England would have no problem reaching the final.

Michael Owen took the lead in scoring for England in the quarter-finals. Ronaldinho assisted unmarked Rivaldo in the 45th minute. Rivaldo scored from the far corner of the goal to equalize the score.

In the second half, Ronaldinho faced England goalkeeper Seaman and scored an incredible direct free kick to help the Brazilian team complete the overtake. In the end, the Brazilian team advanced to the semi-finals.

The protagonist of the match between Brazil and England is Ronaldinho, while the protagonist of South Korea and Spain is still the referee.

In the 50th minute of the second half, Spanish team player Joaquin was violated. De Pedro took a free kick. South Korean Kim Tae-young accidentally headed the ball into his own goal.

Just as the Spanish team was preparing to celebrate the goal, referee Handul signaled that the Spanish team had committed a foul first and the goal was invalid. Replays of the game showed that the Spanish team did not make any obvious foul moves.

Although the Koreans always wanted to score goals, there was a gap in strength, and it was forced into overtime.

In the 93rd minute, Joaquin made a pass, and Morientes jumped high and headed the ball into the goal. Linesman Lagunas immediately raised the flag, indicating that the ball had gone out of bounds when Joaquin passed the ball and the goal was invalid.

The slow-motion replay of the game showed that the ball did not completely cross the sideline, and the linesman blew away Spain's wonderful goal.

However, Spain's bad luck was not over yet. In the 111th minute, Morientes passed the ball to Enrique in seconds, and the ball was once again ruled offside by the linesman. There is no doubt that the ball was not offside, and Morientes, who protested to the referee, received a yellow card.

In the 119th minute, Spain could have had a corner kick opportunity, but referee Handul directly declared the end of overtime and started a penalty shootout.

When the game was abruptly dragged into a penalty shootout, the Spanish team's mentality had fluctuated when faced with multiple goals being called off. Tens of thousands of Korean home fans once again supported the Korean team one-sidedly. In the final penalty shootout, Spain lost 3-5. Enemy South Korean team.

In the penalty shootout, the young player Joaquin, who performed particularly well in this game, experienced an entire game of large-scale defense and the referee's unreasonable penalties. His mentality was already unbalanced in the penalty shootout and he missed the ball.

The slow motion of the game shows that when facing Joaquin, the South Korean goalkeeper made a very obvious move in advance to expand his defensive actions, but Handul, who was close at hand, still turned a blind eye.

It is worth mentioning that the referee of this game, Handul, kept saying that this game was the best game of his career, and the accusations from the outside world were just "the cry of a loser, trying to use him as a scapegoat."

It's true that Handul said he had the best performance. After all, this should be Handul's highest-earning match as a referee. His income in one game can exceed his referee income in his entire career.

In this World Cup, the National Football Association is facing fierce factional struggles, and the African Football Association is a strong supporter of Zhou Mengzhun. In the match between South Korea and Spain, referee Handul and linesman Lagunas were both from Africa.

Blatter can tolerate the Korean team reaching the semi-finals, but it is impossible to tolerate the Koreans reaching the World Cup finals with the help of black whistles. Then the World Cup in South Korea and Japan will become a complete laughing stock.

Under the mediation of German football legend Beckenbauer, Blatter temporarily replaced the referee of South Korea's match against Germany and used a Swiss referee.

Beckenbauer also met with FIFA Vice President Zhou Mengzhun, and the two had a confidential discussion. Zhou Mengzhun promised that the Korean team players would not take fierce fighting actions against the German team players. Obviously, if the Koreans use this tactic again without the help of the referee, the European referees will not be used to the Korean team.

Beckenbauer is the chairman of the organizing committee of the 2006 World Cup in Germany. His voice in FIFA is more important than Zhou Mengzhun, and Zhou Mengzhun will naturally give up when things get better.

On June 25, the South Korean team played against the German team. The German team eliminated the South Korean team 1-0 with Ballack's goal. Zhou Mengzhun and the Koreans' dream of winning the World Cup came to an abrupt end. Blatter breathed a sigh of relief. The Korean farce was finally over.

As Brazil also defeated Turkey 1-0 in the semifinals, there are only two games left in this World Cup. In the third and fourth place finals on June 29, South Korea faced Turkey.

At 18:00 on June 30th, Germany played against Brazil. However, Ballack missed the final due to a yellow card he received against the South Korean team. Two yellow cards accumulated and one red card in the knockout round.

