I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 194 Search the Korean website’s series of advertisements!

Song Suying washed her face first, then put on makeup. The flush on her face was no longer so obvious, and she returned to the charity reception.

When Cui Shanji saw Song Suying returning to the crowd, she pulled her to the living room and whispered, "Sister Suying, you have strawberry marks on your neck. You don't know how to restrain yourself from eating secretly."

Song Suying was not fooled, and rolled her eyes at Cui Shanji, "Come on, sir, I just checked in the bathroom downstairs. Where did the mark come from?"

Seeing Song Suying's generous admission, Cui Shanji felt embarrassed to tease her, "Song Yi has been thinking about you, my senior, for a long time, and he finally got his way."

Song Suying and Cui Shanhui interacted quite frequently. As representatives of wealthy Korean ladies, they often met on various occasions. Song Suying, Zheng Eunxuan, and Chen Fuzhen often formed games together before, and later Cui Shanhui was added.

Cui Shanji had a normal relationship with Chen Fuzhen before, but when Cui Shanji learned that Song Yi and Chen Fuzhen had an affair in the study that night, she put aside her grudge against Chen Fuzhen. Even though Chen Fu is the eldest princess of Samsung, you are still just Song Yi's secret lover.

Seeing Song Suying's ruddy complexion and radiant face, Cui Shanji said sourly: "This woman is different after being nourished. Sister Suying looks particularly beautiful today. Song Yi doesn't know whether he should take advantage of Chairman Eunxuan. In this way, he will really wipe out our sister group."

Song Suying shook her head, "It's hard to say. I used to think that Song Yi likes young beauties, but now I find that he actually has a desire to conquer women. The more noble the status of a woman, the more difficult he is to get hold of, the more he desires, and instead takes the initiative to seduce her. He has no interest in women at all."

"Lee Young-ae, Choi Ji-woo, and Ha Ji-won are all great beauties, right? But they asked Song Yi to have dinner alone, but they were all rejected."

"Lee Young-ae starred in "Dae Jang Geum". She thought Song Yi treated her differently, but she was rejected. Now thinking about it, Song Yi was just returning the favor." Song Suying knew the inside story.

"As the saying goes, a wife is worse than a concubine, and a concubine is worse than a thief. Song Yi may be like Cao Cao during the Three Kingdoms, who likes other people's wives." Cui Shanji covered her mouth and laughed.

Song Suying's face turned hot, "You want to die? You can say this kind of thing publicly. You all work in the New Asia Group Building now, and Zai Can also works in that building. If you and Song Yi mess around in the office, don't be afraid. Can you come here to catch an adulterer?"

Cui Shanji smoothed her hair, revealing her fair neck. "As you said, Jae-chan raised a woman in Shinhan Media. Did I break up with her in the past?"

"Jae-chan and I have a tacit understanding. He will not come upstairs to ruin things between me and Song Yi, and I will not go to Shinhan Media to fight off that little goblin. Even if Jae-chan comes upstairs to talk about work, he will talk to me in advance. I’m just saying hello to save everyone from embarrassment,” Cui Shanji said.

"Then do you and Zai Chan still sleep together?" Song Suying asked curiously.

"Sleep, I'm not two years older than Fu Zhen, I'm convinced, and the relationship between husband and wife is not weak, so why sleep in separate rooms. It's just that we separated before and almost divorced. When Xinhan Media went public, Xinya Media Real Estate Group went public through a backdoor From now on, we will have an open relationship, which is very common among European and American celebrity couples, okay? For example, Pitt and Jolie, you and Cui Anyuan have slept in separate rooms?" Cui Shanji and Song Suying talked privately.

Song Suying nodded and didn't feel embarrassed. The topics between best friends were usually very exciting.

"Then you are miserable. Your husband is no longer in name only. Song Yi is so popular with women that you can't wait for him even once a month. You are as old as a wolf. What if you think about it? Find another one. ?" Cui Shanji chuckled.

"I'll tear your mouth apart and talk nonsense. You think I'm you, and I need two men to feed you. The reason why I like Song Yi is because of safety, and he is indeed a good man. He is handsome, in good health, has a sense of humor, and is generous with his actions. Being with him makes him very relaxed, and he is indeed the best candidate for a lover. Do you think a man like Song Yi is so easy to find?" Song Suying said.

"Okay, okay, Song Yi is not here, why are you saying so many nice things to him. Sister Suying, next time I invite you to my house as a guest, and then call Song Yi over, how about the three of us fight the landlord together? ? His poker skills have improved greatly recently. I, a weak woman with a fragile body, may not be his opponent, and I need your help." Cui Shanji suggested.

"You bastard, you are getting more and more out of shape." Song Suying cursed, but did not refuse.

The charity reception hosted by Kim Tae Hee was very successful. Song Yi prepared a batch of exquisite auction items, all of which can be placed in art museums for collection and exhibition.

Guests attending the cocktail party all wanted to get in touch with Song Yi, the man behind Kim Tae Hee, through this small charity auction and actively bid.

