The nest of time, where the king gods of time live, is similar to the realm king god realm where the realm king gods live in various universe time and space.

However, compared to the Realm King God Realm, the existence of the Time Nest is more special, because it is completely beyond all time and space, but it is connected to all time and space at the same time.

In short, this is an incomparably magical place, and it is impossible for ordinary people to find the slightest trace of its existence.

“Is this the Nest of Time? It really looks shocking! ”

In the flickering light, the figures of Lin Hao and Trunks appeared in a square, and Lin Hao couldn’t help but let out a sigh of admiration when he looked at the same familiar and unfamiliar scene around him.

It is said that it is familiar, naturally because the scene of the nest of time is very similar to the game scene he has played.

However, because it has become a real world, some changes have also occurred.

All in all, it feels amazing.

“When I first came here, I was also very shocked! I didn’t expect that there was such a wonderful place. ”

It seems that he was recalled by Lin Hao’s words, and Trunks’ face was also a little nostalgic, and he couldn’t help but say the same.

“Speaking of which, how did Trunks come to the Nest of Time, and was also found by traveling through time and space?”

Hearing Trunks’ voice, Lin Hao’s heart couldn’t help but move, and he couldn’t help but ask with some curiosity.

“Well, Mr. Lin Hao guessed well, the reason why I came to the Nest of Time in the first place was because I traveled through time and wanted to change the past.”

“However, although the past has indeed been changed by me, my world has not been affected by this, but a completely different time and space world has been born.”

“Then, I met the Time Patrol of the Time Nest and was taken here.”

There was nothing to hide, and Trunks very generously told his story.

“That’s the case, but speaking of traveling through time and space, I have met you in other time and space, and they have also traveled through the past, so will they also be troubled by the Time Nest?”

“Moreover, speaking of your existence, and your behavior of traveling through time and space itself, has become a part of history!”

After nodding thoughtfully, Lin Hao suddenly remembered something, and couldn’t help but ask again with his eyes lit up, and his face became more and more curious.

Before, I didn’t know that the Nest of Time and the existence of the King God of the Time Realm were fine, but now that he came into contact with these things, Lin Hao reacted.

Like Trunks, it is obvious that more than one of his actions in shuttling through time and space, and even his own travel through time and space, is an important part of the promotion of history, and it is simply indispensable.

Under such circumstances, how did the King God of Time deal with it?

“That’s right, it’s because I originally shuttled through time and space that I caused the latter problems, so to speak, I am actually the first Trunks who theoretically shuttles through time and space.”

“And the Trunks of other time and space later, that is, because of my existence, will make similar actions, constantly repeating my behavior.”

“However, it is also because I joined the Nest of Time, under the power of Lord Kaiyin, even if I am in other time and space, I will still travel through time and space, but there is no need to worry.”

“Because this move itself has indeed become part of history, and unless someone else joins in again and adds variables, history will not change again.”

“Then, since history is already like this, then the Trunks of other time and space have carried out time and space shuttle, which will not have problems in itself, and there is no need for too much control.”

In the face of Lin Hao’s curiosity, Trunks still did not hide it, and answered the mysteries one by one, so that Lin Hao suddenly became cheerful.

“So that’s the case, does the King God of the Time Realm actually have such power? It can directly interfere with history itself, so that some irrational things become completely rationalized. ”

Countless thoughts flashed in Lin Hao’s heart, and he once again said with admiration in his mouth, and the original contempt for the King God of the Time Realm became more and more small, and almost disappeared.

“Of course, Lord Kaiyin, the King of the Realm of Time, is a very great deity.”

“Moreover, in terms of the divine position and priesthood, even the Realm King God and the Destruction God are incomparable, and theoretically, Lord Kaiyin is half a level higher than them.”

“Perhaps, only the legendary supreme Lord Quanwang, as well as the Great Priest, or the existence of the Dragon God, can be more noble than Lord Kaiyin!”

Lin Hao’s admiration fell, and Trunks couldn’t help but speak, his tone was full of respect, as if a believer was facing the existence he believed in.

“Legendary? Haven’t you seen a king or a high priest or something like that? ”

For Trunks’ performance like a believer, Lin Hao frowned slightly, but then couldn’t help but ask again.

Regarding the Quan Wang and the Great Priest, as well as the existence of the Dragon God, he naturally knows about it with the information before the passage.

However, the power of each of these three beings is too buggy, and he is completely unable to accurately measure it.

Now, hearing someone mention their names for the first time in this world, Lin Hao naturally couldn’t help but want to know more.

“Mr. Lin Hao said and smiled, although I have also traveled through a lot of time and space, but I am only doing things for Lord Kaiyin, how can I meet such a noble existence.”

“The only things I can reach are the Realm King God or the God of Destruction, and angels and the like.”

“Moreover, even if it is the God of Destruction and the angels, I have very little contact, they are not very talkative!”

“In particular, Lord Beerus, the god of destruction of our seventh universe, almost didn’t directly destroy me last time! Fortunately, Uncle Goku begged for intercession, and I escaped. ”

Hearing Lin Hao’s words, Trunks seemed to remember some bad experience, and couldn’t help but say with a wry smile, which made Lin Hao immediately disappointed.

“Alright! That guy Beerus is really difficult to get along with, and the last time I had to return early because of him. ”

After casually answering the sentence, Lin Hao finally stopped asking more questions, but turned his gaze to the nest of time, while walking deeper under the guidance of Trunks, while watching the scene of this magical place.


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