
Unconsciously, Lin Hao’s mouth let out a cry, and the unparalleled power filled his body with skyrocketing, and then his body gradually underwent some magical changes.

“Damn, what the hell is this? Could it be some kind of Super Saiyan transformation? ”

“But shouldn’t the realm of God be the most perfect form? Once they have evolved to the realm of gods, the transformation of those mortals will lose their meaning. ”

Seeing the strange changes that gradually occurred in Lin Hao’s body, and feeling the power on Lin Hao’s body that skyrocketed wildly with the changes, Beerus became even more puzzled and incredulous.

In fact, it is no wonder that Beerus is so stunned at this time, incredible.

In fact, the mysteries of the realm of gods are far beyond the imagination of the realm of mortals.

It can be said that the realm of gods is a complete transformation, and once the breakthrough is achieved, the energy in the body will undergo a metamorphosis and sublimation, becoming a power that only gods can master

And in this process, all the original powers will also be integrated once and become the nourishment of the realm of God.

The realm of God is the most perfect form, the end point of the evolution of all life, and at the same time a new starting point.

Therefore, once you become a god, those messy so-called transformations will also lose their original meaning the moment they evolve into gods.

In other words, the state of the Super Saiyan God should be Lin Hao’s strongest and final state.

But what’s going on with this strange transformation in front of you?

Moreover, what kind of transformation can bless the realm of God?

This is simply incredible, and it also completely subverts the supremacy of the realm of God.

“Huh? Interesting, is there actually such a form of transformation ability? Saiyans are truly an amazing race. ”

At the same time, Weis, who was watching the battle from afar, also noticed the changes in Lin Hao’s body, and a dark passage with surprise also flashed in his eyes.

Of course, compared to Beerus, Weiss has already seen through the reason why Lin Hao’s transformation can bless the realm of God.

In fact, it is very simple to say, because whether it is a supergod or a super four, it is actually a realm of sublimating the essence of one’s own life in order to expand one’s own strength and potential.

Among them, the supergod does not need to say much, that is, in the way of becoming a god, his life essence will be improved, and the essence of strength will be transformed, so that the strength and ability in all aspects will be greatly improved.

Then, the transformation of the super four is to completely integrate the body of the great ape into its own normality, and has the life essence of the great ape with the normal body, thus transforming into the super four.

Therefore, these two transformations are inherently equivalent, and the supergod cannot directly integrate the power of the super-four into the power of the supergod in the same way that it covers and integrates the power of ordinary super Saiyan transformations.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the essence of life promoted by the super four can be counted in the level of mortals, just like monkeys and humans, in fact, they are just mortal things, but the life level of human beings is definitely higher than that of monkeys.

Then, the realm of God is not exclusive to a certain race, no matter what kind of life, as long as the strength and opportunity are enough, it may not be impossible to achieve the realm of God.

Therefore, the transformation of Super Four is equivalent to making the Super Saiyan God, who was originally achieved in the body of a monkey, become the God of Super Saiyan who has become a Super Saiyan in the body of a human.

The foundation of becoming a god has undergone a metamorphosis, and the two states complement each other perfectly, and there is a new transformation that Lin Hao is now performing, the super four god state.


The unparalleled terrifying aura finally reached its peak, and the changes in Lin Hao’s body finally stabilized.

But I saw that Lin Hao at this time had transformed into the appearance of Super Four, but compared to the ordinary Super Four, his hair and pupils were red, and his body was thinner.

The overall appearance is based on the state of supergods, with some changes unique to supergods, a veritable super-four god state.

“Whew…, keep you waiting! After all, it was the first time to cast this double transformation, and it could not be completed instantly. ”

With a long exhale, Lin Hao’s gaze locked on Beerus, who was still a little shocked, and as he spoke, a smile unconsciously hooked up at the corner of his mouth.

There is no way not to be happy, after all, he has completed the double transformation of Super Four and Super God, and his strength has been greatly improved again.

Moreover, compared to the unfathomable feeling that Beerus gave him before, now that he had transformed into this new form, he had truly felt the limits of Beerus’s power.

That is to say, at this time, he really has the power to fight Beerus head-on, and he will definitely not lose!

“Hmph! I have to admit that your strength is somewhat unexpectedly strong, and you are indeed a real strong person who can fight me. ”

“However, the realm of God is not just about having the breath of God, the truly powerful gods all have their own divine power and their own power.”

“And you are enough to see my true power as a destroyer! So…… Are you ready? ”

Hearing Lin Hao’s words, Beerus finally came to his senses, the expression on his face quickly became calm, and he also snorted coldly and said.

“Huh? Your own divine power? And your own powers? ”

Suddenly hearing Beerus’s words, Lin Hao’s eyes flashed, and the memories in his mind quickly surged up.

However, before Lin Hao could speak again, he saw Beerus’s aura suddenly explode, and a special energy in his hand also gathered rapidly.

“Huh? This is… Destroying God’s unique power power, destroying energy? ”

As soon as the power in Beerus’s hand came out, Lin Hao also suddenly felt a terrifying threat in his heart, and when his heart moved, he immediately understood the tricks Beerus used at this time.

After all, he had the memories of his past life, and the destruction energy possessed by the God of Destruction, how could Lin Hao not know it!

It’s just that when he fought before, he didn’t think too much and didn’t care too much, but now that Beerus took the initiative to mention it, he didn’t think about it again, it was too stupid.

“Well, when watching anime in my previous life, the destructive energy of the God of Destruction was eye-catching, it is an ultimate destructive force, once hit by it, whether it is matter or energy, it will be forcibly destroyed by it to the basis of existence and turn into nothingness.”

“However, as long as it is not hit, the destruction energy is actually nothing.”

“Moreover, in the original work, Frieza and Sun Wukong were both hit by destruction energy, but with their own incomparably strong strength, they forcibly exhausted the destruction energy and were not successfully eliminated.”

“It can be seen that although the destructive energy is strong, it is not absolute, as long as I am careful, Beerus will not want to hurt me.”

Between the thoughts of the mind, Lin Hao had already realized the details of the destruction energy, and he also found a way to deal with it, and the scruples that had only given birth to a little quickly disappeared.


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