I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 234 Song Jingyan’s Marriage

Ju Zhien took a serious look at Song Yi. She didn't expect Song Yi to be so courageous. She, who had always followed the rules, was actually tempted by Song Yi's words. After all, Song Yi is indeed a very high-quality date, and she has not experienced the happiness between men and women for a long time, so she focuses all her energy on work.

She looked at Song Yi hesitantly, placed her hands in front of her and clasped them together unnaturally, and pointed her toes in the direction of Song Yi, "President Song is so enthusiastic about me, and Director Jin is also at the wedding, aren't you afraid that she will be jealous?" Having experienced the failure of her marriage, she hated her ex-husband Ji Sangyu for cheating on her during the marriage, so she was naturally unwilling to interfere in the marriage of Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee.

Song Yi grasped Gu Zhien's psychology and knew that she was half-promoting and lacked the courage to take the final step.

"Minister Gu, it's better to choose a different date than to hit it. Why don't you wait until the wedding is over and you come back to the company with me later. I will first take you to familiarize yourself with the working environment of Souhan.com and get to know the colleagues of Souhan.com?" Song Yi just wanted to strike while the iron was hot. If Gu Zhien backed down, it would be extremely difficult to get through her.

Ju Zhien understood what Song Yi meant, and her heart was pounding. She was surprised by Song Yi's strength, but she naturally chose to obey. Women naturally have a kind of admiration for the strong. Facing Song Yi, Gu Zhien had no intention of resisting.

"Okay, President Song, let me say hello to Yan Jing first. After the wedding is over, I will leave with you." Gu Zhien made up her mind. She regretted it now. She should wear a more sexy outfit today. Only the underwear is suitable. Did Song Yi think that she was a woman who didn't understand taste, so Chi Shangyu chose to divorce her.

The wedding was almost coming to an end, and Zhou Yuncan on the stage officially announced that the wedding of Song Jianhao and Zhou Zhuyi was legal and valid. Next, the bride and groom expressed their gratitude to their parents. The bride Zhou Zhuyi hugged her father Zhou Mengxian and mother Zheng Eunxuan, which was touching.

After the acknowledgments, a simple performance segment followed. At this time, Kim Jong Kook, who was invited by Song Yi, came out to sing a congratulatory song for the newlyweds. He sang last year's hit song "Pleasing".

With this song, Kim Jong Kook won the KBS, SBS and MBC Music Awards last year, becoming the triple crown winner in the Korean music scene. This is also the unique pinnacle of Kim Jong Kook's national singing career.

The president's wife Jeon Yang-sook recognized Kim Jong-kook as the capable Kim Jong-kook in the "Running Man" program and nodded to him frequently.

When the performance is over, the wedding ceremony is basically over. The newlyweds need to exit and then put on traditional Korean clothes to pay homage to their elders. At this stage, usually only the blood relatives of the newlyweds can enter the room to observe the ceremony.

Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee were blood relatives of the bride, so they naturally entered the worship room. Song Jianhao and Zhou Zhuyi, who were wearing Hanbok, knelt on the ground and respectfully paid homage to Song Woo-seok and his wife and Zhou Mengxian. After the pilgrimage is over, the couple will go to T.H.E’s cafeteria to eat.

Kim Tae Hee looked at the grand wedding of Song Jianhao and Zhou Zhuyi, and she was inevitably a little envious. She and Song Yi held a simple Western-style wedding in the glass church on PV Island, but they did not invite all their relatives and friends. This also became a A small regret in her heart. Fortunately, son Song Yuanhao's first birthday party made up for this regret in disguise.

Song Yi noticed Kim Tae Hee's emotions, and he held Kim Tae Hee's hand. "The security situation is now much better than the previous two years. How about we choose a date and hold another wedding at T.H.E Art Museum?"

When Jin Taixi heard what Song Yi said, she smiled sweetly, "Forget it, the child is already so old. If we hold a wedding again, uninformed people will think that we want to use the wedding to collect money. If we hold another wedding, I will Reminds me of Aunt Park Min Jung."

Song Yi hugged Kim Tae Hee. He knew that Park Minzhen was a knot in Kim Tae Hee's heart, so he did not force her. Kim Tae Hee is still unwilling to appear in public places with many people. The mass shooting in Seoul still brought a lot of psychological shadow to her.

