I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 236 Third Aunt Sun Yizhen

Song Yi understood what Jin Xiyuan meant. It doesn't matter how Song Yi plays with women outside, but the heir is the bottom line between Taixi and her.

If Song Yi defends the pregnant Son Ye-jin in front of Jin Xiyuan today, then Jin Xiyuan's face and dignity will be stripped clean by Song Yi. It became a joke that the two sisters Jin Xiyuan joined forces and married Song Yi together.

Song Yi didn't think that Jin Xiyuan would force Son Yejin to abort her unborn child. After all, this was also the blood of the Song family.

If Kim Hee-won was going to do this, she would at least seek the opinions of her mother-in-law Zhou Shulan, sister-in-law Liao Yu and Kim Tae-hee.

Zhou Zhengyong, the founder of Hyundai Group, has eight sons and one daughter. Among them, the fourth son Zhou Mengyu, the seventh son Zhou Mengyun, and the eighth son Zhou Mengri were not born to his original wife Bian, and the Bian family regarded them as their own children.

However, after Zhou Zhengyong died and the family property was divided, the difference between legitimate sons and concubines could be seen. His son Zhou Mengjiu inherited Hyundai Motor, his third son Zhou Menggen inherited Hyundai Department Store, his fifth son Zhou Mengxian inherited Asan Group, and his sixth son Zhou Mengzhun inherited Hyundai Group. The other children were assigned to small companies and needed to rely on other brothers to make a living.

Bian's health has become worse and worse in the past two years, and he has been living in Asan Hospital for recuperation all year round. After Zhou Mengxian worked, he often went to the hospital to accompany his mother Bian. Bian did not attend the wedding of Song Jianhao and Zhou Zhuyi.

Song Yi guessed that Jin Xiyuan was mainly angry that Son Yejin deliberately concealed the pregnancy, and planned to secretly give birth to her son and then create the established fact. That's why Kim Hee-won flew back from the UK in a hurry, preparing to teach Son Ye-jin a lesson and let her understand that the dignity of the royal palace cannot be provoked.

Since Song Yi has grasped Jin Xiyuan's psychology, he will naturally give Jin Xiyuan a face, "Son Yejin is too shameless. She dares to get pregnant secretly without telling her. She is single now and is a national pure goddess. If The news of pregnancy suddenly broke out, how harmful it was to her personal image!"

"To be more serious, she will even affect the reputation of our SA group and the stock price of SA. This kind of thing can only be done once or twice. It cannot last forever. This evil trend must be stopped! Otherwise, SA's women Xingdu is doing the same thing, and they all want to ask me to give birth to a child. I'm exhausted! Don't worry, I will definitely support you, whether you beat or scold me, I will listen to you!" Song Yi said.

When Jin Xiyuan heard Song Yi's rogue words, she glared at Song Yi angrily, "What does it mean to be one or the other? Why? Besides Son Ye Jin, are there other female artists in SA who are pregnant with your child? Let me guess, yes Sung Yuri? Or Chairman Song’s latest favorite Moon Geunying?”

Jin Xiyuan knows Song Yi's preference for SA actresses very well. Even though Song Hye Kyo, Go Hyun Jung, Jun Ji Hyun, and Lee Hyori have all been favored by Song Yi, it is impossible for Song Yi to get them pregnant because Song Yi does it safely every time. Take measures to prevent accidents from happening.

Son Ye Jin, Sung Yuri and Moon Geun Young all have obvious things in common. They all had no relationship experience before joining SA management, and they were as clean as a blank slate. If there is another woman besides Son Ye-jin who is pregnant, then there is a high probability that it will be Sung Yuri or Moon Geun-young.

Song Yi was embarrassed, he was always embarrassed to tell Jin Xiyuan that he and Chen Fuzhen also had a son. However, Chen Fuzhen will definitely keep Chen Yuanzhong to inherit her Samsung shares. Although Song Yi will give him financial assistance, she will not agree to his return to the SA Group to threaten Song Yuanhao's position as the first heir.

Song Yi and Jin Xiyuan took the elevator to the top floor together, and Jin Xiyuan pressed the doorbell. Son Ye-jin's lazy voice came from the door, "Who is it?"

