I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 248 Souhan.com Advertising Costing US$40 Million!

At 15:08 pm on November 28, 2005, a fire broke out in the SK C\u0026amp;C Banqiao data center, a subsidiary of South Korea's SK Telecom, causing South Korea's largest social networking site inschool, the largest shopping website Sohan.com and the second-ranked search The engine website Yahoo Korea experienced a service outage.

At 15:48, the inschool website resumed network services, at 16:02, Sohan.com resumed network services, and at 17:02, Yahoo Korea resumed network services.

At 17:30, South Korea’s Minister of Science, Technology, Information and Communications Chen Se-ho apologized to the Korean public for the inschool disconnection incident.

Chen Shihao said that relevant Internet companies have been required to take corresponding security measures to prevent similar network outages from happening again, including ensuring that user data is backed up and incidents are reported quickly.

When Chen Shihao originally planned to invite Song Yi, president of SA Soft, to visit Pangyo's damaged data center in southern Seoul, Song Yi politely declined. At this time, he and Song Suying were already on the plane flying back to Deyogi Island.

"Aren't you afraid of making Anyuan angry when you ask me to go to Deyogi Island to celebrate your birthday?" Song Suying asked curiously.

"Cui Anyuan and I have only maintained superficial harmony. SA and SK cooperated. The one who benefited the most was you, not him. He was already very dissatisfied with me. Now that we have broken up, am I still afraid that he will be dissatisfied with me? "?" Song Yi replied.

"I greeted him before I got on the plane and told him I wouldn't go back to Seoul tonight. He didn't even bother to pretend now, he just said he knew. It seems that he is ready to divorce me now. He The woman outside seems to be pregnant." Song Suying said.

"Cui Anyuan is very interesting. It was obviously SK Telecom that disconnected our SA Soft network, but it made it seem as if our SA Soft deliberately disconnected the users' network."

"Does he think that if Chen Shihao comes forward, I will give him a face and make this matter a trivial matter? What can I find out when I visit the Banqiao data center with a leader like Chen Shihao who does not understand technology? thing?"

"Why should I go to the Banqiao data center? Watch them perform, listen to their complaints, and then put disguised evidence of damage in front of us to avoid responsibility? SA Soft has terminated all telecommunications service contracts with SK Telecom. He Cui Anyuan Don't you want to give me a blow? I won't play with SK Telecom!" Song Yi said.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry! Isn't this backup server working? This guy Cui Anyuan still wanted to wait for you to beg him to give you a thumbs-up, but in the end you changed hands and activated SA Telecom's server. To be honest , have you been waiting for this day for a long time?" Song Suying asked Song Yi.

Song Yi held Song Suying's hand and said, "Without your reminder, I would not have such a strong sense of crisis. If SA Telecom gave priority to providing communication and network services to Kaicheng Industrial Park and Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone, then SK Telecom is really going to be caught off guard.”

Song Suying complained softly, "You are going to die. If others on the plane see you, how can I behave as a human being?"

Song Yi smiled and kissed Song Suying, "On this plane, apart from the flight crew and us, Xiuna is the only passenger. She is sitting in the back with her eyes closed at the moment, how can she have time to harm me? It's a good thing. If the time hadn't been too short, I would have pulled you into the bedroom at the back of the plane and had a good intimacy."

Song Suying pinched Song Yi's thigh, "It seems that Chairman Song has a lot of experience. Taixi and Xiyuan will definitely not accompany you to mess around on the plane. So who have you experienced on the plane? Let me guess, is it Choi Sun Hee or Kang Soo Na? No matter where you fly to investigate, they are both inseparable from you, and they are the most suspicious."

Song Suying's father is former President Song Shanggong, and she graduated from the prestigious Yonsei University. She has been a good girl since she was a child. Before meeting Song Yi, she had always been a model of a good wife and mother, but after meeting Song Yi, she learned a lot of new knowledge.

"Don't talk nonsense. Xiuna and I are innocent. She has only been married for two years. If her husband hears it, it will be bad for the couple to quarrel." Song Yi quickly clarified.

"Xiu Na is not married, so I can understand why you don't attack her. Xiu Na has been married for so long, and her figure has become more and more plump. I'm quite surprised that you can still hold it back. You guy, don't you just like to have sex with her? Why attack someone else's beautiful wife?" Song Suying teased Song Yi.

"Rabbits don't eat grass from their nests. If I attack Xiuna, where can I find such a capable and considerate secretary? Sister Suying, isn't your son suffering from diabetes? Have you considered getting another healthy one? Your child?" Song Yi asked seriously.

