“Hmph! Let me meet him! ”

Before Lin Hao’s words fell, Vegeta had already spoken without hesitation, and then he was about to fly forward to challenge.

However, Vegeta only moved, but Sun Wukong pressed his shoulder and reminded him to speak: “Vegeta, I think let me come first!” After all, your breath has not yet returned to its peak! ”

What Sun Wukong said was naturally that Vegeta was defeated by Lin Hao using the Yuan Qi Deprivation Technique before, and at that time, Vegeta’s vitality dissipated most of his vitality, and his physical strength and energy directly fell into the trough.

Now, although a lot of time has passed, it is still a lot worse than returning to the true peak.

It can be said that Vegeta’s combat effectiveness at this time is only seventy percent of the peak moment at most, and it is not suitable for fighting with Majin Buu at all.

“Hmph! You don’t need to care, it’s just a funny fat man, and I, Vegeta, will abuse him even if he is not at his peak. ”

Without hesitation, with a cold snort, Vegeta directly shook Sun Wukong’s palm and rushed in the direction of Majin Buu.

“Hehe, it seems that Fat Buu’s appearance is really very deceptive! Vegeta, the unfortunate child, is going to take the initiative to find abuse again. ”

Completely seeing the interaction between Sun Wukong and Vegeta, Lin Hao looked at Vegeta who did not listen to the advice at all and insisted on going first, and couldn’t help but mourn for him for a second.

“Majin Buu, suffer death!”

Vegeta’s figure moved, and he blurted out with a loud drink, and his strength skyrocketed, and the state of Super Saiyan II was directly expanded, and his breath was also swollen to the extreme in an instant.

In the end, Vegeta is still not stupid after all, although he despises the so-called Majin Buu, but he also knows that if he does not give his full strength, he really has not defeated him with his current state.

“Buu, kill him quickly.”

Vegeta’s sudden attack startled Babidi, and even if he screamed in his mouth, the whole person was directly hiding into the distance.

After all, he is just a magician, and although the magic is very weird, he is still very good in the face of a warrior like Vegeta who is extremely powerful at first sight.


Babidi shouted fast, but Vegeta was faster, and just before he could say anything, a heavy punch hit Buu.

In an instant, a huge sound of blows sounded, and I saw that Buu’s entire body was directly dented into a large piece, engulfing Vegeta’s arm almost completely.

However, that’s all, as Vegeta’s arm was engulfed by Buu’s body, the huge power in his fist seemed to be completely absent, and it did not shake Buu at all.


Seeing that such a powerful blow was actually dissolved in this way, Vegeta’s eyes were full of surprise, and his mouth also exclaimed unconsciously.

Of course, although he was surprised in his heart, Vegeta was a real warrior who had experienced hundreds of battles after all, and he had incomparably rich combat experience.

Therefore, almost subconsciously, in his engulfed palm, an even more powerful force was completely released, turning into a brilliant qigong wave and directly bombarding Buu’s body.


Suddenly bombarded through the body, Buu did not find trouble with Vegeta, but seemed to react, a little dumbly looked down at the big hole in his stomach, and gestured in it with his hand, without the slightest look of pain.

“Damn it, dare you ignore me?”

Buu’s actions made Vegeta, who was originally extremely vigilant and ready to meet a counterattack, bluish on his forehead, only to feel as if he had been greatly insulted, and an irrepressible anger quickly exploded in his heart.


Prompted by the incomparable anger, the Saiyan bloodline in Vegeta’s body was boiling, and his strength that had been reduced due to lack of vitality was quickly recovered at this time, and he was rapidly moving towards the true peak.

“Give me death!”

The roar in his mouth rose again, and the more terrifying and dense attack was completely released from Vegeta’s hands, like a machine gun target, Buu’s body quickly turned into a sieve, countless penetrating voids covered his body, and even his entire body was deformed and distorted.

“Whew… Phew…, this time… See you’re not dead yet. ”

After all, it is a state of lack of vitality, after Vegeta broke out a wave of peak combat power, the breath of the whole person quickly fell, but he looked at his masterpiece, but said with satisfaction, and his eyes also looked at Buu’s face.

However, it was with this look that his whole heart quickly sank, because the expression on that face was still as cute as before, without pain or much anger, as if the terrifying wound on his body did not exist at all.

“Damn, doesn’t this guy have pain nerves at all? Moreover, such a terrifying injury is completely unresponsive, is this guy also an immortal body? ”

Roaring madly in his heart, Vegeta’s heart became heavier and heavier, only feeling that this time he might capsize in the gutter again, and the whole person suddenly became even worse.

“You hurt Buu, Buu hates you.”

No matter how heavy Vegeta’s heart was at this time, seeing Vegeta stop attacking, the dumbfounded Buu’s face suddenly changed, his squinted eyes opened sharply, revealing a rather evil look, and his mouth was the first time he spoke.

And as he spoke, as if holding his breath, I saw his fat face bulging, his arms also swinging slightly, and then the wound that was beaten on his body had been instantly closed and restored, and he could no longer see the slightest.

Even the clothes on his body were restored to their original appearance, as if everything had never happened.


Buu’s opening and the changes in his body made Vegeta prepare for defense at the first time, and his whole body quickly retreated.

However, although his movements and reactions were fast, the angry Buu was faster, and the whole person turned into an incomparably fast shadow, and with a terrifying speed that was not commensurate with his size, he had directly caught up with Vegeta’s figure.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

It was completely replicating Vegeta’s previous attack, extremely dense and terrifying, and it could be called a stormy attack that unfolded in an instant, enveloping Vegeta entirely.

“Ah! Damn it! ”

Without blocking a few punches, Vegeta had already turned into a sandbag, completely covered by countless fists, just listening to the terrifying sound of body strikes, he knew the pain and injury he was suffering at this time.

“Not good, Vegeta is in danger.”

The battle that was reversed in an instant made everyone watching the battle stunned, and Sun Wukong exclaimed, and the whole person had rushed out in an instant.

However, in Sun Wukong’s induction at this time, Buu’s aura has improved a lot compared to before, and it is definitely not inferior to Vegeta’s peak combat power.

And Vegeta, for various reasons, is seriously lacking in combat power at this time, and he can’t stop Buu to this extent, and he must be rescued.


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