I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 281 Gaojin Electronics’ autumn new product launch conference (Part 2)

Song Yi and Yui Aragaki went to the COEX Conference Center together. Zhou Zhiyi had already arrived at the venue in advance and was instructing the staff to go through the press conference process again.

After seeing Song Yi, Zhou Zhiyi put aside the work at hand, said hello to Song Yi, and nodded to Yui Aragaki, "Miss Aragaki, your location for the live broadcast has been arranged for you, I will take you first Go over there."

Yui Aragaki quickly expressed her gratitude, "Thank you, Director Zhou, please excuse me. President, I'll go over first."

The entire press conference has almost 1,000 seats, including media seats, seats for representatives of cooperative manufacturers and employees, as well as seats for representatives of Korean government officials. Today, attending the Gaofin Electronics autumn new product launch conference is South Korean Prime Minister Zhou Yuncan.

Zhou Yuncan was previously the president of Seoul University and was later nominated as the Prime Minister of South Korea by President Song Woo-suk. In 2003, Song Yi was assassinated in Seoul, and Song Yi and Zhou Yuncan got in touch. Song Woo-seok is now in the middle and late stages of his administration. In order to boost South Korea's economy, Song Woo-seok appointed Zhou Yuncan, a former economics professor, as South Korea's prime minister.

When Song Yi stated that he wanted to enter the field of mobile phone manufacturing, Song Yuxi was actually a little worried. After all, SA Group has not been involved in the manufacturing field before, and mobile phones are a high-precision technology industry.

South Korea has a small geographical location and a population of only 50 million. If it relies on the local market, it will not be able to support four or five mobile phone manufacturers. The Korean government usually focuses on supporting two or three companies to enter a certain industry to form a duopoly competition pattern.

Korean mobile phone manufacturers already include Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics. If SA Group enters the mobile phone manufacturing industry, it is still unknown whether it can break the duopoly pattern of Samsung and LG, and it may even affect the good cooperative relationship between SA Group and LG Electronics. .

Moreover, the mobile phone manufacturing field itself requires a large amount of initial investment. If SA Group cannot compete with Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics, it will bring uncontrollable risks to SA Group's operations and weaken SA Group's media, Internet and real estate businesses. competitive advantage.

The opposition Grand National Party has confirmed Chung Kim-hye as its sole presidential candidate, while the ruling party is still hesitant about who to choose as its presidential candidate next year.

Song Woo-seok personally prefers to support Minister of Justice Ha Mi-ae to participate in the 2007 presidential election on behalf of the ruling party Open National Assembly. However, many members of the Open National Assembly feel that Ha Mi-ae's style of work is too tough and hope that scholar Zhou Yuncan can be selected to go there. Participate in next year's general election.

Zhou Yuncan has not publicly stated that he will participate in next year's presidential election, because when he was teaching or serving as president of Seoul National University, he declined invitations from Zhong Wanyou and Zhong Xiaotong many times, and gave up his post as a Korean economist on the grounds of concentrating on teaching. Department Chief.

Song Yi knew that Zhou Yuncan actually wanted to participate in the 2007 presidential election, but his personal prestige was still not as good as that of the Iron Lady Xia Meiai.

After all, Xia Meiai is a judge and is not good at economic affairs. If South Korea's economic growth rate during Zhou Yuncan's two years as prime minister is better than that from 2003 to 2005, then Zhou Yuncan does have hope of overtaking Xia Meiai in the polls.

South Korea's richest man Song Yi and South Korea's Prime Minister Zhou Yuncan simultaneously appeared at Gaojin Electronics' autumn new product launch conference. The Korean media naturally caught wind of the news. Almost all major TV stations and newspapers sent representatives to attend today's autumn new product launch conference.

Among the four major TV stations, the earliest one to come was the ABS TV station under the SA Group. ABS TV station also got the media seats with the best view. The ABS TV station media delegation was led by Li Xianzhen.

After Li Xianzhen saw Song Yi, he came over to say hello to Song Yi. She looked around but didn't see Song Jingyan, "Didn't my sister-in-law say that she would also come to the press conference? Why didn't she see her?"

"It's still early, she will probably come over later. Do you have anything to do with her?" Song Yi asked.

"It's okay, I just want to chat with her for a while. My dad is urging me to have a child every day, and I want her to help me share the pressure." Li Xianzhen smiled mischievously.

Li Xianzhen wore a black suit today, lined with a rose red round-neck fashion shirt, and the pearl necklace around his neck added a feminine touch.

As the host of ABS TV station, Li Xianzhen's hair style is a big wave, which requires a fluffy feel, so as to create a sense of stability. However, Li Xianzhen had a small inner button on her hair, which gave her a hint of playfulness and a girlish look.

