I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 203 Completely resolve the dispute over legendary copyright

Park Guanhao is in a good mood recently. After the mediation of KTB Investment Group, New Asia Network has agreed to sell 40% of its shares in Wemade.

New Asia Network will sell their stake in Weamde for US$84 million, valuing Wemade at US$210 million.

KTB Investment Group, South Korea's largest venture capital institution, also invested US$15 million in Wemade in exchange for 5% of Wemade's equity. Wemade has also begun intensive planning for the company's listing.

Wemade's valuation has soared, reaching $300 million. It seems that KTB Investment Group is also optimistic about Park Guanhao's move to buy back shares from New Asia Network.

If there is any flaw, it is that New Asia Network has not given up the co-authorship of "Legend 2". Wemade and New Asia Network still jointly own the series copyright of "Legend 2" and derivative games based on "Legend 2".

Park Guanhao knew that Song Yi was not a fuel-efficient lamp, so in order to make Xinya Network willing to sell Wemade shares.

He agreed that Wemade and New Asia Network renewed the contract for "Legend 2", which is the exclusive mainland agency right of "Legend of Blood".

Xinya Network and Wemade have re-signed an agency contract for "Legend of Hot Blood". The agency fee is US$21 million for three years. Wemade's share ratio has also been adjusted from the previous 10% to the current 25%. In the future, Wemade will Get more revenue sharing from the popular online game "Legend of Blood".

Although Park Guanhao is still far away from the 50% share ratio he wants, he still has to eat one bite at a time. He knows that things in the world cannot be solved overnight.

In early May 2003, New Asia Network officially launched the sequel to their "Legend of Hot Blood", "Legendary World", which is different from "Legend of Hot Blood". "Legendary World" adopts the operation method of free game and paid props, which immediately attracted many game players.

Park Guanhao and Jin Huizhen tried out the online game "Legendary World" for the first time. They felt that "Legendary World" was indeed a game developed based on "Legend of Legend". The settings or game maps are highly similar, making it easy for players of "Legend of Blood" to get started.

The arrogant Park Guanhao felt that the playability of the game "Legend of Legend" was not as good as the "Legend of Legend 3" they had carefully prepared. When "Legend of Legend 3" was officially released, it would be the beginning of the decline of "Legend of World".

In fact, in order to prevent New Asia Network from coveting the copyright of "Legend 3", Park Guanhao made an agreement between Wemade and New Asia Network.

New Asia Network and Wemade both own the copyright to the legendary derivative online games developed based on "Legend 2", but the legendary games developed by New Asia Network and Wemade after 2002 are not included. In other words, Wemade alone owns the copyright of "Legend 3", New Asia Network alone owns the copyright of "Legend World", and Wemade and New Asia Network jointly own the copyright of "Legend of Hot Blood".

If it weren't for New Asia Network to give up the copyright of "Legend 3", how could Park Guanhao agree to buy back 40% of Wemade's shares at a high price of US$84 million.

You must know that Song Yi bought 40% of Wemade's equity and the copyright of "Legend 2" from Actoz Soft for a mere US$7.2 million.

Even including the US$4.8 million invested by New Asia Capital in Actoz Soft, Song Yi only paid a measly US$12 million. In just two years, Wemade needed to spend US$84 million to repurchase the 40% equity. Song Yi also retained the copyright of "Legend of Hot Blood". In any case, Song Yi and Xinya Network can be said to have made a profit. Numb!

In order to raise the huge amount of funds to pay to New Asia Network, Park Guanhao mortgaged 30% of the Wemade shares in his personal name to Shinhan Bank and borrowed US$60 million from Shinhan Bank. The loan term is 3 years and the annual interest rate is 4%.

In order to control risks, Shinhan Bank required Park Kwan-ho to provide supplementary collateral. After all, if Wemade failed to go public, Park Kwan-ho's mortgaged shares would be at risk of depreciation. In the end, Park Guanhao thought twice and decided to use the game copyright of the online game "Legend 3" developed by his company as supplementary collateral for this loan.

