I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 270 SA Cultural Tourism Group’s blockbuster projects

On June 1, 2006, the Shilla Hotel officially announced that Ms. Chen Fuzhen, the former president of the Shilla Hotel, resigned from the position of president of the Shilla Hotel due to a job change. The president of the Shilla Hotel was replaced by Luo Hongjun, who was Chen Fuzhen's third uncle.

The Korean media noticed something amiss from the announcement and have been paying attention to Chen Fuzhen's latest developments. Chen Fuzhen seems to have disappeared from Seoul's social circle. Some relevant people said that they have seen Chen Fuzhen in the mainland, but this news has not been confirmed.

An insider of Samsung Group said that Chen Fuzhen may serve as the president of Samsung China. Chairman Chen Jianxi is not satisfied with Chen Jae-yong, so he wants to focus on cultivating his eldest daughter Chen Fuzhen. The Samsung family may break the tradition of passing on male children rather than female children.

In mid-June, SA Culture and Tourism Group was established in Puhai City. SA Group Chairman Song Yi, SA Culture and Tourism Group Chen Fuzhen, SA Group Board Secretary Zhou Zhiyi and relevant leaders of Puhai City attended the opening ceremony of SA Culture and Tourism Group.

Ms. Chen Fuzhen, President of SA Culture and Tourism Group, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony. Chen Fuzhen said at the ceremony that SA Culture and Tourism Group will take root in the mainland market and promote the development of the hotel tourism industry in the mainland. SA Culture and Tourism Group is very optimistic about China's economy and is willing to provide high-quality tourism products to mainland tourists. SA Cultural Tourism Group will work with Puhai City’s tourism department to promote internationally renowned large-scale cultural tourism projects to settle in Puhai City.

Chen Fuzhen's appearance in Puhai caused a sensation in the Korean media. They did not expect that after Chen Fuzhen resigned as president of Shilla Hotel, he actually went to the mainland to serve as president of SA Culture and Tourism Group. Korean netizens noticed Chen Fuzhen’s speech at the ceremony, and they wanted to know which large-scale cultural tourism project would be settled in Puhai.

In late June, Disney CEO Robert Iger visited Puhai City. Puhai City leaders met with Robert Iger and his delegation. Chen Fuzhen, President of SA Culture and Tourism Group, also attended the meeting.

Accompanied by Chen Fuzhen and the leaders of Pujiang New District, Robert Egger visited Beisha Town, Pujiang New District, where the initial location of Puhai Disneyland was located.

Robert Egger felt very regretful that he did not see Song Yi during this trip. He said to Chen Fuzhen, "Originally, I came to Puhai for inspection this time and wanted to meet President Song. I didn't expect that President Song was busy with something. It's really a pity."

Chen Fuzhen smiled and responded politely, "Mr. Egger, our president just welcomed his daughter. He has been taking care of his wife and daughter in the hospital for the past two days. I really can't spare the time to come to Puhai to see you. I'm very sorry. I'll wait for you next. When you come to Puhai next time, our president will definitely treat you and your party grandly as a landlord."

Robert Egger is well-informed and knows that Chen Fuzhen and Song Yi have an unusual relationship. The reason why SA Culture and Tourism promotes the establishment of Disneyland in Puhai is to help SA Culture and Tourism Group develop in the mainland tourism market.

In addition to the Puhai Disneyland project, SA Cultural Tourism Group has also made preparations. This company is also contacting the Universal Studios project.

It is impossible for Puhai City to introduce the Disneyland or Universal Studios project at the same time. If Puhai City takes the lead in introducing the Universal Studios project, it will be difficult for the Disneyland project to be located in Puhai.

The reason why Robert Iger attaches so much importance to the Puhai Disneyland project is mainly because of the rapidly growing mainland film market.

"Kung Fu Panda", released in December last year, grossed 186 million yuan at the box office in the mainland film market. "Kung Fu Panda", co-produced by DreamWorks and SA Pictures, became the champion of foreign language animated films in the mainland film market. We must know that the box office of "The Promise", the mainland movie box office champion in 2005, was only 175 million yuan.

After entering the new millennium, Disney animation could not adapt to market changes, and 2D animation was no longer popular. This was Disney's lowest period.

Since Robert Iger took over as Disney CEO last year, he impressed Steve Jobs with his sincerity in May this year. Disney announced the acquisition of Pixar Animation for US$7.4 billion. Jobs held 6.05% of Disney stock and became Disney's largest individual shareholder.