Jung Eun-suan noticed Kim Tae-hee's behavior and teased Kim Tae-hee, "Oh, it's rare to see you two show affection. Tae-hee, while you are young, have two more children. SA Group has such a big business, and the future will be left to Won Hao alone." It’s too much pressure to take care of him, so I’d better ask my younger brothers and sisters to help him more.”

Zhou Zhiyi echoed from the side, "Also, it is easier to get back in shape if you give birth to children early. Look at my mother, even though she is almost fifty this year. When we were shopping abroad, some people thought we were sisters and asked to contact my mother. Where’s the phone?”

Kim Tae Hee glanced at Zheng Eun Xuan. Even in her middle age, Zheng Eun Xuan still maintained a slender waist and her skin was in very good condition. She looked about thirty years old and looked younger than other female celebrities of the same age. Comparing Zheng Eunxuan and his mother-in-law Quan Liangshu, they are like two generations.

Zheng Enxuan knows it well. There are three main reasons why she looks younger than her peers. The first is to keep exercising. No matter how busy she is at work, she still has to find time for yoga or swimming.

Secondly, stick to a nutritious diet and try to eat vegetables or fruits that are light, less oily and less salty. In the end, thanks to Song Yi's nourishment, she became radiant. Although Zhou Mengxian had been released from prison long ago, she and Song Yi still maintained close ties. Perhaps it was this sneaky sense of betrayal that made her reluctant to break up with Song Yi completely.

She remembered something important at this time and called Song Yi aside, "I heard Zhu Yi said that you gave her a The One apartment as a wedding gift. Is this true?"

Song Yi nodded and admitted, "Yes, don't worry, I gave you a set of 160 square meters, which is not that eye-catching."

Zheng Enxuan nodded to Song Yi, "You, you, let me tell you what's good about you. When you gave the house to Zhu Yi, wasn't it just a disguised gift to Jianhao and his wife? Aren't you afraid that others would say that you bribed your father-in-law in disguise? "

Song Yi didn't take it seriously, "Aunt, you can't say that. Jianhao is an executive of LG Electronics, and Zhuyi works in the SA Construction Finance Department. With their income, they can also afford The One apartment, but they have to bear the burden of Mortgage for ten years.”

"When Zhiyi and Guangmo were dating, I gave them a house in Puhai as a gift. Now it's my sister Zhuyi's turn to get married. As an elder, I have to treat everyone equally. If Uncle Song is afraid of the negative impact, , it would be nice if Jianhao and Zhuyi move in again after he leaves office." Song Yi said.

Zheng Enxuan knew that what Song Yi said was true, and sighed. He couldn't just let his children suffer hardships with him if Song Yuxi wanted to have peace of mind, right?

Zheng Enxuan heard the ridicule in Song Yi's words and glared at him, "You have been a little distracted recently. As an elder brother, who do you think you are an elder?"

Song Yi laughed, "Aunt, you don't understand this. There is an old saying in our country that the eldest brother is the father. The Zhiyi sisters have no brothers, so they always respect me as an elder."

Zheng Enxuan saw that Song Yi was becoming less and less upright as he talked, so he waved his hand angrily, "I'm not interested in worrying about your affairs. Remember to tell Jianhao's parents about this matter. Don't let them misunderstand that it's not good for our woman to show off."

Originally, Song Woo-seok and his wife wanted to share the wedding expenses equally with Jung Eun-sun, but Jung Eun-sun refused. Although Song Yuxi and his wife accepted Zheng Eunxuan's kindness, Quan Liangshu's face did not look very good.

She felt that Zheng Enxuan was actually demonstrating. Her daughter-in-law's parents' family conditions were so good that she could not act like a mother-in-law to Zhou Zhuyi.

If it is the Zhou Mongjiu family or the Zhou Mongzhun family, there is no need for them to marry President Song Woo-seok. Only emerging conglomerates like SA need to consolidate the relationship between the two parties through marriage.

Song Jianhao seems to have no intention of switching from the business world to politics, so someone must inherit the political resources of the Song Yuxi family, so the marriage of Song Yuxi's daughter Song Jingyan is even more important.

Even though Song Woo-seok is the president of South Korea, it will not be easy for his daughter to marry the son of a powerful person like a congressman or the prosecutor general. Seoul's local established political families may not look down upon the Song Woo-seok family, which came from a humble background.

Song Yuxi originally wanted to select a motivated young man for Song Jingyan from among the young officials or young prosecutors at the Blue House, even if his family background was modest, but Quan Shuliang disagreed.

