I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 187 A fatal blow to Li Changhui

"Dae Jang Geum", a MBC drama, will premiere on December 18, with two episodes per day and four episodes per week.

Mizuki drama is one of the types of Japanese and Korean TV dramas. In Japan and Korea, starting from Sunday, they are represented by the sun, moon, fire, water, wood, earth, and metal.

Therefore, the TV dramas broadcast every Monday and Tuesday are Moon and Fire dramas, and the dramas broadcast on Wednesday and Thursday are Mizuki dramas.

Originally, MBC was planning to broadcast the urban drama "The Three Musketeers" starring Kim So Yeon, Lee Jung Jin, Son Ji Chang and Ryu Jin during the MBC drama schedule. Now all MBC dramas have to make way for "Dae Jang Geum".

MBC has released the trailer of "Dae Jang Geum" in advance. Actor Ko Hyun Jung, who has not appeared for a long time, plays the beautiful Queen Yoon. Emperor Seongjong will kill Queen Yoon in the first episode.

"After the deposed Yin family was born dangerous, greedy and violent, committed many evil deeds, and committed many crimes. Considering that she was the biological mother of Yuanzi, she was particularly merciful and gentle. As time went by, she failed to deal with it early. Unexpectedly, it caused chaos in the country's affairs. This is the case. On August 16, Qi died at home."

The voice of the eunuch who announced the decree was trembling. Gao Xianzhen, who plays the role of the deposed queen, is wearing plain clothes and sitting with her head bowed in front of a crane-topped red medicine bottle. Her expression looks so calm.

The trailer, which is less than two minutes long, has aroused enough curiosity among drama fans that they recognized Ko Hyun Jung.

The crew of "Dae Jang Geum" has set up an official homepage and discussion forum inschool, where fans can express their opinions freely.

"Is this beautiful queen the Hyun Jung Unnie? Does such a good queen have to die?" 1L commented.

"That's true. Hyun-jung and Oni are such a good wife, so Zhou Rongzhen didn't hesitate to divorce her. Once a man doesn't love her anymore, he is more heartless than anyone else!" 2L defended Gao Xian-zhen.

"Do you think New Asia Pictures did this on purpose? By letting Ko Hyun-jung play the role of Queen Yoon who is sentenced to death, isn't this a slap in the face of her ex-husband and ex-mother-in-law?" 3L commented.

"Who knew, posters of Ko Hyun Jung endorsing LG Communications are all over major shopping malls in South Korea, but you can't see them in Shinsegae Department Store. These mother and son are really petty!" 4L did not forget to complain about Chen Mingxi and Zhou Yongzhen.

"Did Hyun Jung Unnie only appear in the first episode? She acted so well, why didn't she star in more episodes?" 5L felt sorry for Ko Hyun Jung. "Dae Jang Geum" was a test of Ko Hyun Jung's comeback.

"The heroine of "Dae Jang Geum" is Kim Tae Hee. If Ko Hyun Jung plays an important female supporting role, it may steal the spotlight from the protagonist. How could New Asia Pictures tolerate this happening? You must know that Kim Tae Hee is the president's wife. !" 6L said with clear analysis.

"Don't talk nonsense upstairs. New Asia has different arrangements for each of its artists. Next year New Asia Pictures will produce 4 TV series, including the costume drama "Queen of Seon Deok" starring Ko Hyun Jung. This is after Ko Hyun Jung's comeback. ’s first starring role, the screenwriter of this drama is also Kim Young-hyun.” 7L seems to be an insider of New Asia.

Maybe it's because the popularity of "Dae Jang Geum" is so high that it has reduced the tension surrounding the upcoming South Korean presidential election.

December 19 is the presidential election day in South Korea. Today is a national holiday in South Korea. Voters can go to 13,400 polling stations across the country to start voting today.

Among all the seven presidential candidates, Song Woo-seok, the candidate of the ruling New Millennium Democratic Party, and Lee Chang-hui, the candidate of the opposition Grand National Party, have been far ahead in the election. Their support rates are evenly matched, but Lee Chang-hui still maintains a weak lead. Advantage.

In response to issues in the fields of economy, peninsula, and politics that Koreans are concerned about, Song Woo-seok and Lee Chang-hui have proposed different policy agendas, hoping to win the support of voters.