"Although Cui Anyuan and I are not divorced, we are effectively separated. We don't even have a husband and wife life, so how can we have children?"

Song Suying suddenly understood, "You mean to let me be pregnant with your child like Fuzhen? Are you crazy? If I get pregnant, Cui Anyuan will definitely know that I have someone outside."

Song Yi was a little disdainful, "What will he do if he knows? Why, he can have children with women outside, but he doesn't allow you to have children with men outside? I don't think your marriage will last long, why not? Think more about yourself in the future.”

Song Suying said: "You are wrong. No matter how many women Cui Anyuan has outside, I will not divorce him easily. My three children have not yet entered the SK Group to take over. Cui Anyuan and I have worked hard together. You can’t give your property to that vixen cheaply, right?”

"You are so incredible now. Not only do you want to sleep with other people's wives, you also want to make other people's wives pregnant. Song Yi, Song Yi, you have become a lot more courageous after becoming the richest man in South Korea. I feel like you are a little bloated. ." Song Suying said.

Song Yi said calmly, "I'm just making a suggestion. If you don't agree, I definitely won't do it."

Song Suying glanced at Song Yi with a half-smile, "Cui Anyuan has offended you. How can you bully me? If he knew that I had cheated, he would probably jump up with joy. He would like to find out my mistake and divorce me. , if I marry that little devil of his, I won’t be able to fulfill his wish.”

"If you want to take revenge on Cui Anyuan, you should find a way to abduct Jin Xiying, who he misses so much. If you can make Jin Xiying's belly bigger, Cui Anyuan will probably be so angry that he will vomit blood." Song Suying joked.

"Kim Hee-young hasn't divorced her American husband yet. Isn't it too courageous for Kim Hee-young to get pregnant with Cui Anyuan's child before she's divorced?" Song Yi also admired the energy of Mrs. Hannam-dong.

"Other people are not fuel-efficient lamps. She is a real psychological counselor who can provide emotional value to Cui Anyuan. Do you think why she doesn't divorce her husband is just to satisfy Cui Anyuan's desire to sleep with other people's wives? Isn't this the same virtue as you? ?”

"Hey, since my father lost power, he has never avoided me when it comes to women. A few years ago, he fooled around with Zhang Dongjian's girlfriend Gao Xiaoying, and in the past two years, he hooked up with this Jin Xiying. He and Jin Xiying even showed up in front of me on purpose. , I wish it could make me angry to death, I just don’t understand. Others say that a husband and a wife will be gracious for a hundred days, but does he have such a hatred for me?" Although Song Suying had already seen through Cui Anyuan's character, she still had some problems. sad.

"Cui Anyuan was in jail before, and it was you who rescued him by running back and forth. As a result, he still hasn't learned to be grateful and wants to divorce you."

"I already have evidence of Cui Anyuan's embezzlement of public funds and illegal fraud. This illegal fraud case involves as much as 1.5 trillion won. Doesn't he want to divorce you? I'll send him to jail for two years first. You In the past two years, you should train your two daughters well and let them enter the core department of SK Group first."

"After Cui Anyuan is released from prison, you two can slowly start the divorce lawsuit. Even if he doesn't die, you will have to peel off his skin." Song Yi said.

"He and I are married after all, and we are also the father of our children. If the children know that I sent their father to prison, they might hate me when they know the truth." Song Suying hesitated.

"I didn't let you do it. Song Woo-seok's daughter Song Jingyan has just arranged a marriage with Lee Sang-dae's son Li Won. Now Li Won also needs a meritorious service to be promoted to prosecutor. He is still working in the Suwon Prosecutor's Office. We can't let him and Song Jingyan get married. As soon as you get married, you live in two places, right?" Song Yi said.

When Song Suying heard what Song Yi said, she also felt jealous of Cui Anyuan for raising a mistress outside. Choi Anyuan did not hesitate to misappropriate public funds from the SK Group's account in order to buy an apartment in Hannam-dong for her lover Kim Hee-young. She also wanted to teach them a lesson.

"Okay, then you make the arrangements. I just pretend not to know. SK Telecom disconnects the Internet in the inschool, and you send Cui Anyuan to prison. You really want to take revenge when you want to, never overnight." Song Suying said.

When Song Suying came to Deyoji Island, she found that there were many acquaintances on the island. Not only Chen Fuzhen, but also Zheng Enxuan also came here specially.

"Everything has been arranged. Inschool, Sohan.com and Yahoo Korea have all announced the compensation plan for our SA Group. You have really spent a lot of money this time."

