Prince Guo and Di Ren go out together, but Prince Guo sits in the carriage and stops showing up. After all, the identities of Prince Guo and Di Ren are too sensitive. The same behavior is good.

When Di Ren was out of the city, no soldiers dared to check the carriage. In this case, it was the carriage of the Great General Mansion. Who would have the guts to check.

Prince Guo ordered the groom to move forward at full speed, and soon he arrived at the Imperial Palace in the Western Suburbs of the Capital.

After the emperor sect room brought Prince Guo and Di Ren to the emperor teacher’s study, the emperor looked surprised when they saw them.

"What's the matter, why did you two come together?"

No matter what happens, the emperor asks everyone not to appear together, just report them separately, but This time Di Ren unexpectedly appeared with Prince Guo. It seems that things are not small.

Prince Guo glanced at Di Ren. Di Ren was sighed in his heart and stood up and saluted the emperor teacher: "teacher, there is something to report, because I have already made arrangements without authorization, so Prince Guo and I are To make amends."

In fact, Prince Guo and Di Ren thought that this time was nothing at worst. They were just trying to completely subdue Zhang Yunan and beat Li Changsheng. They couldn’t escape from their palms, and told The truth about them is just icing on the cake.

So although Di Ren was saying that he was confessing his mistake, he actually didn't care at all. On the contrary, he was worried that Xiaoxiao would be scolded by the emperor when he went to the capital in person.

"What's causing such a serious matter, let's talk about it."

The emperor didn't have any anxiety in his heart. Di Ren and Prince Guo were both first-class experts, and at most they had done a little bit. Wrong thing. Why bother to entangle.

"Xiaoxiao has come to the capital."

"en?" As soon as the emperor heard this, there was a fire in his heart. This girl dared to resist her orders and was as stubborn as her mother. It seems that you still have to beat, or you will suffer.

"Forget it, come here, let her go back soon."

Di Shi helplessly sighed then said, but Di Ren went on to say: "She also knows her own life My father is me."

"What's the matter, how can she know?"

The emperor is a bit strange, she is impossible to know about this, and then Di Ren took Zhang Yunan instructed Li Changsheng to investigate the Ji Prefeceture turmoil, and until today's showdown, he made a clear statement.

"What? You mean you told Zhang Yunan about the Shenmen?"

Prince Guo and Di Ren are a bit strange, why the emperor cares about Zhang Yunan, a nobody , Yes, as long as it is not a first-class expert, they don't care about it.

"Yes, teacher, Zhang Yunan is loyal to the prince. Besides, he has investigated the truth about Ji Prefeceture. Why not tell him the matter and subdue him to our use?"


The emperor suddenly picked up the inkstone on the desk and slammed it directly at Di Ren. Di Ren reflexed and avoided him, only listening to the emperor’s expression of anger," You know what a shit, my plan was completely disrupted by you.

I also blamed me for not telling you at all for the confidentiality of the plan. Now that there is an omission, let me say what is good about you."


The emperor is so angry that he doesn't know what to do, "I don’t know how to prepare the carriage and enter the city, I hope Zhang Yunan is still in the Great General Mansion, otherwise this time, you will look good."

After the emperor said, regardless of the doubts on the faces of the two Prince Guo, he hurriedly ordered his servants to prepare for carriage, and then enter the city.

If it is not for the city gate inspection, otherwise the emperor will go straight to Lightweight Art to the capital.

Prince Guo and Di Ren also followed the emperor to return to Beijing. Within two hours, the emperor and the others rushed to the Great General Mansion.

As soon as the emperor entered the Great General Mansion, he saw Xiaoxiao's face nervous. The emperor came, and Xiaoxiao was respectful and scared of him. This time, he left Ji Prefeceture and came to the capital without knowing it. How would the emperor punish himself.

But as soon as the emperor came in, he did not pursue Xiaoxiao’s fault. Instead, he asked: "Where is Zhang Yunan?"

Although Xiaoxiao wondered why the emperor was eager to find Zhang Yunan, even himself Entering Kyoto without authorization will not be held accountable.

"Sect master grandfather, Zhang Yunan is resting in the bedroom, do you want me to take you there?"

