I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 181 Just got into trouble with Chosun Ilbo

The next morning, Chen Xinyu met Song Yi who kept yawning in the cafeteria of Xinya Building.

She was a little curious, "President, didn't you take a rest yesterday?"

Song Yi glanced at Chen Xinyu, "Yesterday I went to the prosecutor's office to help write notes. I got home late, so I didn't sleep well." Song Yi was always embarrassed to tell Chen Xinyu that he and her sister were acting recklessly last night, which caused him I still have some back pain.

Chen Xinyu obviously also knew something about the inside story. She had a better impression of Song Yi who was willing to stand up for Li Enzhu, so she took the initiative and said: "Then I will go buy breakfast for the president, Xiaolongbao with iced soy milk?"

Song Yi really didn't want to move, "Thank you Xinyu. I'll lie down in my position for a while."

Song Yi, who was sleepy as a dog, hadn't slept for a while when he was gently pushed awake again. Before he could get angry, he found Jiang Xiuna who was smiling like a flower.

Song Yi braced herself up and said, "Xiu Na, are you back to work? Is your wedding leave over?"

Jiang Xiuna was obviously looking very good, "There are still two days of wedding leave, but I heard that the company has a lot of things going on these two days, so I want to come back early to help."

Today, Jiang Souna wore a patterned suspender belt and a yellow skirt. Her hair was tied into a single ponytail, giving her a laid-back look as if she had just returned from vacation.

"Where did you go on your honeymoon?" Song Yi asked for a topic.

"I mainly went to Northern Europe, including Iceland, Denmark, and Norway, and I also saw the long-awaited aurora in Svalbard." Jiang Xiuna was full of happiness.

At this time, Chen Xinyu came over with breakfast. When Chen Xinyu saw Jiang Xiuna, she was slightly startled, "Good morning, Secretary Jiang, have you had breakfast?"

When Jiang Xiuna found Chen Xinyu sitting at Song Yi's table, she realized that Chen Xinyu had bought breakfast for Song Yi. Jiang Xiuna inevitably had some gossip in her heart. When did Song Yi become so familiar with Chen Xinyu?

"I've already eaten, President, I'll go up first and see you later." Jiang Xiuna was very discerning and left Song Yi and Chen Xinyu alone.

Chen Xinyu asked Song Yi in a low voice, their heads almost touching each other, "President, I heard that the rich people Li Enzhu entertained include Jin Gehao and his son from Lotte. Is this true?"

Song Yi was speechless. He didn't expect the little princess of Samsung to be so gossipy. Wouldn't it be nice if you asked your sister this question?

"This has not been confirmed yet," Song Yi said.

Chen Xinyu looked happy, "An elder introduced me to a blind date with Lotte's third-generation grandson. Fortunately, I didn't agree. Singhao is not a good man. How many of his grandchildren can be successful? Moreover, President Singhao has stayed in Korea for so long. , you can’t even speak Korean, so marrying into such a family is really bad luck for eight lifetimes, right?”

Song Yi thinks Chen Xinyu, who has a clear distinction between love and hate, is quite cute, although a bit childish. "Xinyu, why did you want to intern at Xinya Network in the first place?"

Chen Xinyu took a sip of milk, then raised her head and glanced at Song Yi. She said, "Actually, it was because I couldn't register an inschool account, so I wanted to intern at Xinya Network. Who knew that not long after I joined Xinya Network, Inschool has fully relaxed the restrictions on registration in inschool, and Korean users over 19 years old can register."

Chen Xinyu is a little aggrieved. Is the rule of co-authoring Xinya Network only for her?

Song Yi coughed. The reason why New Asia Network initially restricted juniors and seniors from Ewha Womans University from registering in school was to restrict Chen Xinyu from registering in school.

After all, Chen Xinyu previously registered a CYworld account and posted the daily life of a wealthy princess on it, which made Chen Jianxi very dissatisfied. Now that the number of Korean users of inschool has officially exceeded 20 million, and the registration restrictions for adult users have been fully relaxed, there is no need to separately restrict Chen Xinyu.