Song Yi didn't care, "Fortunately, SA Soft is not listed, otherwise the shareholders' meeting may not pass this marketing plan."

At 22:08 p.m., inschool, Sohan.com and Yahoo Korea issued an apology on their official websites for the disconnection, and also provided a compensation plan from SA Soft.

At this time, users of inschool, Sohan.com, and Yahoo Korea all received an apology email from SA Soft. The email also emphasized that SA Soft had given Sohan.com coupons of varying amounts to users who were down.

"Hello SA Soft users, due to technical failures of the network communication service provider, the three major websites of SA Soft, inschool, Yahoo Korea and Sohan.com, have been down at different times, which has seriously affected your work and life. This has caused great inconvenience, for which we deeply apologize.”

"After the network was disconnected, we at SA Soft activated our SA Telecom's backup server as soon as possible and restored our friends' data as soon as possible."

“In order to express our sincerity, we at SA Soft have also provided corresponding compensation plans. We have provided a US$8 coupon for Sohan.com to users whose inschool is down, and users who have been down from Sohan.com are provided with A coupon of US$11 for Sohan.com was provided, and a user of Yahoo Korea who was down provided a US$23 coupon for Sohan.com.”

"Users of inschool and Yahoo Korea can directly log in to Sohan.com with their inschool and Yahoo Korea accounts. After you log in, you will be able to see this coupon in your personal account."

"You can directly use this coupon to consume on Souhan.com and purchase all types of products on Souhan.com. As long as the total amount of the products in your shopping cart is greater than the coupon, the coupon can be directly deducted from the amount on the coupon. to complete the payment.”

"For example, if user A from inschool buys a $9 product on Sohan.com, he only needs to pay $1 to buy the $9 product."

"User B on Sohan.com purchased a product worth US$15, and he only needs to pay US$4 to complete the transaction."

"User C of Yahoo Korea purchases a product for US$30, and he only needs to pay US$7."

"Except for the total amount of shopping, there is no threshold for using this Sohan.com coupon. It doesn't matter if you don't see the product you like on Sohan.com for the time being, or the product you plan to buy has been sold out. This one The coupon is valid for a total of 30 days, and you can use it at any time in the next month. I wish you a happy shopping on Sohan Online!"

Among the three major websites, Yahoo Korea had the longest downtime of 114 minutes, inschool was down for 40 minutes, and Sohan was down for 54 minutes.

After Chen Fuzhen saw SA Soft's compensation plan, she thought about it. SA Soft's coupons are based on users' downtime. The longer the downtime, the greater the amount of Sohan.com coupons provided by SA Soft.

She couldn't help her curiosity and took the initiative to find Song Yi, "Song Yi, how did you calculate the coupon amounts of 8 US dollars, 11 US dollars and 23 US dollars? Are there any standards?"

Song Yi explained the mystery of the coupon, "According to the latest statistics from South Korea, the average monthly salary of Koreans this year is US$2,440, and the average working hours per month is 24.25 days."

"Assuming that an average office worker works eight hours a day, the average hourly salary of an average Korean office worker is US$12."

"Inschool was down for 40 minutes, so they were compensated with an $8 coupon. Sohan.com was down for 54 minutes, so they were compensated with an $11 coupon. Yahoo Korea was down for 114 minutes, so they were compensated with a $23 coupon. Dollar coupons.”

"I just want to create a concept for users of SA Soft's websites that their time is valuable. Now due to our SA Soft's work mistakes, they cannot enjoy SA Soft's Internet services. Then we are willing to follow the instructions of every Korean The average hourly wage will be used to provide them with cash compensation." Song Yi said.

"According to your estimates, how much total amount of coupons will you issue this time?" Chen Fuzhen asked the question she was most concerned about.

"Currently, our SA Soft has distributed 40 million US dollars in coupons. In fact, I took advantage of the inschool disconnection crisis to place an advertisement for Sohan.com."

"The user data between Yahoo Korea, inschool and Sohan has been completely connected. Inschool and Yahoo Korea are expected to bring millions of new users to Sohan. In fact, every time an Internet company finds a new customer, It requires 5 to 10 US dollars in promotional expenses. From a marketing point of view, the 40 million US dollars is actually quite worthwhile." Song Yi answered with a smile.

Chen Fuzhen didn't expect that Song Yi could actually take the initiative and use inschool to cut off the Internet to help Sohan.com gain new customers, and also took advantage of the situation to launch a new wave of advertising for Sohan.com.

She feels that SA Soft's approach of compensating users with Sohan.com coupons is simply the best advertisement for Internet companies in 2005!

Thank you all for your monthly votes, see you tomorrow.

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