Song Suying took a photo of a Ming Dynasty cloisonné vase and prepared it for display at the Caidie Art Museum. Koreans particularly love cultural relics from the Ming Dynasty of China, and both porcelain and calligraphy and paintings are very popular. After all, the founding of Lee's Korea was during the Ming Dynasty, and the Ming Dynasty was also the suzerainty of Lee's Korea.

"Taixi, when your private art museum in Longshan District is built, I will use this cloisonne as a gift to celebrate the opening of your art museum." Song Suying said.

Kim Tae Hee thanked her, "Thank you, Sister Suying. We may have to wait until 2004 to open the museum. Song Yi said that he hoped that the museum would have a modern architectural style, artistic atmosphere and humanistic care, so the architectural firm revised the original design plan. "

"Has the name been decided?" Cui Shanji asked with concern.

"It has been decided, it will be called THE Art Museum." Kim Tae Hee said.

"Song Yi really chose the wrong name. The high-end apartment was named The One Apartment. It turns out that your private art gallery is also called THE Art Museum. TH is the abbreviation of your name TaeHee, and what is the abbreviation of "E"?" Song Suying was unceremonious. said.

"I guess it should be the abbreviation of elegant, Tae Hee's Elegant Art Museum. Not to mention, it is simple and easy to remember." Cui Shanji said.

Kim Tae Hee was a little surprised and glanced at Cui Shan Ji, "Sister Shan Ji often works with Song Yi. It's really different. I guessed it three times before I guessed it."

Cui Shanji wanted to slap herself in the face. Others guessed three times, but you won the first time. Do you want to show that you and Song Yi have a better understanding?

"By the way, will Sohan.com's advertisements start playing during the Spring Festival?" Cui Shanji changed the topic.

"That's right, Brother Zaican didn't tell you?" Jin Taixi felt even more strange.

Song Suying came out to smooth things over, "Son-hee and Jae-chan have such a good relationship. They run to the bedroom as soon as they get home. How can they have time to talk about work? Moreover, both Sun-hee and Zae-chan are senior executives of Xinya, so it is not suitable to talk about work at home. "

Kim Tae Hee is a veteran now. As a married woman, she is not afraid of such jokes. On the contrary, she was a little envious, "The relationship between Brother Zai Chan and Sister Shan Ji is really good. I feel that Sister Shan Ji's skin is getting better and better, and she is getting younger and younger as she lives."

Song Suying coughed and said, "Shanji has such good skin, you have to thank your husband." When Cui Shanji heard this, her throat rose.

"My husband, what does it have to do with him?" Kim Tae Hee didn't understand.

"You see, when Shan Ji was a full-time housewife, her complexion was not that good, right? Later, Song Yi asked her to work and arranged for her to be the public relations director to realize a woman's self-worth. Her energy and spirit were particularly different, right?" Song Suying explained.

"What Sister So Young said makes sense. It seems that women still have to have their own careers and cannot be full-time housewives. My mother also advised me to get married early, have a child and quit the entertainment industry after filming "Dae Jang Geum". She also said, “Have you ever seen a chaebol wife who was still out in public?” Kim Tae Hee said.

"Your mother is actually right. The TV series "Dae Jang Geum" has established your identity as a national actor. It is right to leave the audience's sight when your acting career is at its peak. You are not short of money, so you can transform into a behind-the-scenes capital , invest in TV series or movies that you like." Cui Shanji understands what Kim's mother thinks.

Kim Tae Hee introduced the advertising content of Sohan.com to Song Suying and Cui Shanji.

Sohan.com is a series of commercials, and Kim Tae Hee shot the commercials at the Shilla Hotel.

In the advertisement, Kim Tae Hee has just gotten off the plane, wearing sunglasses and a beautiful skirt, with two suitcases beside her, looking around, feeling a little embarrassed.

Just when she was thinking about calling a taxi, the Shilla Hotel's special car came to Kim Tae Hee.

The chauffeur wearing a suit and white gloves helped Kim Tae Hee put the luggage into the trunk. The special car was delivered directly to the Shilla Hotel, and Kim Tae Hee walked in the hotel lobby wearing high heels.

The hotel manager took Kim Tae Hee to the hotel room she booked on Sohan.com.

As soon as the door opened, Kim Tae Hee put the suitcase next to her and lay down directly on the hotel bed.

At this time, Cao Chengyou's voiceover appeared, "When you travel to South Korea and don't know how to choose a resort hotel? Search the Korean website!"

Song Hye Kyo plays an office worker in the commercial. After a tiring day, Song Hye Kyo comes home from get off work and wants to treat herself to something delicious. When she opened the refrigerator, she found that there was nothing to eat. She was going to the supermarket to buy some food, but she didn't want to move.

She turned on her computer, searched for her favorite snacks on Sohan, and then placed an order. After a while, the Souhan Express guy rang the doorbell and put the things at the door.

It’s still Cao Chengyou’s voice: “What should I do if I’m watching a drama at night and don’t want to move? Let’s search the Korean website!”

