I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 227 Return to Tokyo

Wen Genying woke up early the next morning. When she found that Song Yi was not around, she couldn't help but feel cold. She had never expected to have this man to herself, but Song Yi's behavior of eating everything up still made her feel particularly disappointed.

She picked up the mobile phone on the bedside. There were text messages and several missed calls from her manager Jin Zhongdao. The text message read, "Genying, where are you? I'll come to pick you up."

Wen Genying almost cried when she thought of Song Yi, who was so warm and affectionate last night. She was like Cinderella who had picked up the glass slipper. She thought she had transformed into a princess and had a romantic encounter with the prince she had a crush on. Now that the magic has failed and the love has disappeared, she should wake up from the dream.

She noticed a note on the bedside, which was left for her by Song Yi. She picked up the note and said, "Genying, I went out for a run. There is red bean and barley porridge I cooked in the kitchen, as well as washed fruits. You can put some food on your stomach first. We will fly to Japan at noon, and the film promotion work will be suspended for now. Two days, take a good rest for a few days to regain your strength. Think of it as a reward for your hard work in rehearsing the dance."

Wen Geunying's mood suddenly turned from gloomy to bright. She first called her agent Kim Jong-dao and said that she needed to rest for a few days and take a leave.

Kim Jong-do had obviously learned about Moon Geun-young's movements from Kim Min-sook, and sighed helplessly, "Is it really worth it for such a man? You two are destined to have no future. To put it bluntly, Song Yi just wants to play with you. That’s all.”

Wen Geunying responded seriously, "Uncle, I have always respected you. But I am an adult now, please don't interfere in my private life in the name of my good."

"It's impossible for me to live my whole life without falling in love or getting married. If you still insist on slandering Song Yi in front of me, then I really have to consider applying to the company to change my agent." Wen Genying said.

When Jin Zhongdao heard Wen Genying say this, he felt that Wen Genying was a little obsessed now. He did not blame Wen Genying, but only blamed Song Yi, the culprit. Wen Genying used to listen to his words, but now she actually wants to replace him as her agent for Song Yi.

"Genying, when your mother entrusted you to me, I had the responsibility to protect you and keep you away from the darkness of the entertainment industry. Now that you are not yet an adult, you are having an affair with a married man. How should I explain it to your mother?" Jin Zhongdao's words were full of pain.

Wen Genying was unmoved, "Uncle Zhongdao, are you trying to morally kidnap me in the name of mother?"

"You are my agent. You help me manage my schedule, and the company and I will provide you with a corresponding reward. I do respect you as a family member, but you can't put yourself in a bad position. Really Discipline me as a daughter, knowing that my parents are always in good health."

"If you think that mentioning mom can scare me, you are wrong. Even if mom knows that I spent the night with Song Yi last night, it won't change anything. On the contrary, it's you who lost both me and mom at the same time. Trust me, can you still keep your manager’s job?”

"The age of eighteen or nineteen is the age to enjoy love. I am active in the entertainment industry, and the people of the same age who I have the most contact with are male artists. However, every time other male artists ask me for my contact information, you never ask my opinion and directly refer to the company. Refuse in name.”

"When I go to a gathering of my classmates, you have to keep an eye on me in detail, for fear that I will come into contact with male classmates. You even want to manage my inschool account on your behalf to see who I follow and who I often hang out with in school. connect."

"Sometimes, I really wonder whether you are really afraid that I will be hurt, or you are just trying to satisfy your desire for control in the name of caring for me."

"My parents didn't agree with me becoming an actor at first, but it was you who convinced my mother to let me star in "Blue Life and Death". I have always been deeply grateful for your support."

"But as an agent, it would be a big mistake if you regard you as my savior and me as a personal item that you can control."

"My grandfather used to be a guerrilla. In order to fight against the authoritarian government, he was sentenced to death twice. This could not shake his will to fight."

"Uncle Zhongdao, when you came to interfere with my social circle, I had already thought about it. I must find a man with a great background to fall in love so that you can no longer interfere with my private life. At that time, I will The target is locked on Song Yi."

"Song Yi is handsome, rich, and not too old. You know why I insisted on filming "The Innocence of a Dancer" in Bianzhou City. I just wanted to go to Song Yi's birthplace to learn more about him. For this reason, I even went to Bianzhou University to visit Song Yi’s father, Vice President Song.”

"The more you know about Song Yi, the more you can discover the advantages in him. He is like a mystery, making people fascinated by him, making women fly towards him like moths to a flame. Even if there is no Song Yi, there will be The appearance of Zhang Yi and Wang Yi and what happened last night are actually inevitable."