Song Yi had a dark look on his face, "Uncle Li wants to have a grandson, why are you directing the trouble to your sister-in-law. Now that the talk show "North-South Dialogue" has gained a reputation, it's time for you to take a break. . If you plan to have a child, I will definitely support you with both hands. As a major contributor to our ABS TV Tower, I will definitely give you a long maternity leave next year. As long as you plan to come back to work, your position will always be reserved for you. .”

"President, you said it easily, but that's not what President Cui said. President Cui now asks me to serve as the president's assistant and begin to take over part of her work. When SA Media Group is established, President Cui will slowly hand over the ABS TV station to I manage. President Cui cultivated me as the next president. Now that I am pregnant, wouldn’t I be living up to President Cui’s hard work?”

"On the contrary, my sister-in-law, you really need to have some snacks. My ex-sister-in-law divorced my brother before she was pregnant. Now this sister-in-law seems to be a strong woman, running to the mainland every three days. She is now again I am going to be responsible for planning the opening of SA Bank Puhai Branch."

"My brother has finally been transferred from the Suwon Prosecutor's Office back to work at the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office. As a result, my sister-in-law often travels on business. The two of us are like the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl. We don't see each other more than once a year. How come my sister-in-law is pregnant?" Li Xianzhen She complained for her brother Li Yuan.

Li Xianzhen is Kim Tae Hee's best friend in college. She had a very close relationship with Kim Tae Hee in college, and she envied Kim Tae Hee for finding such a good boyfriend like Song Yi. Later, Li Xianzhen discovered that Song Yi was a two-person person. When he was in love with his sister Kim Tae Hee, he did not reject his sister Jin Xiyuan. His filter for Song Yi was broken, and he felt that Song Yi was a scumbag and was not worthy of taking the place of his best friend Kim Tae Hee.

Later, both sisters Jin Xiyuan married Song Yi, and Li Xianzhen's mentality calmed down. After all, best friend Kim Tae Hee doesn't mind that her sister Kim Hee Won has taken away Song Yi's love. As an outsider, there is no need for her to complain for Kim Tae Hee.

Song Yi and Li Xianzhen joked, "Why should I care whether your sister-in-law is pregnant or not? I can't do this kind of thing for you. If you want a child, I can help."

Li Xianzhen looked at Song Yi with a mocking expression, half-smiling but not smiling, and said nothing. Song Yi felt something was wrong and felt a chill behind him. He turned back and found that Song Jingyan was standing behind him and had heard the conversation between him and Li Xianzhen.

Song Yi wanted to slap himself twice at this moment, not to mention how embarrassing it would be to let others catch you with your bad mouth. He felt that he was a little distracted today and was very confident that the press conference would be held successfully. In addition, Li Xianzhen's dress was very charming, so he couldn't help but make a joke. Who knew that Song Jingyan would catch him.

Seeing Song Yi's embarrassed look, Song Jingyan's anger subsided a little. She was a little helpless, "Brother Yi, you are already thirty years old and the father of several children. Why are you still so ungrateful? If you do it again next time, If I hear your joke like this, don’t blame me for complaining to Sister Taixi.”

When Song Jingyan left, Li Xianzhen's expression was very playful, "President Song, it seems that my sister-in-law is not willing to let you help. I really want to ask you for help, but Taixi and I are good friends, and we don't want to ruin the relationship between our sisters. When I finish Taixi's work, I will come to you to find a solution."

Song Yi glared at Li Xianzhen. Li Xianzhen had clearly seen Song Jingyan coming over just now, but deliberately didn't remind him just to see him embarrass himself in front of Song Jingyan.

Now that Song Jingyan is gone, Li Xianzhen is deliberately teasing him, which is simply heartbreaking. Kim Tae Hee can tolerate Song Yi sleeping with other women, but she absolutely cannot accept Song Yi and Li Xianzhen having an affair.

Song Yi was not angry, "Thank you for your kindness. I can't help you with this at the moment. If you and your wife have something to hide, I will definitely help you find the best doctor to treat you. Okay, you go ahead and I'll help you." Let’s go somewhere else first.”

Song Yi left, and Li Xianzhen couldn't laugh or cry, "Humph, this playboy is quite stingy, and he must avenge himself."

Song Yi first went to Aragaki Yui's live broadcast room. All Aragaki Yui's live broadcast equipment had been installed. In order to increase Yui Aragaki's popularity, Song Yi showed her face in front of the camera.

Song Yi is still very popular among Japanese netizens. When he appeared in Yui Aragaki's game live broadcast room, fans found it unbelievable.