Jin Xiyuan glanced at Song Yi and signaled that it was Song Yi's turn to play. Song Yi was a little embarrassed. He really didn't want Jin Xiyuan and Son Yejin to conflict. However, Jin Xiyuan came all the way from England to accuse Sun Yezhen. If he couldn't even get in, Song Yi suspected that when he returned home at night, neither Jin Xiyuan nor the sisters would let him go to bed.

There was no way to hide, so Song Yi forced himself to cough and said, "Yizhen, it's me."

Sun Yezhen heard Song Yi's voice and opened the door very happily, "Oppa, why did you just—" without saying hello?

Before Son Yejin finished speaking, she saw the cold-faced Jin Xiyuan next to Song Yi. Her voice suddenly became softer, "President Jin."

Son Ye-jin was wearing a white silk pajamas at home, but her pregnancy belly was not obvious. Jin Xiyuan's attitude was relatively cold, "I am no longer the president of SA Agency, so don't have random relationships. Miss Son Ye-jin, I have something to ask you. By the way, where is President Kim Min-sook?"

"Sister Minshu went downstairs to buy fruit. She should be back soon." Son Yejin looked at Song Yi and Jin Xiyuan anxiously like a frustrated little daughter-in-law.

Jin Xiyuan looked at Son Yejin's timid look and said, "Let's go inside first. After all, the family scandal cannot be made public. It would not be good if the neighbors could hear it. I don't want this matter to cause an uproar in Seoul."

When Son Yejin heard what Jin Xiyuan said, her heart sank. She was really afraid of whatever happened. In the whole of SA, the person Son Ye-jin fears the most is Kim Hee-won, the former president of SA's agency.

Lee Hyori previously participated in KBS TV's singing competition program. She may not have been in a good mood that day. She refused a request for an autograph from a young fan in the parking lot, and her face remained dark, showing an impatient expression.

This scene was photographed by an entertainment reporter and posted to the newspaper. Korean fans accused Lee Hyori of starting to abandon her big names after her solo career and threatened to boycott her.

After this report came out, Kim Hee-won called Lee Hyori to the office and scolded her. Kim Hee Won's roar could almost be heard in the entire office. She directly told Lee Hyori to do it if she could, and to get out if she couldn't. As an artist, she ruined the company's hard-earned reputation as a people-friendly person. It was simply unforgivable!

At that time, Lee Hyori, the first sister of SA Music, was being scolded in the office without daring to say a word. So SA artists will see Kim Hee-won from now on, just like a mouse sees a cat.

Son Ye-jin now only hopes that Kim Min-sook can come back soon to help her out. She cannot bear the pressure of Kim Hee-won by herself.

She went to the water dispenser to get two glasses of water, and then handed them to Song Yi and Jin Xiyuan who were sitting on the sofa. Then she stood beside Jin Xiyuan and Song Yi, lowering her head and not daring to speak.

Jin Xiyuan was so angry that she said to Son Yejin: "Sit down, this is your home. There is no reason why the guests should sit while the host stands."

Sun Yizhen glanced at Song Yi again, and Song Yi nodded, and then she sat down obediently, sitting upright, like a primary school student who made a mistake, waiting to be punished.

"Son Yejin, you must have guessed my purpose of coming today. Let me ask you first, since you are pregnant? Why did you hide it from us?" Jin Xiyuan got straight to the point.

Son Yejin's heart sank, knowing that she couldn't hide it any more. She glanced at Jin Xiyuan, but didn't know what to call her.

Song Yi saw Sun Yezhen's embarrassment and said at the right time: "Xiyuan no longer works at SA, just call me Sister Xiyuan."

Son Yejin felt relieved, "Sister Xiyuan, I really didn't want to hide it from you. Because my period is indeed not accurate, and it has been delayed before. Later, the president helped me find a Chinese medicine doctor to get better."

"So last time I didn't get my period, I didn't know I was pregnant. Later, Sister Minshu reminded me that I realized it, and then I took a pregnancy test stick and took a test, and then I knew I was pregnant. I was worried about the pregnancy test stick again. If the test is not accurate, I plan to take the time to fly to Hong Kong Island and do a comprehensive physical examination there. After it is confirmed, I will inform the president. I really have no intention of hiding it from you." Son Ye-jin said.

