I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 201 Taixi Private Jet

On April 15, 2003, George W. Bush stood on the USS Lincoln aircraft carrier and announced the end of the Iraq War. From the beginning of the Iraq war on March 20 to the end of the war, it took less than a month, which can be described as the speed of light.

Li Bingkui felt a little regretful when he saw this news, "I originally thought Saddam would resist for a while, but I didn't expect the war to end so soon."

Two months before the outbreak of the Iraq War, Song Yi concentrated his funds to buy long positions in oil and copper futures. After the war broke out, Song Yi sold these long positions and then switched to short positions. The United States is advancing steadily in the Iraq War, and Song Yi is killing everyone in the futures market.

Song Yi is quite content. His gains in the futures market this time have exceeded those of the 2002 World Cup. Blue Ocean Capital Fund, New Asia Capital Fund and Song Yi made a total profit of US$2 billion.

"No wonder Wall Street giants are so keen on pushing the U.S. government to launch wars with foreign countries. In the more than 200 years since the founding of the United States, it has only been 16 years since it launched a war. Sure enough, the sound of a cannon can bring thousands of taels of gold." Song Yi lamented.

In fact, Wall Street giants have begun to pay attention to the actions of the New Asia Department this time. They even set up a trap to let Song Yi jump in and eat up the massive funds invested by the New Asia Department. However, Song Yi was relatively clear-headed and did not jump in.

Through this futures war, Song Yi also established his authority in front of his subordinates such as Li Bingkui, Li Yizhi, and Mark Sost.

"The war is over. Nasdaq will usher in a long bull market. From now on, the investment focus of Blue Ocean Capital Fund and New Asia Capital Fund will be these American technology stocks, stocks of high-tech companies such as Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Intel. We might as well Buy more and the steady flow of money will be more stable than getting rich overnight."

"We only need to experience the futures market once. There is no need to invest all our money and life in it. Those who play futures for a long time are a group of gamblers. I like to make money. It's okay to play with futures occasionally. If you continue to play for a long time, you will go bankrupt sooner or later." Song Yi The mind is very clear.

Li Bingkui admired Song Yi's mentality, "In just a few months, you can earn the income of New Asia Media Real Estate for several years. No wonder investors are unwilling to put effort into running the business properly. After all, the money comes in too slowly."

"In my eyes, New Asia Media Real Estate and New Asia IT are the foundation of the New Asia Department. Without New Asia Media Real Estate and New Asia IT, Blue Ocean Capital and New Asia Capital are water without a source and a tree without roots. Only Only by operating these two companies for a long time can we build Xinya into a well-known brand comparable to Samsung and Hyundai," Song Yi said.

At this time, secretary Jiang Xiuna knocked on the door and said, "President, there is Ms. Li Jingshu outside looking for you."

Song Yi was a little surprised. What did Li Jingshu want to see him for? If it was about the sisters Jung Soo-yeon and Jung Soo-jung, she could have told him directly when she went to the Seongbuk-dong villa as a guest, and there was no need to make a special trip to the company.

Song Yi came to Jiang Xiuna's office, where Li Jingshu was sitting on the sofa sipping coffee. "Sister Jingshu, I'm sorry. I was talking about something just now and was delayed for a while."

Li Jingshu glanced at Song Yi cautiously. She quickly put the cup aside and said, "You are so busy at work. I was rude. I didn't delay your work, right?"

"It's okay. I just have nothing to do in the afternoon. I was planning to go to the airport. It doesn't matter if I go later." Song Yi said.

Li Jingshu became even more uneasy when she heard what Song Yi said, "Huh? Are you going on a business trip? It would be bad if the flight is delayed. Then I will go back first and come back when I have time next time. My matter is not urgent. "

Seeing that Song Yi wanted to keep someone, Jiang Xiuna immediately helped to persuade her: "Our president doesn't have to go on a business trip today. He ordered a private jet last year. Gulfstream delivered it to our president today. He wants to go to the airport for inspection. This It doesn’t matter if it’s earlier or later.”

Li Jingshu heard Jiang Xiuna say, "Private plane? The Gulfstream crew shouldn't be able to wait too long. How about I come back another day?"

Seeing that Li Jingshu was still unwilling to tell her the purpose of her sudden visit to the company, Song Yi suggested, "Let's do this, Sister Jingshu, why don't you go to the airport with me? If we have anything to do, we can talk in the car." ,All right?"

Because Song Yi behaved extremely strongly and did not give Li Jingshu a chance to refuse, Li Jingshu already got on Song Yi's silver angel with half a push.

As soon as Song Yi sat in the back row, the partition glass in front had automatically raised, leaving a separate space for Song Yi and Li Jingshu to talk.