Kim Hyung-soo was very sad. He felt that the Korean team's luck had completely run out. He no longer had the heart to watch the third-place and fourth-place finals held on the 29th.

Song Yi secretly laughed in his heart. If the Koreans really relied on the referees to reach the finals and appeared at the Yokohama International Arena, the final venue, the Japanese would probably be angry to death.

He comforted Kim Hyung-soo, "Okay, I'm going to the Paju training base today to express my condolences to the Korean team players. Do you want to come with me?"

Kim Hyung-soo became excited all of a sudden. The Korean men's football team is now a god-like existence in the hearts of Koreans. He has long wanted to get Park Ji-sung's photo and autograph.

"Of course I want to go together. I will be your assistant today. Thank you, brother-in-law. By the way, do you want to call Brother Zhongguo and Brother Taehyun?" Jin Hyungsoo hesitated.

Kim Hyung-soo became good friends with Kim Jong-kook and Cha Tae-hyun during the World Cup. The three of them often went to watch the South Korean team's games together, sometimes with Chen Jae-chan.

Song Yi thought about it and decided to ask Kim Hyung-soo to call Kim Jong-guo and Cha Tae-hyun and ask him to sell their favors. Unexpectedly, Chen Zaican didn't know where he got the news, so he called Song Yi and asked why he didn't inform him about such a good thing, and Song Yi had no choice but to agree.

In the end, Song Yi, Kim Hee-won, Kim Hyung-soo, Kim Jong-kook, Cha Tae-hyun, and Chen Jae-chan went to the Paju football training base together. Song Yi plans to ask New Asia's agent to sign Park Ji-sung. If Park Ji-sung lands in the Eredivisie, he will have considerable commercial value as Asia's number one star.

Song Yi was slightly startled when he saw Cui Shanji. He knew that Cui Shanji was not really interested in football, so he didn't expect that she would join in the fun today.

Cui Shanji saw Song Yi's expression and joked with Song Yi, "What? President Song doesn't seem to welcome me today?"

Jin Xiyuan smiled and said, "How could it be? Sister Shan Ji happens to be with you, so I won't be so embarrassed. Sister Shan Ji is dressed so beautifully today."

Cui Shanji wore a relatively simple and dignified dress today, wearing a black high-waisted dress with the hem reaching above her knees. She wore a short suit of the same color outside the skirt. A diamond brooch on the suit was the highlight of her outfit today. This outfit is also the standard outfit for Korean ladies and ladies.

Unlike actresses in the entertainment industry, Cui Shanji focuses on optimizing her body shape, and the high-waist design makes her look taller. At the same time, she pursues low-key luxury, simplicity and elegance, and simple colors, which highlights her temperament as a wealthy lady.

Cui Shanji held Jin Xiyuan's hand affectionately, "Xiyuan still knows how to speak. By the way, I heard that your agency wants to sign the entire national football team?"

Jin Xiyuan opened her mouth in surprise, "How is that possible? If we want to sign the entire national football team, how much will it cost the company? We are only interested in one or two of the players, but we are still in contact."

Song Yi felt relieved. He had just had a passionate moment with Cui Shanji in the entrance hall of her home a few days ago. Now it was a bit unnatural to see Cui Shanji again. However, Cui Shanji looked very natural, talking and laughing with everyone.

The Paju training base is located in the mountainous area in the north of Seoul, surrounded by green mountains and beautiful scenery. The Korean Football Training Base and the Korean Football Association are located here. The Korean men's football team and the Korean Olympic team both train at this base.

When Song Yi and his team showed up at the Paju training base, Zhou Mengzhun was waiting for their arrival at the base.

As soon as Song Yi saw Zhou Mengzhun, he quickly stepped forward to say hello to Zhou Mengzhun, "Uncle Mengzhun, congratulations to the Korean team for reaching the semi-finals and creating history for Asian teams."

Zhou Mengzhun looked good, but he felt a little regretful. If the South Korean team's opponent in the semifinals was not the powerful German team, then he would still have room to manipulate the game.

"Without you enthusiastic fans who care about Korean football, the Korean team would not have reached the semi-finals." Zhou Mengzhun was modest.

