I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 268 Confrontation with Chen Jianxi

The next morning, Song Yi picked up Mark Sost at Incheon Airport. Sost hugged Song Yi as soon as he came up, "President, I'm sorry, I just flew here after finishing my work. I won't delay your business, right?"

"It's okay, I just arrived yesterday. Mark, this is Song Jingyan from the investment department of SA Bank. Jingyan, this is Mark Soster, the president of Blue Ocean Capital Fund." Song Yi introduced.

Mark Soster shook hands with Song Jingyan and said, "Hello, just call me Mark."

"President, I have contacted the Samsung Group Secretary Office in advance and made an appointment with Chairman Chen Jianxi on a meeting time. He happens to be free in the morning, so we can set off now." Mark Sost said.

Mark Soster is actually a little curious about the love history between Song Yi and Chen Fuzhen. Song Yi is the richest man in South Korea, and Chen Fuzhen is the first rich woman in South Korea with assets exceeding one trillion won. Song Yi and Chen Fuzhen If you are not married, I am not married. The coming together of Song Yi and Chen Fuzhen can be described as a strong alliance. No matter how dissatisfied Chen Jianxi is, he will not stop his daughter from marrying Song Yi.

The problem now is that after the divorce, the eldest princess of Samsung, Chen Fuzhen, was willing to be Song Yi's lover. This made the former richest man Chen Jianxi not know where to put his old face. He thought that Chen Fuzhen's actions had lost the face of the Samsung family, so he chose to put Chen Fuzhen under house arrest in a fit of anger. Chen Fuzhen and Song Yi were asked to make a clean break.

Chen Jianxi's secretary received a call from Mark Soster and immediately reported to Chen Jianxi, "President, Mr. Mark Soster from Blue Ocean Capital has already got off the plane and will visit us in about half an hour."

When Chen Jianxi heard the name Mark Soster, he had an unkind expression on his face, "I knew that Song Yi was not that kind-hearted, so he was hiding this trick. I haven't settled the score with Song Yi yet, and he had the nerve to come and provoke me." , does he think that with Song Yuxi’s support, I won’t dare to touch him?”

Luo Hongxi was originally going to attend an event at the Leeum Art Museum today, but he was also postponed for Mark Soster's visit.

"The matter has reached this point. Is there any other solution? I heard that Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee obtained their marriage certificate in the United States, but have not yet obtained the certificate in South Korea. If Song Yi is willing to leave Kim Tae Hee and marry Fuzhen , it’s not impossible.” Luo Hongxi suggested.

"If Song Yi wanted to marry a rich man, why would he marry Kim Tae Hee in the first place? Now that Kim Tae Hee has given birth to a child for Song Yi, and Song Yi has already held a first-year banquet for the child in Seoul, how could Song Yi marry him? What about Fu Jin and Kim Tae Hee's divorce?" Chen Jianxi felt that Luo Hongxi's suggestion was whimsical.

"Then what should you do now? Fu Zhen's personality is most like yours, and she will never give up until she achieves her goal. Now she would rather give up her shares in Samsung than continue to be with Song Yi without any name or distinction. Do you really Are you planning to keep her at home for the rest of your life?" Luo Hongxi said.

Chen Jianxi felt a little headache when he thought about his stubborn eldest daughter. Chen Fuzhen did inherit his business talent and perseverance. Unfortunately, Chen Fuzhen was just a daughter.

Chen Jianxi's house in Hannam-dong is the most expensive independent house in South Korea. The entire house covers an area of ​​1,245 square meters and the total price is almost more than 40 billion won. In addition to this house in Hannam-dong, Chen Jianxi also has a 3,422-square-meter super luxury house in Itaewon, which is the second-largest luxury house in South Korea.

Chen Jianxi mainly lives and works in a house in Hannam-dong and rarely goes to Samsung's office building. Every time Chen Jianxi goes to the Samsung headquarters building, Samsung needs to lay out the carpet and do the reception work in advance.

When he went to Samsung Tower, he did not allow employees to stand in the windows and observe him. Because he cannot tolerate others looking down on him from a high place.

When Song Jingyan heard Song Yi talking about the rumors about Chen Jianxi's work on the road, she realized what a domineering person Chen Jianxi was. It is not easy for Song Yi to successfully rescue Chen Fuzhen's mother and son during this trip, and Chen Jianxi cannot compromise with Song Yi so easily.

Mark Sost also raised his question at this time, "President, why don't we launch an inquiry at the Shilla Hotel's board of directors, but choose to visit President Chen Jianxi in person?"

