I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 263 The new king who overthrew Nokia

After New Asia Network completed its listing, Song Yi officially started an inspection trip to the mainland. Song Yi's trip will pass through many cities in the mainland, from south to north, inspecting multiple industries under the SA Group, and will also visit some partners.

The first stop of Song Yi's inspection was Pengcheng. Accompanied by city leaders, Song Yi visited four companies: BYD, Vanke, Penguin and Huawei. Song Yi deliberately made Huawei the last stop of his inspection in Pengcheng. SA Telecom purchases Huawei's telecom equipment. Song Yi expressed his intention to purchase more telecom equipment to further expand SA Telecom's Korean market share.

Korean telecom companies basically purchased telecom equipment from Motorola, Nokia and Siemens. It is not easy for Huawei's telecommunications equipment to open up in the fiercely competitive Korean market. Huawei warmly entertained Song Yi and his party.

Song Yi also explained the purpose of the inspection to Huawei, hoping that SA Group and Huawei could carry out more in-depth cooperation in 4G standards and patents.

The 4G standard was almost completed around 2008 and commercialized around 2011. The world's first commercial 4G license was issued by Sweden. This 4G network uses LTE technology to increase the upload and download network to 100M/s, supporting higher quality and larger capacity audio and video transmission.

Song Yi said: "This year is a critical year for the 3G network. High-speed downlink packet access technology (HSDPA technology) was introduced into the 3G network. This technology increased the data transmission rate to 14M/s, which is an important milestone in the development of the 3G network. "

"The development of communication technology will bring about huge changes in consumer electronic equipment. Although Nokia is at its peak today and is the absolute dominant player in the mobile phone market, once they do not actively embrace changes in technology and market, the decline of this company will only Three or four years." Song Yi gave his own judgment.

Some Huawei executives are somewhat disapproving. As Nokia's old rivals, they are all too aware of Nokia's strong strength. They also see the gap between Huawei and Nokia in the field of mobile phone manufacturing.

Global mobile phone shipments in 2005 were 825.5 million units, of which Nokia's global market share was 32.1%, firmly occupying the top position among mobile phone manufacturers. Motorola ranked second, Samsung and LG ranked third or fourth, and Sony Ericsson ranked fifth. These five major mobile phone manufacturers account for 3/4 of the global mobile phone market.

Huawei has entered the mobile phone industry since 2003 and established Huawei Terminal Company. In 2005, Huawei produced the first 3G mobile phone U636, which was evaluated as the "Best 3G Mobile Phone Award" by Charlton Media Group.

However, Huawei's mobile phones are not well-known at the moment. They mainly make OEM mobile phones for the three major operators, China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom. The four major mobile phone manufacturers, ZTE, Huawei, Coolpad and Lenovo, later became the four major smartphone giants in the mainland through the production of OEM mobile phones. After Apple and Samsung entered the mainland, Huawei was the only one left in the China Cool Alliance.

Mr. Ren of Huawei said thoughtfully that Huawei's current terminal business is not profitable, and this department's revenue share is not high. Huawei's board of directors once considered giving up its mobile phone manufacturing business. Song Yi's words are certainly not without purpose. He almost made it clear to Huawei that the consumer electronics business contains new opportunities for Huawei.

After Song Yi and his team left Huawei, Huawei's executives discussed the views Song Yi had just expressed.

"I admit that Song Yi is quite knowledgeable in the Internet and capital markets, but SA Group has not been involved in the mobile phone manufacturing industry and is a layman in this field. How can he dare to conclude that Nokia will decline in the next few years? Among the five major mobile phone manufacturers, Nokia Its market share has grown the fastest, and now almost every college student owns a Nokia." A senior executive was somewhat unconvinced.

"No matter how powerful an empire is, it cannot escape the historical law of prosperity and decline. The more successful Nokia's current business model is, the more difficult it will be for them to transform. After all, the company is too big, and everything from high-level decision-making to front-line implementation requires After a lot of time, small companies also have their own advantages. A small ship can easily turn around." Some people have different views.

"Song Yi will not mention Nokia without reason. SA Electronics has also applied for many patents in the fields of mobile phone manufacturing and communications in recent years. SA Electronics' scientific research center in Puhai occupies four office buildings, and our Huawei campus Many students they recruited ended up working for SA Electronics. SA Electronics just hasn’t launched mature mobile phone products yet, which doesn’t mean they gave up on the big piece of consumer electronics.” Mr. Ren expressed his point of view.

The executives heard what Mr. Ren meant, "Mr. Ren, you mean that SA Electronics is preparing to launch a new mobile phone that is ahead of Nokia's technological level, thereby knocking Nokia off the throne of consumer electronics. Is this possible? After all, SA Electronics has only been around for four years.”