Jin Huizhen was a little confused, "President, Chairman Hong Weili of KTB Investment Group is not willing to lend part of the funds to our company. Why do you prefer to borrow money from Shinhan Bank instead of KTB Investment Group?"

Park Guanhao still attaches great importance to Jin Huizhen, his capable subordinate. He patiently explained, "VC companies are like girlfriends. We can only share wealth, but not adversity. Now our Wemade "Legend 3" is about to be released, and we will wait for "Legend 3" to enter the mainland. The game market will eliminate the rough-looking "Legend of Legend" and the single-player "Legendary World", so Hong Weili is naturally willing to do some icing on the cake, such as lending funds to our company."

"But once Wemade encounters operational difficulties, these VCs will turn their backs and demand that our company immediately compensate their investors for their losses. But banks are different. Our relationship with the bank is like a husband and wife, and we can share weal and woe." . After all, if Wemade encounters operational problems, they will immediately worry about whether their $60 million loan can be safely recovered."

"So I can understand why Shinhan Bank asked us to supplement the collateral. In fact, I wanted to use the copyright of "Legend 2" as supplementary collateral. Who knew that Shinhan Bank said that the copyright of "Legend 2" belongs to Wemade and New Asia Network jointly If I hold it, I can't accurately assess its value. So I have no choice but to use the copyright of "Legend 3" as supplementary collateral." Park Guanhao explained.

Jin Huizhen finally understood. She said thoughtfully: "The president has really worked hard and worked hard for the development of Wemade. It is not easy. But fortunately, the matter has been resolved smoothly. It will be fine when "Legend 3" is launched. .”

Park Guanhao felt very touched when he saw Jin Huizhen's concerned look. He has always felt that Wemade's valuation has been underestimated. As the game developer of "Legend of Hot Blood", Weamde's valuation is actually far lower than that of Xinya Network, the agent of "Legend of Hot Blood". How can Park Guanhao tolerate this?

Now, Wemade is about to be established for three years and will soon meet the listing conditions of the Korean Stock Exchange. In order to draw a clear line with Xinya Network, Park Guanhao also tried his best. Park Guanhao believes that as long as he repurchases Wemade's equity from Song Yi, Wemade's valuation will rise significantly.

Now the valuation of Wemade has exceeded that of its previous parent company Actoz Soft. Park Kwan-ho will soon become another top rich man in the Korean IT industry with a net worth of more than 100 million US dollars.

Perhaps it was the surge in personal wealth that made Park Guanhao feel a little carried away. He said to Kim Hyejin, "Hyejin, I'm going to mainland China this month to discuss the agency contract for "Legend 3" with a Chinese game company."

"You are the research and development manager of our company's "Legend 3" game, and you are also one of the most beautiful employees in our company. I have included you in the list of this business trip. This business trip may take a long time, about a week."

"In addition to talking about business for three or four days, I also plan to use the remaining time to have a good time in China. Do you think you should say hello to your husband in advance and ask him to take care of the children these days." Park Guanhao was concerned. said.

Jin Huizhen understood Park Guanhao's subtext, and she was a little surprised. She didn't expect that Park Guanhao would still want to sleep with her at this time. Could it be that the successful repurchase of Wemade shares from South Korea's third richest man Song Yi enhanced Park Guanhao's self-confidence?

However, the research and development team of Wemade's "Legend 3" all received equity incentives from Park Kwan-ho, and Kim Hye-jin, who performed particularly well, became the second largest individual shareholder after Park Kwan-ho. The higher the stock price of Wemade is after it goes public, the greater the return will be for her.

It was with this in mind that Kim Hye-jin did not refuse Park Guan-ho's proposal to go on a business trip. She was silent for a while and replied: "My husband is also busy at work, so let me send the child to my grandma's house and let my mother help take care of it for a week, so that it will not affect work."

When Park Guanhao heard what Jin Huizhen said, he felt secretly happy. He wished he could leave Jin Huizhen in the office now and have a good intimacy with her. What does it mean to wake up and hold the power of the world, but to lie drunk on the knees of a beautiful woman? It's nothing more than this.