"Sister Jingshu, when the glass is raised, the driver will not be able to hear our conversation. If you have anything, you might as well say it."

Li Jingshu looked at the partition glass in front and the brown glass in the rear compartment. She felt that she was a bit rash, putting herself in a private space alone with Song Yi.

She wore a light pink slim-fitting top today, which created Li Jingyan's graceful body curves into a very charming silhouette.

Because her upper body is relatively plump, this kind of clothing is very feminine. Coupled with the black slit skirt on her lower body and the hip-hugging clothing design, she has a plump peach shape when sitting in the back seat, which is sexy. But not gorgeous.

Li Jingshu is a gymnast and pays great attention to the maintenance of her figure. When she sat down, the high slit of her skirt opened up to her thighs, and her slender calves looked particularly slender, making her look particularly beautiful today.

She realized this herself, and she also found Song Yi looking at her clothes. She was actually secretly happy that even though she had given birth to two daughters, she could still attract the attention of a handsome young man like Song Yi.

"President Song, Krystal has also developed a strong interest in singing and acting recently. Every time Jessica goes home, she will pester Jessica to learn the new songs she has learned. Do you want to see if New Asia Agency can sign Krystal as a Are the company's trainees here to train?" Li Jingshu mustered up the courage to say.

Song Yi glanced at Li Jingshu. Perhaps Song Yi's eyes were too aggressive, so Li Jingshu avoided Song Yi's eyes and did not dare to look at him. Song Yi smiled. In fact, this kind of refusal and welcome made him even more eager to conquer.

"Sister Jingshu, even if Krystal wants to become an artist, there is no need to come to New Asia as a manager. Wouldn't it be better to join SM Entertainment like her sister? After all, she has a sister in the same company, so she can take care of her to some extent." Song Yi Something strange.

Li Jingshu's legs moved closer to the ground. She crossed her hands together, her face turned red and a little embarrassed, and she didn't know how to speak.

New Asia Agency is a subsidiary of New Asia Media Real Estate Group, which is also the actual controller of SM Entertainment. Whether Krystal goes to SM Entertainment or New Asia Agency, it stands to reason that there won’t be much difference, unless——

Song Yi thought of the key point, "Sister Jingshu, are you and Brother Chaodong having financial difficulties?"

If New Asia Agency signs an artist, it will give each artist a signing fee. For example, after Gao Xianzhen joined New Asia Agency, New Asia Agency paid a one-time signing fee of 1.5 billion. This signing fee also made Zhou Yongzhen the laughing stock of South Korea’s chaebol circles, because after Zhou Yongzhen and Gao Xianzhen divorced, they only paid a total of 1.5 billion won in breakup fees.

Li Jingshu felt a little embarrassed, but nodded anyway. "Chaodong has been making some investments over the years. He bought BKK shares two years ago. Later, BKK representative Jin Fengying fled to the United States, causing us great losses."

"Chaodong is a person who likes to make friends and is more face-friendly. In the past two years, the family's income has not been much, but the expenses have been increasing, and the family has been unable to make ends meet. So in order to relieve the pressure, I thought of letting Krystal sign a contract. Xinya agent, earn a signing fee." Li Jingshu said embarrassedly.

"Then when you came to our house as guests last time, what were the 12 bottles of Romanee-Conti red wine you brought with you?" Song Yi asked.

"That is also the last box of red wine in our family. Chao Dong said that it would not be too embarrassing to be a guest in the home of a rich man like you, and the gift must be generous." Li Jingshu said.

Song Yi sighed. This box of Romanee-Conti red wine is worth almost 20,000 US dollars. Zheng Chaodong really likes to make a fool of himself.

He felt that the name BKK Investment was a bit familiar. After asking in detail, he discovered that this company was not the same company that Li Guangwang once founded.

Li Guangguang left a video recording of his speech at Guangyun High School in Japan in October 2000: "At the end of January this year, I returned to Japan and founded an online financial company called BKK Investment Consulting Company. For the company's business needs, I decided to establish Found an online futures company.”

Li Guangguang also vowed in the video later that although BKK Investment Consulting Company was established not long ago, its income is very considerable, and the return on investment in September has reached 28.8%.

In fact, it was Li Guangying's business partner Jin Fengying who packaged BKK Co., Ltd. into an online financial investment consulting company. BKK manipulated the stock price of new companies by spreading false merger and acquisition news, causing huge losses of 600 billion won to Korean investors.

After the results of the 2002 South Korean presidential election came out, Kim Poong-young, who was in bad shape, was afraid of being held accountable by the new government. Kim Poong-young fled to the UK with a huge sum of money. Song Yi didn't expect that Zheng Chaodong and his wife actually bought shares of BKK Investment Consulting Company.