In terms of economic policy, both men agreed to continue to restrict the import of foreign rice to protect local agriculture. They all advocate adjusting the annual interest rate on agricultural loans from 4% to 1%.

However, the two people have different opinions on the key issue of South Korea's economy-the chaebol family.

Song Yuxi feels that the government should carry out reforms and strengthen supervision of large consortiums. Li Changhui's stance is conservative, believing that some restrictions on chaebol families need to be gradually lifted.

In terms of diplomacy, Song Yuxi will continue Zhong Xiaotong's "sunshine policy", ease relations with North Korea, and strengthen economic cooperation with North Korea. The stock prices of Asan Group and New Asia Media Real Estate Group have risen for many days in a row. The South Korean people expect these two companies to play a greater role in economic cooperation with North Korea.

Lee Changhui has a tougher attitude towards North Korea. He advocates that South Korea should not provide assistance to North Korea unless North Korea gives up its nuclear weapons.

During the campaign, Song Woo-seok proposed moving the capital. He planned to move South Korea's administrative capital south from Seoul to Daejeon before 2010 to promote economic growth in the central region and solve Seoul's big city problems.

Li Changhui firmly opposed moving the capital. He believes that this will lead to a rapid decline in real estate prices in Seoul and a devastating blow to Seoul's economic development.

At this time, the presidential candidate Zhou Mongjun of the National United 21 Party announced that he would withdraw from the presidential election and support Song Woo-seok of the New Millennium Democratic Party. After Song Woo-seok and Zhou Mong-jun joined forces, they had a positive impact on the election. Song Woo-seok's support rate began to overtake Lee Changhui.

Lee Changhui was very angry, "The whole world knows that Zhou Mongzhen will not be elected as the president of South Korea. He insisted on announcing at the last moment that he would join Song Woo-seok's camp to influence the voters' vote. It is really abominable!"

Since Lee Guangwang failed to run for mayor of Seoul, he has joined Lee Changhui's campaign team and served as chairman of the Grand National Party's election countermeasures committee. Of course he knew whose instructions Zhou Mengzhun's behavior came from.

"Zhou Mengzhun announced that he would give up the campaign at this time. Song Yi must have done his job. Even though this guy is inconspicuous, he has great influence in the modern family."

As the chairman of the Korean Football Association, Zhou Mengjun helped South Korea successfully bid for the 2002 World Cup, and through various means helped the South Korean team achieve historic semi-finals in the World Cup. He still has a certain appeal in the hearts of the Korean people.

Although the Hyundai family had agreed to support Song Woo-seok's presidential campaign at Zhou Zhengyong's funeral. However, after the South Korean team won the semi-finals of the World Cup, Zhou Mengzhun's mentality changed and he was elected by the National United Party 21 to participate in the 2002 presidential election.

Zhou Mengzhun knew that his support rate could not match that of Song Woo-seok and Lee Chang-hui, and he did not expect to win the election. Giving up the campaign at the last moment and choosing to join Song Woo-seok's camp was a political gesture. He was waiting for a price to gain more benefits.

In order to win over Zhou Mengzhun, Song Yuxi agreed to Zhou Mengzhun. If he is elected president, Zhou Mengzhun will serve as Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and will be responsible for culture, sports and tourism.

Song Yi revealed to Zhou Mengzhun his plan to acquire Manchester United. Song Yi said that he knew the corruption evidence of the current FIFA President Blatter.

If he succeeds in buying Manchester United, then as a representative of a wealthy European club, Song Yi will ask FIFA to investigate Blatter's corruption case and support Zhou Mengzhun's candidacy for the chairman of the National Football Federation.

The conflict between FIFA and the European giants is equally acute. Real Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Manchester United, Liverpool, Arsenal, National Milan and AC Milan have repeatedly expressed their intention to form a European Super League to compete with the Champions League.

Zhou Mengzhun is worth a fortune, with personal assets exceeding 1 trillion won (6 billion yuan). He has no more pursuits in personal wealth. He cares more about political success.

He feels that if he can be elected as FIFA president, he can use his status as FIFA president to show the influence of his diplomatic work. So, having made great achievements as president of FIFA, and returning to South Korean politics again, it is possible that he will realize his presidential dream.

