I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 238 The First Project X-Files

In the next two months, Song Yi has been working hard to apply for the F1 Korean Grand Prix. Song Yi and Zhou Mengzhun even flew to London in person to meet with F1 President Bernie Ecclestone.

In the world of international racing, Bernie is undoubtedly the most powerful man. It was his appearance that transformed F1 racing from a chaotic and dismal racing project at the beginning to a kingdom with a production value of billions of dollars today.

If you want to use a person to make an analogy, Bernie is like David Stern, the president of the NBA. David Stern used the Magic Birds dispute and Michael Jordan to realize the internationalization of the NBA and allow the NBA to pay the maximum salary. Players become billionaires.

Bernie's achievements are even more brilliant. During his tenure as F1 president, the F1 race became the most watched sport in the world, with more than 200 million viewers at each grand prix. F1, the Olympic Games and the World Cup have also become the three top events in the world, with immeasurable influence.

Of course, the rewards that F1 brought to Bernie were also very generous. During his tenure as F1 president, Bernie became the highest-paid CEO in the world many times. In the 1996-97 season, Bernie's salary was as high as 80 million US dollars. It took a long time for this record to be broken by Apple CEO Tim Cook.

As the sixth richest local man in the UK, Bernie certainly knows that Song Yi is the real controller behind the Manchester United club.

"President Song, being able to buy Manchester United, the top club in the Premier League, for 800 million pounds is definitely a good deal." Bernie first praised Song Yi's investment vision.

"I would rather let the SA Sports Consortium buy Manchester United than the Glazer family in the United States. After all, you and Associate Minister Zhou Meng both know and love football, but the Jews just want to speculate on Manchester United's stock price like stock speculation, squeezing and overdrafting Manchester United. The remaining value is then sold at a high price to make a profit." Bernie concluded.

Song Yi was a little helpless. He actually wanted to discuss the F1 Grand Prix with Bernie, but Bernie kept talking to him about football. Fortunately, Zhou Mengzhun also came with him, and he and Bernie had something in common.

He knew that Bernie had now grasped Song Yi's eagerness to host the Korean F1 Grand Prix, so he was waiting for a price.

Song Yi was indeed scrambling for time again. He thought of Bernie's rumors and his heart moved, so he discussed it with Zhou Mengzhun.

Zhou Mengzhun hesitated, "Are you sure Bernie values ​​this money? If we offend Bernie by giving away money and South Korea is unable to apply for this heavyweight F1 event in the next ten years, then we will lose more than we gain."

In order to help South Korea bid for the 2002 World Cup, Zhou Mengzhun, as the vice president of FIFA, often contacted the FIFA executive committee. He is already familiar with this kind of human relations.

Of course, there are also gift-giving skills. If Song Yi prepared a multi-million dollar check for Bernie, he wouldn't dare to accept it even if Bernie had the guts to do so. It is impossible for him to lose his job with an annual salary of tens of millions of dollars because of this benefit.

Song Yi and Zhou Mengzhun decided to split up. Zhou Mengzhun went to Manchester to pay condolences to the Korean star Park Ji-sung who was training at Manchester United.

In June this year, Park Ji-sung officially transferred to Manchester United from PSV Eindhoven in the Eredivisie, becoming the first Korean player in the history of Manchester United.

In order to be able to enter Manchester United's rotation list, Park Ji-sung deliberately stayed in the UK for additional training, and even gave up participating in Manchester United's Asia tour.

Manchester United head coach Jose Mourinho and consultant Sir Alex Ferguson both appreciate Park Ji-sung's attitude and believe he has a place in Manchester United's main lineup in the next few years.

Last year, in order to open up the Chinese market, Manchester United signed the Chinese football genius Dong Fangzhuo. Manchester United signed Dong Fangzhuo and loaned him to Einhorn. If Dong Fangzhuo can establish himself in PSV, then Manchester United will recall him to Manchester United.

Song Yi, who stayed in London, was not idle. He found a consulting company, paid a consulting fee of 500,000 pounds to the consulting company, and then donated 5 million US dollars to a trust fund established in Singapore.

At the end of August, Bernie Ecclestone flew directly from London to Seoul and signed a seven-season F1 Grand Prix hosting agreement with Hyundai Sports starting from 2008 and ending in 2014. (If both parties agree, The contract can also be extended until 2021).

In order to win the right to host F1 events, Modern Sports has also spent a lot of money. Modern Sports transferred US$204 million into the account of FOM, the operator of the F1 competition.