Song Jingyan was good-looking and had a considerable income. Quan Liangshu believed that there was no need for her daughter to find a poor boy. She had suffered a lot when she found the poor boy Song Yuxi, and it was impossible for her daughter to repeat her old ways.

After Quan Liangshu learned that Song Yi gave Zhou Zhuyi a house in The One Apartment, her attitude towards Song Yi became even more enthusiastic.

"Xiao Yi, we are all our own people, you don't have to be so polite. Now that Jianhao is married, half of my worries have gone. Please also pay more attention to Jingyan's marriage." Quan Liangshu patted Song The back of Yi's hand gave him instructions.

"Auntie, if you don't tell me about this, I will do it. Do you still remember Li Xianzhen, the host of ABS TV's "North-South Dialogue"?" Song Yi asked.

Quan Liangshu thought about it for a moment, "It's Tae Hee's best friend who works at the TV station, right? What's wrong?"

Song Yi praised, "Auntie has a really good memory. Li Xianzhen is the daughter of Prosecutor General Li Sangdae. She has a brother named Li Yuan, who is a first-class young prosecutor in the Suwon Prosecutor's Office and is very popular in their prosecutor's office." , belongs to the key training targets.”

Quan Liangshu understood what Song Yi meant, "If I remember correctly, Li Xianzhen got married two years ago. It's impossible for Li Yuan not to get married now, right?"

"Lee Won married the daughter of a congressman before. Later, the couple had a bad relationship and divorced within a few months. Lee Won applied to work at the Suwon Prosecutor's Office from the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office because he was always busy with work. , I haven’t looked for it again in the past few years.”

"Last time I met Xianzhen on the TV station, she even talked about this matter with me. This has also become a concern of Director Li, and she asked me to help pay attention to it. I will visit Director Li in a few days to see if I can Let's put it together. I've seen the photos. Li Yuan is really good-looking and talented. It would be a pity not to be an actor. Jingyan will definitely be satisfied if she sees her in person." Song Yi said.

Quan Liangshu hesitated, "I got divorced just a few months after we got married. Is there any hidden secret? For example, domestic violence or something like that. I don't want Jingyan to marry her and be wronged."

Seeing that there was no one around, Song Yi made friends with Quan Shuliang, "Auntie, you really can't blame him for the divorce. Not long after they got married, Li Yuan went on a business trip, and his ex-wife made an appointment with her when she was in college. boyfriends having a date in their wedding room."

"The case Li Yuan was responsible for investigating ended early, so he went home early without saying hello, so he ran into her ex-wife and her boyfriend in bed. In the end, the two agreed to divorce. After the divorce, Li Yuan applied to be transferred to the Suwon Prosecutor's Office ”

"Auntie, please keep this matter secret. After all, Li Yuan didn't even disclose his parents at first, but just insisted on getting a divorce. Later, Li Xianzhen went to Suwon to visit her brother, and her brother drank some wine before revealing the truth to his sister." Song Yi said.

Quan Liangshu sighed, "This Li Yuan is a man. He did not reveal the inside story of the divorce from beginning to end, and retained a trace of dignity for his ex-wife."

"No, Li Yuan's ex-wife later married a researcher at Yonsei University. This researcher's doctoral supervisor was Professor Le Dianren, the father of Prosecutor General Le Xiyi." Song Yi said.

Quan Liangshu thought about it carefully. Li Yuan is a native of Seoul, his father is the prosecutor general, and his sister Li Xianzhen is a news anchor at ABS TV station. From a certain perspective, she can also belong to the progressive faction.

Although it is a second marriage, Li Yuan and his ex-wife do not have children, and there is no dispute over child support. Song Jingyan does not have to be a stepmother and will not be wronged.

"Li Yuan has now come out of his last failed marriage, and he also wants to meet the right person and start a happy family. If Director Li agrees, I will make arrangements for Jingyan to let the two of them young Please take some time to meet me," Song Yi said.

Quan Liangshu thought about it and said, "I have no objection here. I will do your uncle Song's work. You can send the photo to Jingyan first and let her take a look to see if it suits your eyes."

"By the way, I remember that the chief prosecutor of the Suwon Prosecutor's Office is Le Seok-yi. Last year, he and Minister Ha Mi-ae had differences of opinion on the reform of the prosecutorial system. This year Le Seok-yi was transferred from the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office to the Suwon Prosecutor's Office as the chief prosecutor. .”