Kim Hee-won did not believe Son Ye-jin’s explanation: “Ye-jin, when I was a manager in SA, the company’s contract for artists stipulated that if an artist falls in love, gets married, gets pregnant, etc., he needs to report to the company as soon as possible. You do Reached?"

At this time, Jin Minshu also came back, carrying large and small bags of various fruits. She also heard Jin Xiyuan's question just now. Before she could put down the fruit, she defended Son Yejin, "Xiyuan, Yejin did report to the company. She notified me as soon as she was pregnant."

Jin Xiyuan did not sell Jin Minshu's face, "President Jin, are we familiar with each other? In the entire SA Group, only President Song and Vice President Zheng will call me Xiyuan. I am more or less your former boss, so you can Is it really polite to call him by his first name?"

Jin Minshu's face burned when she heard what Jin Xiyuan said. She knew that Jin Xiyuan was a little dissatisfied and was beating her up in her words.

"And you just said that Son Ye-jin has reported her pregnancy to the company. Do you think you can represent the company because you are the representative director of SA Agency?"

"You are Son Ye-jin's manager. You should report such an important matter as Son Ye-jin's pregnancy to the superiors, take the initiative to inform Director Choi Sun-hee who is in charge of entertainment media business, or tell Chairman Song through Kang Soo-na."

"Just because you are Son Ye-jin's manager, you must abide by the principle of avoidance of relatives, and you must take the initiative to report it. President Jin has been working in the entertainment industry for so long, doesn't he even understand this simplest truth?" Jin Xiyuan crossed her legs. , said word for word.

Jin Minshu looked a little embarrassed. She has much more seniority in the entertainment industry than Jin Xiyuan. If Kim Hee-won had not been backed by Song Yi, Barunson Entertainment would not have agreed to the acquisition of SA Agency and became a subsidiary of SA Agency. Then why did she accept Jin Xiyuan's bad attitude.

"You are right in your criticism. What I did was unprofessional. I am here to deeply reflect on the president and promise not to make such low-level mistakes again." Jin Minshu corrected her mentality and took the initiative to admit her mistake.

Although Kim Hee-won often lives in the UK now, no one in Seoul’s aristocratic circle does not know Kim Hee-won’s name. In a sense, Kim Hee-won’s social status is no less than that of presidents’ wives such as Samsung’s Na Hong-hee and SK’s Song So-young.

"Son Yejin, let's get to know each other, and I'll give you two choices."

"First, I will send you abroad now, and when the child is one month old, I will give the child to Taixi to raise. Regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl, we will enter the child into the Song family tree. But this child will have nothing to do with you in the future. Now, he can only call Taixi his mother, and even after adulthood, you mother and son will not be able to recognize each other."

"Don't worry, Taixi will definitely treat this child as his own. When the time comes, we will also let him receive the best education in the world. After he graduates, he will be assigned to work in the SA Group, a family as big as SA He will definitely have a share in the cause. Song Yi is also here, you can believe in my promise." Jin Xiyuan said.

Son Yejin said nothing, looking at Jin Xiyuan eagerly, waiting for another choice. If possible, she still hopes to raise the children by herself as much as possible.

Jin Xiyuan sighed. She actually hoped that Son Yejin would agree to the first choice, because it would be beneficial to both Kim Taehee and Son Yejin, mother and son.

"The second option is that the company will announce the news that you are in love with a certain male star, and then the two of you will hold a fake wedding. After the wedding is over, you give birth to the child, and finally the two of you will pretend that your relationship is not in harmony. It's an excuse to break up. In the end, you will be left to raise this child by yourself."

"By the way, the company may also publish some announcements about your pregnancy, and you will need to come forward to deny it. You can post a yoga training picture of doing the splits on the inschool homepage to deny these rumors."

"Because it takes about a year or two to go through the process of falling in love, getting married, getting pregnant and having children. So we need to release some information that is difficult to distinguish between true and false from time to time to confuse the public's attention."

"If you choose the second path, the only advantage is that you can raise the children yourself. Of course, you can also quit the entertainment industry and raise your children at home. In addition to this apartment in Ipark, we can also buy a property for your parents. , I will give you alimony of US$200,000 per month.”

"When the child reaches adulthood, whether he wants to be a doctor, a lawyer, or start a business, we will provide some resource support, but he will not have the chance to inherit SA's shares. After all, illegitimate children are not qualified to work in the SA Group." Jin Xiyuan said very coldly.