This acquisition is a win-win for both Disney and Pixar. Through this acquisition, Disney will bring Pixar Animation's advanced animated film production process to Disney, and slowly improve Disney Animation's production process before it can produce films such as "Zootopia" and "Zootopia". Movies like "Frozen" are both well-received and box office hits. Pixar Animation, through Disney's acquisition, has completely escaped its existential crisis.

"Chairman Song is a very good filmmaker. I heard that the idea for the cartoon "Kung Fu Panda" came from Chairman Song. The prototype of Po in "Kung Fu Panda" is from the Samsung Everland Panda Pavilion. Yabao, is this happening?" Robert Egger chatted about movie-related topics with great interest.

"You are very well informed. Po's prototype is indeed Ya Bao. Ever since "Kung Fu Panda" was released, there has been a craze for "Kung Fu Panda" around the world, and many fans of "Kung Fu Panda" have gone to Samsung Love Go to the Baoyuan Panda Pavilion to see Yabao. Yabao himself is quite active and likes to interact with the tourists at the panda pavilion. He often gives high-fives to tourists through the glass, so he has always been very popular with tourists from all over the world." Chen Fuzhen Answered with a smile.

"Universal acquired DreamWorks last year, and the big IP "Kung Fu Panda" will enter Universal Studios sooner or later. If SA Cultural Tourism Group wants to help Puhai City introduce large-scale cultural tourism projects, introducing Universal Studios will undoubtedly be more difficult than introducing Disneyland. "Hey, why did Mr. Chen contact us at Disney in the first place? Is it to sell for a price?" Robert Iger asked bluntly.

Chen Fuzhen heard the idiom "for sale at a price" and admired Robert Iger's Chinese proficiency. "Mr. Iger used this idiom just right. The Chinese tourism market is huge enough to accommodate both Disneyland and Universal Studios."

"Although China's current per capita GDP is less than 2,000 US dollars, there are a group of people among the more than one billion people in China who have become rich first. The purchasing power of these middle-class consumer groups is not weak. They are willing to take their children to Disneyland. Or a trip to Universal Studios as their family entertainment.”

"Our SA Cultural Tourism Group mainly engages in cultural tourism real estate projects and provides high-quality tourism projects to this group of tourists. Our company is also committed to helping Disneyland or Universal Studios land in a city suitable for them." Chen Fuzhen said eloquently.

Robert Egger understood. If Puhai introduces Disneyland, then SA Cultural Tourism Group may help Universal Studios settle in Yanjing or Yangcheng.

"Mr. Chen, I wonder if you have paid attention to the superhero movie "Iron Man" that SA Pictures participated in the production of. This US$140 million superhero movie has been completed and will be released on December 30. .”

"Robert Downey Jr., who participated in the filming of the movie, was full of praise for the movie and thought it was a masterpiece comparable to the "Spider-Man" trilogy starring Tony Maguire. Downey said that Marvel Studios has re- Defined superhero movies and ushered in a new era of the Marvel Universe."

"Although the movie "Iron Man" has not been released yet, I am very concerned about this movie. Chairman Song has only participated in two Hollywood movie projects personally, one is "Kung Fu Panda" and the other is "Iron Man". The box office performance of the former has proven President Song’s investment vision, while the latter has yet to be verified.”

"President Song seems to have had ideas about Marvel Studios very early. He first spent more than 300 million US dollars to acquire Artisan Entertainment, and later promoted the merger of Artisan Entertainment and Marvel Studios. SA Pictures also took advantage of the trend to become A significant shareholder of Marvel Studios.”

"If "Iron Man" can achieve box office success again, then I really need to go to Seoul to visit Chairman Song to see if we at Disney can launch more extensive cooperation with SA Pictures." Robert Egger said Said deeply.

After Robert Egger and his party left Puhai, Chen Fuzhen called Song Yi and introduced him to Robert Egger's inspection.

"Song Yi, why do I feel that Robert Iger is not too concerned about the Puhai Disneyland project, but is more concerned about Marvel Studios. Disney just acquired Pixar Animation this year, does Iger also want to acquire Marvel Studios? "Chen Fuzhen noticed something interesting.

Song Yi is still in the hospital at the moment, and Kim Tae Hee, who just gave birth to a baby girl, is still in Asan Hospital. On June 26, Kim Tae Hee gave birth to a daughter for Song Yi, and Song Yi named her daughter Song Yuanshu. Although it was her second child, Kim Tae Hee did not go smoothly during the delivery process, so to be on the safe side, Song Yi kept Kim Tae Hee in the hospital to take care of her for a while.