In late May, the last SARS case in Yanjing City was discharged from Ditan Hospital. All 747 close contacts in Yanjing City have been released from isolation. The treatment of SARS patients in Yanjing area has completely cut off the SARS transmission chain, and the number of new SARS cases in Yanjing area has been zero.

Zhou Shulan, Liao Yu and Song Miao flew back to Yanjing on the Taixi private jet. Before returning to China, Song Miao was reluctant to leave her two friends Xu Zhuxian and Zheng Xiujing. She agreed to come to Seoul to play with them some time later. Song Miao also invited Xu Zhuxian and Zheng Xiujing. Go to Yanjing as a guest.

Due to SARS, "If Love Has God's Will" has not been released in the mainland. Now that SARS is under control, "If Love Has God's Will" has also been officially scheduled to be released in the mainland. It will meet the mainland audience after July 15, 2003. At that time, the film will star Cao Chengyou, Zhao Insheng, Son Ye-jin and the Chinese theme song of the same name "If Love Has God's Will" Creator Li Jian will also meet with movie audiences.

In early June, Liubaiben Commercial Street in Wangjing Center also officially resumed business. However, there are still infrared thermometers at each entrance of the mall. Customers entering the commercial street are required to wear masks. The entrances and restrooms on each floor are equipped with disinfectant.

Song Yi took the crew of "If Love Has God's Will" to the HugeDream Cinema in Liubaiben Commercial Street to attend the premiere of the movie. Song Yi also specifically contacted Mr. He from Mango TV and asked him to fly to Yanjing to host today's premiere.

Cho Seung Woo and Jo In Sung will not participate in the next promotional activities, but Son Ye Jin and Li Jian will appear on Mango TV's "Happy Camp". Fortunately, Son Ye-jin's Chinese proficiency has gone through six months of surprise training, and at least simple communication is not a problem. In Song Yi's opinion, her Chinese proficiency is at least much better than Jessica's when she participated in "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves".

Li Jian also talked about the creation process of his song, "Actually, I was very surprised when New Asia Pictures contacted me to compose the theme song for this movie."

"In order to give me creative inspiration, New Asia Pictures allowed me to watch the movie "If Love Is God's Will" in advance after signing a confidentiality agreement." Before Li Jian finished speaking, he attracted the audience. boos. Co-author We are eagerly looking forward to the release of the movie, and you kid has already watched it secretly.

Li Jian noticed that his words seemed to arouse public outrage. He apologized apologetically to the audience attending the premiere, and then continued to talk about his creative experience.

"I was alone in the room, and then I watched the movie over and over again, almost seventeen or eight times, and then I became familiar with the plot of the movie, and then I came to creative inspiration, and then the lyrics naturally appeared in front of my eyes, and then Then I wrote it out in one go, and finally it was composed into music by Yoo Young Seok, the Korean version's composition teacher." Li Jian continued.

At this time, the curiosity of the audience attending the premiere was aroused by Li Jian's narration. At this time, the host of the premiere, Mr. He, also asked the audience for their opinions, "Teacher Li Jian has said so much, everyone Do you want to listen to the song "If Love Has God's Will"?"

"I think!" The audience also gave him face.

Teacher He stood aside and said, "Okay, today the crew of "If Love Has God's Will" has brought a surprise to everyone. The next step is for Li Jian and Son Ye-jin to sing the Chinese theme song "If Love Has God's Will"."

When Son Ye-jin stood up wearing the white dress from the movie stills, the audience gave her warm applause.

Son Ye-jin spoke Chinese with perfect accent, "Thank you everyone, I have been practicing, but please don't be offended if the singing is not good. Teacher Li Jian's lyrics are very beautiful, just like a poem."

Li Jian smiled humbly, picked up the microphone and began to sing: "When the stars appear in the sky, do you know that I miss you again? How much love can only be seen from a distance, just like the moonlight shining on the sea."