"Xinyu, I found that you are very talented in game production and hope to become a first-class game producer in Korea. I will let you participate in the whole process from game development to operation. Sooner or later, Xinya Network's game production department will Independent, my goal is to make New Asia Games the largest online game company in South Korea. If you work hard in the company, I believe your future achievements will definitely be no less than Chairman Chen Mingxi of New World Group and your eldest sister." Song Yi quickly gave Chen Xinyu painted a big cake.

Chen Xinyu didn't believe it, "President, my aunt Chen Mingxi is the first female entrepreneur in South Korea whose personal assets exceed one trillion won. You said that my wealth will exceed that of my aunt, unless my future husband is the richest man in South Korea."

Song Yi felt that the atmosphere was a bit strange. He fully believed that he would become the richest man in South Korea and even Asia. However, he and Kim Tae Hee have already obtained the certificate, and it is impossible for Chen Jianxi to let his favorite daughter give Song Yi a baby.

Chen Xinyu felt that it was a bit ambiguous to talk to Song Yi about her future spouse selection requirements, so she hurriedly finished her breakfast and went up first.

She lowered her head in the elevator, her face slightly red, "Why did I say that my future husband is the richest man in South Korea? Song Yi is now South Korea's young billionaire. Many financial experts predict that Song Yi will replace his father as the richest man in the world." The new richest man in South Korea. What if Song Yi just misunderstood that I have a crush on him? He has a girlfriend."

Song Yi saw Chen Xinyu almost running away and burst into laughter. His sister-in-law seemed a bit naive?

He picked up the last meat bun, dipped it in chili sauce, and stuffed it in with a look of satisfaction on his face. He has decided that if he moves to the new headquarters building, he must persuade the xiaolongbao shop in the cafeteria to move there. He will never be able to eat such an authentic Chinese breakfast in Korea again.

After breakfast, Song Yi couldn't help but yawn. He took the elevator back to the top floor. He hoped that there would be nothing to deal with in the morning, so that he could nap in the office for a while to catch up on his sleep.

However, Cui Shanji's appearance obviously broke Song Yi's dream. She hurriedly rushed into the office and said, "President, there is something wrong with the Chosun Ilbo."

Song Yi looked at the newspaper. There were three photos in the Chosun Ilbo, one of him and Li Eun-joo sitting in the prosecutor's office car, and one of him being interviewed at the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office.

The title of "Chosun Ilbo" is also very confusing, "A young actress accuses the outside world of hidden rules, and a trillion-won millionaire is involved in the case and is investigated by the prosecutor." Such a title and accompanying picture can easily mislead the public, making everyone think that Song Yi also received sexual services from Li Enzhu.

Cui Shanji looked remorseful, "This is actually my fault. As a witness, there is no need for you to go to the prosecutor's office with Li Enzhu. After all, you have to avoid suspicion."

Song Yi looked relaxed, "Does the Chosun Ilbo think that it has slandered Song Woo-seok before and is safe and sound, which means they can blame others at will? Remember to collect evidence and go directly to the Seoul court to sue, saying that the Chosun Ilbo harmed me. I want the Chosun Ilbo to make a public apology to me in the most prominent section of their newspaper, and if they don’t agree, I will demand $100 million in moral compensation.”

Cui Shanji thought she heard wrongly, "How much did you say the claim was? US$100 million?"

Song Yi said: "Yes, you heard it right, we are claiming 100 million US dollars. As the saying goes, if you ask for a high price, you will pay the money on the spot, and you will pay the money on the spot. They, Chosun Ilbo, don't like to make up stories out of thin air. They want to hype, so I will cooperate." Give them a try and help sell their newspapers."

Cui Shanji was delighted. The daily circulation of "Chosun Ilbo" exceeded 2.5 million copies, making it the largest newspaper in South Korea. Why do they need Song Yi to help sell newspapers?

Song Yi also had his own considerations in choosing to sue Chosun Ilbo. Song Yi had already told many New Millennium Democratic Party members such as Song Woo-seok, Park Dong-ho, and Zhou Dongyong that New Asia Media Real Estate Group was preparing to apply for a wireless television license.