Zhou Mengzhun has even thought up a slogan for his campaign for FIFA president, "I am Zhou Mengzhun, a super rich man with a net worth of one billion dollars. I am not short of money and I don't need to take bribes! What will you do between the incorruptible Zhou Mengzhun and the corrupt Blatter?" Who to choose?"

Although many members of the Grand National Party attach great importance to Song Yi, the arrogant Lee Chang-hui still inevitably despises Song Yi's role in the election of the Democratic Party in the new millennium.

"Song Yi is almost running out of three tools to mobilize public opinion through the inschool website. If I am elected president, I will first issue an order requiring websites such as inschool, Naver, Daum, and Yahoo Korea not to support any party in the presidential election." Lee Changhui Hate these sites.

While Li Changhui and Li Guanghui were discussing countermeasures, Song Yi was also persuading Song Yuxi and Zhong Xiaotong to make the cut.

Now Chosun Ilbo, Dong-A Ilbo, Naver, and Yahoo Korea have all intensively disclosed that Zhong Xiaotong’s three sons are involved in corruption.

Zhong Xiaotong has expressed his support for Song Woo-seok in public on several occasions. He said: "There are no illegal donations or political pressure involved in this presidential election. The government's management of the election is also fair. This is the first time in Korean history that it is fair." Election. Song Woo-seok will be a good and honest president, please vote for him."

Now Chosun Ilbo, Dong-A Ilbo and KBS TV station have bluntly pointed out that the reason why Zhong Xiaotong is eager to promote Song Woo-suk is that he hopes that the new president can let his three sons go, just like Yeltsin abdicated and his family was pardoned Same.

Song Yuxi was obviously unwilling to stand up and make a cut with Zhong Xiaotong, stating that he would investigate the corruption cases of Zhong Xiaotong's three sons after taking office. This means that Song Woo-seok's betrayal of Zhong Xiaotong may cause a split in the Democratic Party in the new millennium.

Song Yi smiled, "Uncle Song, you are already fifty-seven this year. If you haven't learned to betray at the age of fifty-seven, you really can't be considered a qualified politician."

Xia Meiai, who was next to her, couldn't stand listening anymore. She felt that Song Yi was a bit aggressive, "Song Yi, how could you talk to Representative Song like this?"

After Song Woo-seok became the presidential candidate of the New Millennium Democratic Party, the New Millennium Democratic Party elected Song Woo-seok as the party representative.

Park Donghao knew that Song Yi was right. If he did not cut ties with Zhong Xiaotong at this time, it would probably give voters a bad impression that the new president would protect the corrupt elements of the previous government. How can voters believe that Song Woo-seok dares to take action against chaebol families and strengthen supervision of large conglomerates?

However, Park Dong-ho knew Song Woo-seok better as a person. Zhong Xiaotong appointed Song Woo-seok as the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries and encouraged him to participate in the intra-party election of the New Millennium Democratic Party. For Song Yuxi, Zhong Xiaotong was the Bole who promoted him and was kind to him.

If Song Woo-seok could make the choice to betray Zhong Xiaotong, then he would not be the Song Woo-seok that Park Dong-ho has followed for so long.

"Uncle Song, do you think this is just a presidential election? This is a life-and-death struggle! Do you think Li Changhui will let Zhong Xiaotong and you go after he takes office?"

"You now not only represent yourself, but also represent the thousands of people who support you. Everyone is in a relationship where everyone is prosperous and everyone suffers."

"If I lose the election, I can shrink my investment business in South Korea and shift the focus of investment back to the mainland to survive. But once Lee Chang-hui is elected president, will he let Zhong Xiaotong and you go? How many South Korean presidents can live out their old age peacefully after leaving office? ? Even if you don't think about yourself, don't you think about Brother Jianhao and Jingyan?" Song Yi said.

Song Woo-seok's wife Jeon Suk-ryang also added the final spark, "Woo-seok, Gunho and Jeongyeon are not married yet. Last time Song Yi said that Chairman Jung Eun-sun's second daughter Joo Joo-yi will graduate from Ewha Womans University next year. , I want to introduce them to you. Don’t just think about yourself, but also think about the children.”