"Uncle, women's minds are very sensitive. When I was filming "The Innocence of a Dancer", uncle had already noticed the changes in my figure. You may have also noticed that the little girl you watched grow up transformed into a woman overnight. Beautiful young woman.”

"I'm afraid that your exclusivity will continue to control my private life and prevent me from falling in love, and my ignorant parents will support your decision. As an independent woman, I, Moon Geun-young, have never belonged to you in the past, present and future. , so give up your unrealistic thoughts! From now on, at work, I must be the main one. You must seek my opinion on which TV series to star in, which endorsements to accept, and where to go for commercial performances. Dear Uncle Zhongdao , do you understand?" Wen Genying calmly ordered.

After hearing Wen Genying's words, Jin Zhongdao felt as if he was struck by lightning. He coughed a few times and felt much older all of a sudden. He thought he was hiding it well, but Wen Genying had already noticed it.

Thinking of this, his resentment towards Song Yi deepened even more. He felt like a hard-working gardener who found a rare flower seed and then took good care of it, watering it, fertilizing it, and giving it sufficient light every day.

This flower finally bloomed and immediately showed its most beautiful appearance. However, it was picked away by a robber without mercy. Now the flower actually said that it followed others voluntarily.

You Song Yi has slept with so many beautiful female stars, why do you still want to snatch Moon Geun Young from me? Jin Jongdao was so angry that he thought of the delicate Wen Genying having sex under Song Yi last night. This kind of pain made Jin Jongdao's face deformed.

Jin Jongdao calmed down, he couldn't bear to leave Wen Genying now. Moon Geun-young is gaining momentum and has become a hot new actress in the Korean film industry. If Moon Geun Young changes agents now, wouldn't all his previous efforts be in vain?

He suppressed his anger, adjusted his mood, and said to Wen Genying: "Genying, since you are an adult, you can definitely take charge of your own affairs. My uncle will be your assistant from now on. I will listen to you on work matters."

When Wen Geunying heard what Kim Jong-do said, it was hard to break up with him directly. After all, Kim Jong-do was a senior agent in the industry and was almost in the same group as SA Agency President Kim Min-sook. If it weren't for her, Queen Elizabeth would have set up her own entertainment agency long ago.

When Song Yi returned to the apartment, Wen Genying was sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the park in the community in a daze.

Seeing Wen Genying's cute and innocent look, Song Yi couldn't help but touch her little head, "Do you like this community? I have selected a 340-square-meter flat for you. You can move in in a few days. Become my neighbor."

Wen Genying turned around and hugged Song Yi, "Oppa, do you want to support me? I don't need a house, I can afford it myself, but I hope you can spend more time with me."

Song Yi smiled, "What nonsense are you talking about? I'm going to ask you to be the spokesperson of The One Apartment. As a reward, the company will give you an apartment."

"SA Construction has bought another piece of land in Hannam-dong and is preparing to build The One: Hannam Apartment. Having a celebrity like you move in will also be helpful to the sales of the apartment. Are you willing to help me with this?" Song Yi hugged Wen Genying and slid his hands inside her belly.

"Oppa, you should go take a shower first. Your body smells like sweat. It smells terrible." Wen Genying's face was filled with a happy smile.

Song Yi started to act rogue. He looked at his watch and said, "We will have dinner on the plane at noon later. It's still early. Can you go to the bathroom and give me a back rub?" Song Yi picked up Wen Genying, and Wen Genying gave out a silver smile. With a bell-like laugh, she kept beating Song Yi's back with both hands, asking Song Yi to put her down.

When Wen Genying and Song Yi boarded the Tae Hee private plane, Wen Genying felt that her legs were still weak. Song Yi was going to Japan to talk about work, and took Wen Genying with him to relax.

Cui Shanji, who has been here for a long time, saw Moon Geun-young's face turned red and she needed help when walking. She couldn't help but said, "President, Geun-young is still young and has just gone through life. You should cherish her more. Geun-young, you too." Yes, how could he let his temper lead him to do whatever he wanted?"

Song Yi's trip to Japan was relatively low-key, and he only brought Choi Sun-hee and Kang Soo-na with him. The flight attendant on this flight was still Li Baona.

Ever since Song Yi encountered an assassination case in Seoul, Song Yi has paid special attention to personal safety protection. Lee Bo-na's personnel relationship has been transferred from Korean Air to the SA Group, and together with her colleagues, she provides services exclusively for the Taehee.

Lee Bo Na also met Kim Hee Won and her daughter Song Won Young on the Tae Hee last month. April is the final month of the Premier League, and Manchester United and Chelsea are competing fiercely for the Premier League championship that season.