The third commercial stars Seo Joo Hyun, who plays a child. Her good friend from school brought a doll to school, but was reluctant to share it with her.

Xu Zhuxian described the doll to her mother, and her mother found the doll in several boutiques or toy stores.

Xu Zhuxian's mother opened Sohan.com on her computer and searched for dolls of the same style. After placing the order successfully, Xu Zhuxian smiled happily while holding her new toy.

It’s still Cao Chengyou’s voice: “If you don’t know where to buy fun gifts for your children, search the Korean website!”

The last advertisement is for Son Ye-jin. She was about to go out on a date with her boyfriend. She was picking out clothes in the wardrobe and found that the clothes were all out of season. She went to a luxury store to pick out clothes, and left after seeing the price.

She had no choice but to go to the Dadongmen Clothing Market to pick out clothes, but there were too many people and they were worried that she would be squeezed away. The clothes she finally found her sights on were not in a size suitable for her.

Son Ye-jin saw an advertisement for Souhan.com outside Dadongmun Market. It said, "To buy clothes, come to Souhan.com!"

She returned home, curiously opened the Korean search website, and then picked out her favorite clothes among the clothes.

Son Ye-jin went out happily to go on a date with her boyfriend. The types of clothes Son Ye-jin wore were constantly changing, from spring to summer to autumn to winter, including pants, skirts, jeans, and sweatshirts, which was dazzling.

Finally, it’s Cao Chengyou’s voiceover: “I want to go shopping and buy clothes but don’t know where to go, so search the Korean website!”

After these four ads are over, the URL of Souhan.com will appear.

"If you want to find good clothes, good food, good housing, and fun things, come to Korea.com!" This is the summary slogan of the entire advertisement.

"This advertisement was Song Yi's idea, right? I thought he couldn't make advertisements anymore, but I didn't expect him to be a blockbuster once he did it. After listening to this advertisement, I felt the urge to place an order." Song Suying explain.

"Isn't it a good idea for Son Ye-jin to shake her head and leave after looking at the clothes in a luxury store? At that time, luxury stores may think that Sohan.com is a shopping website for civilians and will not enter Sohan.com," Choi Sun-hee said.

"Song Yi has also considered that there are no luxury brands in South Korea. Luxury brands are concentrated in France, Italy, the United States and the United Kingdom. Customers who are willing to spend tens of millions of won to buy Hermès bags are not the target audience of Korea.com at all. .”

"Souhan.com, as the name suggests, searches for delicious, fun, useful, easy-to-wear, and good-to-live-in Korean products online. They hope to buy high-quality and low-priced goods online, so why would they consider buying them online? What about buying luxury goods? This is to accurately screen Internet users to avoid wasted efforts." Kim Tae Hee explained.

Song Suying felt that what Song Yi said made sense, "Through your advertisement, I feel that your online shopping website has great potential, and it can support a large number of small and medium-sized sellers in South Korea. Song Yuxi must value this online shopping platform, and this is all due to his appointment." Political achievements."

The reception officially ended, and Song Yi, as the host, finally showed up to bid farewell to today's guests together with Kim Tae Hee. Song Suying and Cui Shanji, who have a close relationship with Song Yi, must be the last wave of guests to leave.

Cui Shanhui hugged Kim Taehee first, and then hugged Song Yi goodbye.

She said next to Song Yi's ear, "I made an appointment with Sister Suying to come to my house as a guest. How about you come to my house to experience the joy of being one against two?"

Song Yi's face was very calm, "Help me say hello to Zai Can."

Song Suying hugged Song Yi first, and then hugged Kim Taexi, "Then let's go back first, see you later."

When Cui Shanji and Song Suying went to the parking lot together, Song Suying asked Cui Shanji, "What did you whisper to Song Yi just now? Are you not afraid of Taehee seeing it?"

Cui Shanji was happy, "The most dangerous place is the safest place. I asked you to make an appointment, and the three of us will play together."

Song Suying was unhappy, "I didn't even agree to your promise, so you made the decision on your own?"

Cui Shanji was very proud, "Anyway, I have already promised him. If you let go, Song Yi can't blame me."

Song Suying sighed, "You, you, kick your husband out and meet your lover at home. I'm afraid that your lover won't have enough fun and drags me into the water with you. You just jump in like this. Don't worry about Song Yi when the time comes." Did I fail you?"

"If it weren't for Song Yi's sake, Chen Zaican would not have given me so many shares of New Korea Media. Even if Song Yi and I break up in the future, I will be equivalent to receiving the breakup fee in advance. And Zaican also supports me. I have been dating Song Yi forever," Cui Shanji said.

Song Suying felt a little unbelievable, "Is your husband really so generous? It would be better if you don't hate him out of love."

Cui Shanji whispered into Song Suying's ear. Song Suying felt that her three views had been refreshed, "You two are so playful, your husband is so——" Song Suying spat, her face turned red, and she was embarrassed to say those two words.

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