The joy of Fang Yang's face simply can't be concealed. Although there is only one minute of time, he already knows all kinds of irregular small movements when his handprints form.

Although there may be only a few angles wrong in an action, after the understanding just now, Fang Yang found that as long as his own way of forming the seal, referring to the way of forming Dao Heart's clear understanding just now, the medicinal property increased by at least 30%. .

Then add the formula to match the Spiritual Qi conveying speed, and then fine-tune the seal art fingerprints corresponding to the speed and time, and the medicinal properties increase by 30%.

Fang Yang can't wait to take out a agave. This is the result of the Flame Seal that Fang Yang prepared to test the evening after the system plug-in bonus.

Fang Yang took a deep breath, calmed his mood, and then carefully produced the Flame Seal according to his sudden enlightenment method, and the agave was divine light flashed in an instant, successfully concocted , The medicinal properties have increased by 90%.


Fang Yang sighed secretly for his achievements, the value of these ten energy flowers, as for why can’t medicinal herb increase ten-percent medicinal properties, Fang Yang has a feeling that only his own twelve handprints Learn, it is possible to reach the level of ten percent medicine.

Fang Yang secretly planned to continue to maintain the state of 30% medicine tomorrow, and then lay on the bed to sleep, the Spiritual Qi in the body slowly moved with the Divine Firmament mental method.


Early in the morning of the second day, Fang Yang hurried to the backyard pill room, and today I have to assist Zhang Yan in pill concocting, so I just don’t dare be late.

Zhang Yan was already ready, and then pointed to the flaming medicinal herb piled into hills, and said, "I will leave this pile to you today. Don't let me down."

Fang Yang quickly stated that he would not fail Zhang Yan's cultivation and would definitely complete the task instructed by Zhang Yan. Only then did he use the Flame Seal on the side to concoct these fire spiritual grass.

Zhang Yan was still a little worried at first, and he was relieved when he saw Fang Yang concocting three medicine ingredients with 30% medicinal properties in succession, and a spiritual grass with 20% medicinal properties.

Okay, this kid is really an amazing alchemy talent, so his performance is fairly stable. It seems that I have time to pay more attention to this brat.

Fang Yang has been able to concoct 90% spiritual grass at a real level, so he still has time to secretly observe Zhang Yan’s pill concocting while steadily concocting 30% spiritual grass.

Three parts of agave, one part of condensate grass, two parts of Qi-gathering grass······

Fang Yang secretly compared the four times before and after Zhang Yan placed the medicine ingredient pill Concocting, this confirmed all the raw materials of Qi Gathering Pill, and Fang Yang focused most of his energy on concocting medicinal herb.

Zhang Yan is also a little happy today. Four Spirit Pills have succeeded two, which shows that his luck is not bad.

In this way, Zhang Yan concocts other attribute herbs, and Fang Yang also at a moderate pace, slowly preparing the finished fire medicinal herb.

On this day, Zhang Yan has succeeded in ten sets of Qi Gathering Pill and six sets of Qi Gathering Pill, which is simply Zhang Yan’s Peak pill concocting state, comfortable.

When Zhang Yan was happy, he gave Fang Yang a Qi Gathering Pill. To make today's task exceed the standard, part of the credit is Fang Yang, so he can take out some medicine pill to win over Fang Yang.

Fang Yang thank you very much for Zhang Yan, and promised to help Zhang Yan wholeheartedly help Zhang Yan pill concocting in the future. Zhang Yan also gave a rare laugh. It seems that he did shoot Zhang Yan this time. Rainbow fart.

Fang Yang said goodbye to Zhang Yan and left the pill room. After returning to his residence, Fang Yang took out the Qi Gathering Pill that Zhang Yan gave him, saying that medicine pill cannot be taken continuously. There are intervals, because even the best Spirit Pill is harmful.

However, Fang Yang has never taken Spirit Pill. This time Fang Yang planned to take Qi Gathering Pill to see the effects of Spirit Pill.

