"You want to be my apprentice?"

Pill Refinement Master Zhang Yan looked at Fang Yang and asked frowned as soon as he came out.

Fang Yang looked at this style, he didn't know that the old cultivator in front of him was Pill Refinement Master Zhang Yan.

"Senior, it is the kid who has taken the senior's apprenticeship. If you have anything, please let me know."

"My shame is on the front, I won’t pay if I don’t last a full year. It's paid, and there are more than a dozen people in front of you who haven't lasted for a full year. Are you sure you still want to be my apprentice?"

"The kid is willing!"

Fang Yang directly He just agreed, this is already the most suitable task for him, why not take it, fools are unwilling.

Seeing Fang Yang on the road like this, Zhang Yan's face is also a little better, "Okay, then you will handle your affairs well today, and you will move over in the evening. From now on, you will stay in my house. "

"Okay." Fang Yang promised, and then he was about to go back to the Inn to clean up his salute. After a few steps, he was called by Zhang Yan, "Wait a minute."

Fang Yang looked back at Zhang Yan suspiciously, is this going to regret it?

"Give me the task jade token, otherwise how to confirm that you have received the task."

Looking at this silly future apprentice, Zhang Yan is a little worried, can Zhang Yunan do it? Good apprentice's job.

Fang Yang slapped his head, he forgot about it, and I blamed myself for being so happy and forgot about the process.

Fang Yang handed over the task jade token to Zhang Yan, then returned to the Inn to pack up his things, and rushed to Zhang Mansion before dark after the checkout.

Zhang Yan did not come forward this time, but Fang Yang, the servant in the house, cleaned up the room, and told Fang Yang according to Zhang Yan's order that he would go to the pill room in the backyard to find him tomorrow.

Fang Yang said that after understanding, the servants left, Fang Yang lay on the bed with peace of mind, cultivation is good, no need to specify the posture of meditation, just run the cultivation technique directly to absorb Spiritual Qi.

Of course, if it’s Great Family Great Sect, clansman dísciple will have a monthly salary, and every month there will be a monthly payment of Spirit Stone. It will be faster to absorb Spirit Stone cultivation, but I am ashamed of myself, so why bother now Wasting Spirit Stone, who knows where else Spirit Stone is needed to buy things in the future.

One night passed, and as soon as the horizon turned white, Fang Yang had already rushed to the backyard. If he was late for the first time and left a bad impression on Zhang Yan, there would be nothing good to eat in the future.

Zhang Yan seems to have been waiting in the backyard for a long time, Fang Yang trot into the backyard quickly, saluted, and when he was about to apologize, he saw Zhang Yan throw a book over.

Fang Yang took the book, took a look at the title of the book "Heroro", raised his head and looked at Zhang Yan suspiciously, not knowing what it meant.

"To be my apprentice, you must know how to recognize medicinal herb. This is the most basic requirement of pill concocting. I will need you to help me sort the herbs for pill concocting in the future. So, give you three days After reading "The Herborist", I will naturally take the exam."

Zhang Yan directly explained what he meant, and walked into the room before Fang Yang could reply. Fang Yang also understood what Zhang Yan meant.

I don’t even have the qualifications to be an apprentice now, but Herborist is also the foundation I must learn. It’s not in vain to come to Zhang Yan’s apprentice this time.

Fang Yang found a location and opened Herborist. Only then did he find that the books of the cultivation world were really full. Isn’t this equivalent to 3Dprojection?

Looking at the books showed the dynamic appearance of first herbal medicine. The following detailed records of herbal habits and pharmacology, Fang Yang was extremely satisfied.

I love to learn. Learning makes my mother, bah, makes me happy. This book is said to be Herborist, but there are more than a thousand kinds of spiritual grass herbs recorded.

Although the Divine Consciousness of the cultivator is greatly increased after Qi Refinement, the learning ability is more than three times stronger than that of an ordinary person. You can’t say ten lines at a glance, and you can remember it once, but you can remember the content three times. This effect.

But Zhang Yan gave Fang Yang three days not only to memorize the content of the herbal medicine, but also to eat it thoroughly, to study and understand the pharmacology of these herbal habits, this is not a simple rote memorization.

However, Fang Yang enjoys it. After being nurtured by the scientific memory learning method of later generations, he first went through the content roughly, and then classified medicinal herbs according to pharmacology, and then classified them again according to the growth environment. In this way, according to his own special learning method, Fang Yang forcibly read two Heavenly Books and learned the contents of Herborist thoroughly.

But Zhang Yan won’t come to test himself at this time, he still has one day, but he can’t go to Zhang Yan now. It’s too frivolous. Zhang Yan looks like that kind of steady person. So I can only feel wronged and study how the medicinal herb will match.

In this way, after Fang Yang work hard for three days, Fang Yang was finally called by Zhang Yan, it was time to show his true strength.

Zhang Yan saw Fang Yang respectfully returning the book "Heroror" with both hands, without the slightest expression on his face, "How are you remembered?"

"Senior, I have already remembered it."

"Well, let me ask you, what is the use of cold heart grass?"

"Cold heart grass, cold in nature, but It is a good medicine for heat, but it can be used as a Catalyst in the refining of Yang medicine pill."

Zhang Yan is slightly nodded, yes, "Then if I refine Yang Qi San, I will put an extra cold heart grass. What should I do?"

"Qiu Yancao can be added, it can neutralize the coldness of the cold heart grass, but also increase the success rate of the Yang Qi dispersion, if the fire is reached, you can add no more than half Fenqiu Yancao has stronger medicine efficacy, but if the weight is more than half, there may be fire poison."

In this way, in Zhang Yan and Fang Yang's question and answer, time passed like this Two hours, Fang Yang couldn't remember how many questions he answered.

Finally, Zhang Yan stopped asking, "Yes, there is no laziness. This Herborist really took time to research, but after all, it is too superficial to talk about soldiers on paper."

After that, Zhang Yan He patted his hand and saw that a few servants had already lifted a few baskets up, and then placed them in front of Fang Yang.

"Classify these medicinal herbs according to Yin Yang Attribute, and remember to mark each medicinal herb with a name."

Fang Yang heard this, just put the contents in the basket All spiritual grass is poured cautiously on the table, and then the yin and yang areas are divided on another table.

Next, it is classified according to spiritual grass, and the name of spiritual grass is marked with Spiritual Qi and displayed on the table.

In this way, one hour passed. After Fang Yang classified all medicinal herbs, Zhang Yan came to check. Zhang Yan suddenly picked up a medicinal herb and asked, "Why is it called agave? Not Agrimony?"

"Although Agave and Agrimony are similar, the scent of Agrimony is stronger, and the roots of Agrimony are whiter, so this is Agave."

After Zhang Yan checked all medicinal herb, he nodded, "Yes, I didn't make a mistake. Today's quiz is barely qualified."

"You can come to the pill room tomorrow to help I did some chores, but if you make a mistake for a medicinal herb and damage the ingredients I prepared, then don't blame me for being impolite."

Fang Yang heard this Quickly ensure that you will not make mistakes, be careful, and never delay Zhang Yan's pill concocting.

"Okay, you can withdraw and come back tomorrow."

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