Zhou Mengzhun is right. Without the funds provided by Song Yi to Zhou Mengzhun in the name of sponsoring the World Cup, Zhou Mengzhun would not have been able to deal with certain FIFA officials and knockout stage referees so easily.

He guessed that Song Yi wanted to influence the outcome of the game through him, but he didn't know that Song Yi actually made a billion dollars through the game between South Korea and Italy. At first he thought Song Yi was making money through the World Cup underground lottery.

Hyundai Group is also a shareholder of Shinhan Media. After Zhou Mengzhun greeted Song Yi, he chatted a few more words with Chen Zaican. For artists like Cha Tae Hyun and Kim Jong Kook, Zhou Mengzhun had no interest in contacting them, so he asked Manager Jin of the Competition Department of the Korean Football Association to take Song Yi and the others to meet the Korean men's football team.

The reason why Song Yi wants to sign Park Ji-sung is to prepare in advance for the acquisition of Manchester United. In addition to the Asian market, Song Yi is also preparing to fully promote inschool in the European market. Having a top European football team can help inschool open the European market faster.

The Glazer family began to acquire Manchester United in March 2003 and did not complete the acquisition until June 2005. A total of 790 million pounds of funds were used in the entire acquisition process, and these funding sources were divided into three parts:

First, the Glazer family invested a total of 250 million pounds;

Second, the Glazer family used Manchester United's Old Trafford stadium and training base as collateral to borrow 265 million pounds from JPMorgan Chase.

Third, the Glazer family borrowed 275 million pounds from three American hedge funds using high interest rates and 30% of the shares of Manchester United as collateral.

In other words, the Glazer family actually only invested 250 million pounds to win the Manchester United club.

After the Glazer family bought 98% of the shares of Manchester United, the Glazer family privatized the club and officially delisted it from the stock market.

For the Glazer family, buying Manchester United is a business. They don't care how many league titles or Big Ear Cups Manchester United can win, they only care whether Manchester United can make money.

Since Glazer took over Manchester United, Manchester United has only won one Champions League in 18 years. Of course, this is not the credit of the Glazer family, but is just the afterglow of the Ferguson era. Manchester United originally had the best player in the world, Cristiano Ronaldo, but Ronaldo switched to Real Madrid.

If Song Yi buys Manchester United before the Glazer family, and Manchester United signs Park Ji-sung and Dong Fangzhuo, Manchester United's business development in the Asian market will naturally be worth looking forward to.

In 2004, Manchester United signed 19-year-old Dong Fangzhuo. In 2008, Dong Fangzhuo of the Olympic team scored the only goal for the Olympic team.

Song Yi believes that the reason why Dong Fangzhuo failed to succeed in the European arena is actually similar to the problem of NBA's Yi Jianlian.

Dong Fangzhuo is not very talkative, and his English level is difficult to reach the level of daily communication. As a result, he is a little shy when facing the coaching staff and teammates and cannot express his thoughts.

Later, he suffered a serious injury, and the recovery time was longer than the game. As a result, Manchester United completely lost confidence in him. Therefore, Dong Fangzhuo's personal achievements, which were highly anticipated by mainland fans, did not meet everyone's expectations.

In addition to Park Ji-sung and Dong Fangzhuo, Song Yi also targeted Manchester United's future signings at South Korea's post-90s star Son Heung-han. The reason why Song Yi came to the Paju training base in South Korea to express condolences this time was because he wanted to understand and learn about South Korea's youth training system.

Song Yi has no interest in becoming the savior of Chinese football. No matter how powerful the power of capital is, it cannot fight against some of the chronic diseases of the national football team. However, with the platform of Manchester United, he can help Asian players achieve higher personal achievements in the European arena than before.

Manager Jin also introduced the situation of the Paju training base to Song Yi. The Korean Football Association's office building and the entire football field were built independently by the Korean Football Association, and the Korean government did not provide any funds.

As a private sports organization, the Korean Football Association is responsible for its own profits and losses and operates independently. The Korean government has no reason to fund the Football Association.

The Football Association's main income comes from commercial sponsorship, which is also their most important source of income. Song Yi also saw SHINA billboards around the football training ground.

Jin Xiyuan was surprised because she noticed that these billboards were all well-known Korean companies. When she saw Xinya's billboards, she naturally felt proud.

