Fang Yang was arranged to live in the wing of the Great General Mansion by Di Ren, and Prince Guo had also been arranged to live in the wing next to the other side, and the two rooms were just separated by a wall.

Obviously, all this was meant by Prince Guo, otherwise Fang Yang would not be qualified to live here.

Fang Yang couldn't help but laugh secretly in his heart, it seems that Prince Guo is really worried about his own safety, even in Di Ren General's Residence, he did not relax his vigilance at all.

But Di Ren turned out to be a member of the gods. I really didn't think about this, what kind of trump card is there in the gods, would even the emperor be a member of the gods?

Fang Yang is now more and more afraid of the gods, this force is really too terrifying, but since it has such a strong strength, why is it so low-key, hiding in the dark for so many years, Isn't it famous in the arena?

Fang Yang always feels that there is absolutely some secret in the gods, otherwise it will not hide so deeply, but now what he needs to do is not to guess what the gods want to do, but to consider how he is increasing cultivation base.

Because I finally had enough energy this time, I can already upgrade my cultivation technique level and reach the second-rate Peak Realm.

Thinking of this, Fang Yang no longer hesitated, and opened his attribute panel:

Name: Fang Yang

cultivation base: Martial Dao ——Second-rate ( 78%)

cultivation technique :Evergreen Art sixth layer (36%)【+】

Great Ancestor Long Fist (topping the peak)

Raging Waves Blade Technique ( To the extreme)

Ben Lei Knife (To the extreme)

Wind-God Leg (To the extreme)

Passive skills: Restraining interest

Active skills : Blade Intent (primary level )

Energy value: 3.4

External version: 1.0

Fang Yang has a certain mind, fiercely clicked the addition after the cultivation technique No., Fang Yang only felt the energy in his body rise. If it weren't for the passive ability of restraining the breath, such a big movement would definitely alarm Di Ren and the next door prince Guo.

Fang Yang cautiously adapted to the cultivation base he had promoted, then opened his attribute panel, took a look, and was stunned.

Only see the display above:

Name: Fang Yang

cultivation base :Martial Dao ——Second-rate (99.99%)

cultivation technique :Evergreen Art sixth layer (99.99%)

Great Ancestor Long Fist (climbing the peak)

Raging Waves Blade Technique (climbing the peak)

Benlei knife (climbing the peak) )

Wind-God Leg (Climbing the Peak)

Passive Skill: Breath Collection

Active Skill: Blade Intent (primary level )

Energy value: 0.4

External version: 1.0

It is not the breakthrough Evergreen Art Seventh Layer in my imagination, but stays in the Peak of the Sixth Layer, but Fang Yang feels it Looking at the situation in my body, I have completely opened up the Zusanyin meridian, in other words, I have opened up all the Twelve Standard Meridians!

Then why did I only stay at the Sixth Layer Peak and did not enter the Evergreen Art Seventh Layer?

Fang Yang sensed it carefully, and only then discovered that his Eight Extraordinary Meridians Ren Vessel was gathering a lot of energy.

Fang Yang is suddenly blessed to his soul, is it when he breaks through the first-class realm, or when he breaks through his veins and enters the Evergreen Art Seventh Layer.

In other words, the plug-in is already full of energy to make yourself breakthrough first-class realm, as long as you are willing to breakthrough, everything is where water flows, a canal is formed.

Thinking of this, Fang Yang feels excited, and can't wait to break through the first-class realm now.

But Fang Yang doesn’t dare to breakthrough at all at this moment, because once he breaks through the first-class realm, he will surely lead to changes in Heaven and Earth's aura. In this way, his breakthrough of the first-class realm is bound to let Di Ren and the others discovered.

Then I want to secretly break through the strength, and finally look for a chance to break the game plan, completely bankrupt.

So I have to hide everyone, so that my chances of getting rid of the control of the emperor will be greatly increased.

Fang Yang forced to endure the temptation of breakthrough first-class realm, a great man of a generation said well, secretly enter the village, don't shoot!