There were many barrages in the live broadcast room, asking Yui Aragaki if she was Song Yi. There were many comments floating in the live broadcast room, "Is it Song Sang himself?" "Is he such a young richest man? How amazing!"

But this is not the funniest thing. After Song Yi showed up, Yui Aragaki’s fans showered her with dozens of yacht gifts. Song Yi was a little confused. Someone pretended to be wealthy in front of him in the live broadcast room, showing off his wealth?

Yui Aragaki covered her mouth, held her chest and bowed to express her gratitude to the fans. Song Yi and Yui Aragaki confirmed, "Underage netizens can't recharge or buy gifts in the live broadcast room, right?"

Yui Aragaki nodded and answered Song Yi's question, "President, it's not just the live broadcast room. Our SA-produced games prohibit underage users from recharging or purchasing props. They can only play the game for 120 minutes from Monday to Friday. , if the game time is exceeded, they will be forced to log off to prevent them from being addicted to the game."

Song Yi randomly answered several questions from fans in Yui Aragaki's live broadcast room, and then said that one hundred lucky viewers would be randomly selected in the live broadcast room to receive electronic products from Gaojin Electronics' autumn conference as gifts to repay Yui Aragaki. Yi fans.

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room was quite relaxed. Song Yi stayed for less than half an hour, earning Yui Aragaki enough attention, and the live broadcast room became more and more popular. More and more fans are sharing Yui Aragaki’s live broadcast room links on the inschool website.

At this time, other news media also began to enter the venue one after another. The media delegation of the Dong-A Ilbo was led by Zhang Enying. Song Yi and Zhang Enying met each other and chatted briefly.

Zhang Enying didn't see Cui Shanji, knowing that she might be a little embarrassed, so she found Li Xianzhen first, and the two started talking.

When the staff of the "Dong-A Ilbo" newspaper saw Jang Eun-young chatting and laughing with Lee Hyun-jin, the assistant president of ABS TV station, they couldn't help but speculate. It seems that Chairman Choi Won-seok really intends to step away from the management of the newspaper in order to exchange for ABS TV and "The Dong-A Ilbo" opportunities for cooperation.

At 7:15, South Korean Prime Minister Zhou Yuncan and other government officials came to the COEX Conference Center.

As soon as Zhou Yuncan entered the venue, many media and business friends who were familiar with him greeted him. Zhou Yuncan responded one by one and behaved very politely.

After Song Yi saw Zhou Yuncan come in, he stood up from his seat and walked in Zhou Yuncan's direction. Zhou Yuncan noticed Song Yi's behavior, with a smile on his face, walked quickly to Song Yi, and then took the initiative to shake hands with Song Yi, "President Song, I look forward to your performance tonight. I hope Gaojin Electronics can bring us a surprise." .”

A young reporter from the "Central Daily News" noticed that when Zhou Yuncan shook hands with Song Yi, he half-bowed and lowered his head to say hello to Song Yi. He felt a little unfair, "We in South Korea really have no hope. The prime minister is still the richest man when he sees it." Bending down in front of me. If South Korea is dominated by chaebols, where are the chances for ordinary people like us to get ahead?"

Song Yi's attitude was very humble, but his expression was very confident, "Thank you for your blessing, Gaojin Electronics will definitely not let everyone down."

Zhang Enying also noticed this scene and was very excited. Only when a man lives like this can he live his life in vain.

There was a large LED screen behind the press conference, with the advertising slogan of Gaojin Electronics written on the blue background, "Quality creates excellence, technology changes life - Gaojin Electronics".

Zhou Yuncan was one of the last guests to arrive at the meeting. Sitting on his right was Gu Guangmok, the crown prince of LG Group. Chen Zaiyong also quietly entered the venue at this time and sat in the middle of the first planning delegation.

Song Yi's secretary Jiang Xiuna noticed Chen Zaiyong's arrival, came to Song Yi, lowered her head and told Song Yi about this. Song Yi didn't care. Tomorrow, Gaojin Electronics' mobile phones will be sold through all channels. Samsung Electronics can also buy Galaxy S1 mobile phones offline. At this time, Song Yi's trump card has been revealed. Samsung Electronics also wants to come and learn about competing products. normal.

The host of Gaojin Electronics' autumn new product launch conference was Zhou Zhiyi. Zhou Zhiyi, who was wearing a skirt, greeted everyone gracefully and then invited Song Yi to the stage to give a public speech.

Song Yi adjusted his clothes and then walked to the main podium with firm steps. More than a thousand people in the COEX Conference Center turned their attention to Song Yi. Although Song Yi is very well-known in South Korea, and the media also has a lot of tidbits about Song Yi, today is the first time Song Yi has given a public speech.