Song Woo-seok was fed up with the wanton smearing of him and his family by Chosun Ilbo and Dong-A Ilbo during the New Millennium Democratic Party's internal campaign. Of course, he supported New Asia to build its own TV station.

Zhou Dongyong was a well-known MBC news anchor before he was elected as a member of Congress. If Xinya establishes a wireless TV station, he has already set his sights on being the first director.

After the establishment of New Asia Wireless TV Station, it was destined to compete with KBS, SBS, MBC, Chosun Ilbo, Dong-A Ilbo and JoongAng Ilbo. Obviously, Song Yuxi and Zhou Dongyong definitely support Song Yi's tougher attitude towards "Chosun Ilbo".

There are many pro-Japanese factions in the top management of Chosun Ilbo, so it is not surprising to discredit Song Woo-seok and Song Yi.

"Son Ji, you have to understand this. In this kind of reputation infringement case, even if the court rules against the Chosun Ilbo, the most it can do is to order the newspaper to publicly apologize and then pay a symbolic compensation of 10 to 20 million won. Do you think the Chosun Ilbo cares about this? Do you want some money? That’s why they are so confident in fabricating fake news.”

"If the government comes forward to shut down the Chosun Ilbo for rectification, they will use the excuse of press freedom. The so-called press freedom is originally a lie concocted by the West in order to penetrate other countries. Now I can spend 200 million US dollars to buy the Washington Post "Do you think the White House will agree? They will only use the excuse of endangering national security to block my acquisition."

"I also look down on the compensation offered by the Chosun Ilbo. It is better to propose an amount that the Chosun Ilbo cannot afford to compensate, which shows my refusal to mediate. Believe me, in South Korea, those who are dissatisfied with the Chosun Ilbo There are far more people than those who support it. Chosun Ilbo wants to see my jokes, and I also want to see Chosun Ilbo’s jokes!" Song Yi said to Cui Shanhui.

"Understood, I will now notify the company's legal team to handle this private prosecution case." Cui Shanji said.

Chosun Ilbo originally wanted to publish the same report together with Dong-A Ilbo to create public opinion. As a result, Choi Won-seok, chairman of East Asia Group, finally gave up publishing the article because his daughter Choi Sun-hee was serving as the public relations director of New Asia Media Real Estate Group.

It has to be said that the legal team that New Asia Media Real Estate Group spent a lot of money to support is very efficient. Cui Shanji just handed over the task on the first day, and the Seoul Court officially opened the case the next day.

When "Chosun Ilbo" received the summons from the Seoul court, President Fang of "Chosun Ilbo" felt very ridiculous.

"Is Song Yi a lunatic? Even if he encounters false reports, shouldn't he communicate with the newspaper as soon as possible and ask the newspaper to withdraw the corresponding report? What does he mean by directly going to court to sue? Why, he wants money. crazy?"

At this time, the legal affairs officer of the newspaper told President Fang even more bad news, "President, Song Yi seems to be really crazy about money this time. He used Chosun Ilbo to seriously infringe on his personal reputation and cause him personal consequences. On the grounds that it has caused great mental harm and has had a very negative impact on the reputation of New Asia Media Real Estate Group, we are seeking compensation from our newspaper company totaling US$100 million."

President Fang was completely crazy now, "100 million US dollars? Ha! Isn't this blackmail? Does he think he is in the United States? He can claim 100 million US dollars in compensation just by filing a lawsuit?"

The legal officer looked very serious, "President, Song Yi's claim is not simply a lion's mouth. New Asia Media Real Estate Group said that their company is preparing to promote a backdoor listing plan, and most of the preparations for the listing plan have been completed."

"New Asia's legal team said that it was precisely because of Chosun Ilbo's slander against Song Yi that many investors gave up supporting New Asia Media Real Estate's backdoor listing plan. Not only that, these investors also asked Song Yi to repurchase their previous purchases shares of New Asia Media Real Estate Group.”

