I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 218 Lee Soon Kyu is in place

Li Zhuying found it very strange. He did not expect that SA Group would contact Star World Entertainment and said that Song Yi wanted to inspect their company, and SA Group had vaguely revealed that it wanted to acquire Star World Entertainment.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to refuse Song Yi's request for inspection, but because he couldn't figure out Song Yi's intentions, he frowned a little.

At this time, a girl with short hair noticed Li Suying's expression. She quietly walked behind Li Suying and massaged his shoulders and neck.

Li Suying knew that it was his beloved little daughter who came over. He asked, "Chunkui, why are you coming to my office if you don't go to training?"

The girl with short hair said with a smile: "The vocal teacher hasn't come here yet. I want to see if dad is hiding in the office to smoke. Mom asked me to keep an eye on you in the company and tell you to smoke less. It's not good for your health."

Li Suying was not angry, "You took away the lighter I put on the table. What can I use to smoke?"

This girl with short hair is called Li Chunkui. She is Li Suying's third daughter and has been working as a trainee at Star World Entertainment. Li Chunkui is relatively small, but she has an proud figure at such a young age, making her look like a giant child.

"Dad, is there anything that worries you? You frowned early in the morning. If you frown often, you will age quickly." Li Chunkui asked distressedly.

Li Suying was unwilling to tell her daughter about the possible acquisition of the company. After all, Chunkui was still young, and there was no need to burden her with troubles so early.

"It's nothing, it's just that a consortium wants to come over to inspect our company. Since we have never had any business dealings before, it's a little strange." Li Zhuying said casually.

Li Chunkui was surprised after hearing this, "Is it a consortium? Is it a big one? Have I heard the name of this company?"

Li Zhuying said casually: "This consortium is quite famous. It is the SA Group that has recently entered the top ten consortiums."

Li Chunkui covered his mouth, "SA Group, isn't that the parent company of uncle's SM Entertainment? Could it be that uncle wants to acquire our company?"

After SM Entertainment went public, Lee Soo Man revealed to Lee Soo Young his intention to acquire Star World Entertainment and planned to turn Star World into a subsidiary of SM Entertainment. However, the proud and arrogant Lee Soo-young immediately rejected Lee Soo-man's proposal, and Lee Soo-man never mentioned it again.

Li Suying thought for a moment and shook his head, "Probably not. If Soo Man wants to acquire Star World, he can just come over by himself. The secretary of the president of SA Group contacted me and said that Song Yi, the president of SA Group, wanted to come over to inspect us. company."

"Song Yi?" Li Chunkui became interested now, "Is this the Song Yi who appeared on the cover of Forbes magazine? A young rich man who earned trillions of Korean won before he was thirty years old. I will tell you the news later. Sister Ayumi, she must be interested."

Ayumi is a member of Star World Entertainment's leading girl group. She is Japanese and her real name is Ito Yumi. In order to facilitate her activities in Korea, she named herself Ayumi Lee and formed the girl group Sugar with three Korean members Park Soo Jin, Hwang Jung Eum, and Luk Hye Seung.

Later, Sugar disbanded, Ayumi and Park Sujin both had successful solo careers, and Park Sujin transformed into an actor. Park Soo Jin later signed a contract with the Keyeast agency, dated the company's owner Bae Yongjun, and became the proprietress of the Keyeast agency.

Li Zhuying had a dark look on her face, "Song Yi is already married and has children. He is not of the same generation as you. What's so interesting about him?"

Li Chunkui smiled and said, "Dad, you don't understand this. Sister Ayumi has appeared on the SBS variety show "X-Man" before. She has long heard that the planning and creativity of this show came from Song Yi. Not only In this way, sister Ayumi also likes to play the game "Kart Racing" produced by SA soft company. The producer of this game is also Song Yi, so sister Ayumi is interested in Song Yi, whom she has never met. "

Li Suying shook his head, "This kind of thing has always been spread by rumors. How can Song Yi be so good? Just like the game "Bubble Kart", it must have been developed by his employees, but all the credit goes to him. , this is obviously inappropriate, right?"

"Just like the album "Tell me why" released by Sugar in 2002, it entered the Top 10 of the Korean pop music charts and also won music awards from KBS and SBS. I just helped to select the songs from beginning to end. Can you say "Tell me why" "Why" does the success of the album mainly depend on me?" Lee Soo Young retorted.

