I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 266 Chen Xinyu’s request for help

Before Song Yi got up, Song Miao had already rushed to the bedroom to urge him, "Uncle, you came home too late last night. I waited until you fell asleep. Get up quickly, grandma made mixed noodles , and tofu nao. If you get up late, the noodles will not taste good."

Song Yi first asked Song Miao, "Miaomiao, have Aunt Zhiyi and Aunt Jingyan gotten up?" When someone comes to the house as a guest, it would be rude for him, the host, to wake up later than the guests.

Song Miao made a face at Song Yi, "They all got up, and my mother got up too, but my uncle is the only one who likes to sleep in."

"Okay, I'll get up soon. Tell grandma and ask her to leave a bowl of tofu bread for me." Song Yi said.

When Song Yi sat down at the dining table, he found that Zhou Zhiyi and Liao Yu were in high spirits, but Song Jingyan was a little sleepy.

Song Yi was a little surprised. Liao Yu stayed in the study until two or three o'clock last night before going back. Song Jingyan went to rest very early. Liao Yu, who had been nourished, became more and more energetic. Why did Song Jingyan look so sleepy.

Zhou Zhiyi often went to Song Yi's house for dinner when he was in Seoul. In addition, he had been working in China for a period of time, so he had long been accustomed to Chinese breakfast.

She stared at Song Jingyan curiously, "Jingyan, you must have been a thief last night, right? Why are you yawning so early in the morning?"

Song Jingyan felt guilty and almost choked when she thought of eavesdropping on the conversation between Song Yi and Liao Yu outside the study door yesterday.

Zhou Shulan quickly patted Song Jingyan on the back, "Eat slowly, don't choke."

Song Yi and Liao Yu looked at each other, and then looked at Song Jingyan. Song Jingyan noticed Liao Yu's eyes and felt even weaker. She kept eating noodles with her head down.

Zhou Shulan mistakenly thought that Song Jingyan really liked the miscellaneous sauce noodles she made by herself, and the smile on her face became brighter, "Jingyan, just eating the noodles is a bit dry, so you should drink some tofu brain first to moisten your throat."

Song Jingyan quickly finished the noodles, then drank the tofu nao in one gulp, and said to Zhou Shulan: "Aunt Zhou, I'm done eating. I'm going to go for a walk outside to relieve my appetite."

Song Yi glanced at Liao Yu, and Liao Yu understood it, and immediately took Song Jingyan's hand enthusiastically, "Jingyan, Lijing Garden is quite big, and the villa has a similar appearance. Don't accidentally get lost, I will accompany you around." Turn around.”

Song Jingyan couldn't find an excuse to reject Liao Yu, so she had to go for a walk with Liao Yu. Zhou Zhiyi didn't notice the animosity between Liao Yu and Song Jingyan, "Sister Yu is really a nice person. No matter how she behaves or does things, no one can find fault with her."

Zhou Shulan was very happy when she heard Zhou Zhiyi praising Liao Yu, "Although Xiaoyu is my daughter-in-law, she is more considerate than many daughters. She takes good care of our old couple. She also accompanied us to the hospital when we had a headache and fever. If Xiaoyu hadn’t taken good care of us in the mainland, Xiaoyi wouldn’t have been able to work on his career with peace of mind in Korea.”

Zhou Zhiyi’s husband Gu Guangmo is the adopted son of LG Chairman Gu Bensheng. This leads to Zhou Zhiyi having two mothers-in-law, one is Gu Bensheng’s wife and the other is Gu Guangmo’s biological mother. Neither of these two mothers-in-law are fuel-efficient. lamp. In contrast, Zhou Zhiyi certainly envied Zhou Shulan and Liao Yu's mother-in-law-daughter-in-law relationship, which was as close as mother and daughter.

"Sister Yu now has to manage the listed company Xinya Advertising by herself. She can take good care of her parents-in-law at the top and the children at the bottom. She has raised Miaomiao so well. She can balance work and family. She is simply a superman."

"Since I joined the SA Board of Directors, my work has been much busier than before. As soon as I got home, my daughter became a little bit embarrassed. After playing with her for a long time, she dared to say "Mother Hug" to me." Zhou Zhiyi indeed I really admire Liao Yu.

