Name: Fang Yang

cultivation base: Martial Dao ——First-class (66.6%)

cultivation technique: Evergreen Art 8-Layer ( 99%)

Great Ancestor Long Fist (climbing the peak)

Raging Waves Blade Technique (climbing the peak)

Benlei knife (climbing the peak)

Wind-God Leg (Climbing the Peak)

Passive Skill: Breath Collection

Active Skill: Blade Intent (primary level )

Energy value: 0.4

External version: 1.0

Fang Yang was a little surprised to see the current data. I didn't expect that it would cost six energy points this time, but it may be that the upgrade jumped directly from Seventh Layer to Eighth Layer. Perfection Realm, so it took six energy points.

Fang Yang felt that the Governor Vessel, Ren Vessel, Chong Vessel, Belt Vessel, and Yang Wei Vessel of the Eight Extraordinary Meridians were all connected to the 6 Meridians, and was properly equivalent to the cultivation success of others for several decades.

Fang Yang has a feeling that, except for the emperor, all the first-rate experts in this Northern Wilderness, including Di Ren, are not his opponents.

Feeling the inner Qi all over the body and the explosive power of the fleshy body, Fang Yang couldn’t help but roared towards the sky, making the animals in the deep mountain startled, all shiver coldly hiding in the cave I dare not come out.

Fang Yang laughed happily, and it took a while to calm down his excitement, and his cultivation base made a big advance this time, and he was more confident in dealing with the emperor.

Now I have to hide myself, wait for the cultivator trial to begin, and then use this to escape the control of the emperor. This is the Huanghuang right way.

However, he is always uneasy in his heart. Fang Yang thought that he might not be the opponent of the emperor, so he has this sense of crisis, but as long as he is cautious and does not reveal his whereabouts, there should be no problem.

Just when Fang Yang was hiding in the mountains, the emperor was traveling day and night, rushing to Ji Prefeceture without sleep.

If anyone sees the current state of the emperor, they will definitely exclaim that this is no longer a secular Lightweight Art, it is completely against the wind.

Two days later, the emperor arrived in the Orion house where Prince Guo was killed. The emperor took a closer look at the scene of the crime, and then found the place where Fang Yang destroyed the corpse and evidence.

It seems that Prince Guo was really murdered, my dear boy, I didn't expect you to have such a cultivation base, and you can let Prince Guo fall into your hands.

Besides, you are also careful enough to leave no trace at all. If it were an ordinary person, you might have escaped.

But, you don’t know what old man can do. The imposing manner of the emperor suddenly changes, the True Qi in his hand disappears, and a burst of Spiritual Qi rises from his fingertips, and he shoots in a blink of an eye. And out, the emperor follow closely from behind.

Fang Yang the past few days has fully adapted to the current cultivation base, and plans to lurch out of the capital today, waiting for news.

Just as I was about to leave, my heart suddenly felt palpitations, which was bad and dangerous.

As soon as Fang Yang reacted, he felt a trace of gray silk rising from his body, and then a rays of light lased, and the gray silk blended and melted, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Then Fang Yang couldn't help but enlarge his pupils, because there was a person in his sight, who turned out to be the emperor stepping into the air.

"Fang Yang, long time no see."

The emperor looked at Fang Yang with a smile. Although Fang Yang was wearing a human skin mask, he confirmed immediately. The person in front of him is Fang Yang. He couldn't conceal his appreciation of Fang Yang in his eyes.

More than two years ago, Fang Yang just cultivation Martial Dao, and now it has only been nearly three years, and he has become a first-class realm Martial Artist.

This can be considered as the highest grade immortal seedling in the cultivation world. After all, his cultivation technique is only Evergreen Art, not to mention the spiritual Qi barren Heaven and Earth in the Northern Wilderness. This achievement can be called a monster!

Fang Yang also put aside the panic when he first saw the emperor master, since he has been found by the emperor, then the panic will not help, it is better to find a chance to escape.

"Emperor Master, how did you find me?"