Song Woo-seok attended Zhou Zhengyong's funeral, and he also met Zhou Mengxian and Zheng Eunxuan's two daughters and one son at the funeral. However, at that time, Zhou Mengxian focused on his eldest daughter Zhou Zhiyi from Seoul National University, and was not very impressed by his second daughter Zhou Zhuyi. After all, Zhou Zhengyong passed away more than a year ago.

He knew that Zheng Enxuan's eldest daughter Zhou Zhiyi was currently dating LG's crown prince Gu Guangmozai. The two had reached the point of discussing marriage. He heard that they had purchased a wedding house in Puhai City.

Thanks to Song Yi's relationship, her daughter Song Jingyan joined IDG Capital. Song Jingyan and Zhou Zhiyi, who have lived in Puhai all year round, naturally became good friends. Zhou Zhiyi and Song Jingyan also came to the house as guests.

Quan Shuliang's eyes lit up when she saw Zhou Zhiyi, and she wanted to introduce him to her son Song Jianhao. Later, I gave up after hearing that Zhou Zhiyi was Gu Guangmo's fiancée.

If Song Jianhao marries Zhou Zhuyi, then Song Yuxi will be married to the Hyundai family and the LG family at the same time, and the relationship between Song Yuxi and Song Yi will be taken to a higher level. Therefore, Quan Shuliang and others around Song Yuxi were willing to promote this marriage.

At this time, Xia Meiai gave Song Yuxi an idea, "Representative Song, in fact, you don't need to publicly declare your request to investigate President Zhong's three sons. In fact, Song Yi has already prepared ready-made reasons for you to express your and Zhong Xiaotong's positions. different."

Song Yuxi's expression changed after hearing this, "Song Yi has been ready for a long time? Why didn't I know? Congressman Xia, please tell me in detail, I'm still confused now."

Xia Meiai glanced at Song Yi, "Representative Song, have you forgotten that the real culprit of the Huacheng serial murder case that made a big fuss some time ago was caught?"

"There is now a petition signed by more than 500,000 people on the Blue House official website, calling for the execution of Lee Chun-jae. As we all know, President Chung does not agree with the implementation of the death penalty, and the death penalty has existed in name only during his term."

"Then you may wish to express your position now that if you are elected president, you will urge the court to re-hear the Li Chunzai case. It is necessary to implement more severe punishments for inhumane murderers like Li Chunzai in order to deter the bad guys and serve as a warning to others." Xia Meiai suggested.

Song Woo-seok hesitated, "But the Korean judicial community now advocates the abolition of the death penalty. Wouldn't it be bad if I went against the judicial system as soon as I came to power?"

Ha Mi-ae graduated from Hanyang University with a master's degree in law and became a judge after passing the Korean Judicial Examination. In her career as a judge for more than ten years, she has always made every judgment with a cautious attitude. She is certainly aware of the controversy that may arise from giving Li Chunzai the death penalty.

Song Yi immediately understood what Xia Meiai meant, "Uncle Song, what Representative Xia wants to do is to let the public think that you support the death penalty for Li Chunzai. As for the specific execution of the death penalty, you can wait until you take office."

"If there is not much resistance in the judicial system, we can be a favor. If there is too much resistance in the judicial system, then we will delay it for two years. People are forgetful anyway. Now Li Chunzai is in prison for life, and life imprisonment is also a more severe punishment. , we didn’t violate our campaign promises.” Song Yi said.

When Song Yuxi heard what Song Yi said, he shook his head, "Aren't you playing a word game? It's better to take the straight from the truth than to seek from the truth. We must do things openly and above board, and don't take these crooked ways, otherwise we and the What’s the difference between Li Changhui and Li Guangxi?”

Park Donghao thought for a moment, "Representative Song, how about we change our thinking. You might as well tell the voters directly that regardless of whether you are elected president or not, you will push the court to reopen the Li Chunzai case and demand his execution."

Song Yi and Xia Meiai looked at each other. Isn't this the same as Xia Meiai's proposal? Song Woo-seok came to push the court to hear Li Chunzai's case. The initiative of whether to sentence Li Chunzai to death still lies in the hands of the judge. After all, the current president cannot interfere with the judiciary on the surface, and South Korea is also a country with three branches of power.

Song Woo-seok agreed with Park Dong-ho's point of view, "Dong-ho is right. Regardless of whether I am elected president or not, I must push the court to re-hear the Li Chunzai case. Song Yi, you made a good movie!"