"A lot has been done in four years. The Liangxi Semiconductor Factory jointly owned by SA and LG has also been put into production. SA Electronics' new mobile phone should be released soon. The prototype is in the final stage of testing and is waiting for the final packaging test to be completed. , it will enter the stage of large-scale production. SA Electronics is still half-hidden, and it depends on whether SA Electronics’ new mobile phone can bring an extraordinary user experience to consumers." Mr. Ren concluded.

Song Yi's inspection still brought many changes to Huawei. Mr. Ren recalled Yu Chengdong, who was in charge of the wireless business from Europe, and asked Yu Chengdong to take over Huawei's consumer business.

"President, I feel that you attach great importance to Huawei as a company. Why?" Zhou Zhiyi, who accompanied the inspection, asked Song Yi.

Song Yi explained, "In 2003, Motorola prepared to acquire Huawei for US$7.5 billion. Later, Motorola changed its CEO. The new CEO felt that the price of US$7.5 billion was too high, and the sale failed in the end."

"Huawei is a vibrant high-tech company. They have their own core technology and innovation capabilities, and they can adjust quickly. In the field of smartphones, we in SA have three strongest competitors. The first is Apple, and the second is Apple. It’s Samsung, and the third one is Huawei.”

"In the second half of the year, our SA Electronics' first smartphone Galaxy S1 will be officially launched. This is an epoch-making product that will inevitably change the way consumers use mobile phones and their habits. But for Samsung and Huawei, as long as They disassembled the S1 and concentrated their R\u0026D efforts, and within a year and a half at most, they could produce a mobile phone of the same level as the S1."

"I have never doubted that we, SA Electronics, can become the new king in the field of consumer electronics. We have enough strength to defeat Nokia. However, a new player in the industry may not necessarily hold on to its technological advantages. We need to invest more funds in research and development. field, only in this way can we ensure that SA Electronics remains at the leading position in technology."

"In order to prevent the employees of SA Group from slacking off, we need competitors like Apple, Samsung and Huawei to keep chasing us from behind. Starting from the launch of Galaxy S1, I decided to spend 10% of sales revenue on product research and development every year. , SA Electronics is taking a technological expansion route, so as to lay a solid foundation for SA Electronics to cope with the confrontation of electronic giants." Song Yi said.

Zhou Zhiyi glanced at Song Yi. For the first time, she saw that Song Yi did not hide his career ambitions at all. Nokia's sales in 2005 reached US$48.55 billion. Samsung Group's sales in Greater China in 2005 reached US$25.3 billion. The Galaxy S1 has not yet been launched. Song Yi has enough confidence to surpass these two electronic giants.

Galaxy S1 uses self-developed processors and radio frequency chips, capacitive touch screens provided by LG Electronics, mobile phone batteries provided by LG Chem, Sony cameras and memory chips produced by Yangxi Semiconductor Factory.

In 2001, Hyundai Electronics changed its name to Asan Electronics. Asan Electronics sold its second-generation, third-generation and 3.5-generation LCD production lines with an annual output of 3 million pieces to BOE in a lump sum for US$360 million. Asan Electronics’ debt crisis.

Although Song Yi intended to retain the LCD production line, Xinya was too weak at the time to take over the world's ninth-largest LCD production line. Therefore, the Galaxy S1 could only use the LCD mobile phone screen provided by LG Electronics for the time being.

In order to ensure the stability of the supply of LCD mobile phone screens, SA Electronics has also invested in LG Electronics' LCD business. SA Electronics and LG Electronics will form a new company to invest in the sixth-generation TFT-LCD production line.

Song Yi remembers that the first mobile phone with an OLED screen in the world was the N85 released by Nokia, but it was Samsung and Apple that promoted OLED technology. Apple started using OLED screens with the iPhone X. This was also the first time that the iPhone adopted an OLED full screen. , in order to retain the Face ID facial unlocking function, the iPhone X has an ugly notch at the top of the phone.

Song Yi does not plan to adopt Samsung’s mobile phone strategy, but like Apple, releases at most one or two high-end smartphones every year.

As a heavy user of smartphones before his rebirth, Song Yi was well aware of the future development trends of smartphones. SA Electronics' R\u0026D department can concentrate R\u0026D funds and directions according to Song Yi's requirements. This is equivalent to an open-book examination, which can avoid SA Electronics taking detours on the technology R\u0026D route and also save SA Electronics' R\u0026D funds. This is what SA Electronics The capital and confidence to compete with electronic giants like Apple, Samsung and Huawei.

In the direction of LCD and OLED mobile phone screens, Song Yi certainly chose OLED screens without hesitation. However, the miniaturization technology of OLED screens is not yet mature enough, and the market acceptance of consumers is not high. Considering the production cost of OLED screens, Song Yi decided to wait for two or three years before applying OLED screens to Galaxy S series mobile phones.