"Xiaoyu used to work in the Tobacco Bureau. Later, in order for Miaomiao to receive a better education, our family moved from Yeji to Yanjing. Xiaoyu couldn't bear to see Song Yi always traveling between Seoul and Yanjing. It was too much It was hard work, so I went to Xinya Advertising to help. Who knew that after helping, Song Yi handed over the company to Xiao Yu and took full responsibility. Your uncle and I don’t understand company management, so we can only ask Xiao Yu to help Song Yi more , Fortunately, Miaomiao is very sensible and doesn't make us worry too much." Zhou Shulan said with emotion.

Liao Yu and Song Jingyan were walking in the villa area. Liao Yu also met Gong Li halfway. Gong Li's eyes lit up when she saw Liao Yu, and she immediately stepped forward to say hello.

New Asia Advertising also has a film and television company, and contracted director Ning Hao to film a low-budget comedy film "Crazy Stone" this year. This movie has been screened on a small scale at HugeDream Cinemas and has been well received by the audience. New Asia Culture Media Co., Ltd. also signed actor Huang Bo from the film.

Although Gong Li has rarely made movies in recent years, this year she still appeared in the movie "The City is Full of Golden Armor" directed by Zhang Yimou. Gong Li played the role of a forbearing and elegant queen in the film.

As an actress, Gong Li is already at the pinnacle of Chinese actresses. In 2000, she was invited to serve as the chairman of the main competition jury of the Berlin Film Festival. In 2002, she served as the chairman of the main competition jury of the Venice Film Festival.

In the past two years, Gong Li has also tried to enter the North American market, starring in "Memoirs of a Geisha" and "Miami Vice" one after another.

Of course Gong Li looked down on the low-cost comedy movie "Crazy Stone". The reason why she treated Liao Yu so politely was mainly because of Song Yi.

Liao Yu actually wanted to chat with Song Jingyan alone for a while, but since he met Gong Li, he was embarrassed to throw Gong Li aside. Liao Yu introduced Gong Li to Song Jingyan.

Gong Li saw that Song Jingyan had a good temperament and knew that she was not from an ordinary family. Gong Li joked, "I heard that Manager Song's surname was Song, and I thought she was President Song's sister."

Liao Yu smiled lightly, "Our family and Jingyan's family often move around. The two families have always been close. Although Jingyan is not Song Yi's biological sister, she is treated as her sister on weekdays."

Gong Li's heart moved, "Did President Song also return to Yanjing yesterday? In 2003, I served as the chairman of the Tokyo Film Festival's main competition jury. At that time, President Song led the creative team of "If Love Has a Will" to this film When I came to Tokyo to participate in the exhibition, I remember that the number one female lead in the movie was Miss Son Ye-jin. Chairman Song and Son Ye-jin were standing together. It can be said that they are a perfect match. At that time, I thought Miss Son Ye-jin was Chairman Song’s girlfriend. Later I found out that Jang Geum’s Miss Kim Tae Hee is President Song’s girlfriend, so she almost made an mistake.”

Liao Yu didn't know that Gong Li and Song Yi had met before. "Song Yi came back last night. When he is free in the afternoon, we will visit Sister Gong's house again."

Gong Li was very happy to see Liao Yu giving face like this, "Don't be so polite, I should be the one to visit President Song. I happened to have a friend from France who gave me two bottles of top-quality Bertus. I borrowed flowers to offer to Buddha. President Song It's just right for Mr. Liao to entertain distinguished guests like Manager Song. Then you two are busy first and will contact you later."

After Gong Li walked back to the villa, Song Jingyan began to comment on Gong Li, "Every actress who can become an international queen in the entertainment industry is a genius."

"Who says it's not the case? Song Yi attended some entertainment industry events in the past two years, but has completely faded out of the entertainment industry in the past two years. Those actresses tried their best to stuff business cards into Song Yi's hands, including some well-known actors."

"Little actors want to be big actors, big actors want to be A-list actors, A-list actors want to win awards, and award-winning actors want to enter Hollywood. Everyone wants to copy Jun Ji-hyun's success. The entertainment industry is a vanity fair, and they would rather choose They took off their clothes and were unwilling to delve into the script. This year, many coal bosses in the mainland began to invest in movies. They didn't have any requirements. They just said, I want so and so to star in this movie." Liao Yu said.

Song Jingyan deeply believed that in addition to the entertainment industry, the financial industry was also chaotic and full of power and sex transactions. Private equity funds liked to recruit young, beautiful and highly educated women. Work experience is not important, as long as you can coax investors well, so the funds managed by many star fund managers have frequently exploded.