After listening to Jin Xiyuan's two suggestions, Jin Minshu fell into deep thought. She had already helped Son Yejin consider the pros and cons.

To be honest, Kim Hee-won is already very kind. If it were other chaebol families such as Samsung, SK, Lotte, etc., in order to preserve the reputation of Song Yi and the family, they would even take the pregnant actress to have an abortion abroad, and then pay her a nutritional fee. thing.

Emotionally, Kim Min-sook hopes that Son Ye-jin will choose the first proposal, which is best for the child.

As soon as the child was born, he was placed in Kim Tae Hee's name and had the same status as Song Yuanhao's direct heir. If an individual has outstanding abilities, as long as he can inherit a subsidiary of the SA Group, he will instantly achieve a class leap and become a new chaebol.

Of course, the second option is also good, through fake love and marriage, and then legally giving birth to the child and raising it by your side. There is $200,000 in alimony every month, and there is no need to work hard. And if the child becomes a child, Song Yi, as a father, will definitely not let go of the child's future.

And this is equivalent to Kim Tae Hee officially recognizing Son Ye Jin's concubine status, and Song Yi will also have time to stay with Son Ye Jin's mother and son. In addition to being unable to enter the SA Group, the child will still have a bright future.

Jin Minshu spoke, "Director Kim, since you have made these two suggestions, there should be suitable candidates for marriage. If Son Yejin chooses a male star in the industry to fake marriage, who is more suitable?"

Kim Hee-won saw that Son Ye-jin was still thinking, and said: "Apart from Jun Ji-hyun, Ye-jin is the most popular movie actress in SA. Since we want to make our relationship public, we naturally need to find an actor with the same identity, status and appearance. We cannot wrong her." ."

"Hyun Bin became the most popular male TV star this year through "My Name is Kim Sam-soon". He is a good candidate."

"Next we can have Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin collaborate in a TV series, in which they play lovers."

"At that time, we can let the public know that they fell in love because of drama. They will hold a wedding in the second half of the year, and the child will be born next year. They will divorce at the end of 2006 or early 2007."

"Of course, as a contract couple. SA will provide film and television resources or financial compensation to Hyun Bin next. He is a smart man and will definitely agree. I will do his work, and you will cooperate when the time comes." Kim Hee-won explain.

Jin Minshu looked at Son Yejin, and she noticed that Son Yejin was particularly uneasy, "Yezhen, Director Kim has already said that he will not let you abort the child, so don't worry so much. What do you think you want to choose? Or should I contact my uncle and aunt? , let them discuss it with you?"

Son Yejin shook her head, she stood up and tried to kneel in front of Jin Xiyuan. Song Yi had sharp eyes and quick hands, and quickly supported Sun Yizhen, "Yizhen, you are still healthy, what are you doing?"

She looked at Jin Xiyuan with a sad expression, "Sister Xiyuan, I know you are doing it for my own good and have arranged a good way out for the child in your belly. I am very grateful to you."

"If I tell you that I don't intend to accept either of these options, you will definitely think that I am disrespectful."

"Parents love their children deeply. If I consider the child's future, I should choose to give the child to Taixi to raise. I have come into contact with Director Taixi in work and life. She is indeed a very special person. She is a kind-hearted woman and has the bearing of a mother-in-law. I believe she will take good care of my children."

"But as a mother, how can I be willing to leave my child to others to raise. Although Yue is still young now, as a new mother, I can feel the child's slow growth. I can't let go of this kind of blood-related family affection."

"When a child is born, we parents may hope that our child will achieve something, become a chaebol chairman, a congressman, a barrister or a famous doctor. But when I realize that my child may leave me, , when I could never see him again in my life, I completely gave up the idea. I just hope that he can stay with me and grow up slowly, and be safe and healthy." Son Ye-jin's eyes were already red, which made me feel pity for him.

Jin Xiyuan, however, was hard-hearted and continued to ask, "Since you want to choose to keep the child with you, why don't you agree to the second proposal? The child can stay with you and grow up, and there will be 200,000 US dollars in monthly support. Isn’t it good to have enough food and clothing and be a rich wife with peace of mind?”

Son Ye-jin explained: "Sister Xiyuan, I know you are doing it for my own good. But I would rather quit the entertainment industry and raise my children alone than agree to the second request."

