"It seems that Zhang Yunan is still worried about the decline of Ji Prefeceture, but if you are telling the truth, then I will not hold you accountable.


But Li Changsheng, if you want to marry my daughter, your current strength can't move me. You won't let my daughter plead and let me allow you to be together?"

Di Ren stared at Li Changsheng closely to see how he reacted. Li Changsheng glanced at Xiaoxiao, then his eyes were firm: "Great General, rest assured, I will work hard to make progress and make myself worthy of Xiaoxiao."

"What do you use to be worthy of my daughter?"

Di Ren pressed on step by step, Xiaoxiao quickly pulled Di Ren, Di Ren calmed his emotions, "Li Changsheng , I said the ugly first, want to marry my daughter of Di Ren, very simple, at least become a second-rate Peak expert. Besides, otherwise, I’m not going to mention staying with my daughter again."

Second-rate Peak Realm is already It is Di Ren's lowest requirement. After all, this is the person his daughter likes. If he doesn't like it, he must grow up. As for him to become a second-rate Peak expert, is there any difficulty in first-class realm?

Li Changsheng lifts the head, "I will strive to become a second-rate Peak expert, but before then I will not give up Xiaoxiao, I will be with her forever."

Xiaoxiao Looking at Li Changsheng with a touch of emotion, he suddenly blushed and quietly said a few words in Di Ren's ear. Di Ren suddenly widened his eyes, and his desk was beaten to pieces by Di Ren as he lost control of his emotions.

What? His daughter actually had a husband and wife relationship with this kid. This kid is really hateful. Thinking of this, Di Ren can't wait to slap Li Changsheng to death.

But now it’s done, and his daughter has identified Li Changsheng, and he can’t change this fact. Then he has only one way to choose, which is to work hard to improve Li Changsheng’s cultivation base so that he can protect Xiaoxiao. .

"Boy, it's cheaper for you. Since Xiaoxiao has identified you, then you will go out with me tomorrow. Now get out, find Steward and let him arrange accommodation for you."

Li Changsheng took a look at Xiaoxiao, Di Ren felt even more upset, "Why don't you leave, want me to say it again?"

Xiaoxiao also hurriedly gave Li Changsheng a wink and signaled Li Changsheng to go quickly and stop. Make Di Ren angry.

After Li Changsheng left, Di Ren looked at Xiaoxiao sighed, and then touched Xiaoxiao's head.

"I will take you to see the sect master when I have time. Since I am in the capital, if I don’t see him, then I really don’t respect his old man.

Remember not to resent him, He is also very sad about your mother's death. After all, he treats your mother as a daughter."

Xiaoxiao nodded, the old man in my memory, although cold, seems to have never been fierce to himself, so he should be well. Meet him.


Fruit King Mansion.

When Fang Yang came to see Prince Guo, Prince Guo was actually very surprised.

Zhang Yunan was only spread from the top of the rivers and lakes to challenge the Nine Provinces' martial arts success. Seeing that the Qihezong of the Nine Provinces is about to become the martial arts Number One Influence.

At this point of view, Zhang Yunan came to the capital at this time. What is the matter? Has he encountered any problems that can't be solved?

After Prince Guo asked everyone to take Fang Yang to the study, Prince Guo signaled all his servants to retreat, looked at Fang Yang and said: "Yunan didn’t just finish challenging the Nine Provinces martial arts, why did you do it so quickly? Back to the capital?"

Fang Yang did not speak, but presented a treasure box. Prince Guo took a look, and it turned out to be a Spirit Stone.

I remember that this is the Spirit Stone that I ordered Zhang Yunan to go back and get back. Prince Guo was nodded to his satisfaction. It seems that Zhang Yunan did not forget his instructions even if he challenged the martial arts in other prefectures and counties, very good. .

Then Fang Yang suddenly one-knee kneels, and Prince Guo couldn’t help but froze: “Yunan, what’s wrong with this, why did it come to this?”

"Prince, Yunan is guilty."