"Studying the script is a chore. It's easier to take off your clothes. Maybe if you take off your clothes, you can be in charge tomorrow. Even if you are rejected, it doesn't matter. Anyway, there are many producers and directors in the entertainment industry who are good at this. ." Song Jingyan concluded.

"Then my suggestion is not to take it off. It is easy for actresses in the entertainment industry to take off their clothes, but it is difficult to put them back on one by one. Fans will look at their favorite actors with a filter and think that they are white. They are flawless and cannot tolerate slander from others. Only people in our circle know their true faces in private."

"Just like Song Yi, although he is now the richest man in South Korea with unlimited fame, maybe in three to five years, he will surpass Li Chaoren and become the richest man in Asia. But as a member of his family, I can feel that my brother and sister Kim Tae Hee is here How many grievances I suffered in this marriage. If I were put in Taixi's position, I would definitely not want to marry Song Yi." Liao Yu told the truth.

Song Jingyan understood. It turned out that Liao Yu was here to remind her. She held Liao Yu's hand and said, "Sister Yu, I agree with you. Song Yi is so popular with women. As his wife, I see scandals between her husband and other actresses in the newspaper every day. , life is quite tiring. Li Yuan is better, I am the only one in my heart."

Seeing that Song Jingyan understood, Liao Yu smiled happily, "Before I married Song Yi's brother Song Bo, I had a childhood sweetheart. We have a very good relationship and have some good feelings for each other."

"But his family's conditions were average. After graduating from high school, he went to Pengcheng to do business, wholesale of mobile phones and accessories in Huaqiang Electronic World, and made some money. At first, he wrote me some letters, but then the letters became less and less. ."

"My family introduced me to Song Yi's brother Song Bo at that time. I was actually quite resistant to dating at first. But Song Bo has a very good personality. Later, Song Bo and I got married and we had Miaomiao."

"Later, Song Bo died in the line of duty. My father-in-law and mother-in-law actually kept urging me to find another one. Whether Miaomiao was taken away or stayed in the Song family, they both accepted it. I heard about it when I was young, and found me again. He wants to marry me. He said he has already missed me once because of his timidity and low self-esteem, and he doesn’t want to miss me again.”

"At the beginning, I was quite touched. After all, the two of us have known each other for so long, so we still have some emotional foundation. But his next words made me feel uncomfortable. He said that he now has a net worth of several million and also bought a house in Pengcheng. He bought a car and hopes that I will give him a son to carry on the family line. He has already done his job as a parent, and it will be no problem even if he takes Miaomiao with him. After all, Miaomiao is a daughter and will get married sooner or later."

"At that time, I realized that my daughter, whom I regarded as a treasure, was actually just a dragster in the eyes of others. He was only willing to accept my daughter because of my face. So I didn't hesitate. I rejected him, gave up my job at the Tobacco Bureau, then joined New Asia Advertising, and then worked with Song Yi to get New Asia Advertising listed on the Hong Kong stock market."

"After experiencing this incident, I understand that women must have their own careers. The sense of security is given by oneself, not by others. The reason why I tell you so much is just to tell you that those who have missed it, If you miss it, you miss it, there is nothing to regret. Cherish the people in front of you and live the present well is the most important thing." Liao Yu advised earnestly.

While Liao Yu and Song Jingyan were having a heart-to-heart talk, Song Yi suddenly received a call from Chen Xinyu, who sounded very anxious.

"President, are you still in the mainland?" Chen Xinyu asked.

"I'm in Yanjing, Xinyu, what's wrong?" Song Yi asked.

Chen Xinyu lowered her voice, "President, is there anyone else next to you?"

Song Yi took a look and saw that there was only the golden fur that Song Miao had raised since childhood. The dog probably couldn't understand what he said. "There's no one there. What's wrong? If you have anything to say, just tell me."

"President, my father seems to know about your relationship with Ernie. He was very angry. He grounded my sister and refused to let her leave the house. Not only that, in the name of the chairman of Samsung, my father also exempted my sister from the new marriage. Luo Hotel President. My father asked my sister to break off all contact with you and never have any contact with you. My sister disagreed. My father said that he would take back the stocks he gave to my sister, but my sister was not willing to compromise." Song Yi was startled by Chen Xinyu's words.

Does Chen Jianxi know about the relationship between Song Yi and Chen Fu? Chen Fuzhen usually communicates with Song Yi through a backup mobile phone and email. The backup mobile phone uses a phone card provided by SA Telecom to prevent being monitored.

Song Yi and Chen Fuzhen did not save this number in their mobile phone address books, just to facilitate contact and know the latest developments of their son Chen Yuanzhong.