“If New Asia Media Real Estate Group is successfully listed, according to the financial data disclosed by their company, the total market value of the company’s listing will not be less than five trillion won (approximately 30 billion yuan). From this perspective, Song Yi’s claim for compensation is one The mental and economic losses of 100 million US dollars are not outrageous." The legal affairs department analyzed it carefully.

President Fang was stunned when he heard what the legal officer said, "According to what you said, if we lose the lawsuit, is it really possible for us to compensate New Asia Media Real Estate Group for US$100 million?"

The legal officer denied, "This is not true, after all, there is no punitive damages in our Korean law. However, if the lawsuit is lost, the amount of compensation will definitely not be settled by 20 million won (120,000 yuan)."

President Fang understood what the legal affairs department meant. If Xinya wins the lawsuit, "Chosun Ilbo" is likely to have to pay hundreds of millions or even billions of won in sky-high compensation. No matter how big a company is, "Chosun Ilbo" cannot afford it. Several reputational lawsuits.

He was a little unhappy. He remembered that there was a female reporter in the newspaper who had dealt with Song Yi several times, and he was going to talk to Song Yi privately. "Chosun Ilbo" issued a follow-up report clarifying that New Asia Media Real Estate withdrew the lawsuit to the court. We are all media people, there is no need to fight and kill, and peace will make money.

When Lu Qiuyan understood the purpose of her president's visit, she felt very speechless. When newspapers published negative reports about Song Yi, she clearly expressed her objections. However, her opinions were not taken seriously by senior management.

Now Chosun Ilbo is being sued by Xinya. If they don't want to pay sky-high compensation, they will go to Song Yi to seek peace. If they had known about this, why bother in the first place?

Through Jin Taixi's endorsement of Sanduoshui, Lu Qiuyan knew how good Song Yi was at dealing with things. On the surface, Song Yi was a friendly person, but once you offended him, he would kill you without caring about human feelings at all. The shopping mall is like a battlefield. Chosun Ilbo insists on being the leader to provoke the New Asia Department. If Song Yi doesn't punish him, who will he punish?

Lu Qiuyan was wearing a pink suit today, with two buttons of her white shirt unbuttoned, highlighting her curvy figure.

President Fang looked at his beautiful reporter, and then remembered the rumors that Song Yi liked beauties, and he had an idea in his mind, "Well, you help me make an appointment with President Song. I'll treat him to a meal, and we can all sit down at the wine table." Let’s have a good chat and resolve any misunderstandings. Since you are an acquaintance of President Song, let’s have dinner together tonight. If you can convince President Song to give up the prosecution, I will take credit for your credit.”

Lu Qiuyan was even more reluctant. Not only did she have to go through the thankless task of inviting Song Yi, but she also had to play the role of a bartender. However, President Fang is the top leader of Chosun Ilbo, and she does not dare to offend her boss at the risk of losing her job.

"Let's see, I'll go to Xinya Building to do some outdoor shooting, but it depends on my luck whether I can get President Song to come out." Lu Qiuyan said.

President Fang was very pleased. He thought that Lu Qiuyan took the initiative to use a honey trap in front of Song Yi, and thought that Lu Qiuyan was not as inflexible as her colleagues said. If Song Yi can sleep with this beauty, will he also have the opportunity to get involved with this beautiful and capable female subordinate?

Obviously, Lu Qiuyan's attempt to meet Song Yi failed. When she registered at the front desk of Xinya Building and showed her identity, she was directly rejected by the front desk.

"Sorry, according to the company's latest regulations, Xinya Building does not accept appointments from any newspaper or television reporters." The girl at the front desk was businesslike.

"I am an acquaintance of your president, and I am also very familiar with your president's girlfriend, Ms. Kim Tae Hee. I am reporter Lu Qiuyan. If your president hears my name, he may be willing to see me. If you are good at making decisions , and shut out her guests. In the end, your president may blame you when he finds out." Lu Qiuyan reminded with "kindness".

The little girl at the front desk hesitated. Just when she didn't know what to do, Cui Shanji came to the front desk to get the documents. The little girl met her savior, and she quickly ran to Cui Shanji and reported the incident.