When the emperor heard this, he suddenly became angry: "Look at it for yourself I went to Zhang Yunan and went back to the room to rest, and never came out again?"

Xiaoxiao quickly replied, "Yes, we saw him when he entered the room, and he has not left the room yet."


"It seems to be late!"

The emperor sighed, but the emperor who did not see the result still had a glimmer of hope. Under Xiaoxiao's lead, the entire group quickly went to where Fang Yang was. The room rushed over.

As soon as I knocked on the door, no one in the room responded. Prince Guo and Di Ren looked at each other, there was a problem.

Prince Guo opened the door with a palm of his hand, and everyone entered the room to see it was empty, there was no shadow of Zhang Yunan.

Prince Guo's face was even more pale, Zhang Yunan ran away, and he had to take the main responsibility.

I don't know what happened to Zhang Yunan, but at this time he chose to betray and his head was caught by the door?

Time to return to Prince Guo and Di Rengang to leave the Great General Mansion.

After Fang Yang used the excuse to go back to the room to rest, he immediately activated the passive ability of restraining his breath, cautiously avoided the guards of the Great General Mansion, and left the Great General Mansion over the wall.

There is no way, Prince Guo is going to have a showdown with the emperor. With the wisdom of the emperor, when he knows that Prince Dao Fruit has told himself the message of the god, he must understand that he made up The lie has gone bankrupt, and the emperor must have guessed that Fang Yang understood that the emperor was lying to him, but fortunately, the emperor must have thought that Fang Yang was suspicious of the emperor this time instead of being suspicious early on.

Therefore, no accident, the emperor will definitely come to the Great General Mansion to find Fang Yang himself, in case the duck in hand will fly away.

Although I don't know what the Emperor Shi has for me, I have been accidentally pitted by Prince Guo, and my chances of growth are completely gone.

I have to immediately escape from the capital, and then stay incognito until the trial of cultivation comes out again.

Otherwise, when the emperor catches him, I don't know what the emperor will do to him. After all, with the wisdom of the emperor, if he is careless, he will end in imprisonment.

So after Fang Yang escaped the supervision of the guards, he immediately left the capital, found a passenger ship along the waterway, and hurriedly hid all the information about his existence.

"Damn it!"

The emperor's heart was full of anger, and he couldn't help but slapped the table in the room to pieces.

"Di Ren, Zhao Pu, depending on what you are doing, you let my three-year plan be completely ruined. Although I can't tell you what Zhang Yunan is, but I tell you, hurry up and get Zhang Yunan. Find out, otherwise, don’t blame me for not being affectionate."

After talking about it, the emperor became more and more annoyed. His layout for a few years was suddenly destroyed by Prince Guo and Di Ren. The cultivator trial is coming soon. Now, if I missed this trial, my chances are even slimmer.

Prince Guo is also full of anger now. What a Zhang Yunan. Looking at the reaction of the emperor at the moment, Zhang Yunan must have had contact with the emperor.

The thought of Prince Guo became more and more annoyed, "I will let the Qihezong disband, Zhang Yunan dare to deceive me like this."

Li Changsheng was worried when he heard this, Zhang What exactly did Yunan do to make the emperor so angry.

Regardless of Li Changsheng’s worries, the emperor stopped Prince Guo, “Seven Hezong still needs to do something for us. It’s good to catch Zhang Yunan secretly, and be optimistic about Qihezong in various places in Nine Provinces. Must find him."

Prince Guo and Di Ren quickly agreed that Li Changsheng and Xiaoxiao not knowing what to do, and then the emperor left the Great General Mansion.

Xiaoxiao sighed in relief, since I didn’t scold me, "it seems to be in the capital, but the emperor is in a bad mood, so I will tell him about Fang Yang a few days later.

I absolutely suspect that Fang Yang took Evergreen Art now, kid, you wait for me, your father’s fault, I want you to pay it back."

Looking at a hideous look Li Changsheng's heart is secretly sighed. It seems that Zhang Yunan has really stabbed a hole in the sky this time.

Brother Yunan, I can't help you this time, so please ask yourself.

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