"Iger has a very strategic vision and is a key figure in promoting the globalization of Disney. He is also the best CEO of Disney in the past two decades."

"The reason why he mentioned the movie "Iron Man" is actually to use your words to tell me that he is interested in acquiring Marvel Studios."

"Kevin Feige has announced the first phase of Marvel's production plan. As soon as "Iron Man" was finalized, Marvel announced the filming plans for "Iron Man 2" and "Thor."

"If Disney proposes to acquire Marvel after "Iron Man" is released, their offer will not be much higher. But if "Iron Man 2" and "Thor" released next year succeed one after another, then Disney will acquire Marvel. Wei Film’s quotation is at least almost the same as Pixar Animation,” Song Yi said.

"If Disney really plans to spend five to six billion US dollars to acquire Marvel, will you sell it?" Chen Fuzhen asked curiously.

"This matter is not my decision alone. The opinions of Marvel Studios management are also very important. However, even if Marvel Studios is to be sold, it will not be something that can be done in one or two years."

"SA Electronics will hold an autumn product launch conference in September. When SA Electronics showcases our carefully developed smartphones at the conference, it will inevitably attract Apple's attention."

"Steve Jobs is also the largest individual shareholder of Disney, and his opinions can also influence the opinions of Disney's board of directors. I hope that you can reach a tripartite cooperation framework agreement with Disney and Puhai City Government before September. .”

"As for the shares of Puhai Disneyland, it doesn't make much difference whether SA Culture and Tourism Group holds 10 points or 5 points. After all, the investment in the Disneyland project is large and the project cycle is long. Even if the agreement is signed this year, it will have to wait until at least 12 The park will be officially opened to welcome tourists around the year.”

"The reason why we promote the Puhai Disneyland tourism project is to provide tourism supporting projects for Disneyland and develop tourism real estate. We can ask for less shares, but Disney must agree to our SA Cultural Tourism Group to build a Disneyland in the park. Theme hotel." Song Yi informed Chen Fuzhen.

"I understand, I will negotiate according to your request. But when the agreement is reached, you still have to come to Puhai to attend the celebration party of the Disneyland signing ceremony. You must at least take me to meet SA Group Puhai The CEOs of each subsidiary company should meet with them so that I can coordinate the relevant resources of SA Group in Puhai City." Chen Fuzhen made her request.

"Okay, I estimate that this negotiation process will last at least a few months. You should also take the time to meet with the inspection team sent by Universal Studios. If Puhai City finalizes the cooperation project of Disneyland, then SA Cultural Tourism Group can immediately Promote Universal Studios to settle in Yanjing.”

"Our SA Real Estate has shot a lot of land in Tongzhou. If Universal Studios can settle in Tongzhou, it will also be great news for SA Real Estate. I believe in your personal ability and am waiting for your good news." Song Yi encouraged Chen Fuzhen.

Chen Fuzhen couldn't help but feel a little jealous when she thought that she was working hard in the Mainland to discuss projects, while Song Yi was working as a hands-off shopkeeper in Seoul, accompanying Kim Tae Hee.

"President Song, I found that the treatment of being your subordinate is different from that of being your partner. Before we worked together, you would help me solve the problem first. Now that I am your subordinate, if I encounter anything, I will Solve it first, and leave it to you if it can't be solved. Taixi has worked very hard to give birth to and raise children for our Song family."

"I'm busy now and don't have time to visit her in the hospital. How about letting Xinyu serve as my representative and go to the hospital to visit Taixi. After all, Taixi and I have been good friends for many years and almost became best friends." Chen Fuzhen said.

"Xinyu has already been to the hospital and prepared gifts for Taixi and Yuanshu in your name. By the way, today seems to be Xinyu's twenty-seventh birthday. Don't forget to give Xinyu a call to say hello. Just a moment." Song Yi reminded kindly.

Chen Fuzhen pretended to praise, "President Song is really amazing. He cares so much about his subordinates and even remembers Xinyu's birthday so clearly. President Song, I kindly remind you that Xinyu is now your sister-in-law, and you are your brother-in-law." , but you can’t have any thoughts about her.”

"Our Samsung family has been a distinguished family for generations. We will never be like Xiyuan and Taixi, sisters working together with one husband. So, don't take Xinyu's idea, or I will break your third leg." Chen Fuzhen His tone turned cold.

Song Yi heard Chen Fuzhen's warning and suddenly felt a chill between his thighs. He hurriedly explained, "When Xinyu joined the company, wasn't it that Xiuna helped to prepare the entry documents? The year, month and day of Xinyu's birth were written on them."