Of course Cui Shanji recognized Lu Qiuyan, but she knew that it was impossible for Song Yi to reconcile with Chosun Ilbo. The reason why Song Yi wants to file this lawsuit is to establish his authority by killing chickens and monkeys. Otherwise, any cat or dog in Korea will come to provoke Song Yi and Xinya's dignity.

"Reporter Lu, right? Sorry, our president is accompanying Mayor Park to inspect the Cheonggyecheon River these two days. He is not interested in meeting any reporters. Please come back." Cui Shanji said very politely.

Lu Qiuyan didn't want to go back home, "Then can I wait for President Song at your company? After all, President Song and I have known each other for two years, and he might want to see me."

Cui Shanji looked at Lu Qiuyan, who had exquisite makeup, and looked her up and down, making Lu Qiuyan feel like she was being looked down upon.

"Our president wants to meet you? Hahaha, did Reporter Lu overestimate his position in our president's heart? I don't even remember that our president has any beautiful reporter friends." Cui Shanji said unceremoniously.

When Lu Qiuyan heard what Cui Shanji said, she felt very humiliated. She was too embarrassed to stay in Xinya Building. She picked up her bag and left Xinya Building angrily. The clicking of high heels on the marble floor of the reception hall was very harsh.

When President Fang learned that Lu Qiuyan had returned without success, his expression finally became solemn, "Song Yi is still interested in accompanying Mayor Park Donghao to inspect the Cheonggyecheon River. It seems that he really doesn't take the lawsuit to heart. Why are you so confident in winning this reputation infringement case?" But a month later, President Fang knew what Song Yi was relying on.

At the end of September, the Seoul Court heard the Lee Eun-joo case in a closed trial. Kim Sung-hoon, the representative director of The Contents Entertainment, was sentenced to seven years in prison and fined 1.146 billion won for sex trafficking intermediary crimes, special injury crimes, and rape crimes. . Lee Eun-joo's agent Park and SK Telecom Vice President Choi were also sentenced to three years and five years in prison respectively. They were also fined 200 million won and 560 million won.

In fact, in addition to Kim Sung-hoon, Park and Choi, the court also issued different sentences to other people who received sexual services from Lee Eun-joo, including Kim Gak-ho and his son from the Lotte Group. However, they were all sentenced to suspended sentences, except for providing sexual services to Lee Eun-joo. In addition to Lee Eun-joo's apology, they also have to pay hundreds of millions of won in mental and financial compensation.

The three major TV stations and the three major newspapers tried to interview the specific details of Li Eun-joo's trial. However, in order to protect the privacy of the victim Li Eun-joo, the court remained tight-lipped on the specific details of the case. Even though some reporters wanted to report on the specific list of people involved in the Lee Eun-joo case, these reporters were warned by relevant parties and gave up.

Media reporters discovered that after the verdict, Lee Eun-joo was no longer in South Korea, as if she had disappeared from South Korea.

At this time, an account named Li Eun-joo suddenly appeared on inschool. She posted a statement on inschool to withdraw from the group, and then disappeared from the public eye again.

"Hello everyone, I am actor Lee Eun-joo. I know that many people are paying attention to my unspoken case, and thank you for your concern. I am currently starting a new life abroad alone, and the darkest days are over."

"Starting today, I will retire from the entertainment industry indefinitely and will no longer appear in front of everyone as an actor. I want to say sorry to the fans who care about me and love me, but I really can't bear everyone's attention. From now on, I just want to I will spend the rest of my life quietly as an ordinary person, and please forgive me for my selfishness."

"Actually, the reason why I chose to publish this withdrawal statement in inschool is to clarify some rumors. The Chosun Ilbo reported last month that President Song Yi also received sexual services from me. I hereby make a serious statement that there is no This is what happened. Chairman Song Yi appeared at the Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office as a witness in my case, but was eventually taken out of context by some unscrupulous media to slander Chairman Song Yi’s personal reputation.”

"On August 25, I went to the premiere of "Memories of Murder" and I happened to sit next to Chairman Song. The plot of the movie "Memories of Murder" in which a female student was raped aroused my great interest in watching the movie. It was uncomfortable, so I was on my knees in fear.”