As the chairman of Manchester United, Kim Hee-won will definitely fly back to Manchester at the critical moment to cheer up the team.

When Li Baona saw Song Yuanying with a milky voice, her heart suddenly melted. Song Yuanying, who is over one year old, can not only walk, but also call people. She has a sweet little mouth. When Li Baona saw Song Yuanying's face, she immediately knew that Song Yuanying was the daughter of Song Yi and Kim Xiyuan, because she perfectly inherited their appearance advantages, and when she grew up, she would also be a super beauty at the level of Kim Tae Hee.

Song Yuanying on the plane asked Jin Xiyuan, "Why doesn't dad come back to the UK with us?"

"Because dad is still busy with work, and he has to take care of his aunt and brother. When he is done, he will go to the UK to take us back to Seoul." Jin Xiyuan explained. She answered calmly and did not mean to avoid Li Baona.

At this time, Li Baona learned that both sisters Jin Xiyuan were married to Song Yi. Jin Xiyuan gave birth to a daughter for Song Yi, and Kim Taexi gave birth to a son for Song Yi. She couldn't accept it at first. After all, Kim Tae Hee was Bai Fumei and a top student at Seoul University. She was actually willing to share the same husband with her two sisters.

But when Li Baona remembered that the SA Consortium was already one of the top ten conglomerates in South Korea, Song Yi, who was less than thirty years old, was already a super rich man with a net worth of several billion dollars. In the whole of South Korea, except for Chen Jianxi's unmarried youngest daughter Chen Xinyu, there is no woman who is worthy of Song Yi, right?

Wen Genying came to Song Yi's rescue at this time, "Actually, I don't blame the president. I took the initiative in the morning. I didn't expect that my body was so weak." Wen Genying's voice became smaller and smaller, lowering her head like a primary school student who made a mistake.

Cui Shanji felt angry and funny. Of course she knew how strong Song Yi was. She begged Song Yi for mercy many times in bed.

"Just get used to him. It's still a while before we get to Tokyo. If you're tired, go to the bedroom at the back of the cabin to sleep for a while." Cui Shanji said.

Jiang Xiuna next to her blushed when she heard this, and couldn't help but spat at Song Yi. She knew that Song Yi had done nothing good by driving her back to the company yesterday, and as expected, he still attacked the national sister Wen Geunying.

Wen Genying felt that she had no appetite now and was indeed a little tired, so she went to the bedroom to rest. Li Baona, who was standing aside, helped Wen Genying go to the bedroom.

Cui Shanji sighed, "Hee-won, this former colleague is indeed a smart person, smart, discerning, and tight-lipped. We should consider giving her more bonuses at the end of the year. It is a pity for such a talent to be a flight attendant. She can be transferred to the group The administration department comes to work.”

Kang Soo-na is now familiar with Song Yi and Cui Sun-hui, and she joked with Cui Shan-hui, "Sister Sun-hui, the reason why sister Hee-won poached Lee Bo-na from Korean Air to the SA Group was to make the chairman eye-catching. If you take Lee Bo-na Put it in the administrative department, where can you find such a beautiful flight attendant to replace Li Baona?"

Cui Shanji glanced at Jiang Xiuna from top to bottom. When Jiang Xiuna thought that her dress was not up to standard, Cui Shanji joked with Jiang Xiuna, "If Li Baona goes to the administrative department, then Xiuna, you can be transferred from the administrative department to Taehee as a flight attendant. You Her figure is no less than that of Li Baona."

"Our president has always been partial to secretary outfits, stewardess outfits, and nurse outfits. When Hee-won wore a stewardess outfit in the office, his eyes lit up. Maybe he has watched too many Japanese drama movies, so he likes to go to Japan. Run." Cui Shanji teased.

Song Yi saw that Cui Shanji was about to expose his background. He became a little angry and said, "Sister Shanji, if you continue to expose my background like this, I will ask Li Baona to borrow a stewardess uniform and let you change into it first."

But Cui Shanji was not afraid, and puffed up her proud breasts, "Just wear it. I have such a good figure, but I am still afraid of wearing a stewardess uniform. Let's go, Xiuna, let's change together, and then we will be so greedy for him that he can't eat until he sees it." ."

Kang Soo Na refused again and again. If she and Choi Sun Hee changed into Korean Air stewardess uniforms, wouldn't they be as beautiful as Song Yi?

When Moon Geun-young woke up, the Taehee had already landed at Haneda International Airport. Song Yi and his party left the airport through the special security check. Outside the airport, a Rolls-Royce car took Song Yi to the AXA Tokyo luxury resort in the suburbs of Tokyo, which is also one of the SA Group's properties in Japan.