"We sent a question at the board of directors, but when we received it, we received only the official answer from Samsung. I don't want Chen Jianxi to find a reason to prevaricate me. We are here this time. Let's not talk about anything else. At least we have a chance to meet Chen Fuzhen. The president asked her to confirm her personal safety," Song Yi said.

Mark Soster was a little puzzled, "After all, Chen Fuzhen is Chen Jianxi's daughter. He had promised Chen Fuzhen to marry his bodyguard before. President, why do you think Chen Jianxi will be cruel to Chen Fuzhen?"

In another time and space, Chen Jianxi disagreed with the relationship between his youngest daughter Chen Xinyu and her boyfriend Zhao Wenyu. The desperate Chen Xinyu hanged herself in her New York apartment. For the sake of face, the Samsung family announced that Chen Xinyu had died unexpectedly.

With Chen Xinyu's experience, Song Yi really didn't dare to gamble. He also understands Chen Fuzhen's character. If Chen Fuzhen agrees to Chen Jianxi and draws a clear line with Song Yi, then Chen Fuzhen will really have no contact with Song Yi until death. Only after Chen Jianxi died of illness could the relationship between him and Chen Fuzhen be eased.

Song Yi introduced the grievances between Chen Jianxi's three brothers to Mark Soster. When Mark Soster heard that Chen Jianxi's eldest brother Chen Mengxi lived in seclusion in Yanjing and his second brother Chen Changxi died in a mental hospital, Mark Soster Sighing, "Sure enough, the more people stand at the pinnacle of power and wealth, the less they care about family ties."

"There is an old saying in China that the most ruthless imperial family. As long as they are the legitimate heirs of the emperor, they all want to inherit the throne. After all, in the whole world, it is the king's land, and it is the king's ministers who are on the shore of the land. As the largest conglomerate in South Korea, Samsung Group It has profoundly affected the daily necessities of life of Koreans. From birth, school, work, buying a house to death, you have to deal with Samsung."

“The reason why Samsung was able to maintain superficial harmony with SA Group before was mainly because SA Group did not launch a strong challenge to Samsung’s main consumer electronics business.”

"Now that the semiconductor factory in Liangxi has been put into operation, and SA Electronics is planning to invest in a semiconductor factory in Gaoguan'an City, Qin Dynasty, Chen Jianxi knows that our SA Group will enter the consumer electronics business sooner or later. The cooperation between Chen Fuzhen and SA Group, including the personal relationship between Chen Fuzhen and me, It all means Chen Fuzhen’s betrayal of Samsung, and this is what Chen Jianxi cannot tolerate the most.”

"The Samsung empire looks very powerful, but the Samsung family's control over Samsung's various subsidiaries is actually very weak, because the proportion of equity held by Samsung family members in each subsidiary is not high."

"This time I actually want to take advantage of the opportunity of Chen Fuzhen being dismissed as the president of Shilla Hotel to try out the depth of the Samsung family. If Blue Ocean Capital Fund absorbs the shares of Shilla Hotel from the market, it will launch an initiative to control the Samsung family's Shilla Hotel Challenge, will the Samsung family launch a counter-takeover of Blue Ocean Capital in order to retain control of the Shilla Hotel, or will they cut off their strength and hand over the Shilla Hotel to others?" Song Yi said.

Mark Soster became interested, "Many capitals on Wall Street are interested in the control of Samsung. However, Samsung has the support of the Korean government and Koreans behind it, which makes these venture funds return without success. Chairman, you Are you simply interested in controlling the Shilla Hotel, or are you interested in Samsung as a whole?"

"Most of Samsung's stocks are in the hands of Wall Street capital. What's the point of acquiring Samsung's shares without getting Samsung's decision-making power? And if I want to control Samsung Electronics, it will require a huge amount of funds. I estimate that it will take at least three From US$10 billion to US$50 billion, an acquisition of this scale is too strenuous and even requires mortgaging the equity of many high-quality subsidiaries of the SA Group. I don't have such an appetite," Song Yi said.

Mark Sost knew that Song Yi had reservations about what he said. Song Yi got on Chen Fuzhen's line so early. No one would believe him if he said he had no idea about Samsung Group. At the end of the 1990s, Daewoo Group went bankrupt, and many of its high-quality assets were divided up by several other consortiums. South Korea's territory is so large. The bankruptcy of a large consortium will soon vacate the market that will be shared by several other properties.

Song Yi's motorcade drove directly into Chen Jianxi's Hannam-dong residence. The brass door of the residence opened wide, welcoming the arrival of Song Yi and his party.

When Song Yi got off the car, Chen Jianxi's secretary was waiting in the parking lot. He stretched out his hand to signal, "President Song, Mr. Mark Soster, our president is waiting for you in the tea room."