Son Ye-jin stepped forward and walked side by side with Li Jian. She noticed Song Yi in the audience, smiled slightly, and then continued singing: "When we were young, we thought that people who love each other can last forever. When we believe that the love is deep, When we are together and can't hear the sighs in the wind, who knows what love is?"

When Song Yi heard Li Jian's lyrics "A brief encounter but never forgotten", he felt deeply in his heart. The women who had had close relationships with him appeared in his mind like a marquee, and finally settled on Kim Tae Hee. face.

Kim Tae Hee is also pregnant now, and the 54-episode "Dae Jang Geum" is about to reach its finale. The ratings of the TV series "Dae Jang Geum" have exceeded 45% all year round, and exceeded 50% at the peak. Kim Tae Hee and Lee Young Ae also Becoming the most popular TV drama actress in 2003, Song Yi even heard children imitating lines from "Dae Jang Geum" on the streets of Seoul.

After Kim Tae Hee attends the graduation ceremony of Seoul National University, Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee will hold a grand wedding in Seoul.

Son Ye-jin's singing is not very good, but mainland fans are always so tolerant and gave her enough warm applause. Song Yi was about to applaud when he received a text message on his phone with only "OK" on it. Song Yi put his phone aside and applauded Li Jian and Son Yejin who sang together.

When the crew of "If Love Is God's Will" were conducting promotional activities in the mainland, Park Guan-ho was struggling to face questioning from mainland game companies.

"President Park, you said that "Legend 3" is a better online game than "Legend of Legend". I don't deny this. However, the source code of "Legend 3" has been leaked. In other words, mainland game studios can The localization work of "Legend 3" can be completed anywhere. When the private servers of "Legend 3" are everywhere, our company will act as an agent for Wemade's "Legend 3". How can we make a profit?" What The9 said makes sense.

Park Guanhao was at a loss for words. At this time, Jin Huizhen quickly came to the rescue for her boss, "We admit that this was our mistake, but we have reported it to the Gangnam District Police Station in Seoul as soon as possible. This is a major cross-border and organized infringement." The South Korean police will definitely not turn a blind eye to this behavior."

"Although the words are good, no one can guarantee whether the source code leaked in South Korea will be spread to our mainland. Now the game industry knows that your Wemade company and Xinya Network have broken up. Although the contract for "Hot Blood" has been renewed, The agency contract for "Legend". But you are counting on competing with New Asia Network's "Legend World" through the game "Legend 3" to grab the market share of "Legend World"."

"Now that the game "Legend 3" has not officially been operated in the mainland, it is facing a situation where pirated games are flying everywhere. How do you ask us Ninetowns to continue to fulfill the cooperation agreement with your company? If your company cannot handle "Legend 3" If there is a crisis of source code leakage, in addition to unconditionally refunding the deposit paid by our company to Wemade, your company will also compensate us for the loss of The9." The negotiator of The9 was somewhat aggressive.

After the people from The9 Company left, Park Guanhao and Jin Huizhen stared at each other. Park Guanhao put his head in his hands and said painfully: "Now "Legend 3" is only in the domestic market of South Korea for internal testing, why are we front-foot and After The9 signed an agency contract, the source code of "Legend 3" was leaked. Why was the timing so good?"

Jin Huizhen looked at Park Guanhao's painful look, and felt a little unbearable in her heart, "Obviously, this was done deliberately by our competitors. There are only a few people who have access to the source code of "Legend 3". There is a mole in our Wemade company." ah."

Of course Park Guan Ho guessed this, and this was the source of his pain. The game "Legend 3" was developed by Park Guan Ho with the old people who left Actoz Soft with him. These people have had a working relationship with him for several years. . Pu Guanhao also regarded these friends as his confidants, but unexpectedly there was a traitor among the people he trusted most.

Jin Huizhen also felt sad for Park Kwan-ho. Park Kwan-ho came to the mainland market with great ambitions and prepared to make a fortune, but now he has to return to the Korean market in despair. This huge psychological gap is really unacceptable to Park Kwan-ho.

