As for the content that followed, Xiaoxiao couldn't help being angry after reading it. How could her mother be so stupid that she finally sent herself to the dead end.

It turned out that after the scholar returned to Ji Prefeceture, he still had correspondence with Xiaoxiao's mother, and Xiaoxiao mother also wanted to leave the gate as soon as possible, and then stay and fly with the scholar.

But how could the sect master agree to her, the gods have two envoys on the left and right, four Great Protectors, and the sect master has only seven people.

How could he agree that Xiaoxiao mother left the gate of God, let alone the sect master spent countless energy and time to cultivate Xiaoxiao mother, not only the relationship between master and disciple, but also the graciousness of raising.

At that time, the Senior Brother of Xiaoxiao mother, which is now Di Ren Great General, even discouraged Xiaoxiao mother from giving up this idea. Di Ren has always been deeply attached to her.

But Xiaoxiao mother who fell in love insisted on leaving the god gate, which completely angered the god gate sect master. In a rage, sect master thought of his old love and imprisoned Xiaoxiao mother.

There shouldn’t be any surprises that things have come to develop. After all, Ji Prefeceture has already happened. Shenmen has already obtained all the Spirit Stones of Ji Prefeceture and hides all the truth. Xiaoxiao mother has also been imprisoned. It doesn't matter much.

But Di Ren finally relented after Xiaoxiao's mother's many pleadings and let her go to Liang Province to find a surnamed Fang scholar.

Xiaoxiao mother rushed to Liang Province happily, but found that the scholar had made a marriage contract at this moment and got married with other grand daughters.

At that moment, Xiaoxiao mother didn't know why she attended the scholar's wedding banquet, but when the scholar's bridal chamber was festooned, Xiaoxiao mother stunned the bride, and only discovered Xiaoxiao when the scholar returned to the room.

The scholar was dumbfounded at the time, and then after a while of silence, Xiaoxiao mother broke the silence and asked the scholar why he lied to her.

The scholar became hysterical, with thirty corpses, what is that concept, and whether Xiaoxiao mother is a human or a ghost, and what is the secret?

He is a child of the Aristocratic Family, but he doesn't know that there is such an evil thing in the world. Yes, he likes her, but he is impossible to accept such a woman of unknown origin, whether it is a demon or a demon.

Because of the deep love, the more painful, so in order to alleviate the pain, he made up his mind to get married immediately and forget her.

Xiaoxiao can’t understand. The reason for such a scumbag is a lie of the scumbag, avoiding responsibility, and shirking the reason. But the woman in love is always hua hua flooded, and her mother was so sad that she left. To Liang Province.

Yes, Xiaoxiao mother didn’t do anything, so she left like this. She also felt that what the surnamed Fang scholar said was reasonable, because she was of unknown origin and was in evil martial arts, and she could not be because of her. And affect the future of scholars.

I came back this time, Xiaoxiao mother completely angered the sect master of the gods, and the sect master of the gods discovered that the Evergreen Art used to cause the turmoil in Ji Prefeceture had disappeared.

And Xiaoxiao mother is already heartbroken, and she doesn't want to go back to Liang Province to get Evergreen Art back, and she doesn't want to confess the scholar's existence to the sect master.

In this way, Xiaoxiao mother completely disappointed Sect Master, Sect Master was about to kill Xiaoxiao mother in anger, but at this time Di Ren helped Xiaoxiao mother block the palm of Sect Master.

Under Di Ren’s plea, the sect master didn’t want Xiaoxiao’s mother to die, but he also made Xiaoxiao’s mother inevitable, imprisoned Di Ren’s mansion, and asked Di Ren to watch her and prevent her from leaving the house. step.

After that, Xiaoxiao mother stayed in Di Ren’s mansion for a long time. Although Xiaoxiao mother lost her freedom, her profound martial arts cultivator still kept her in a long life in confinement without incident.

Until a few years later, Xiaoxiao’s mother suddenly had a whim. When Di Ren was on the march, she escaped from Di Ren’s mansion and went to Liang Province.

At that time, she discovered that when she arrived in Liang Province, it was the day when the surnamed Fang scholar lady gave birth. Xiaoxiao mother finally gave up completely and left Liang Province and returned to the capital.

When Di Ren returned from the expedition, Xiaoxiao mother said that in this life she owes no one but Di Ren.

Di Ren didn't know what she meant by this sentence. When he wanted to ask, he realized that he was weakened by the Soft Bone Powder put by Xiaoxiao's mother.

At that time, Di Ren was not a first-rate expert, but Xiaoxiao mother was a first-rate expert, plus Soft Bone Powder, that night, Xiaoxiao mother became a real woman.

After that, Xiaoxiao mother ignored the sect master's ban and returned to Ji Prefeceture. Before leaving, she threatened Di Ren. If he came to Ji Prefeceture to find her, she immediately committed suicide.

In this way, Di Ren did not dare to tell the sect master that Xiaoxiao mother returned to Ji Prefeceture. Until October, Xiaoxiao mother’s maid, who is now the mother of Yihonglou, ran to the capital and told Di Ren, Xiaoxiao was born.

But Xiaoxiao mother lost too much blood due to dystocia, coupled with so many years of unforgettable thoughts, increased consumption, and turned out to be helpless, time is limited.

Di Ren hurriedly reported to Sect Master, hoping that Sect Master would take care of Xiaoxiao's mother.

And the sect master was also furious, Xiaoxiao mother dared to violate her orders again and again, and immediately rushed to Ji Prefeceture with Di Ren overnight.

When Xiaoxiao mother smiled when she saw them, Di Ren almost shed tears.

When I saw Xiaoxiao, a newborn baby, the god gate sect master was so soft for some reason. He didn't blame Xiaoxiao mother, but left Ji Prefeceture immediately and returned to the capital.

According to Xiaoxiao's mother's guess, it should be that Sect master has a father-daughter relationship with her. At the moment when she saw Xiaoxiao, all the anger was disappeared, but Xiaoxiao's mother was already in a state of desperation, and she was helpless.

He didn't want to see one's child die before oneself, and then he left Ji Prefeceture and returned to the capital, but Di Ren looked at Xiaoxiao and was at a loss. This was his child, Xiaoxiao's gift for compensating his life.

That night, Xiaoxiao mother decided to go to Jing'an Temple to pray. She hid these diaries in Jing'an Temple and asked the maid to tell Xiaoxiao only when the maid was dying and let her see this suicide note.

At that time, Xiaoxiao should have known the fate of her fifties and could know everything.

When Xiaoxiao saw this, she smiled sadly. If it wasn't for Yihonglou's mother who accidentally leaked her lips, would she not know the truth until more than twenty years later?

Unexpectedly, Di Ren, who loved me so much, turned out to be his father. Looking back now, Di Ren’s petting eyes and other performances completely overlapped with this identity.

Surnamed Fang scholar, this man who ruined his mother’s life’s happiness, what is he doing now?

Xiaoxiao hates him very much at this moment. If it were not for him, her mother would not be so miserable, and she would not have been ordered by the sect master to stop Ji Prefeceture for so many years.

And Di Ren, his father, refuses to recognize himself for so many years, is it because he doesn’t know how to tell himself about the tragedy of mother, but just tells himself that his mother made a big mistake thirty years ago, vanished fragrance and crumbled jade.

The source of all this comes from this surnamed Fang scholar, and his mother can forgive him, but he will definitely not.

Under the riot of Xiaoxiaoqi machine, she was full of vigor, but at this moment, there was a gas machine on the roof that appeared along with her gas machine, which was actually stimulated.

Xiaoxiao was taken aback, then flew out of the window, shouted: "Who is it?"

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