On the day of the signing ceremony, F1 President Ecclestone, Hyundai Sports President Zhou Mengkui, SA Group Chairman Song Yi, Korean Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Zhou Mongjun, Hyundai Sports Director Seo Mi-kyung, and Korean F1 Grand Prix International Circuit Designer Hermann Tilke all Appear together.

Zhou Mengkui officially announced the design plan for the Korean F1 Grand Prix International Circuit. The official name of the Korean F1 Grand Prix International Circuit is Starry Sky Circuit.

The Starry Sky Circuit consists of two tracks. The track used in F1 competitions is 5.621 kilometers long. One of them is a street stage and the other is a permanent track with a length of 3.045 kilometers.

The Star Circuit will promise to build a straight track of more than 1,100 meters, and strive to break the single-lap length record of each F1 Asian race.

The Star Circuit can accommodate up to 135,000 fans and provides grandstand seats for 120,000 spectators.

Designer Tilke also revealed many design highlights of the starry sky track, such as the counterclockwise racing direction of the starry sky track, and the semi-permanent and semi-temporary design concept, which is also in line with the yin and yang design concept of Tai Chi. By then, some tourists standing on the hotel balcony will be able to feel the F1 racing cars roaring past downstairs.

At the signing ceremony, Bernie announced that SA Group would become the global partner of the F1 event for the next ten years. Starting from 2006, fans will always see SA's advertising icon in the live F1 race footage. .

Although Song Yi did not announce the details of the contract, it is speculated that SA Group will pay FOM Company at least hundreds of millions of pounds in advertising endorsement fees in the next ten years.

Song Yi, chairman of SA Group, said in an interview with financial reporters at the signing site: "Although SA Group has been deeply involved in the Korean market, it has not given up its attempts at internationalization."

"SA Sports Group's acquisition of Manchester United and SA Soft's social networking site inschool are all our attempts. History has proven that creating a great brand requires huge investments, and investing in F1 is definitely the best way to win high returns with high investments. I I strongly agree that investing in F1 during the downturn will provide the best returns for our SA brand internationalization."

"South Korea has already hosted the Olympic Games and the World Cup. As a member of Hyundai, I am very happy to introduce F1 events to South Korea, which continues our family's fine tradition of attaching importance to sports and promoting sportsmanship." Song Yi said.

Song Yi at the press conference was particularly high-spirited. Samsung's Chen Jianxi, SK's Cui Anyuan and Lotte's Shin Dongbin all saw the news of the F1 Korean Grand Prix on TV.

In fact, Chen Jianxi did not pay attention to the design plan of the star track. He was more concerned about the 10-year advertising cooperation agreement reached between SA and F1.

He called Chen Zaiyong, "I have to admit, I did underestimate Song Yi's ambitions. In addition to the media, real estate and Internet businesses that SA has already been involved in, SA is already preparing to enter the field of electronic equipment manufacturing to compete with our Samsung."

"If it is just to promote inschool, there is no need for SA Group to sign this hundreds of millions of pounds advertising contract with F1."

"You should focus on searching SA Electronics these days, especially the patents that SA Electronics has applied for in the past two years since it set up several overseas laboratories. I suspect that SA Electronics is plotting to produce a new mobile phone product. This product will greatly change consumption. The way people use their phones.”

"We at Samsung are very likely to be lagging behind SA Electronics, so we must always keep an eye on the latest developments of SA Electronics. If SA Electronics is the first manufacturer in the world to release this new mobile phone, then we at Samsung will have to Strive to become the best mobile phone manufacturer in the world." Chen Jianxi ordered.

Chen Zaiyong found it a bit incredible, "We have also been keeping an eye on the movements of SA and Song Yi. The SA Group has never shown any intention to manufacture new mobile phones. So how did they complete the project establishment, design, R\u0026D and manufacturing of the mobile phone project? "

Chen Jianxi sighed, "Actually, I was careless. I have been keeping an eye on Song Yi's developments in the Korean market. In order to avoid Samsung's attention, Song Yi placed the design and research and development of new mobile phones overseas at SA Electronics. The laboratory and the production line of new mobile phones are located in mainland China."

The Korean market is so big, and the rise of the SA consortium is bound to squeeze the market space of established consortiums such as Samsung, SK, and Lotte. Although Chen Jianxi tolerated Chen Fuzhen's cooperation with the SA Group to a certain extent, he never gave up the idea of ​​suppressing SA.

Chen Zaiyong came up with an idea at this time, "SA Group has invested heavily in advertising for SA Group in F1 events. If you want to dilute SA's brand influence, the key actually falls on Song Yi."

"This guy Song Yi is very influential in the age group of 20 to 30 years old. There are quite a number of Koreans who think Song Yi is a business genius and the Korean Son Masayoshi. They talk about Song Yi's wealth myth. , hoping that he could become the next Song Yi, but ignored Song Yi's fatal flaws." Chen Zaiyong said.