Song Yi laughed and said loudly, "President Chen is so arrogant. When guests come to the door, the host is not even willing to step out of the room. Is this the way the Samsung family treats guests?"

Luo Hongxi, who was watering the flowers in the courtyard, heard Song Yi's voice and felt very annoyed, "Song Yi is so rude. He clearly knew that our family didn't welcome him, but he deliberately made a lot of noise and didn't take us seriously at all. "

She could only put the watering can aside, and then moved to the parking lot. She pretended to have just seen Song Yi, "President Song, what kind of wind brought you to our house today?"

Luo Hongxi's meaning is obvious. The person invited to our family is obviously Mark Soster. Why are you asking for trouble? Our Samsung family does not welcome your arrival.

Song Yi was rather thick-skinned and pretended not to understand what Luo Hongxi said, "Director Luo, I have been friends with Mark Soster, President of Blue Ocean Capital, for many years. It is his first time visiting Seoul. I'm afraid he can't find Chen Hui." The elder, so he was kind enough to send him here."

Luo Hongxi didn't expect Song Yi to be so shameless, lie out loud, and directly issue an order to expel the guest, "Really? I really have to thank President Song for his kindness. Since the person has been sent, can President Song go back?"

Song Yi's face was serious, "Director Luo, this is your fault. I had a hard time traveling all the way, so I sent Mark here specially, just when there were few people and my mouth was dry. Miss Ling'ai Fuzhen and I have also been friends for many years. Since I'm a guest at a good friend's house, wouldn't Director Luo even want to buy me a cup of tea?"

Song Jingyan originally thought that Song Yi would show weakness in front of Luo Hongxi. After all, Luo Hongxi was now Song Yi's cheap mother-in-law. Who would have thought that as soon as Song Yi walked into Chen Jianxi's house, he had been aggressive and unwilling to suffer any loss in words.

Luo Hongxi was even more angry when he heard Song Yi say that he and Chen Fu were good friends for many years. Song Yi was taking advantage and acting like a good boy.

"President Song is indeed sharp-tongued and eloquent. Could this be the secret of President Song's success in being a prostitute outside even though he is already married and has children?" Luo Hongxi said lightly.

Song Jingyan almost laughed out loud when she saw Song Yi being stabbed by Luo Hongxi, a soft nail. No matter what, you, Song Yi, as a married man, hooked up with the Samsung Princess, and you are at fault. If Song Yi and Chen Fuzhen were not married, even if they were rumored to be in love, Chen Jianxi and his wife would not be so angry.

At this time, Chen Jianxi also walked out of the tea room and walked slowly to the courtyard. He pretended not to be aware of the verbal conflict between Song Yi and Luo Hongxi.

"President Song, Mr. Mark Soster, welcome you to our home."

After Chen Jianxi said hello, he saw Song Jingyan behind Song Yi with a surprised expression, "It turns out that Miss Jingyan is also here. Miss Jingyan is standing behind President Song. I almost thought she was President Song's secretary. "

Song Jingyan nodded quickly and said hello, "President Chen, Director Luo, hello. I'm here this time because the investment department of SA Bank has a business relationship with the Shilla Hotel, so I came here specifically to visit Sister Fuzhen."

Chen Jianxi's smile suddenly faded. Of course he knew why Song Yi brought Song Jingyan as a guest. The president's daughter Song Jingyan accompanied Song Yi to Chen Jianxi's home. If Song Yi cannot leave safely during this trip, the Samsung family will inevitably bear the wrath of President Song Woo-suk.

"I was busy making tea in the tea room just now, so I didn't go to the door to greet you. President Song, you don't mind my little rudeness, do you?" Chen Jianxi said with deep meaning.

Song Yi looked calm, "How could that be? President Chen is too polite. The guest of honor today is Mark, and I am just accompanying him. It is already an honor for me, Song Yi, to have the opportunity to drink the good tea prepared by President Chen himself." "

Chen Jianxi walked in front, Song Yi and his group followed behind, walked through the long corridor, and then entered the tea room.

This teahouse is decorated in a Chinese style, with elegant and elegant ink colors and a mahogany layout. One side is a screen, the other side is a transparent floor-to-ceiling window, and some bamboos are planted outside the window. There is a big word "Zen" written on the screen, which gives people a sense of scattered beauty like "secluded paths lead to secluded places, and the Zen room is deep with flowers and trees".

Chen Jianxi sat down first, "President Song, Mr. Sost, Miss Jingyan, please take a seat."

He poured a cup of tea for Song Yi, Mark Soster and Song Jingyan in turn. Song Yi picked up the teacup, took a sip and praised: "The fragrance on your lips and teeth is indeed the best Biluochun, with a frightening fragrance. "

Chen Jianxi is good at thinking, not good at talking, and has a relatively introverted personality, which is very different from Song Yi's extroverted personality.