"Sister Xiyuan, for me, if Hyun Bin and I are asked to play lovers in a TV series, and then fake love and marriage, I feel it is a betrayal of the president."

"Since we have to play a couple, the two people will definitely have physical contact, such as hugging or kissing, etc. I don't have to have a wedding, and I can't accept attending a wedding with someone I don't love." Son Ye-jin expressed her thoughts in one breath.

Jin Minshu was extremely anxious when she heard Son Ye-jin said this. Son Ye-jin was a stubborn girl and couldn't turn around.

"Yizhen, you are an actor. It's not like you are actually getting married. You two are just having fun. And you are the president's woman. With Xuan Bin's courage, he doesn't dare to really make a move on you. Feet." Jin Minshu said.

Jin Xiyuan seemed unwilling to talk nonsense with Son Yejin and stood up, "Son Yejin, no one has dared to refuse my request for a long time. You are the first one in the past six months. Very good, you succeeded in irritating me."

"If you insist on putting on an attitude of being desperate for love and willing to give up everything, then I can satisfy you."

"Tomorrow I will arrange a flight to take you to Los Angeles, and your SA agent will also terminate your contract. I will issue a banning order to the Korean entertainment industry and prohibit you from participating in any TV series or movies."

"Don't you want to be an ordinary person? I can satisfy you! My child, if you want it, I will leave it to you! But the monthly alimony of 200,000 US dollars is gone, and your job as an actor is gone! You are all alone Go to the United States and raise your children! Let you do all the good things, and leave the evil ones to me. Look at this, are you satisfied?" Jin Xiyuan said.

Song Yi was about to speak, but Jin Xiyuan glared at him. Song Yi and Jin Xiyuan have known each other for so many years and knew that she could not do such a heartless act. There should be more to this matter, so she remained silent.

Jin Minshu now hates the fact that iron cannot be made into steel. Jin Xiyuan has provided you with two good roads, but if you don't choose, you have to disobey her. Now it's okay, can you give it a hammer?

If you don't have a career as an actor and don't have a monthly alimony of $200,000, how can you take care of your children? Does it depend on the welfare benefits issued by the US government?

She glanced at Song Yi and felt even more sad when she saw that Song Yi did not come forward to speak for Sun Yizhen. Both she and Son Yejin had made a wrong bet. If she had known that the sisters Jin Xiyuan were so resistant to the child in Son Yejin's belly, she would not have dared to risk persuading her to keep the child.

When Son Ye Jin heard what Jin Xiyuan said, she breathed a sigh of relief. Although Jin Xiyuan had a tough attitude, he agreed that she would keep the child by her side and raise her, and he did not force her to have a fake marriage with Hyun Bin.

Although the road ahead was a bit uneasy, she was mentally prepared enough. She took Jin Minshu's hand and said, "Sister Minshu, thank you for taking care of me all these years. I will call you when I arrive in the United States. When my job is stable, I will take my parents over and stay with them." You don’t have to worry about life.”

Son Ye Jin gave Song Yi a pitiful look, "Oppa, this pregnancy has nothing to do with Sister Min Shu. I want to keep the child myself. For the sake of Sister Min Shu's hard work for the company in the past two years, Just forgive her this time and don't punish her, okay? This is also my last request before I go to the United States."

"I came to Seoul alone to work hard. If I hadn't been protected by Sister Minshu, I would have been bullied a long time ago. She has been very good to me over the years and takes care of me like a daughter." Son Ye-jin said sincerely.

Song Yi glanced at Jin Xiyuan and nodded. Kim Min-sook feels very sorry. She feels that Son Ye-jin is really a good talent. If she leaves the film industry from now on, it will be a loss for Korean movie fans.

Jin Xiyuan's face softened when she saw that Son Ye-jin didn't forget to consider her manager Kim Min-sook at this time. She just needs to be a good child who knows how to be grateful.

In fact, she was most worried about the kind of person who planned to get pregnant in order to plot Song Yi's family property, and then gave birth to a son and a half daughter to compete with Song Yuanying's siblings for the family property. Although Song Yi is still very young, he still has to guard against it. The founders of the two major conglomerates, Samsung and Hyundai, passed away, and their children were in a quarrel over the inheritance.