Thinking that Fang Yang didn’t hesitate, he took Qi Gathering Pill directly, and then Fang Yang hurriedly ran the Divine Firmament cultivation technique. I saw Fang Yang suddenly felt it, but after Qi Gathering Pill took it, his body suddenly A lot of Spiritual Qi burst out.

Two hours later, Fang Yang's cultivation technique is over, and the Spiritual Qi emitted by the Qi Gathering Pill in his body is completely absorbed by Fang Yang.

"No wonder cultivators like to take Qi Gathering Pill cultivation, this is simply a Qi Gathering Pill, which is the best for three days of hard cultivation."

Of course, this is also because of his High Level. Spirit root is very efficient in absorbing Spiritual Qi. In the case of running the cultivation technique, it is comparable to the three-day cultivation of one's own.

Good thing, Fang Yang is already eager to wait until tomorrow, and then concoct the medicine ingredient. Maybe Zhang Yan is happy, he will miss a few hands for himself, and then learn a few yin and yang Five Elements twelve mudra , Wouldn't it be elated.

However, early in the morning of the second day, Fang Yang was very busy. Because of yesterday’s good performance, Zhang Yan was also quite satisfied with Fang Yang’s concocting flammable medicine ingredient, so he simply asked for pill concocting. All the flammable medicine ingredient Spiritual Qi was taken out for Fang Yang to concoct.

And Zhang Yan did not rest, instead he kept concocting the medicine ingredients of other attributes. Not surprisingly, Qi Gathering Pill prepared almost the same. You can refine Essence Recovering Pill. I will do it tomorrow. Can complete the pill concocting task, and will not extend the construction period to compensate for losses.

Fang Yang secretly closed these handprints a few times, but without matching mental methods and mantras, Fang Yang could only temporarily remember the actions of the handprints.

After another day of busy work, Zhang Yan himself was so tired that he didn't want to talk, but he still insisted on keeping all the medicine ingredients, and then he took Fang Yang and left the pill room.

"On the last day of tomorrow, but your flammable medicine ingredient has been cooked up to the same level, then you can help me watch the fire tomorrow.

The pill concocting failed twice today. You have also seen it, because the temperature of the fire of the spirit wood is suddenly not constant, and the instantaneous temperature is too high to make this pill concocting fail.

So tomorrow you will help me watch the fire, and don’t worry about concocting the fire anymore. Sex medicine ingredient, it’s up to you to complete the task tomorrow."

Fang Yang of course will not refuse but nodded again and again to ensure that Zhang Yan’s major event will not be broken. Yan separated and went back to the room to rest.

At last it was the last day of Zhang Yan's pill concocting, Zhang Yan really asked Fang Yang to sit next to the pill furnace, carefully watching the pill fire burning the spirit wood.

"I don’t know if it’s because of the pill fire, so there are so few Qi Refinement teachers in Sizhou City. It’s impossible.

And the burning of spirit wood costs a lot of Spirit Stone to buy, or why is there only one Pill Refinement Master in Sizhou City until now, not just because it takes a lot to become a Pill Refinement Master The abundant resources of Zhang Yan also need the supporting cultivation technique. The most important thing is the handprint technique of pill concocting."

Now I can only hope that after Zhang Yan’s mission is completed, I will be able to work in Zhang Yan. Yan Yan learns by his side, learning the real yin and yang Five Elements twelve hand tactics, but now it seems hopeless.

When all the Essence Recovering Pills have been refined, and the 60 Essence Recovering Pill materials only used forty, Zhang Yan was happy to think about it.

Zhang Yan waited for the employer’s information in the middle of the night, and then after the employer’s people moved all the Essence Recovering Pills back, Zhang Yan was sighed in relief.

Zhang Yan threw a bottle of Qi Gathering Pill to Fang Yang at the end, and left the pill room without looking back, but the voice came over.

"Zhang Yunan, I did a good job this time, and I will continue to work hard next time."

Is this still the cold Pill Refinement Master Zhang Yan? He actually encourages people? It seems that I have the opportunity to learn other techniques.

The next thing I can do is to wait for the opportunity. There are still nine years, don’t panic!

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