"Don't worry, even though Jin Fengying fled to the UK, he still can't escape legal sanctions. When he returns to South Korea, he can at least help you recover part of your losses." Song Yi said.

Li Jingshu has been worried for several months. She cannot eat well or sleep well every day, and she has become a lot thinner. The sensible Zheng Xiujing noticed something was wrong with her mother and asked her mother what happened. Li Jingshu did not want to worry her little daughter and did not tell her the truth. Now Li Jingshu couldn't bear it anymore, so she asked Song Yi for help.

Song Yi asked and found out that what Zheng Chaodong and his wife invested was not a small amount. They successively invested millions of dollars in the account of BKK Investment Consulting Company. Jin Fengying used high interest rates and high rates of return as bait to deceive the trust of Zheng Chaodong and his wife, allowing them to continue to increase their positions.

"They have all run away. I don't have any hope whether they can be caught back. Maybe others have already spent their money abroad. If Jin Fengying becomes a pauper, it will be useless no matter how hard we hold people accountable." Li Jingshu was a little frustrated.

When Li Jingshu saw that Song Yi had never agreed to let Xinya Agent sign Zheng Xiujing, she thought that Song Yi had already refused. She was too embarrassed to keep begging Song Yi and prepared to say goodbye and leave first.

At this time, Jiang Xiuna came forward to retain Li Jingshu, "Ms. Li, since you are also a friend of Miss Taixi, you might as well visit this Gulfstream G550 with our president. This aircraft was also given to Miss Taixi by our president. It was my birthday gift, so I named this plane T.H (Taishi).”

Gulfstream obviously attaches great importance to Song Yi, a super VIP customer. As a well-known young rich man in Asia, they believe that Song Yi will order more private jets in the future.

After Song Yi and his party boarded the plane, Gulfstream Company had already introduced the information of this G550:

"This Gulfstream G550 is the first aircraft delivered in Asia and the third in the world. With full fuel, this aircraft has a range of 11,686 kilometers and can fly directly from Seoul to New York City."

"The aircraft's cruising speed is 904 kilometers per hour, and its maximum flight altitude is 15,545 meters. For your comfort, we have built a private kitchen, bathroom and exclusive bedroom for the aircraft in accordance with President Song's requirements. The entire cabin area is 47.3 square meters and can accommodate up to 14 people at the same time, including two pilots, a flight attendant and a cook."

"The length of the entire cabin is 15.3 meters, the width is 2.24 meters, and the height is 1.88 meters. President Song will not feel crowded when standing in the cabin. The restaurant in front can also be changed into a temporary meeting. You can hold an emergency meeting in the air at any time. The meeting will not delay your business trip.”

It was also the first time for Li Jingshu to fly on such a luxurious private jet. She had also flown on a private jet in the United States, but it was a small one that could only seat 3 to 4 people. Song Yi's TH is simply a mobile presidential suite.

Song Yi inspected it and was quite satisfied. The TH number will be handed over to Korean Air for custody, and Korean Air will provide crew service personnel for the TH number, including maintenance and repair services for the TH number.

He looked at his watch and said, "Well, it's still early today. Let's fly to Japan first and then fly back that night to experience the performance of the plane. By the way, Xiuna, give your husband a call first. Just tell me that the company has asked you to work overtime and you have to go back a little later."

Jiang Xiuna did not hesitate and agreed immediately, "Okay, I will send him a message. Then I will contact Dahang Airlines and ask them to apply for the route for TH number now, and the flight crew will be here soon."

Seeing that Song Yi didn't ask her opinion at all, Li Jingshu was speechless. The little girl Jiang Xiuna needed to tell her family. Didn't anyone ask her if she wanted to fly to Tokyo? But she really wanted to see the luxurious life in a private jet, so she didn't refuse.

When the Korean Air crew came over, Song Yi discovered that the flight attendant on this flight was actually an old acquaintance, Li Baona. Li Baona, who was wearing a flight attendant uniform, greeted him warmly, "President Song, long time no see. Welcome to board the TH. I'm glad to serve you."

Song Yi and Li Baona made a joke, "Thank you. When this voyage is over, I will definitely give you a good review of your company."

Li Baona looked at Jiang Xiuna and Li Jingshu behind Song Yi. She had to admit that a rich man like Song Yi would never lack the company of beautiful women no matter where he went. She may have had ambitions to become the next Wendi Deng before, but now she finally understands that beauties of her level are, at best, just embellishments in the lives of rich people.

Even if she and Song Yi had a romantic relationship, Song Yi would at most leave her a check as a parting gift, but it was impossible to hope that she would turn over and marry into a rich family.