Song Yi smiled and said nothing. The sponsorship fee he provided to Zhou Mengzhun would not be a problem even if the billboards in the training ground were covered. But this is also the advantage of Zhou Mengzhun. Others will do things for you after receiving money, unlike some people who will not do things for you even after receiving money.

At this time, Manager Jin ran to Korean head coach Hiddink and introduced the purpose of Song Yi and his party. Hiddink obviously didn't look very good.

In his opinion, the South Korean team's World Cup is not over yet, and he does not want to give up the third or fourth place finals between South Korea and Turkey. Hiddink hopes that his coaching experience in this World Cup will help him gain the favor of a wealthy European club or be able to coach a European national team.

Song Yi noticed Hiddink's expression, but he didn't take it seriously. He believed that Hiddink would welcome him very much later. He was here to give warmth to the Korean team this time.

As the head coach of the national team, Hiddink does not have to sell the face of the competition department director, but he must sell the face of Zhou Mengzhun. As a member of the modern family, Song Yi already enjoys privileges in the Korean Football Association.

Manager Jin introduced Song Yi to the members of the Korean national team. 23 members of the Korean national team stood in two rows and then greeted Song Yi together.

Song Yi had previously shot a travel promotional video for the Korean men's football team. Park Ji-sung, Ahn Jung-hwan, and Li Yun had known Song Yi for a long time.

During the group stage, Song Yi announced on inschool that as long as Chinese men's football players score goals against Brazil and Turkey, Song Yi will award a goal reward of US$1 million, and assist players will also receive US$500,000.

After the Korean men's football players saw this news, they were extremely jealous of the Chinese men's football players. Later, when they saw that the Chinese men's football team did not score a goal, they began to gloat.

Now the opponents of the South Korean team in the third and fourth place finals happen to be the Turkish team that the Chinese team once faced. Some Korean team members are already hoping that Song Yi can reward the Korean team heavily.

Song Yi praised the Korean players who performed well during the World Cup, including veteran Huang Shanhong who scored against the United States, Ahn Jung-hwan who scored a header against Italy, and Park Ji-sung who scored against Portugal in the group stage, 1/4 Goalkeeper Li Yunjae, who kept a clean sheet in the final, and so on.

The Korean players felt very happy. It turned out that Song Yi had been paying attention to their games. So when Song Yi came to express condolences to them this time, was he here to give them bonuses? Korean players fantasized.

After Song Yi praised the players, he explained his purpose of coming. He didn't have a good impression of Turkey either. He hoped that the South Korean team could give Turkey a good beating.

"Some people think that the third or fourth place finals are useless, because whether they are third place or third place, they are still the top four. Even the participation bonuses issued by FIFA are no different, but I don't think so."

"I hope you can continue your good performance in the game on the 29th and teach the Turkish team a hard lesson to let them know who is the strongest team in Asia!" Song Yi started to encourage.

Ahn Jung Hwan questioned, "President Song, Turkey should be a European team, right?"

Song Yi said: "Geographically speaking, Turkey is indeed an Asian country, but they have been moving closer to Europe, just like Japan next door, hoping to leave Asia and join Europe."

"I won't give you any free money! Let's talk about money! In this game, as long as you can defeat Turkey, you will get a game bonus of 5 million US dollars! If anyone can score a goal in the game, a goal of 100 Ten thousand US dollars, assists are also 500,000 US dollars! As long as there is no upper limit for your goals, there is no upper limit for the bonus!" Song Yi's words made the Korean players excited.

After Hiddink heard what the translator said, he was stunned. He knew that Song Yi was a famous entrepreneur in South Korea, but he didn't expect that Song Yi would attach so much importance to the third and fourth place finals. People who didn't know it thought he had some trouble with the Turks. Woolen cloth.

At this time, Park Ji-sung took the initiative to ask the question that everyone was most concerned about, "President Song, what if we don't defeat Turkey in the end, but some players still score goals?"

"Although Turkey has also entered the semi-finals, it has never met any strong team from the beginning to the end. Its opponent in the semi-finals is Senegal in Africa. You have successively eliminated two strong European teams, Italy and Spain. Is this confidence enough? No?" Song Yi pretended to be unhappy.

"If you can't even beat Turkey, then the goal award and assist award will be halved. The goal award will be 500,000 US dollars and the assist award will be 250,000 US dollars." Song Yi said.

See you tomorrow, the 2002 South Korean team and the Turkish team, which team do you hate more?

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