Li Chunkui thought for a while, "Song composition is of course important, but it is even more important to be able to select from so many songs the songs that suit the style and dance style of the Sugar group. Without your precise vision, how could the Sugar group be successful?"

Li Suying felt very comfortable being supported by his little daughter, and he felt happy all of a sudden. The Sugar group is indeed his proud work. The cute and sweet looks, music styles and dances of the four girls in the Sugar group are a delight to watch. Many Korean entertainment companies are planning to launch girl groups like Sugar, focusing on a cute style.

He told Li Chunkui, "The SA Group inspection team may arrive soon. These large consortiums attach great importance to reception etiquette. You must behave yourself later and don't be rude. Do you hear me?"

Li Chunkui acted coquettishly at Li Suying, "I know, don't worry, dad, I will definitely not embarrass you."

Li Suying shook her head and ignored her overly lively daughter. But the usual training is hard enough. As a little girl, there is nothing wrong with being lively.

Star World Entertainment is located at No. 111 Cheongdam-dong. Unlike SM Entertainment, this company is obviously smaller in scale and only rents a single floor of the office building. There is no Star World Entertainment logo on the outside of the entire building. However, for Seoul, where land is at a premium, it is normal for small entertainment companies to rent an office building on one floor for their offices.

Song Yi and Jiang Xiuna were standing downstairs. Jiang Xiuna asked Song Yi, "President, would you like to say hello to President Li and ask someone from their company to come down and pick us up."

"Forget it, there's no need. Since we've said hello, we can just go up. There's no need to put on such airs." Song Yi said.

When Song Yi, Jiang Xiuna and the bodyguards entered the elevator, the anxious voices of two little girls came from behind, "Please wait a moment, please!"

Jiang Xiuna frowned. This kind of situation could not happen in the SA Group building. Which company is this employee? It is too rude.

Song Yi smiled warmly, then pressed the elevator door button, and the two girls squeezed into the elevator. They saw Song Yi's actions and quickly bowed to thank him.

Song Yi asked: "Which floor are you going to?"

The two girls saw that Song Yi had already pressed the button for the sixth floor, "We'll go to the sixth floor too, thank you."

The two girls are different in height. The girl with long hair is obviously taller, about 1.65 meters tall, which is similar to Jiang Xiuna wearing high heels.

The other girl is obviously younger, probably only about 1.5 meters tall, but her chest curves are very proud. Jiang Xiuna glanced at it, then looked down involuntarily, and sighed.

Song Yi noticed Jiang Xiuna's behavior and almost laughed. He could tell at a glance that this short-haired girl was Lee Soon Kyu, whom he longed for. He didn't expect that Li Shunkyu at this time was actually a daredevil, but he had a little more innocence of a girl.

When the long-haired girl saw the bodyguard next to Song Yi, she leaned close to Li Chunkui's ear and bit her tongue to talk. Apparently, they also guessed the identities of Song Yi and his party.

The sixth floor arrived soon, the elevator door opened, and the two girls motioned to Song Yi and the others to leave first. As guests, of course, they had to leave the elevator first.

Song Yi walked out of the elevator. Directly opposite the elevator entrance was the Star World Entertainment logo. Song Yi was not in a hurry to go in. He pretended not to know Li Shunkyu and the others and asked, "Are you two employees of Star World Entertainment?"

The long-haired girl quickly and respectfully replied, "Yes, I am Ayumi, an artist from Star World Entertainment."

Li Chunkui then replied, "Hello, I am Li Chunkui, a trainee from Star World Entertainment. I am very sorry about what happened in the elevator just now. I was rude and had nothing to do with sister Ayumi. Please don't tell our president later, okay?"

Song Yi understood now that Li Shungui's real name was Li Chunkui. No wonder he asked Lee Soo Man if he had a niece named Lee Soon Kyu, and he said no.

Song Yi saw that both Ayumi and Ayumi were holding several cups of coffee in their hands. They must have taken time to go to the coffee shop downstairs to buy coffee for their colleagues.

They didn't expect that Song Yi and the others took the elevator upstairs without saying hello to Star World Entertainment.

Song Yi and the others are the distinguished guests that Star World Entertainment will receive today. Li Chunkui just asked Song Yi and the others to wait for them in the elevator, which was indeed a very rude behavior.