"Yizhen, please change your clothes now. I will take you to see Tae Hee and say goodbye to her. By the way, President Jin, please go back and rest early today. I will personally take Yizhen to the airport tomorrow." Jin Xiyuan Strong command.

The confused Son Ye-jin followed Song Yi and Kim Xi-won to the Seongbuk-dong villa. Kim Tae-hee had just put Song Yuanying and Song Yuanhao to sleep.

Kim Tae Hee was surprised when she saw Son Ye Jin, "Ye Jin, why are you here?"

When Son Ye-jin met Song Yi's wife Kim Tae-hee for the first time after becoming pregnant, she felt a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

Kim Hee-won said to Kim Tae-hee: "I have to thank your good husband for this. He made Son Ye-jin's belly bigger. So I brought her here to recognize her first. After all, we will be sisters in the future."

Jin Xiyuan led Son Yejin to Kim Taehee and said, "Yezhen, call me eldest sister."

Son Ye-jin didn't expect such a reversal to happen. She quickly bent over and said hello, "Sister."

Kim Tae Hee smiled, took out a jade bracelet from her hand, and then put it on Son Ye Jin's hand, "Well, the third sister is so good! This time, I will try to give birth to a son for our husband and expand the branches of the Song family."

Son Ye Jin was dumbfounded at this moment. She didn't expect Kim Tae Hee to admit her identity so quickly. She asked stupidly: "I am the third sister, who is the second sister?"

Only then did Song Yi know that sisters Kim Hee-won and Kim Tae-hee had discussed this matter before. It seemed that the reason why Kim Hee-won made those two suggestions in the Ipark apartment just now was actually to test Son Ye-jin.

Only if Son Ye-jin passes the test of Kim Hee-won and the two sisters, will Kim Tae-hee truly accept Son Ye-jin and become one of her sisters.

Song Yi heard Sun Yizhen's question and wanted to laugh inexplicably. Jin Xiyuan was not angry. She put the sapphire platinum necklace around her neck on Son Yejin, "I am your second sister, and this necklace is my meeting gift for you."

Son Yejin was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that Jin Xiyuan was also Song Yi's woman. Moreover, younger sister Kim Tae Hee is the eldest sister, but older sister Kim Hee Won is the second sister.

Song Yi looked at Sun Yezhen's cute little expression and couldn't help teasing her, "Second sister has given you all the gifts, but you still don't know how to call someone?"

Sun Yezhen quickly called someone, "Second sister."

Jin Xiyuan had a dark look on her face, "Forget it, just call me sister from now on. Among our sisters, I am the second eldest. But the second sister always sounds like the second best."

Son Ye-jin also realized now that if she had just chosen Kim Xi-won's two suggestions, she would have completely lost the opportunity to call Kim Tae-hee sister.

"The company will not arrange for you to work during this period, so you can wait for the childbirth with peace of mind. My husband has bought two mid-level villas on Hong Kong Island before, but they have been unoccupied. You have a mistress in the past."

"When I have time, I will take you back to the mainland to meet our parents-in-law. Tae Hee's son Won Hao is a Korean national, and my daughter Yuan Ying is a British national."

"Our father-in-law and mother-in-law are both Chinese. One regret they have is that Song Yi does not have a child with Chinese nationality."

"When your child is born on Hong Kong Island, he will be able to obtain permanent resident status on Hong Kong Island, China. This will satisfy your parents-in-law's wish."

"Don't worry, our mother-in-law is very nice and will definitely like you." Jin Xiyuan comforted Son Yejin.

"Yizhen, what my sister said is right. Moreover, my husband has also set up the Song Yi Family Trust Fund in Hong Kong Island. After your baby is born, his name will be added to the beneficiary list of the family trust fund."

"Whether your child wants to start a business in the future, inherit an affiliated company of the SA Group, or just settle down and become a rich second generation, it's up to the child's own choice," Kim Tae-hee said.

Sun Yizhen understood now that Song Yi had actually arranged the future of all his children. As the eldest brother, Kim Tae Hee should naturally inherit the main industries of the SA Group.

The second wife, Kim Hee-won, is in charge of the Manchester United club and some industries in the UK.

Son Ye-jin’s children can inherit SA Group’s affiliated companies and part of their parents-in-law’s property.