"President Song Yi was concerned about my safety and patted me on the shoulder. I thought of the painful memories of being violated before, so I yelled 'don't touch me, don't touch me', which almost caused misunderstanding among the guests attending the premiere. "

"Chairman Song noticed something was wrong with my body and called the police. Finally, the Gangnam District Police Department and the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office intervened in the investigation. In the end, the bad guys got the punishment they deserved."

"If the sky is dark, then survive in the dark. If speaking out is dangerous, then silence first. If you are unable to shine, then huddle in a corner."

"But don't defend the darkness when you are used to it, don't be complacent about your own complacency; and don't ridicule those who are braver and more passionate than yourself. We can be as humble as dust, but we must not be twisted like maggots. Thank you, President Song, for giving me " "The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela", this book taught me a lot."

Under this inschool diary, there is also a selfie of Lee Eun Joo. Lee Eun-joo was sitting on the wooden floor in the living room, holding a copy of "Mandela's Autobiography" in his hand. In the photo, Lee Eun-joo has no makeup and looks calm and indifferent.

There was also a pine tree planted in the courtyard outside, which became taller and taller, and the color of the pine needles became darker. Although the background of the photo is autumn, the pine trees in the photo give people a sense of vitality and vitality.

Of course Song Yi saw this diary, and he immediately found Cui Shanji, "Did you ask Li Enzhu to post this diary? Li Enzhu just wants to live an ordinary life now, why bother her anymore, for her, The less people pay attention to her, the happier she will be.”

Cui Shanji had long expected that Song Yi might blame her. In her eyes, Song Yi's personal reputation was far more important than the secondary harm that Li Enzhu might suffer.

"Ms. Li Enzhu canceled her inschool account after posting this diary. She will not continue to use social networking sites in the future. It is impossible for netizens to find Li Enzhu's current address through this diary and disturb her current tranquility. Life."

"I didn't ask Miss Li Enzhu to publish such a diary. I just told her about your current situation. She is indeed a good girl who knows how to repay kindness, so she took the initiative to help you clarify it in inschool. "

"You don't know the lethality of Lee Eun-joo's diary, because Lee Eun-joo said that "Chosun Ilbo" is an unscrupulous media. Now Korean netizens have gone to the official website of "Chosun Ilbo" to leave messages about unscrupulous media, saying that they eat human blood steamed buns. For the sake of traffic and click-through rate, they will do whatever it takes to fabricate fake news. I think President Fang is the one who is having a headache now, right?" Cui Shanji also likes to deal with smart people, and Li Eun-joo is a smart person.

President Fang is really having a headache now. He did not expect that Li Enzhu would risk being bullied by the Internet to help Song Yi clarify. He suddenly felt that he had made a mistake. I am afraid that the reputation of "Chosun Ilbo" as an unscrupulous media will be carried for several years.

On September 30, 2002, the Seoul Court held a public hearing on the case of "Chosun Ilbo" infringing Song Yi's personal reputation. The court ruled that "Chosun Ilbo" had established the infringement. "Chosun Ilbo" will disclose to Song Yi in a prominent position in the newspaper in the next three days. Apologizing, Chosun Ilbo paid Song Yi a one-time mental and financial compensation of 600 million won (3.6 million yuan).

The lawsuit between Song Yi and "Chosun Ilbo" has come to an end. The top management of "Chosun Ilbo" now hates Song Yi and the New Asia Department. They only hope to seize Song Yi's handle and remove Song Yi from the altar. Come down.

Thanks to Lee Eun Joo's explanation of his withdrawal from the industry, female artists in the Korean entertainment industry have publicly thanked Song Yi for speaking out for Lee Eun Joo. Many female artists even publicly stated that Song Yi is their ideal type.

When October comes, the attention of the Korean people turns to another major event, because the pandas are coming!

The Lee Eun Joo case has come to an end. From now on, the daily update will be about 7,000 words. For every 200 additional votes in the monthly ticket, an additional chapter will be added.

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