Fang Yang was very calm and asked the question that he could not understand. He was already careful enough to take all The traces of the were wiped out, why did the emperor come to the door after only two days of work.

"Fang Yang, this world there are so many things you don't know, I can't explain to you, as long as you know, I can find you as long as you move the gods.


To be honest, I really can’t believe now that Prince Guo died in your hands. In this world, I thought no one could threaten the people in my sacred gate. I didn’t expect you to do it."


Fang Yang looked at the calm emperor master, and couldn't help but sarcastically said: "Why did the emperor admit that the divine gate belongs to you? I asked you for help, didn't you say that this force was defeated by our secret gate? ?"

"Okay, Fang Yang, don’t be too fast, don’t you have doubted everything since you ran away? Let’s stop pretending, you and I know very well, you I don’t want to wait for death at all. I want to see how far you have grown."

After that, the emperor stopped talking, just a flick of his finger, and an ear-piercing air burst sounded. An invisible air wave lased towards Fang Yang.

Fang Yang's complexion moved, and the whole body's cultivation base was blooming, and he didn't spare any effort to deal with the emperor, don't think of hiding and pinching, otherwise the only one who is unlucky is yourself.

Fang Yang turned into a knife in his palm, and slashed the emperor master’s attack with a stab. The emperor couldn’t help but smile. Yes, it seems that all the Ren Vessels have been opened up. It is much stronger than the waste of Prince Guo. .

Then the emperor's fingertips popped up two attacks in succession, the attack was stronger and stronger than the previous one, but Fang Yang resolved the attack once again without any problems.

The emperor couldn’t help smiling at the corner of his mouth, "Very well, the governor channel has also been opened up. As expected, Martial Dao genius, then receive my move again."

After finishing talking about the emperor’s hands The action continued to strike, and the air burst sounded throughout the deep mountains and old forests, and countless animals knelt on the ground and couldn't move, scared to the point of shivering.

Fang Yang's Lei Lei Knife in his hand ran to the extreme, resisting every attack of the emperor teacher. It’s just that I’m no longer as indifferently as I was just now, what realm has the emperor’s cultivation base reached?

The emperor did not want to give Fang Yang time to rest at all this time. He kept attacking in his hands, and countless energies were pierced on Fang Yang. Fang Yang’s hand knife turned into a heavenly blade shadow, and he resisted the emperor with difficulty. Division’s attack.

"I can’t go on like this. My current cultivation base can't even resist the emperor's long-range attack. The emperor's cultivation base is indeed shaking the old illuminating the new, I am afraid it has already reached the first-class Peak Realm.

I’m simply not his opponent, I should find a way to escape, and my sabre intent realm does not have to be excited, because the emperor is now dignified and is rightly suppressing others, even if he plays the sabre intent. Realm, it may not change the ending.

In this case, it is better to use it as a hole card, as a killing move for his escape."

Fang Yang secretly calculated in his heart, but the emperor But I was getting more and more happy in my heart. The first-rate mid-term Peak only had to step into the first-rate late-stage realm. As expected, this talent is an immortal seedling aptitude even in the cultivation world.

Fang Yang became more aggrieved as he fought, and the emperor became more happy as he fought. Well, the trial is over. I should also catch Fang Yang, this time I can't let the duck in my hand fly away.

In an instant, the imposing manner of the emperor changed, and thousands of Qi Jin instantly formed a big net, assaults the senses on Fang Yang, and Fang Yang had no time to escape, so he was surrounded by this network of Qi Jin, and was instantly Winding vigorously.

The emperor didn't let him go, instead, he flew over, tapped all the acupuncture points of Fang Yang, and then grabbed Fang Yang with one hand, and left with a big laugh.

Fang Yang was grasped by the emperor's master, his face was bitter, isn't it any use for him to work so hard to upgrade to such a realm.

I am afraid that even if he reaches the first-rate Peak, he is not the opponent of the emperor, and even his true strength cannot be detected. Has the emperor has already broken through the first-class realm and is no longer a mundane person?

This time I am really bode ill rather than well!

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