"Xu Zhuxian and Xinyu have the same birthday, Xinyu happens to be twelve years older than Xu Zhuxian, and they have the same zodiac sign, so I remember it. There is no way I will try to take advantage of Xinyu, I have already I abducted President Jianxi’s eldest daughter, and if I also abduct his most beloved youngest daughter, I’m afraid that President Jianxi will not be able to help but kill me,” Song Yi said.

After hearing Song Yi's explanation, Chen Fuzhen's tone became much gentler, "It's good that you know. Then I'll call Xinyu."

After Chen Fuzhen hung up the phone, Kim Tae Hee, who was in the hospital bed, heard part of Song Yi's call and asked, "Is this the call from Sister Fuzhen?"

"Yes, Fuzhen will tell me about the latest progress of the Puhai Disneyland project." Song Yi did not deny it.

"Sister Fuzhen is so amazing. She straightened out the complex situation of SA Culture and Tourism Group when she first arrived in the mainland, and she also introduced such a major investment project to SA Culture and Tourism Group."

"Compared to Sister Fuzhen, I really feel inferior. Even THK Clothing and SA Welfare Foundation can't handle it. We both come from merchant families. Why is there such a big gap between her and me?" Jin Tai Nozomi sighed.

Song Yi almost broke into a cold sweat when he heard what Kim Tae Hee said. Song Yi knew that Kim Tae Hee was a little dissatisfied with him and did not want Chen Fuzhen to take over the SA Cultural Tourism Group.

In Kim Tae Hee's view, the entire SA Group will be his son Song Yuanhao's industry in the future. Kim Xi-won’s daughter Song Yuanzhu will take over the Manchester United club in the future, and Son Ye-zhen’s son Song Yuanlong and Song Yi’s niece Song Miao will inherit some of the mainland assets of the SA family.

Now that Chen Fuzhen takes over the SA Culture and Tourism Group, it means that Chen Fuzhen and Chen Yuanzhong, mother and son, will split up the hotel and tourism-related industries of the SA Group in the future, including AXA Tokyo Resort and Elysian Ski Resort. This part of the industry is also worth trillions. Won, Kim Tae Hee is certainly not satisfied.

In Kim Tae Hee's view, neither Kim Hee Won nor Son Ye Jin can shake her status as the royal wife, but the three-star eldest princess Jin Fuzhen is an exception. If Chen Fuzhen had not been divorced, then Chen Jianxi would never have allowed Chen Fuzhen to follow Song Yi like this.

Because of this concern, Kim Tae Hee was in normal physical condition during pregnancy, so the delivery process was not smooth and she had to stay in the hospital for recuperation. Song Yi knew the root of the problem and where Kim Tae Hee's heart was, and felt guilty, so he took care of Kim Tae Hee every step of the way in the hospital.

Chen Fuzhen's father Chen Kunxi is the former richest man in South Korea, and Kim Tae Hee's father Kim Yumoon is just the president of a medium-sized logistics company. Chen Fuzhen and Kim Tae-hee grew up in different environments, and there is certainly a gap in their business vision. However, Kim Tae-hee has been working hard, learning all the time, and growing very fast.

"Fu Zhen is the president of SA Culture and Tourism Group. She is our subordinate. No matter how capable the subordinate is, isn't he still making money for both of us? She is an employee and you are the boss's wife. What do you have to argue with her?"

"Fu Zhen only has one son. You already have a son and a daughter, which makes it a good word. Having both sons and daughters is also a blessing for you and me." Song Yi comforted Kim Tae Hee.

Kim Tae Hee crossed her arms and said jealously, "It was only after I had Yuan Shu that I had both children. You already had children. Since Sister Fuzhen has given birth to a son for you, who knows she will still have a son?" Won’t I give you a daughter?”

At this time, Choi Sun-hee, president of ABS TV station, and Song Jing-yeon from the SA Bank Investment Department came to the hospital to visit Kim Tae-hee and her daughter. Cui Shanji and Song Yi have a very good personal relationship. The bodyguards and assistants at the door did not stop Cui Shanji and the others.

As soon as Cui Shanji entered the delivery room, she heard Kim Tae-hee complaining. She knew that Kim Tae-hee was talking about Chen Fuzhen. She pretended not to know and came to the rescue for Song Yi, "Taixi, who do you think will give our President Song a daughter?"

Thank you all for your monthly votes, see you tomorrow!

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