The reason why Song Yi planned to build a luxury resort in Japan was actually inspired by Song Hye Kyo.

When Song Yi, Song Hye Kyo and Jun Ji Hyun went on vacation to a luxury resort in Ise Shima National Park, they preferred this kind of very private resort.

At that time, Song Hye Kyo was still active in Japan, "Winter Sonata" was a hit in Japan, and Song Hye Kyo also made a lot of money in Japan. In 2003, Song Yi made a fortune by speculating in oil and gold futures during the Iraq War. At that time, Song Yi was looking for land in the suburbs of Tokyo, and then planned to build a luxury resort that was not open to the public to entertain Song Yi's political and business friends.

Boasting stunning views of the city skyline, this resort retains the decor of a traditional Japanese inn with modern amenities.

Guests staying at the resort can enjoy a variety of dining options, including a Michelin-starred restaurant, as well as a spa, fitness center and each villa's own swimming pool.

The level of luxury at AXA Tokyo Luxury Resort is one level higher than the Elysian Ski Resort on the outskirts of Seoul. AXA Tokyo luxury resort has hosted many Korean congressmen. Since Song Yuxi came to power, Song Yi has used power + money + beauty to weave a network of relationships centered around him.

This network of relationships will not disappear with Song Woo-seok's departure. No matter who succeeds as South Korea's president, he must think twice if he wants to attack the SA Group. They must consider whether they can withstand the crazy revenge of this huge network.

Of course, as the former person in charge of the AXA Tokyo luxury resort project, Song Yi did not treat Song Hye Kyo badly. He did give Song Hye Kyo 3% of the shares as promised in advance. Today, this share alone is worth 600 million yen.

Moon Geun-young has been to Elysian Ski Resort before, but this is her first time here at AXA Tokyo. She just moved in and immediately fell in love with this quiet resort amidst the bustle.

Cui Shanji, who has been here several times, took Moon Geunying and Jiang Souna to check in, and then took them to the spa for a spa treatment.

"Our president made an appointment with a guest to talk about work today. Since the conversation is confidential, we will not disturb him. When we recover, we will have dinner with our president." Cui Shanji has already made arrangements.

At this time, a beautiful woman in the resort came to Song Yi. She was wearing a gorgeous kimono and had her hair done in a classic bun, revealing her smooth and white neck, exuding the traditional gentle beauty of Japanese women.

She bent down and bowed to Song Yi, "President, the guests have arrived."

Wen Genying looked at the woman's profile and always gave her a sense of familiarity. When she entered the spa, she finally remembered. She took Cui Shanji's arm and asked excitedly: "Sister Shanji, was the woman just now Noriko Sakai? Why did she show up at this resort?"

Cui Shanji motioned to Wen Genying to calm down, "Okay, okay, she is Noriko Sakai, and she is also the person in charge of this resort. After she retires this year, she will manage this resort full-time for our president."

Wen Geunying felt a little pity, "Noriko Sakai is only thirty-four years old this year. She released an album last year and starred in a movie. Is there any hidden reason why she is willing to manage this resort for the president?"

When Jiang Xiuna heard what Wen Genying said, she was secretly stunned. Wen Genying, a girl, relied on Song Yi's favor to dare to say anything.

Cui Shanji didn't take it seriously, "Do you know who was the first person in charge of this resort?"

Wen Genying shook his head, "I don't know."

Cui Shanji solved the suspense, "The first person in charge was Song Hye Kyo. She was active in Japan at that time. Our president entrusted Song Hye Kyo to invest tens of billions of yen and then built the luxury resort AXA Tokyo."

"Song Hye Kyo later returned to South Korea for activities and starred in the TV series "Full House" with Rain. She could not continue to be responsible for managing the resort."

"Song Hye Kyo also met many stars in the entertainment industry in Japan. Later, she introduced Noriko Sakai to the president. After a rigorous inspection, the president agreed to let Noriko Sakai take over Song Hye Kyo's job. After Noriko Sakai got the job, she Announcing official retirement."

"The scale of AXA Tokyo Resort is no less than that of a luxury five-star hotel. Being able to be responsible for such a luxury resort alone is much more comfortable than staying in the entertainment industry as an artist. For this job, Sakai Noriko couldn't ask for it, so what? What might be the hidden secret?" Cui Shanji explained.

Moon Geun-young's belief in continuing to be an artist was suddenly shaken. Speaking of which, Noriko Sakai is Moon Geun-young’s childhood idol. The reason why Moon Geun-young chose to be an actor was also somewhat influenced by Noriko Sakai.