"Are you talking about Song Yi's romantic reputation?" Chen Jianxi was somewhat disapproving, "It is actually normal for a young rich man like Song Yi to have some scandals with the actresses around him, and the public will not reject Song Yi because of his scandals. Buy SA electronic products. And we don’t have any real evidence that Song Yi is fooling around with SA actresses.”

"Although this is true, we don't need to prove it. First Project evaluates the development prospects of advertising models and stars in the entertainment industry every year."

"We can compile the "Report on the Results of In-depth Interviews with People Specialized in Speculating Advertising Models and Celebrity Prospects" from the First Project, and then a new employee inadvertently leaks this X-File to the public."

"This file will provide a detailed analysis of the current situation and trends of SA Group's artists, from Song Hye Kyo, Jun Ji Hyun, Son Ye Jin, Ko Hyun Jung, Lee Hyori to Moon Geun Young, without exception."

"We can use the name of rumors to point out that Song Yi has an unusual and ambiguous relationship with every female star of SA, such as traveling to Japan together, staying in the same hotel, etc."

"After all, Song Yi is a married person and has a child with Kim Tae Hee. Although the crime of adultery in South Korea has been eliminated in name only, if public opinion spreads that Song Yi has slept with almost all female artists under SA, including those under the age of 20, Actress, how do you think the public will view Song Yi and the artists of SA Group?"

"And this guy Song Yi stood up to speak out for the Li Enzhu case, which won him and the SA Group a good reputation. After the scandals between Song Yi and SA actresses came out, will the public think that Song Yi actually accepts Kim Sung-hoon of The Contents Entertainment who was put on trial is actually a fake, a female artist who used her boss’s identity and power to make unspoken rules.”

"As long as we pour this dirty water on Song Yi, even if a small number of Koreans take the lead in boycotting SA or Song Yi, then the hundreds of millions of pounds of advertising fees paid by SA Group to FOM will at least be greatly discounted. SA Group's brand international The globalization strategy will also be forced to be postponed for several years." Chen Zaiyong analyzed.

Chen Jianxi thought about it and felt that Chen Zaiyong's analysis made sense. When the SA Group successfully obtained the right to host the F1 Korean Grand Prix, he did become somewhat wary of the SA Group and Song Yi.

"Don't say that Song Yi has slept with all the female artists under SA. Even if it is true, the public will think that the First Project report has no credibility and think that we deliberately fabricated fake news to slander SA."

"Actually, just mention a few key artists. Jun Ji-hyun and Song Hye-kyo are currently the most popular movie and TV drama actors in Korea, and they are relatively representative. Jun Ji-hyun also showed off the Porsche 911 Turbo sports car given to her by Song Yi. ?"

"As for Song Hye Kyo, it can be said that during her relationship with Rain, she was still disconnected from Song Yi and was between the two men. Audiences like to see this kind of love triangle rumor, but as for whether it is true or not, everyone doesn't care."

"In addition to Jun Ji-hyun and Song Hye-kyo, let's focus on Moon Geun-young. Moon Geun-young debuted as a child star and is not yet 20 this year. If the public knows that Moon Geun-young is Song Yi's secret lover, it is estimated that Moon Geun-young's fans will run to the SA building to protest." Chen Jianxi. He gave Chen Zai Rong some pointers.

Chen Zaiyong accepted the instruction humbly, "I understand, father. I will contact President Yu Zhenggen of First Planning immediately. I believe he will arrange things properly."

After Chen Zaiyong and Yu Zhenggen decided on the action plan, Chen Zaiyong was in a very happy mood. After all, he had long disliked Song Yi, but he had never found a suitable opportunity to make a move.

Now the Korean media has been promoting Song Yi, and Song Yi's limelight has completely overtaken Samsung Prince Chen Jae-yong and Hyundai Motor Prince Zhou Eui-seon. Although Song Yi is still under thirty, many Korean media have compared Song Yi to business giants such as Zhou Zhengyong and Chen Jianxi, and believe that it is only a matter of time before Song Yi becomes the richest man in South Korea.

Lin Zhiling noticed that Chen Zaiyong was in a particularly good mood and asked tentatively, "Husband, I see you are looking very happy today. Is there any big happy event?"

Chen Zaiyong was very proud, "Of course it's a great event, because Song Yi is going to be unlucky. Even though he looked so arrogant at the F1 signing ceremony, in a few days, he will become a street rat, and everyone will cry out for him. ."