Song Yi was very modest, "It's mainly due to the director and actors, I just did a trivial job."

Song Yuxi nodded and Song Yi said, "Excessive modesty is pride. Representative Xia, you are a judge. I hope you can return to your profession. You should consider the two positions of President of the Supreme Court and Minister of Justice first. I I hope you can tell me the answer soon because I still need to consult with other people in the party."

Xia Meiai knew that today's secret conversation was over, "Don't worry, I will think about it today."

Song Yi and Xia Meiai left the Yixin Teahouse together, and the Yixin Teahouse in Dalin Cave became a regular place for Song Yuxi to meet people. Song Yuxi was unwilling to discuss important matters with Song Yi at home. He was worried that conservatives or the intelligence agency had installed monitoring equipment in his home.

Xia Meiai got into her Equus. When she was about to leave, she rolled down the rear window and said, "President Song, I have something to ask you. Do you mind getting in the car and talking about it?"

Song Yi was a little surprised. He motioned to his driver to follow Xia Meiai's car, then opened the door and sat next to Xia Meiai.

"President Song, Representative Song just asked me to choose between the President of the Supreme Court and the Minister of Justice. Which position do you think I am more suitable for?" Xia Meiai bent down and humbly asked for advice. Xia Meiai wore a black suit and looked very capable with short hair.

"Congressman Xia, this seems to be a choice between two, but in fact there is only one choice. In fact, the question now is not which position you are more suitable for, but which position Uncle Song wants you to go to." Song Yi also expected Xia Meiai to deal with South Korea The prosecutorial system is naturally willing to give some advice.

"If Uncle Song really wants you to be the president of the Supreme Court, then when he mentions the Li Chunzai case, he will appoint you as the president of the Supreme Court."

"If you serve as the president of the Supreme Court, then you will definitely push for the execution of Li Chunzai. Doesn't this put the problem and pressure on Uncle Song again?"

"In my opinion, Uncle Song will definitely hand over the position of President of the Supreme Court to members elected by other factions of the New Millennium Democratic Party or other cooperative parties. So of course you have to choose the Minister of Justice. This is actually what Uncle Song wants for you. A small test." Song Yi analyzed.

Xia Meiai felt that Song Yi's analysis made sense, "Then I will call Representative Song later to explain my decision."

"Member Xia, don't be so anxious. If you fight right away, why should Uncle Song let you think about it? You have to show that this is the result of your careful consideration." Song Yi said.

"Now Chief Prosecutor Lee Sang-dae of the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office is retiring, and the chief prosecutor will also need to be replaced. In fact, if Congressman Xia serves as the Minister of Justice, all the powerful figures in the prosecutorial system will leave. You have a lot to do!" Song Yi said with profound meaning. .

Xia Mei's heart moved, Song Yi would not say these words to wake him up for no reason. Song Yi meant to support her in taking action against the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office. After all, South Korea's prosecutorial system is dominated by one family.

Almost every president is liquidated by the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office when he leaves office. Of course, Xia Meiai knows the reason. This is because the United States is dealing with the disobedient South Korean president.

Seeing that she would be home soon, Xia Meiai invited Song Yi to her home for a closed-door talk, "President Song, I have good Huaguo tea at home. Let's drink and chat. I have some things to ask you, It just so happens that my husband is not at home either."

Song Yi glanced at the female driver in front of him and saw that she seemed not to have heard Xia Meiai's words and was concentrating on driving. He hesitated for a moment, but he did have something to ask of her, so he agreed to go to Xia Meiai's house for tea.

While Song Yi and Xia Meiai were communicating about the Li Chunzai case, 23 million inschool users in South Korea received a news pop-up window.

The news headline was very conspicuous, "Song Woo-seok supports the execution of Lee Chun-jae, and Lee Chang-hui's two sons escaped military service."

Chen Fuzhen, who was sitting in front of the computer and working, also received this pop-up window. She knew that this pop-up window news was Song Yi's final blow to Li Changhui. Users of inschool don’t need to click in to read the specific content. Their hearts are already leaning toward Song Woo-seok. It can be said that the outcome of the 2002 South Korean presidential election has been decided. Song Yi won again this time.

Thank you all for your monthly votes!

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