The period from 2006 to 2008 was a downturn in the global LCD market. SA Electronics could also take advantage of this period to acquire an OLED LCD screen production line to prepare in advance for the large-scale commercial use of OLED mobile phone screens.

"President, to be honest, I can't wait to go to the SA Electronics Puhai R\u0026D Center to witness our Galaxy S1 prototype. I also want to know what kind of surprises it will bring us if more than one billion R\u0026D funds are invested. ." Zhou Zhiyi said.

In order to design the first-generation iPhone, Apple spent a total of 150 million US dollars on this project. SA Electronics' R\u0026D funding of more than 1 billion is not much. After all, as a consumer electronics company, Apple has a much higher technical reserve and R\u0026D strength than SA Electronics.

The biggest difficulty for SA Electronics and Apple in developing new smartphones is multi-touch technology. Although multi-touch technology has been developed for many years, no company has ever applied this technology to consumer electronics.

Before the first-generation iPhone came out, Apple produced a total of three iPhones, and produced the second real model in 2006. This iPhone uses an aluminum body, which is very textured. This is also the proud work of Jobs and design director Jonathan Ive, but it has harmed Apple’s engineering and production department because the aluminum alloy body will hinder wireless communications. transmission. Apple’s large-scale application of aluminum alloy bodies will have to wait until the iPhone 5S series.

Song Yi had long offered an olive branch to Jonathan Ive through a headhunting company and invited Ive to join him. However, Ive had no interest in leaving Apple and joining an unknown electronics company.

The headhunting company told Song Yi the exact words of these words, and Song Yi was not angry. Song Yi is well-known in the technology circle, and it is impossible for Jonathan Ivey not to know him.

inschool officially landed in the North American market in 2005 and is open for registration. Currently, it has more than 50 million members and is the second largest social networking site in North America, second only to Facebook.

In order to kill Facebook as a competitor in advance, Song Yi offered Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg US$1 billion and requested a full acquisition of Facebook.

As soon as the news of SA Soft's acquisition was announced, it caused a sensation in the North American technology circle. With a purchase price of US$1 billion, as long as Mark Zuckerberg nods, he will immediately become the top rich man in North America.

The Jewish consortium behind Zuckerberg did not agree to sell Facebook to SA Soft, and Zuckerberg had to reject the acquisition.

In an interview, Mark Zuckerberg answered why he rejected SA Soft's acquisition, "I want to be the best social networking site in the world, and I want to be the top Internet company."

When a reporter asked Song Yi what he thought of Mark Zuckerberg’s remarks, Song Yi shook his head, “As everyone knows, inschool is the best social networking site in the world, and users in most parts of Europe and Asia are very I like the product inschool. Facebook certainly hopes to become an excellent Internet company, but whether it can become the top Internet company depends on the right time, location, and people."

Although Facebook rejected SA Soft's acquisition, it agreed to SA Soft's investment in Facebook. SA Soft acquired 4% of Facebook's shares for US$40 million.

This kind of financing is also very common among Internet companies. For example, Yahoo invested in Google, and Google also invested in Facebook. Internet emerging companies exchanged equity for passes to Internet giants. When inschool entered the Japanese market, it also attracted Japan’s SoftBank as the Japanese shareholders of inschool.

The reason why Song Yi has high hopes for the Galaxy S series smartphones is to develop new users of inschool through the built-in application inschool of the Galaxy S series smartphones before the advent of the mobile Internet era, so as to reduce the dimensionality of Facebook.

"Don't worry, I'm quite satisfied with the prototype that SA Electronics presented this time. Although it's still some distance away from the real one announced at the press conference, at least we can see the real body of Galaxy S1. The appearance of the phone will no longer be the same. What a big change." Song Yi answered Zhou Zhiyi's question.

At this time, Zhou Zhiyi thought of BYD, the first company Song Yi visited on this trip. BYD showed Song Yi their first independently developed BYD brand car, F3. F3 is also the first Chinese independent car brand to enter the "10,000-unit Club” single model.

Song Yi asked BYD management many questions about F3 at that time and felt very interested in the automobile industry.

"President, since our SA Group has prepared to shift its main business to mobile phone manufacturing, it is not the right time to enter the automobile industry. It may also attract the hostility of Uncle Mengjiu. The gain outweighs the loss. What do you think?" Zhou Zhiyi asked? advised.

Song Yi burst into laughter, "Is it so obvious that I want to enter the automobile industry?"

If you were to choose the person Zhou Zhiyi hated the most among the entire modern family, it would have to be Zhou Mengjiu. Zhou Zhiyi certainly hopes that SA Group can enter the automobile manufacturing industry and launch a strong challenge to Hyundai Motor Group, but she understands the truth of biting off more than she can chew.