"Le Xiyi thinks it's your uncle Song who wants to reduce the prosecutor's power. If Jingyan and Li Yuan are in a relationship, Le Xiyi won't embarrass Li Yuan, right?" Quan Liangshu asked a question that concerned her.

When the Minister of Justice and the prosecutors headed by Li Xiangda and Le Xiyi were fighting, Song Yi adopted a neutral attitude of not helping each other.

In February 2005, the South Korean Senior Public Officials Criminal Investigation Division was established. The battle between Xia Meiai, Li Xiangda and Le Xiyi came to an end.

After winning, Ha Miai transferred Le Xiyi from the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office to the Suwon Prosecutor's Office as chief prosecutor in order to beat him. Although they have the same rank, their authority is very different.

"Auntie, you don't have to worry about this. Li Yuan is the son of Chief Li, and Le Xiyi's ability to change from a senior prosecutor to the chief prosecutor of the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office is indispensable for Li Sangda's support."

"No matter how dissatisfied Le Xiyi is with Uncle Song, he would not dare to hinder Li Yuan's future. You know, prosecutors like to stick together. If Le Xiyi dares to suppress the children of his superiors who have supported him, he will be in the prosecutorial system. If you can't survive, you will end up betraying your relatives sooner or later," Song Yi said.

After Le Xiyi was assigned to the Suwon Prosecutor's Office, Le Xiyi's wife Xin Minjing came to Seongbuk-dong to intercede for Le Xiyi. Everyone knows that the relationship between Minister of Justice Xia Meiai and Song Yi is not generally good. If Song Yi is willing to mediate, Xia Meiai will probably betray Song Yi to save face.

Who knew that Song Yi was pretending to be deaf and dumb and did not agree to Xin Minjing's request. Xin Minjing tried his best to serve Song Yi with various difficult postures, but Song Yi just took the sugar-coated bullets and things just didn't get done.

The reason why Song Yi was like this was actually because he realized that Le Xiyi had turned against him and wanted to be a second-rate boy. Since the establishment of the Public Relations Office, Le Xiyi has frequently met with Zheng Jinhui and Li Changhui from the Conservative Party. It is also a disaster to keep such two-sided people around.

Le Xiyi also understood Song Yi's thoughts, and his relationship with Song Yi naturally cooled down. However, Xin Minjing did not follow Le Xiyi to Suwon to take up the post, but stayed in Seoul to continue running her SMJ Gallery. With long sleeves and good dancing skills, she quickly gained a lot of fame in the social circles of Seoul celebrities.

"In the second half of the year, Li Yuan will be promoted from a first-level young prosecutor to a prosecutor, and he will be one level behind Le Xiyi. It will be difficult for Le Xiyi to embarrass him. If it doesn't work, we can transfer Li Yuan Go back to Seoul to work."

"As for Jingyan, when Uncle Song retires, I will arrange for her to work in the investment department of SA Bank. She previously worked as an investment manager at IDG Capital, and her previous work experience and connections in the mainland will come in handy." Song Yi I had a plan in mind.

Quan Liangshu felt that Song Yi's arrangements were very thoughtful, and she said gratefully: "Xiao Yi, thanks to you, Uncle Song and I have less to worry about. These things were originally what our parents should do, but as a result, Jianhao and Jing You need to worry about Yan’s work and marriage.”

Song Yi did not take the credit, "Uncle Song has so many things to do, how could such a thing bother him? He has been the president for more than two years, and he already has a lot of gray hair on his head. It is really hard. I can do this easily. There is no need to trouble Uncle Song and Auntie Song."

After these years of human relations, Quan Liangshu indeed treated Song Yi as a nephew. If Song Yuxi is still wary of Song Yi, Quan Shuliang has great trust in Song Yi. For example, when Song Yuxi or Quan Liangshu's relatives from the countryside came to them for help, Song Yi stepped in to solve the problem.

"Hey, the president's job is to offend people, if there is no mediation. With your uncle Song's temperament, I don't know how many people will be offended. Now I hope he can step down as soon as possible, and we can return to the village to take care of ourselves." Quan Liang Shu said.

After the South Korean president leaves office, he returns to his place of residence to enjoy retirement benefits. Song Yuxi is from Gyeongsangnam-do, so he needs to return to the village to retire after retirement. He does not have a Seoul household registration and cannot buy a house in Seoul.

Song Yi knew that Quan Liangshu was not telling the truth. She had lived in the big city of Seoul for so long and her children would stay in Seoul to work and live in the future. How could she be willing to return to the village to live her retirement life.