He looked at the pitiful Li Chunkui and suddenly wanted to tease her, "Really? But when you entered the elevator just now, your coffee was not tightly closed and it spilled out. There are already coffee stains on my suit. This should what to do?"

Ayumi and Li Chunkui were stunned when they heard what Song Yi said. For a super rich man like Song Yi, the suits he wears must be very expensive. A suit may cost hundreds or tens of millions of Korean won. The two of them cannot afford to pay even if they want to.

Li Chunkui was a little unbelievable. She looked down at the coffee in her hand. Some coffee was indeed spilled from the packaging bag. She didn't know if Song Yi was spilled.

Song Yi continued to ask, "My suit will be sent for dry cleaning now, and you may need to pay for the dry cleaning. Li Chunkui, do you still insist that this matter has nothing to do with your sister Ayumi?"

Just as Ayumi was about to speak, Li Chunkui hurriedly took over the matter, "It's my fault. If we took the next elevator, this wouldn't have happened. Guest, please wait a moment. I'm going to find our president now." , ask him to get the dry cleaning fee."

Ayumi was also very anxious at this time, "Junkui, if you go to the president now, he will definitely criticize you. I will go to the agent Oppa, and they can help us advance the dry cleaning fee first."

Song Yi smiled, Ayumi and Li Chunkui had a really good relationship. No wonder later, after Star World went bankrupt, Ayumi recommended Lee Chun-kyu to attend an interview with SM Entertainment. In 2007, she joined Girls' Generation and became the last member of Girls' Generation.

At this time, the employees of Star World Company noticed the movement outside the office, and the clever employees had already gone to notify Li Suying. Li Zhuying had a dark look on his face. He was afraid that his daughter would offend Song Yi, so he hurried to Song Yi's side.

When Li Suying saw her daughter, Ayumi and Li Chunkui lowered their heads, waiting to be punished like students who made mistakes.

Li Chunkui saw Li Suying coming out and knew that the matter could not be hidden. He immediately admitted his mistake to Li Suying, "President, I just went to the cafe downstairs to buy coffee. When I took the elevator, I accidentally spilled the coffee on the guest's face. For clothes, can you give me some money and let me send the guests’ clothes to the dry cleaners for dry cleaning.”

Li Zhuying turned his attention to Song Yi. He knew that Song Yi was very young, but he was still a little surprised when he saw Song Yi in person for the first time. "President Song, I am very sorry. It is the employees of our company who are not sensible and did not provide good hospitality." , please forgive me."

Song Yi smiled and shook his head. He took the initiative to reach out and shake hands with Li Suying, "President Li has raised a good daughter. There was no coffee spilled on my clothes. I just gave a small compliment to the employees of your company." It’s just a test.”

"Miss Li Chunkui does not shirk when things happen, takes the initiative to take responsibility, and admits mistakes honestly, which are very valuable advantages. Moreover, she is very loyal and is not willing to let Ayumi bear the loss. Miss Ayumi is also very good and protects her well. Junior." Song Yi praised.

Li Chunkui was furious when she heard what Song Yi said. She was worried about this matter, but the hateful guy Song Yi actually said it was a small test. There is such a test person. She raised her head and looked at Song Yi with a smile, keeping Song Yi's image in her heart.

Jiang Xiuna explained what had just happened, and Li Suying breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. It would be troublesome if Li Chunkui really spilled coffee on Song Yi's suit.

He noticed Song Yi's compliment and asked, "President Song, do you know my little daughter?"

Song Yi nodded, "I have heard Director Li Xiuman talk about his niece who is a trainee in his father's company before."

"Being able to drag the company's artists downstairs to buy coffee during working hours, except for President Li's daughter, I think no other trainee has such courage, right?" Song Yi said funnyly.

Li Chunkui became even more angry. It turned out that Song Yi had recognized her a long time ago and actually deliberately teased her. Thanks to Ayumi who often praised Song Yi in front of her, she just wanted to bite Song Yi.

Ayumi was not angry at all. She felt that Song Yi was really awesome and she could guess Li Chunkui's identity right away.

As a fan of the game "Kart Runner", Ayumi often goes to Yui Aragaki's game live broadcast room, listens to Yui Aragaki's singing, and even plays duo queue with Yui Aragaki in the game.