In the mid-1990s, the romantic dramas "Star Gold" and "Star Gold 2" starring Noriko Sakai, Yutaka Takenouchi, Takao Osawa, and Naomi Hosokawa were popular in South Korea, setting off a craze. The influence of this TV series is equivalent to the popular "Winter Sonata" in Japan. Moon Geun-young can also sing the theme song "Green Rabbit" sung by Noriko Sakai. The single sold nearly one million copies and won the Japan Record Awards Outstanding Work Award.

What Wen Genying couldn't accept was that Noriko Sakai, a popular actor and singer, actually chose to take a break from acting just to take care of the resort for Song Yi. Perhaps in Song Yi's eyes, Moon Geun-young's childhood idol Noriko Sakai is just a high-class mama.

Noriko Sakai stepped forward slowly on her clogs. This was Song Yi's first vacation in Tokyo this year. She must put some effort into entertaining her boss.

"The little girl who came here with the president today seems to have recognized me. Is she also an artist?" Noriko Sakai asked softly.

Song Yi was not surprised, "Fazi is also very popular in South Korea, so I'm not surprised to recognize you. Her name is Moon Geun-young, and she previously played the role of Xiao Enxi in "Blue Life and Death"."

Noriko Sakai nodded, "She looks young. She should be about the same age as my daughter Yuika-chan, who I worked with in "Fight" last year."

In 2004, Noriko Sakai starred in "Fight" with actor Naoto Ogata. She played a 20-year-old mother who married early. The producer arranged for her to have a 15-year-old daughter to discipline her. The role of this daughter was played by Played by seventeen-year-old new actress Yuika. Noriko Sakai plays the middle-aged mother in this drama very realistically.

Song Yi nodded, "It's not that big indeed. She just celebrated her eighteenth birthday. If it were during the Meiji era, Fazi's daughter would probably be about the same age as Genying."

Noriko Sakai shook her head, "I only have one disobedient son, who is already 12 years old this year. I really hope to have such an obedient daughter. When filming "Fight" last year, Yuika-chan left a very good impression on me. Although we The two play mother and daughter, but in reality they get along like sisters."

Song Yi smiled and said, "I will introduce you to you later when I have time after I finish my work. Since Genying can recognize you, maybe she is still your fan. Fazi, I have been managing AXA Tokyo for half a year, and now Have you adapted?"

Noriko Sakai smiled warmly, "Thank you, President, for your concern. Everything went well. Although there are guests who make trouble after drinking and do not want to abide by the resort's rules, but after I mentioned the background of the resort, the guests became more behaved. .”

Song Yi nodded, "That's right. If there are drunken and troublemaking guests in the future, they will be thrown into the pool to sober up. I have carefully selected the concierge team at the resort and spent a lot of money to train them. Their artistic quality is not outstanding." Yayu some song and dance groups, just to provide the top audio-visual enjoyment to the guests of the resort."

"For a man, what he can't get is what he wants more. This is why so many high-ranking officials and noble people flock to AXA Tokyo."

"In order to preserve the golden brand of AXA Tokyo, two bottom lines cannot be broken. First, there cannot be paid escorts. Second, the concierge staff cannot be forced."

"Of course, I don't rule out that the concierge staff and some of the guests who come frequently are getting along with each other and want to marry into a wealthy family. This is her ability and I won't interfere. Whether it's working for five years or getting married. When I get married and leave, I will give you a generous Cheng Yi so that we can all get together and have a good time."

"They dedicated their best years of youth to AXA Tokyo, and AXA Tokyo is certainly grateful for their efforts. If you, as the person in charge, cannot protect their personal safety, then you are derelict in your duty." Song Yi reminded.

Noriko Sakai looked serious and nodded, "President, I understand."

Song Yi continued to raise the point, "You might as well take a look at the concierge team to see if there is any good talent worth cultivating, and release her to be cultivated as an artist. SA will provide resource support."

"If the concierge team members of AXA Tokyo become famous entertainers, this kind of gimmick will be enough to ensure that AXA Tokyo will remain at the top of luxury resorts in the Tokyo area for a long time." Song Yi said.

Noriko Sakai was moved when she heard that Song Yi was willing to mention that SA Group was willing to provide resource support in the entertainment industry. According to this, if she leaves AXA Tokyo Resort in the future and makes a comeback, she can also rely on the support of SA Group?

She took Song Yi to his exclusive wooden villa. Song Yi opened the wooden door and saw Son Zhengyi sitting at the coffee table.

Song Yi and Sun Zhengyi were like old friends reunited. He walked up to Sun Zhengyi and shook hands with Sun Zhengyi warmly, "Sun Sang, long time no see."

Thank you all for your monthly votes. Today is Friday. I wish you all a happy weekend in advance.

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