Then Fang Yang dispatched himself to Li Changsheng to investigate the arrangement of the turmoil in Ji Prefeceture 30 years ago, and what Li Changsheng discovered later, little by little, to tell Prince Guo. .

Then I talked about Mother Yihonglou, saying that she and Prince Guo belong to the same power, and only then did I find that I stabbed a hornet's nest.

Fearing that his recklessness would ruin the prince’s major event, Fang Yang pretended to be a plea, and Prince He Guo told Prince Guo everything he could say.

This was also planned by Fang Yang before coming to the capital. Li Changsheng and Xiaoxiao would definitely tell Di Ren about the cause and effect.

In order to remove the suspicion, I can only act first, making Prince Guo think that he is only investigating the martial turmoil in Ji Prefeceture thirty years ago, and he doesn't care about everything else.

In this way, I should be safe. It shouldn't be the suspicion of Prince Guo. Maybe there is still a chance to get closer to Di Ren through Xiaoxiao Li Changsheng’s relationship again and get more information.

After listening to Fang Yang’s confession, Prince Guo also knew that all this was a misunderstanding, so he helped Fang Yang and comforted him and said, “Don’t worry, Di Ren Great General is not such a stingy person. , As long as you don’t make other mistakes, I’ll keep you safe."

After all, regardless of Fang Yang’s performance has always been good, and even if Fang Yang has other ideas, he has to consider a first-class expert, whether it’s him. It is offensive and affordable, and the gate of God is more than a first-class expert!

Fang Yang had a grateful expression on his face when he heard Prince Guo's words, and said that he would never investigate what happened thirty years ago, and would definitely not cause any more trouble to Prince Guo.

"Okay, you have just returned to the capital, the car is fatigue, you go to rest first.

Tomorrow I will take you to the Great General Mansion and personally apologize to the Great General. , Believe me, nothing will happen, you go back and rest first."

Fang Yang left and returned to his specific wing in the King Mansion, Fang Yang thought about all his performance today Once again, there are almost no loopholes. Fortunately, going to the Great General Mansion tomorrow, you should have something to gain.

I also sent someone to the Liang Province Li Yunxi master to inquire about Fang Yuan, the medicine used by the original cheap father before his death.

Only then did I realize that the death of my cheap father was almost the same as my own speculation.

It should be his father who was restrained by the Ji Prefeceture martial arts turmoil, so he also wanted to practice martial arts to give himself some self-defense ability.

But Evergreen Art is a non-spirit root person without a magic cultivator, and there is no spirit root to force cultivation Evergreen Art. If it fails, it may be backlashed by Evergreen Art.

Fang Yuan’s medication record completely conforms to this guess. It seems that Fang Yuan’s death has nothing to do with Shenmen. Otherwise, Fang Yuan’s impossible walk is so reassuring.

It can be seen that Xiaoxiao mother really loved Fang Yuan so much. She did not send out Fang Yuan's report until she died. Instead, she silently endured everything, so she had a dystocia and worries. This Just let a dignified first-class expert pass away.

Or Xiaoxiao mother simply didn't want to live, every moment of life is suffering, otherwise with her cultivation base, she can completely pass this level.

"Cheap daddy, cheap daddy, you are really a scumbag."

After sighing, Fang Yang also thoroughly understood Fang Yuan’s death experience. At this moment, Fang Yang suddenly felt his whole body loosened and his mind became more clear. Fang Yang muttered to himself: "Is it the same as the story of the beginning novel in the legend. Helping the original body solve the wish is to settle the cause and effect, and make people's minds cultivation base bring it up a level?"

Fang Yang shook the head. Putting this idea aside, now is not the time to consider these things. The first thing I think about should be how to deal with it tomorrow.

Although I have prepared both hands, I still have to be careful just in case. As for tomorrow, I have to act, otherwise I won't be able to ask for it tomorrow.

Brother Changsheng, if my acting skills do not impress Di Ren tomorrow, I can only rely on you, the prospective son-in-law of Great General, to assist me.

Let's go, Li·Back to the pot·Changsheng!

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