Now SA Group's main business is the Internet, media, real estate, finance and consumer electronics. If you add an automobile business, then SA Group will face double pressure from Samsung Group and Hyundai Motor Group in South Korea, and the living environment will suddenly become much worse. .

On April 11, Wal-Mart Group, the world's largest retailer, announced that due to the company's poor operating conditions and continued losses in South Korea, Wal-Mart Group has decided to sell 100% of its equity and 16 stores in South Korea to a physical mall owned by SA Soft. Souhan Mall, the transaction price is 883.5 billion won, approximately 950 million US dollars.

Shinsegae Department Store once raised its offer to 837 billion won (US$900 million), but it still failed to impress the Wal-Mart board of directors.

New World Vice Chairman Zhou Rongzhen was very angry that Sohan.com disrupted New World's plan to acquire Wal-Mart Korea.

"Sohan Mall has only two offline physical stores in Seoul and Jeju Island so far, and has never had experience in operating a large chain supermarket. The price quoted by Sohan.com is higher than Shinsegae Department Store's actual evaluation price of Korean Walmart. I don't know if Sohan Mall How did Net turn the loss-making Korean Walmart back into profitability?”

"SA Soft is obviously an Internet company, but it spent a huge sum of US$950 million to acquire 16 Wal-Mart stores. Even if SA Soft has not yet been listed, it cannot act so recklessly in the capital market. This is not a sign of responsibility to shareholders. ." Zhou Rongzhen criticized.

Sohan.com’s acquisition of South Korea’s Wal-Mart not only aroused hostility from New World Department Store, New World Department Store Vice Chairman Zhou Zhixuan urgently contacted Song Yi and asked Song Yi to explain Sohan.com’s acquisition of South Korea’s Wal-Mart.

Song Yi’s reply was very direct, “Sohan.com has no intention of entering the physical retail industry to compete with Hyundai Department Store. The reason why Sohan.com acquired Walmart Korea is to promote Sohan.com’s new Sohan white strip business. Sohan.com users can Using Baitiao to pay directly in Korean Walmart supermarkets is also to better help Hyundai Department Store compete with Shinsegae Department Store."

"If Hyundai Department Store is unwilling to acquire Korea's Walmart business from Sohan.com, Sohan.com can sell Korea's Walmart to Hyundai Department Store at the original price, and the transaction taxes will be borne by Hyundai Department Store." Song Yi's attitude is very sincere.

Of course, Hyundai Department Store cannot spend a billion dollars to buy Wal-Mart Korea. Even if it could, Hyundai Department Store would not be willing to buy the loss-making business of Wal-Mart Korea. After this battle, the Song Yi family and the Zhou Menggen family, the third member of the modern family, have become inseparable.

Song Yi has already been unhappy with Zhou Menggen, the third-fang company, because of Wal-Mart Korea. If SA Group announces its entry into the automobile business, Zhou Mengjiu will probably fall out with Song Yi tomorrow.

In Zhou Zhiyi's eyes, his grandfather Zhou Zhengyong clearly handed over the Hyundai Group to his father Zhou Mengxian, and Zhou Mengxian was the upright heir to the Hyundai Group. However, Zhou Mengjiu teamed up with his third uncle Zhou Menggen and sixth uncle Zhou Mengzhun to lead Hyundai Motor, Hyundai Department Store and Hyundai Heavy Industries to break away from the Hyundai Group, divesting all three of the most valuable businesses of the huge Hyundai Group, and leaving a mess in the hands of Zhou Mengxian, which also caused serious consequences. Zhou Mengxian was imprisoned.

Without Song Yi stepping forward, mother Zheng Enxuan would not have been able to keep the Ashan Group after the separation. Now, after the merger of Asan Group and Xinya Group, SA Group has become one of the top ten conglomerates in South Korea. The Hyundai family, the five-bedroom Zheng Eunxuan family, is also qualified to compete with the two-bedroom Zhou Mengjiu family and the six-bedroom Zhou Mengquan family.

Zhou Zhiyi also vaguely noticed the ambiguity between her mother Zheng Enxuan and Song Yi, but for the sake of the reputation of her family and her mother, she still buried the matter deep in her heart. Of course, Zhou Zhiyi also wants to bring down the Zhou Mengjiu family, but she feels that the current SA Group should not make enemies everywhere and needs to be patient.

"Believe me, besides you, there are many people who hope that SA Group will enter the automobile industry. Elon Musk has entered the management of Tesla and focuses on the development of electric vehicles. The two companies Tesla and BYD will To become the leading company in the field of electric vehicle manufacturing, our SA Group will enter the field of automobile manufacturing sooner or later, but not now. If SA Automobile is established, then Uncle Mengkui is the best candidate to head SA Automobile." Song Yi answered Zhou Zhi Yi's question.

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