"Good evening everyone, I am Song Yi from Gaojin Electronics. The theme of my speech today is 'Quality creates excellence, technology changes life'."

"Five years ago, I left my previous company, Shinhan Media, and then started my own business, establishing the first Shinya Entertainment. Five years later, our SA Group has become a company with a market value of 30 trillion won and 25 group subsidiaries. company, a large multinational enterprise with 160,000 employees.”

"According to the ranking of the world's top 500 companies published by Fortune magazine, Nike ranks last. Nike's operating income last fiscal year was US$15 billion. If the SA Group merges the operating income of its mainland Chinese subsidiaries, its operating income will be The revenue is about US$20 billion, so there is no problem in being listed in the top 500."

Before Song Yi finished speaking, Chen Zairong, who was sitting in the audience, was shocked. The SA Group was established only five years ago. In five years, Song Yi led SA Group to become a Fortune 500 company. If Song Yi was given another five or ten years, wouldn't it be able to shake Samsung's position in South Korea. No wonder his father felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy when he saw Song Yi, and was very concerned about the movements of the SA Group.

"Of course, I am reporting to you the achievements of our SA Group. I don't want to show off. In fact, I do not agree to merge the revenue of the mainland China subsidiary into the parent company SA Group this year. There are many directors on the board of directors of our group. He said he didn’t understand. Because being selected into the Fortune Global 500 can help our SA Group increase its visibility and facilitate us to promote SA Group’s products more widely.”

"Why would I refuse? I think only if a single subsidiary of SA Group becomes one of the Fortune 500, it is worthy of our publicity. I believe that in a few years, our SA Group will have three to four Fortune 500 companies, regardless of Whether it is media, Internet, finance, real estate or consumer electronics, we all hope to become the industry leader."

Ju Guangmo, who was sitting in the audience, listened attentively to Song Yi's speech. Although he and Song Yi were the same age, their identities were very different. Even if he takes over LG Group from Koo Kwang Sung in the future, the cooperation between LG Group and SA Group will still be led by SA Group. In his public speech, Song Yi finally did not hide his ambition for the throne of consumer electronics.

"When I first started my business, I was thinking about what kind of company I wanted to build. Later I thought about it clearly. I wanted to create a great business that would last for a hundred years. Great businesses need great products so that they can Consumers remember our brand and leave our unique mark in the long history of mankind."

"When people see a light bulb, they think of Edison. When you pick up a phone, you think of Bell. When you pick up a phone, you think of Nokia."

Song Yi imitated the classic ringtone "Big Waltz" on Nokia mobile phones at the scene, making the audience laugh and laugh.

After everyone stopped laughing, Song Yi continued, "Although mobile phone manufacturers have continued to release new mobile phones over the years, and their functions have become more and more powerful. However, I feel that the mobile phone industry has not developed much, and it does not follow Moore's Law. In addition to larger memory, The photos are clearer, and there is no disruptive innovation at all. Compared with the ever-changing Internet industry, it is simply an old cow dragging a broken car."

"I think mobile phones should not be like this. It requires one person to jump out, break the traditional thinking, and then change the way everyone uses mobile phones. I think mobile phones will replace computers and become the number one entertainment production tool for the public. A powerful mobile phone is completely Can outperform computers."

"I have been thinking about what kind of new mobile phone can liberate humans from computers and enable all functions of communication, entertainment, work, and leisure to be performed on mobile phones."

"Next, let me unveil for everyone the real protagonist of Gaojin Electronics' autumn new product launch conference, the Galaxy S1 smartphone. Xiuna, give me the phone." Song Yi ordered.

As soon as Song Yi finished speaking, everyone turned their attention to Jiang Xiuna. Jiang Xiuna held the phone in both hands and walked towards Song Yi. When Jiang Xiuna handed the phone to Song Yi, Song Yi didn't pay attention and the phone fell to the ground with a bang.

Jiang Xiuna's face suddenly turned pale, and various media pointed their cameras at the cell phone that fell on the ground and kept taking pictures. If this Galaxy S1 smartphone breaks into pieces at the fall launch event, the fun will be huge.

This autumn new product launch conference was broadcast live, and the four major TV stations in South Korea and the official inschool website of Gaojin Electronics were broadcast simultaneously. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Song Yi had not connected the phone properly, but throwing the phone at the scene was undoubtedly a major mistake, so it immediately aroused everyone's curiosity.

Except for a slight cough, it's almost gone. The weather is getting colder, so please keep warm. Thank you all for your monthly votes!

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