And it's not that I don't have a chance to break through, because Prince Guo came to Di Ren for help this time, maybe he came to break through the first-class realm.

When the time comes, by virtue of the system’s ability to gather breath, secretly cooperate with the Prince of Fruit to impact the breakthrough realm when the Heaven and Earth Qi machine is triggered, and when the time comes, even if the Heaven and Earth Qi machine has the Heaven and Earth Qi machine. The changes will make people think that this is caused by the breakthrough realm of Prince Fruit.

Fang Yang is very confident that he can complete the breakthrough in an instant, when the time comes a breakthrough realm, he hides his breath, no matter whether the Prince Guo finally succeeds in the breakthrough, others will not doubt it. On oneself.

Thinking of this, Fang Yang couldn't help but smile, Prince Guo, this time is up to you, I hope you try to break through the first-class realm as soon as possible, and you have been looking forward to the first-class realm for a long time!


Li Changsheng just approached the Yihong Tower, the old bustard standing at the door brightened his eyes, this is a powerful master.

Thinking of this, the old bustard immediately greeted him, "Uncle, you are so good, but when you look at the face of the uncle, you are a rich and noble person, and I don’t know who is blessed to serve him today. "

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Li Changsheng to speak, the old bustard pretended to be angry and said: "So many of you girls, why are you so insightful, why don't you come and serve this uncle soon?"

Several brothel women at the door saw the reaction of the old bustard at the moment, and they would never know. The uncle in front of him is definitely a fat sheep.

So for a moment, Li Changsheng was surrounded by many enchanting females. Before he had time to speak, he was squeezed into Yihong Building by a bunch of girls.

The mother of Yihonglou, looked at the old bustard with admiration in her eyes. Yes, she has a very accurate vision. It seems that she can make more money this time.

Speaking of Li Changsheng being surrounded by a bunch of girls and walking into the Yihong Tower, he still feels a little uncomfortable, thinking about him Li Changsheng’s life, disrespect of Heaven and Earth, and cut everything with a knife. At this moment, it’s a bit not knowing. what to do.

Sure enough, it’s a pink skull. The formidable power is really powerful. You have to take a warning. With the word "a saber" on the head, the color is distracting. Martial Artist will cut his bones, and I will avoid women in the future. Of.

But this time I was to investigate the truth about the turbulent Ji Prefeceture martial arts. Yihonglou is the latest clue. I can’t leave in anger because I hate the atmosphere here. I have to stay here a little longer. A good investigation will make it clear what is wrong with Yihonglou.

Just when Li Changsheng was thinking about things, the brothel girls who surrounded him, seeing that he had no interest in his sisters at all, couldn't help but feel a little bit aggressive in his heart.

All of you men are honest and decent. I don't believe it anymore. We will do a little bit later to see if you still surrender.

I saw Li Changsheng suddenly shivered, just because a brothel girl had reached into Li Changsheng's underwear.

Li Changsheng couldn't help but stunned, and instantly escaped from the encirclement of these women. It was dangerous. These women were really terrifying.

Li Changsheng was about to apologize and found some reasons to justify his behavior. He suddenly moved his head and looked towards Northwest on the second floor.

I saw a lithe and graceful girl leaning on the pillar, dressed in red-clothed like a flower.

She was holding a hip flask in her hand and was pouring wine into her mouth. Li Changsheng was dumbfounded for a while.

The women surrounding Li Changsheng just now took a look at the direction of Li Changsheng's eyes, and couldn't help but sighed in their hearts, and then they whispered at Li Changsheng instantly.

"I said what's going on, uncle, you are not tempted by us. It turns out that this uncle came for Xiaoxiao younger sister.

Okay, sisters, It’s gone, our sisters are out of play, it’s a pity that such a handsome man."

Li Changsheng hearing this did not say much, but it seemed that, as these women said, he did it for The Xiaoxiao on the second floor is the same, step by step upstairs, and walk towards the Xiaoxiao station.

At this moment, Li Changsheng has only a single thought in his heart, this woman has a problem!

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