As a Japanese artist developing in Korea, Ayumi has a natural affinity for Yui Aragaki.

Yui Aragaki is also a little fan of Song Yi. She often praises Song Yi and the game company Sa Soft in the live broadcast room. Therefore, under the influence of Yui Aragaki, Ayumi also became a fan of Song Yi.

Accompanied by Li Suying, Song Yi and Jiang Xiuna visited the entire Star World company, focusing on the Sugar group that had debuted and the TINTOP group that had not yet debuted.

How should I put it, in the entire TINTOP group, except for Li Chunkui, the standards of other trainees are not up to the level of SM Entertainment's debut trainees.

In addition to Ayumi, Song Yi also recognized Park Soo Jin of Sugar group. Song Yi pondered for a moment, and from this point of view, there are only three people in the entire Star World company, Ayumi, Li Chunkui and Park Sujin, who are worth signing.

If Bae Yongjun knew that his future wife Park Soojin was signed by Song Yi in advance, would he regret rejecting the olive branch offered by the SA agency?

Because the number of female artists in the SA agency is obviously more than that of male artists, Song Yi was ready to sign Bae Yongjun before the broadcast of "Winter Sonata" on NHK TV. However, Bae Yongjun had already fallen in love with a rich Japanese woman at that time. With the support of the rich woman, Bae Yongjun wanted to open his own agency and be the boss. He was unwilling to succumb to Song Yi, so Song Yi did not force him.

After Song Yi visited Star World, he said to Li Suying: "President Li, the strength of the Sugar group is indeed good. It can fill the gap in the girl group market after the disbandment of S.E.S and Fin.K.L."

"But it is precisely because of Sugar's success in the Korean market that SM Entertainment, JYP Entertainment and YG Entertainment are now preparing to launch their own girl groups. We also have a girl group under SA Music."

"If S.E.S and Fin.K.L are a generation of girl groups, Sugar can only be considered a generation and a half girl group. Around 2007, Korean entertainment agencies will launch more than a dozen girl groups. Star World is a small entertainment company after all. Even if the TINTOP group debuts, they won't be able to make any waves." Song Yi told the truth.

When Li Suying heard Song Yi's comment, her heart suddenly became cold, as if she had fallen into an ice cave.

If Chen Meijing of CJ Group is the godmother of Korean entertainment, then Song Yi is the godfather of Korean entertainment.

Song Hye Kyo, Jun Ji Hyun, Son Ye Jin, Ko Hyun Jung, Kim Tae Hee, Sung Yuri, this series of names are Song Yi's brilliant achievements. As long as Song Yi is optimistic about the female artists, there will be no unsuccessful ones.

In addition to his precise vision in selecting actors, Song Yi also has a good vision in the music industry. The albums produced by Kim Jong Kook, Lee Hyori and Baek Ji Young after joining SA Music were all hit songs, and the three of them also won many awards.

Li Zhuying believed that Song Yi would not lower the acquisition price of Star World by devaluing the TINTOP portfolio. Since Song Yi came to inspect Star World Entertainment Company in person, it means that Star World Company has a candidate that Song Yi likes. So what exactly does Song Yi like?

"President Li will tell you to tell you that SM Entertainment is preparing to launch a popular girl group around 2006 or 2007. This girl group has a tentative membership of nine members."

"Because one of the members wants to transition into an actor, he has to leave. I have been looking for suitable replacement candidates during this period."

"Through my observation, Miss Li Chunkui meets SM Entertainment's standards in terms of age, singing and dancing abilities. Of course, she may be a little short in height, but she is still young and has room to grow."

"Our SA Group is also very sincere and willing to acquire Star Wolrd Entertainment. After the acquisition is completed, the company will arrange for Ms. Li Chunkui to join the SM Entertainment girl group. We, SA Films, are also willing to provide film and television resources to the members of the Sugar group. They can transform into film and television actors in the future," Song Yi said.

Li Zhuying didn't expect that Song Yi was here for his daughter Li Chunkui. In order to get Li Chunkui, Song Yi was actually willing to buy the entire Star World Entertainment.

If someone else took a fancy to Li Chunkui and wanted to poach her away, Li Suying might have agreed. But Song Yi wanted to poach Li Chunkui, and Song Yi's reputation with women was not very good. Li Suying was naturally happy and worried.