"Auntie, Brother Jianhao and Jingyan will definitely stay in Seoul to work in the future. Why should we go back to Gyeongsangnam-do to live."

"Minister Xia has prepared to propose amending the law to stipulate that outgoing officials at ministerial level and above can purchase up to one residence in Seoul or Gyeonggi Province. This proposal is expected to be passed before 2007, so you and Uncle Song are also You can stay in Seoul to take care of yourself." Song Yi revealed some inside information.

Quan Liangshu was very surprised. She had a lot of happy events today. Her son Song Jianhao got married, and her daughter Song Jingyan's marriage was settled. Now she is expected to stay in Seoul for retirement. Song Yi brought her all good news.

"Auntie, don't tell Uncle Song about this first. He is a fair man. If you greet him in advance, he might misunderstand that the law is being changed specifically for his retirement life. Instead, he will sternly refuse and ask us to give up. This proposal.”

"The previous presidents, from Quan Zhanfa to Song Shanggong, from Zhong Wanyu to Zhong Xiaotong, all stayed in Seoul to retire. Why should Uncle Song return to Gyeongsangnam-do for retirement when it is his turn?"

"Zhong Xiaotong is not originally from Seoul. Why hasn't he returned to his hometown in Jeollanam-do to retire? He moved his household registration from Jeollanam-do to Seoul, but stipulates that Blue House officials who are not registered in Seoul cannot stay in Seoul for retirement after retirement. He Who are you disgusting?" Song Yi said sarcastically.

When Quan Liangshu heard what Song Yi said, she pretended to reprimand Song Yi, "Xiao Yi, let's just talk about these things in private. Don't say them outside. If outsiders find out, it will cause trouble for you, Uncle Song. "

In fact, Quan Liangshu also agreed very much with Song Yi's statement. The previous four consecutive presidents stayed in Seoul to retire, but when it was Song Yuxi's turn, he had to return to his hometown in the countryside. Who would be happy to leave it to him?

"Auntie, don't worry, I still have this sense of propriety." Song Yi accepted the lesson humbly.

Quan Liangshu was very satisfied with Song Yi's attitude. Even though Song Yi had become the president of the top ten financial groups in South Korea, she still respected her enough.

"Okay, then I'll wait for your good news. If you have something to do, go and do it first. You don't have to show up at the thank you banquet later. It's enough for Taixi to attend." Quan Liangshu thoughtfully considered Song Yi.

Song Yi found Kim Tae Hee and said that he would take Goo Ji Eun to check Souhan.com first, go back to the company first, and then come back to pick her up after finishing the company's work.

Kim Tae Hee smiled and said, "Hubby, I'm not pregnant, so you don't need to come here to pick me up."

"I met Sister Suying at the wedding just now. Sister Suying invited me to go to their beauty salon for skin care. President Fuzhen of Samsung, Miss Xinyu and Sister Shanji, the four of us will do activities together. .After the cosmetic surgery, we should find a restaurant to have dinner. You can take care of dinner by yourself. I can't accompany you today." Jin Tae Hee touched Song Yi's cheek and coaxed her.

"By the way, my sister is flying back from the UK tonight. Remember to pick her up at the airport. Don't be busy with work and forget about this." Song Yi said.

Song Yi was a little surprised. When did Kim Tae Hee have such a good relationship with the sisters Chen Fuzhen that they actually made an appointment to have a beauty treatment together. Song Suying, Chen Fuzhen, Chen Xinyu, Cui Shanji and Kim Taehee. If Kim Taehee knew that among these women, Song Yi was the only one who had never touched Chen Xinyu, she would probably go crazy, right?

Song Suying knew that Chen Fuzhen had given birth to a son for Song Yi, and Cui Shanji also knew about the relationship between Chen Fuzhen and Song Yi. So Song Suying came to form this bureau to ease the relationship between Song Yi's wife and the side wife.

The problem is that Chen Fuzhen never thinks that he is a side wife, and he may not be willing to be humble to Kim Tae Hee. If Chen Fuzhen and Kim Tae Hee fight, who should he help? Song Yi felt that after taking Goo Ji-eun to visit Sohan.com, he should go to the beauty salon in advance to pick up Kim Tae-hee. If Kim Tae Hee faced Chen Fuzhen, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to gain much advantage.

Thanks to everyone's monthly votes, Song Jingyan's marriage has actually reserved a backup plan to deal with Le Xiyi. I wish you all a happy weekend in advance and see you tomorrow.

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