Lin Zhiling's heart sank. She wanted to quote Chen Zaiyong's words, "Why did Song Yi become a street rat? Is it because his tax evasion was discovered by the National Taxation Department?"

Chen Zaiyong remembered that Lin Chiling's mother-in-law's Elephant Group was a cooperative supplier of Sohan.com. Although he did not believe that Lin Chiling would tip off Song Yi, he was thoughtful and did not reveal the details.

"Forget it, why are you talking about such a disappointing guy? Didn't you say you wanted a child last time? You go take a shower first, let's go to bed early today." Chen Zaiyong was rarely in the mood to hand over the public food.

After the satisfied Chen Zaiyong left the room, Lin Zhiling called Chen Fuzhen and told Chen Fuzhen exactly what Chen Zaiyong said.

"Song Yi is going to be in trouble?" Chen Fuzhen was also confused. She decided to check Chen Zai-rong's whereabouts today.

Chen Fuzhen found out that Chen Zaiyong had a separate appointment with Yu Zhenggen of the First Project today. The two talked behind closed doors for a long time, but the content of the conversation was unknown.

Chen Fuzhen called Song Yi and said that Chen Zaiyong was planning to deal with him. Chen Fuzhen was a little confused, "Brother wants to deal with you, why did he find Yu Zhenggen? Does Chen Zaiyong want to advertise to you?" Chen Fuzhen felt that his conjecture was groundless.

At this time, Song Yi remembered the first planned X-file that made hundreds of Korean entertainment artists talk about it. It was this X-file that pointed out that Boa, the first sister of SM Entertainment, had an affair with a certain SM company executive before she was an adult. It affects SM Entertainment’s stock price.

"You're right. Maybe Chen Zaiyong really wants to promote me through the first project."

Song Yi and Chen Fuzhen chatted about the X-Files. It turns out that First Project actually produces an "In-depth Interview Results Report of People Specialized in Speculating Advertising Models and Celebrity Prospects" every year.

"In order to smear me, Jae-yong will definitely fabricate some scandals between me and SA's female stars, which may even include SM Entertainment's Boa and national sister Moon Geun-young. If my hidden rules for SA's female artists appear in the newspaper, then SA and I will be plunged into a serious crisis of public opinion." Song Yi said.

After listening to Song Yi's analysis, Chen Fuzhen broke into a cold sweat. If Chen Zaiyong and Yu Zhenggen's plan succeeded, Song Yi really had no good way to counterattack. After all, scandals in the entertainment industry are true or false. If First Project used the name of rumors to spread Song Yi's scandal, Song Yi did not even sue First Project.

Song Yi comforted Chen Fuzhen, "If I didn't know about this, I really couldn't do anything about it. Now that I already know about it, it's impossible for this X-file to hurt me."

"Starting from tomorrow, all SA Group's Internet promotion methods will be used. We will disseminate an enhanced version of the X-Files in advance, which is mixed with some entertainment industry news that is difficult to distinguish true from false."

"For example, Kim Jong Kook and Yoon Eun Hye in the show "X-Man" are not only an on-screen couple, but they also dated in private."

"Lee Hyori, the female MC of "Running Man", was kept by a president of one of Korea's top ten financial groups. This president is old enough to be Lee Hyori's father."

"In order to get the opportunity to star in "Dae Jang Geum", Lee Young Ae took the initiative to date Chairman Song behind her boyfriend's back. Moon Geun Young had a romance with the male lead Kim Rae Won during the filming of "My Little Bride", etc."

Chen Fuzhen felt relieved when he heard Song Yi casually make up a few words. As long as these entertainment gossips are exposed before the X-Files, then the X-Files planned by No. 1 will do minimal damage to Song Yi's personal image.

"Husband, luckily my sister-in-law tipped me off this time and asked me to notify you as soon as possible. Next time you see her, remember to thank her properly." Chen Fuzhen said.

"But Zhiling seems to be lacking everything, so how can I thank her? How about giving her a fat boy like you?" Song Yi joked.

"If you're not afraid of big brother knowing, I don't mind." Chen Fuzhen just thought Song Yi was joking and agreed casually.

This guy Song Yi is really studying the feasibility of this matter. This guy Chen Zaiyong has provoked him again and again. Now he can't slap Chen Zaiyong to death.

If Song Yi and Lin Zhiling had a child, the child would eventually inherit Samsung from Chen Zaiyong. When Lin Chiling reveals the truth to Chen Zai-rong before he dies, Chen Zai-rong will probably be so angry that he vomits blood and dies.

This plot is the Korean chaebol version of "The Legend of Zhen Huan", much better than "The Heirs", Song Yi thought to himself.

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