No matter which of Song Yi's children is eligible to enjoy the benefits of the Song Yi Family Trust Fund. This usually involves paying a portion of the money on a monthly basis, such as alimony of US$200,000 per month.

If the children grow up, whether they go to college, start a business, buy a house, or get married, they can still take money from the trust fund after meeting the agreed conditions of the trust fund.

In this way, when the children grow up, there will be no risk of competing for family property between brothers and sisters, while harmony between brothers and sisters can be maintained, and wives of several wives can also live in harmony.

Son Yejin was very obedient and agreed immediately, "Well, I listen to my sisters. By the way, can I bring my parents to live in Hong Kong Island? If they don't see me for a long time, I'm afraid they will be worried."

Jin Xiyuan reminded, "Yizhen, you are now Song Yi's third concubine. Do your uncles and aunts mind? Do you want me to do some work?"

Son Ye-jin was very confident, "It's no problem, I will definitely handle it. I won't let Oppa and my sisters be troubled by my family's little things."

"Okay, then I will arrange a room for you, and you can rest tonight. You are still young and cannot live as a couple, but don't think that we sisters are dominating your husband." Jin Xiyuan joked.

Son Yejin blushed, "No, no. I'm very grateful to my sisters for accepting me. How could I have such thoughts?"

When the servant took Son Yejin to the room to rest, Jin Xiyuan sighed, "Fortunately, she is indeed a good girl who knows the general situation and knows how to advance and retreat."

Kim Tae Hee smiled, "If it weren't for this, my sister wouldn't have brought her over and let her enter our Song family gate, right?"

Song Yi hugged both sisters Jin Xiyuan at the same time and pulled them towards the master bedroom. "You sisters, you two, you have discussed things in advance, but you didn't tell me secretly, which made me worried for so long."

Jin Xiyuan rolled her eyes at Song Yi and said, "My husband is so compassionate and precious, and I'm afraid that you won't let Sun Yezhen suffer. If you let some scheming bitch join our sisters, I'm afraid that your harem will be on fire, and the chickens and dogs will be restless every day. You won't be able to mediate conflicts between women. Come on, where do you have time to take care of the company?"

"Husband, you are the backbone of our family. Taixi and I must keep things in order at home. You are in charge of the outside, and we will help you with the inside. We will take care of things for you, and you will be responsible for hugging us. That's good. Can't you find such a good wife even with a lantern?" Kim Tae Hee said.

Song Yi didn't expect that the sisters Jin Xiyuan would be so generous, kissing each of them on the face. "Well, it's true. Even if an emperor had to live like this, I wouldn't change it."

Jin Xiyuan took the opportunity to ask a question, "Husband, we are husband and wife, and we must trust each other. Neither Taixi nor I are the kind of petty women, nor will we be jealous for no reason. Please tell me honestly, except for me, Taixi and Yejin, have you ever had children with other women?”

When Song Yi heard this, his head twitched. After he entered the bedroom, he launched a general attack on the Jin Xiyuan sisters. The two sisters, Jin Xiyuan and Kim Taehee, kept laughing and avoiding Song Yi's vicious hands.

Both Jin Xiyuan and Kim Tae Hee were dizzy afterwards. Jin Xiyuan remembered that she called Kim Tae Hee sister and Song Yi's father. Kim Tae Hee, who was neither old nor young, actually called her a good daughter. She didn't know how Kim Tae Hee, who had always been dignified, could be so relaxed today.

Song Yi said that both sisters Jin Xiyuan have recovered now, but sister and brother Song Yuanying are still a little lonely. Zhou Zhengyong gave birth to nine children, so Song Yi will give birth to a football team. Jin Taixi said that Song Yi was shameless. Did he just take in the third concubine and wanted to take in the fourth concubine and the fifth concubine?

Jin Xiyuan also ranked Song Yi's women in order, Wen Genying's fourth concubine, Chen Xinyu's fifth concubine, and Chen Fuzhen's sixth concubine. Song Yi Lianlian denied it, saying that he and the two princesses Sanxing were innocent. If Chen Fu really knew that you ranked her as the sixth concubine, she would probably come from home to fight with you.

The internet is disconnected, but the mobile phone code is OK. Thank you all for your monthly votes. See you tomorrow. Son Ye-jin has been officially included in the harem troupe, and the third concubine is her status.

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