"President Song, the relationship between our Samsung and SA is not harmonious. If you just drink it like this, aren't you afraid that I will tamper with the tea?" Chen Jianxi said in a calm tone.

Song Jingyan was going to drink tea, but when she heard what Chen Jianxi said, she put the teacup back to its original place.

Song Yi smiled, "If President Chen wants to get rid of me, Song Yi, there are a hundred ways, and poisoning the tea is undoubtedly the stupidest way. A smart person like President Chen will definitely not use such a stupid method. Method."

"Really? Since President Song knows that I have a hundred ways to get rid of you, why do you still dare to ruin my daughter's reputation? Is it because you are deceiving me that there is no one in Samsung?" Chen Jianxi asked slowly.

Song Yi knew that there was no fuel-efficient lamp in the Samsung family, and Chen Jianxi was undoubtedly more experienced than Chen Zaiyong. Chen Zaiyong was surrounded by Chen Jianxi, and he did not learn Chen Jianxi's five powers.

"President Chen is joking. Both Miss Fuzhen and Miss Xinyu have extremely good reputations in Korea. I also respect them very much. If President Chen said this, does it mean anything to me, Song Yi?" Misunderstanding?" Song Yi pretended to be stupid.

Song Yi hasn't seen Chen Fuzhen yet, and he still hasn't figured out how Chen Jianxi realized the true relationship between him and Chen Fuzhen, so he refused to admit it first. When Chen Jianxi comes up with evidence, he will try again.

When Chen Jianxi saw Song Yi's lack of interest, he became even more annoyed with him. "If President Song has this attitude, then we have nothing to talk about. Please come back."

Song Yi glanced at Mark Soster, who understood and said, "President Chen, I heard that you removed Chen Fuzhen from the position of president. As an important shareholder of the Shilla Hotel, we, Blue Ocean Capital, have no regard for this personnel matter." We are very concerned about the changes, which are also related to the vital interests of our shareholders. Is President Chen Fuzhen at home? We would like to see her and ask about the cause of the matter."

Chen Jianxi was unmoved when he heard Mark Soster's words, "This is an internal matter of our family. I have nothing to explain to you, Blue Ocean Capital. Fuzhen is not feeling well now and is recuperating at home. No It’s convenient to meet outsiders.”

Song Yi immediately showed concern, "President Chen, is Fuzhen sick? As a good friend of Fuzhen, I should go and visit him. I will go now."

When Chen Jianxi heard what Song Yi said, he put the tea cup on the table, "What a shame! Song Yi, where do you think this is? How do I, Chen Jianxi, discipline my daughter? Do I still need you to teach me?"

Song Yi said: "How President Song disciplines his daughter is a private matter of your family. Of course it is not convenient for me to get involved. However, Samsung removed Chen Fuzhen from the position of president of Shilla Hotel and did not even hold a meeting of the board of directors. Mark and I learned from the newspaper I received the news, do you Samsung really regard the Shilla Hotel as your private property?"

"If Chairman Song is dissatisfied with my approach and wants to sell his shares in the Shilla Hotel, I am always welcome. Although I am not as rich as Chairman Song, there is still no problem in taking this share." Chen Jianxi's attitude was very cold.

Song Yi said to Mark Soster and Song Jingyan: "The bamboos in President Chen's yard are growing well and the scenery is very good. You two should go for a walk in the yard. President Chen and I have some private matters to discuss."

Mark Soster and Song Jingyan were a little confused, but they still left the tea room obediently.

"President Song, there is no one else in the tea room now. If you have anything to say, you might as well say it directly." Chen Jianxi's attitude was still cold.

"President Chen, my inspection trip to the mainland this time was quite fruitful. I also met Uncle Meng Xi in Yanjing."

"I heard a very interesting rumor. It is said that in order to hand over Samsung to you smoothly, Chairman Chen Byung-cheol set up thousands of private loan accounts at Samsung Securities and Woori Bank to manage more than 4 trillion won of secrets. The funds are used to evade South Korea’s high inheritance tax, and the tax evasion is suspected of hundreds of billions of won.”

"President Chen, after I heard the news, I thought this rumor was nonsense. President Chen, you are so cautious in doing things, how could you make such a low-level mistake? What do you think?" A faint smile appeared on Song Yi's face. .

When Chen Jianxi heard what Song Yi said, his heart was filled with turmoil, but his face became calmer. "President Song has said that this is just a rumor, why do you want to mention it specifically today?"

It won’t be unfinished, it will definitely be completed. I’m quite busy with work in December, so updates won’t be so timely.

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