"President, what should we do now? According to Ninetowns Company, they can indeed claim compensation from us. Although the amount of compensation is not high, there is not much liquidity in the company's account. Not only that, Xinya Network has also stopped They said that in the future, the income sharing of "Legend of Hot Blood" will be paid every six months instead of monthly, and the reason is to cooperate with the work of the mainland tax authorities." Jin Huizhen was worried.

It was really because the house leaked and it rained all night. Park Guanhao heard Jin Huizhen say, "Song Yi, this bastard, must have heard about something, so he didn't forget to add insult to injury at this time. Damn it, the worst I can do is to put " The source code of "Legend of Hot Blood" has also been made public, and everyone will die together!"

Jin Huizhen kindly reminded Park Guanhao, "President, New Asia Network just changed the previous point card payment model for "Legend of Hot Blood" to the current item payment model. Even if we disclose the source code of "Legend of Hot Blood", we will not be able to Xinya Network has not had much influence. Moreover, "Legendary World" has migrated most gamers from "Legendary" to their self-developed "Legendary World" through the game's first deposit bonus, and "Legendary World" does not adopt It was developed using the Dephi language, and the level of encryption is significantly higher than that of the previous "Legend of Hot Blood". It seems that Song Yi has already guarded against this trick."

However, the bad news brought to Park Guanhao during this period was far more than that. In mid-June, KTB Investment Group transferred their 5% stake in Wemade for US$6 million.

Two months ago, KTB Investment Group bought 5% of Wemade's shares for US$15 million. In just two months, KTB Investment Group sold Wemade's shares for US$6 million, which means that South Korea's largest venture capital institution is no longer optimistic about Wemade's development prospects, and Wemade's valuation has shrunk sharply. to $120 million.

KTB Investment Group's sale of shares in Wemade at cabbage prices naturally triggered a series of consecutive reactions. Shinhan Bank, as the biggest sufferer, was the biggest victim of the leak of the source code of "Legend 3".

Shinhan Bank previously provided Park Kwan-ho with a loan of US$60 million, using 30% of Wemade's equity held by Park Kwan-ho personally as collateral, and provided the copyright of "Legend 3" as supplementary collateral.

Now that the source code of "Legend 3" has been leaked, the copyright of "Legend 3" is naturally not suitable as supplementary collateral. In order to stabilize Shinhan Bank, Park Kwan-ho had to mortgage the 40% equity he bought back from New Asia Network to Shinhan Bank.

Shinhan Bank stated that if Park Kwan-ho cannot find a way to solve the source code leak crisis of "Legend 3", Shinhan Bank will not rule out selling 75% of Park Kwan-ho's mortgaged shares of Wemade to a third-party financial institution to alleviate the problem. Wemade’s debt crisis.

Park Kwan-ho searched for money all over South Korea, but major financial institutions avoided him. Many employees of Wemade Company have chosen to change jobs and leave. Only Kim Hye Jin has never left Park Guan Ho.

He knew that Song Yi was getting in the way, which was why Wemade's financing journey was so difficult. He tried asking Samsung or Lotte Consortium for help, but they were not interested in saving Park Kwan-ho who was in debt crisis.

On June 28, Park Guanhao agreed with Shinhan Bank to sell 75% of his mortgaged Wemade shares to a third-party financial institution from the mainland for US$60 million.

On June 30, Mainland China's New Asia Network announced that it had purchased 75% of Wemade's shares from a third-party financial institution, plus the 5% they had previously purchased from KTB Investment Group. New Asia Network holds a total of 80% of the shares of Wemade. Li Yu, general manager of New Asia Network, announced the appointment of Jin Huizhen as the new CEO of Wemade.

At this point in the development of the matter, Park Kwan-ho learned that all this was just a joint effort between Song Yi, KTB Investment Group and Jin Huizhen, which forced Park Kwan-ho, who was in debt crisis, to give up control of Weamde Company.

Li Jian's "If Love Has God's Will" is really nice to listen to. It sounds much better than the Korean version.

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