He had also heard about this girl group project of SM Entertainment, but he never expected that this girl group was actually a project that Song Yi was eyeing personally. Song Yi said that this girl group will become a popular girl group in Korean entertainment. Of course, Li Suying would not doubt Song Yi's vision.

Lee Chun-kyu was able to leave the TINTOP group and join SM Entertainment's girl group. Her career has a bright future. This is what Lee Soo-young is pleasantly surprised about.

What Li Suying is worried about is that Song Yi has a poor reputation with women. There have been rumors that female artists in the SA Group must accept Song Yi's unspoken rules in order to have a chance to rise to the top. The one with nose and eyes rumored here is Sung Yuri, the former member of Fin.K.L.

Song Yi acquired DSP Entertainment in 2001, and SA Group also accepted DSP Entertainment's girl group Fin.K.L. Lee Hyori and Sung Yuri chose to renew their contracts with SA Music, and Lee Jin and Ok Joo Hyun joined CJ Entertainment.

After Sung Yuri joined the SA Group, she could only play supporting roles in some TV series for three years. Only this year did she get the leading role in "The Crown Prince's First Love".

There were rumors within the SA Group that Song Yi wanted to unspoken rules for Cheng Yuli, but Cheng Yuli never followed them. Song Yi deliberately suppressed Cheng Yuli and refused to let her play the leading role. Although Lee Hyori left Fin.K.L, her solo album achieved good results.

On the other hand, Cheng Yuli, although he has hosted two variety shows, has always been the deputy MC, and his development in the film and television industry has been tepid, making this rumor spread more and more. Therefore, after Sung Yoo Ri appeared in "The Crown Prince's First Love", people within the SA Group said that Sung Yoo Ri succumbed to Song Yi's power. Of course, it is also possible that Sung Yoo Ri wanted to be as popular as Song Hye Kyo, Jun Ji Hyun, Son Ye Jin, and Go Hyun Jung.

Song Yi didn't know that the obstacle to him poaching Li Chunkui was his unexplained scandals with many female stars in Korean Entertainment. If he knew this was the case, he would probably be so angry that he would vomit blood.

Lee Soo-young decided to ask Lee Soo-man about Song Yi's personality, and then decide on the future of her daughter Lee Chun-kui, whether to switch to SM Entertainment.

He also wants to continue operating Star World Entertainment, after all, the company can barely survive now.

If Star World becomes a subsidiary of SA Group, how can he protect the company's artists? Moreover, if Li Chunkui's development in SM Entertainment does not go well, at least he can return to Star World. This company is also the support and escape route for Lee Soo Young's daughter Li Chunkui.

"President Song, I understand your purpose, but I have no plans to sell the company for the time being. As for Chun Kui joining SM Entertainment, let me think about it for two more days. I will give you a definite answer before this Friday. ." Li Suying said.

Within two days, Lee Soo Young agreed to Lee Chun Kui leaving Star World Entertainment to join SM Entertainment. In order to show sincerity, SM Entertainment also paid a training fee to Star World, and Li Chunkui officially became a trainee of SM Entertainment.

The reason why Lee Soo Young agreed to Lee Soon Kyu's transfer to SM Entertainment was mainly because he knew that Seo Joo Hyun of Girls' Generation was the daughter of Song Yi's good friend. With his teammate Xu Zhuxian protecting him, Song Yi would not be able to attack Li Chunkui.

At Song Yi's suggestion, Li Chunkui adopted a stage name of Li Soonkyu. His English name remained the same, still Sunny. Girls' Generation finally welcomed their little sun, Lee Soonkyu.

Under Kim Young-min's suggestion, Girls' Generation currently maintains an 11-member group consisting of Park So-yeon, Lee Yeon-hee, Kim Taeyeon, Jung Soo-yeon, Lee Soon-kyu, Hwang Mi-young, Kim Hyo-yeon, Kwon Yoo-ri, Choi Soo-young, Lim Yoona and Seo Joo-hyun.

Song Yi set the debut date for Girls' Generation at the end of 2006 or early 2007. When the group is officially formed, the final nine members will be selected from these 11 members to form the group. These eleven girls are training hard to compete for the final nine qualifications to debut.

Lee Soon Kyu is still here, Park So Yeon should be left to Tara!

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