After adjusting her mentality, Li Baona provided thoughtful services to Song Yi and his party. The first flight of the TH was from Seoul to Osaka, staying at Osaka Airport for two and a half hours, and then flying to Tokyo. The whole journey took almost six and a half hours. .

Unlike civil aviation, once the TH takes off, there is a signal on the plane, and you can play with your mobile phone or computer no matter where you are on the plane.

For the first time, Li Jingyan had delicious Chinese food on an airplane. Even desserts, drinks, champagne and red wine could be arranged. Considering Li Jingshu and Jiang Xiuna's drinking capacity, the three shared a bottle of champagne to celebrate the maiden voyage of the TH.

Only then did she learn that Song Yi had spent $63 million to buy the Gulfstream G550. He also paid Gulfstream $7 million for customized decoration, such as the soft furnishings of the restaurant and bedrooms and the presidential suite of the Bulgari Hotel. It is of the same standard. The plane is also equipped with a home theater, so you can enjoy the latest movies anytime and anywhere during the journey.

Li Jingshu felt a little unbalanced. She couldn't sleep well all night because of the investment loss of millions of dollars, while Song Yi was willing to spend seven million dollars just to decorate the airplane. Of course, for Song Yi, who has a net worth of several billion US dollars, US$7 million is just a small amount of money. So why is New Asia Agency unwilling to sign Krystal?

In fact, Song Yi was not reluctant to part with the signing fee at all. The reason why he did not agree to Li Jingshu's request was because of the girl group f(x). If Jessica Jung goes to New Asia Agency, will Song Qian and Cui Xueli join SM Entertainment as usual? Will f(x) without Jung Sau Jung still be the function group that Song Yi is familiar with?

In fact, in Song Yi's opinion, besides signing Krytstal, he had better ways to help Zheng Chaodong and his wife, such as recovering the money they had defrauded by Jin Fengying. Song Yi knew that Jin Fengying and Li Guangying had always been in contact. If Li Guangying came forward, Jin Fengying could return the one million US dollars given to Zheng Chaodong and his wife.

Of course, Song Yi is not the Virgin, and he has no interest or obligation to recover losses for other investors. Even if Jin Fengying is finally caught by the South Korean police and brought back to the country, she will probably squander a lot of the money she defrauded.

However, because the matter was still unclear, he had no intention of revealing the inside story to Li Jingshu. If he told Li Jingshu in advance, it would give people the impression of asking for repayment.

When the TH flight returned to Seoul from Tokyo, it was almost early in the morning. Jiang Xiuna was already a little sleepy and rested on the luxurious seat in the front cabin of the plane. The only flight attendant, Li Baona, also dozed off on the seat near the restaurant.

Song Yi felt a little needy and went to the bathroom at the end of the cabin. Coming out of the bathroom was the bedroom of TH. Song Yi found Li Jingshu sitting beside the bed, and the door from the bedroom to the dining room and front cabin was also closed by Li Jingshu.

"Sister Jingshu, what do you mean? It would not be good if Xiuna and the others saw it and misunderstood our relationship." Song Yi asked in a low voice.

"Your secretary is a genius. Even if she hears or sees it, she will pretend not to know. She will definitely not spoil your good deeds. Didn't you just want to sleep with me when you were on Catalina Island? Why? , I took the initiative today, but you were scared. Don't tell me, I have never experienced the feeling of doing things on an airplane." Li Jingshu said openly.

Song Yi glanced at Li Jingshu, "Are you serious? Then I want to tell you a Tang poem, called 'A thousand miles of rivers and mountains return in a day'."

Maybe Li Jingshu's voice was a bit loud, and both Jiang Xiuna and Li Baona heard the movements of Song Yi and Li Jingshu. When the plane landed at Gimpo Airport, Jiang Xiuna left in a hurry. Li Baona also lowered her head to say goodbye to Song Yi and the others, not daring to look at Li Mingshu.

Song Yi still has some unfinished ideas. Although Li Jingyan is only about 1.6 meters tall, her body proportions are excellent and her body is very flexible. Her background as a gymnast allows her to perform many difficult movements. She is indeed a rare beauty in the world.

He sent Li Jingyan to the downstairs of their house. Before getting off the car, Song Yi patted Li Jingshu's hand and said, "Sister Jingyan, regarding BKK investment, I can help you think of a solution. Let's do this. Come back in two days. Come to our company and I will tell you in detail how to handle it."

Perhaps because she was arriving home soon, Li Jingshu became a little shy again. Her face turned red, but she still did not refuse Song Yi's invitation. "Okay, President Song, let's talk about it another day."

It's okay to call my son Song Weiyang, but is he serious about calling him Song Jiang?

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