If Chen Jianxi knew that his eldest daughter Chen Fuzhen was Song Yi's lover, would Chen Jianxi suspect that Chen Yuanzhong was the child of Chen Fuzhen and Song Yi?

Chen Fuzhen's ex-husband You Zaizhi had previously complained to Chen Jianxi and his wife, saying that Chen Fuzhen's son Chen Yuanzhong was not his, but the son of Chen Fuzhen and his lover. Later, in order to hide the truth, Chen Fuzhen obtained hair from Song Yi, and then forged the DNA paternity test results to deceive You Zaizhi and Chen Jianxi.

Now that Chen Jianxi has discovered the relationship between Song Yi and Chen Fuzhen, it is normal to have doubts about Chen Yuanzhong's life experience again.

However, You Zaizhi disappeared in northern Myanmar a long time ago, without even a corpse. It is impossible for Chen Jianxi to ask Chen Yuanzhong and You Zaizhi to do a paternity test again.

Song Yi made a decision immediately, "Xinyu, please find a way to inform Fuzhen, and I will return to Seoul immediately. I will visit Chairman Chen Jianxi with Mark Soster, President of Blue Ocean Capital Fund. Blue Ocean Capital Fund is an important part of the Shilla Hotel Shareholder, Chairman Chen Jianxi removed Chen Fuzhen from the position of president of Shilla Hotel for no reason, which had a very bad impact on the operation of Shilla Hotel. I need Chairman Chen Jianxi to give an explanation to the American capital."

After Chen Xinyu heard that Song Yi was returning to Seoul soon, she suddenly had a backbone in her heart. It seems that Song Yi is indeed a responsible man. When his sister Chen Fuzhen encounters something, he really takes it.

"President, my father wants to break your legs now. If you come to visit directly like this, aren't you afraid of my father's revenge?" Chen Xinyu was a little worried.

Song Yi heard Chen Xinyu's concern and said, "What you said makes some sense. After all, if I go directly to your home as a guest and ask President Chen to let you go, President Chen may not betray me."

"Well, how about you come to the mainland for a business trip and participate in the optimization of the Super OS system. I have detained President Chen's favorite little daughter as a hostage in the mainland. President Chen should not dare to take action against me, right? "Song Yi joked.

"Song Yi, how long has it been, and you still have the heart to joke with me! I want you to be well prepared before you come to the door. If my sister leaves Samsung, then I will go back to work at Samsung Networks." Chen Xinyu said Somewhat lost.

"Don't worry, I never fight an unprepared battle. As the saying goes, a family scandal should not be made public. No matter how unhappy President Chen is, he must entertain me well. This is the way of hospitality in the East."

"If Chen Jianxi doesn't want to recognize Chen Fuzhen's daughter, I can let her work in the mainland and be responsible for the cultural tourism real estate project of the SA Group."

"Who said that if Chen Fuzhen left Samsung, you would have to return to work at Samsung Networks? Hasn't Chen Zaiyong been worried that you two sisters will threaten his status as the third generation successor of Samsung? If you and Fuzhen don't work at Samsung, then his successor Isn't your position as stable as Mount Tai?" Song Yi said.

Liao Yu and Song Jingyan came back from a walk together. Liao Yu found Song Yi frowning and thinking about things. "What's wrong? Are you in any trouble?"

Song Yi did not hide it from Liao Yu, "Chen Jianxi found out about my relationship with Chen Fuzhen, so he removed Chen Fuzhen from his position as president of Shilla Hotel, and locked her up at home, not letting her go out, and even took away her mobile phone." Chen Xinyu After learning the news, she tipped me off and hoped that I could rescue her sister."

When Liao Yu heard this, he also found it very difficult. Although Samsung and SA were not hostile, the relationship between the two groups was not harmonious to begin with. Chen Jianxi's title as South Korea's richest man for many years was snatched away by Song Yi. It's no wonder that Chen Jianxi felt so comfortable.

Chen Fuzhen and You Zaizhi have divorced. Logically speaking, it is normal for Chen Fuzhen to find a lover. However, Chen Jianxi can accept Chen Fuzhen being with any man in Korea, but he cannot accept Song Yi.

"After all, Chen Fuzhen is Chen Jianxi's eldest daughter. Although she has been banned, at least her life is not in danger. But Yuan Zhong is a child of our Song family. You have to find a way to get both Chen Fuzhen and her son out," Liao Yu said. .

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