When Zhen Yude rushed to Jin Sancheng's room, he saw that Jin Sancheng was still there and sighed in relief in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't let Jin Sancheng run away.

"Zhen Elder, why are you here? I was about to tell Young Master that the foreign cultivator was too cunning, and he has not been traced yet."

Jin Sancheng said in his heart. Plop and jump straight, Zhen Yude's posture is completely wrong, did he reveal something?

"Sect master, Second Young Master, please."

Zhen Yude said coldly, Jin Sancheng stood up quickly, followed Zhen Yude, and asked in the middle. "Elder Zhen, I don’t know what Young Master is looking for?"

"Here, Young Master will naturally say that you don’t need to ask more."

Zhen Yude ignored Jin Sancheng , If it weren’t for the news of Foundation Establishment Pill Pill Recipe in Jin Sancheng’s mouth, Zhen Yude would have already started at this moment.

When Jin Sancheng saw Zhen Guan, Zhen Guan's expression was cold, "Gold sect master is a good method, I have been played by you in the palm of your hand, Jin sect master, I advise you to speak Frankly, otherwise, you can know the consequences."

Jin Sancheng's face was blank, "Second Young Master, what else do you say, Sancheng doesn't understand at all."

"Very good ," Seeing that Jin Sancheng was still acting with him, Zhen Guan turned his head and said to Zhen Yude: "Nine grandfather, I don’t know if you can search for Soul Dafa?"

Zhen Yude is nodded, but Jin Sancheng is I was scared to look pale, but the Soul Searching Dafa would permanently damage a person's Divine Soul. If I was searched, I would die directly, or become an idiot.

Especially the sorcerer is just a Qi Refinement ninth layer cultivator, and he simply has no way out.

Thinking of this, Jin Sancheng secretly apologized to Zhang Yan in his heart, you lose something rather than I lose everything, sorry, Master Zhang.

"Young Master, don't use the Soul Search Dafa, I have recruited them."

This time, Kim San Sung told him all about the Foundation Establishment Pill. , There was no concealment at all. After all, if Zhang Yan was also arrested and his confession was not right, it would be his own luck.

"Cave Mansion of Foundation Establishment senior of body dies and Dao disappears? Where is it?"

Zhen Guan looked eager, Zhen Yude coughed a few times, Zhen Guan came back to His senses, now is not the time to trace Cave Mansion, Foundation Establishment Pill Pill Recipe is the top priority.

I only have Old Ancestor, a Foundation Establishment cultivator, but it has become one of the Four Great Families in Cloud City. You can imagine the status of the Foundation Establishment cultivator.

Old Ancestor does not have a Foundation Establishment Pill party, but he knows that the most important kind of pill concocting spiritual grass of the Foundation Establishment Pill is the Return to Origin vine, so he secretly released the news of the Return to Origin vine.

It’s a pity that it’s been almost a hundred years, and there is no news. Even Old Ancestor is ready to give up, and has made preparations for second-hand, and booked Foundation Establishment with other major Trading Company and Great Sect Spirit Pill stores. Pill.

But this time, Old Ancestor placed the bait for more than a hundred years, and finally someone got the bait.

Be aware that the price of the Return to Origin Vine is 100,000 low grade Spirit Stone. If you don’t know its purpose, you will simply not buy it.

So, after knowing that someone had taken the Return to Origin vine, the Zhen Family secretly investigated who bought the Return to Origin vine. If it is a Great Sect person, Zhen Family will be everything None happened.

But if it’s a nobody, it’s worthy of scrutiny. Now, Jin San has revealed the news of the Foundation Establishment Pill.

Zhen Guan quickly asked about all the ingredients of the Foundation Establishment Pill, but when Kim Sancheng came out, although he knew that he had got the Foundation Establishment Pill Pill Recipe, he was seriously injured at the time.

After the injury healed, I immediately went to see Zhang Yan, so Pill Recipe is now known to both Jin Sancheng and Zhang Yan.

"You mean, this Pill Recipe is not only known to you, but Zhang Yan also knows?"

Jin Sancheng is nodded, Zhen Guan and Zhen Yude look at each other, Zhen Yude is nodded, this Jin Sancheng It can't be killed now. If only Kim San Sung knew about Pill Recipe, then it would be normal to kill him to eliminate future troubles.

But now Zhang Yan is involved. If you kill Jin Sancheng, Zhang Yan will be shocked, and you don't know how it will happen, so only by catching Zhang Yan can you have a chance to get rid of both.

Zhen Guan helped Jin Sancheng up and said, "Gold sect master, don’t be afraid, as long as you don’t lie to me, I will guarantee you nothing. Now let’s ask Jin sect master to lead the way. We will go to Master for a while. Zhang."

When Jin Sancheng heard this, he looked embarrassed. Zhen Guan couldn't help but gloomy face said, "Why, Jin Sect master doesn't want to take us there?"

"No No," Jin Sancheng shook his hand quickly, "It's just that I was blinded by the lard before and asked the second sect master to inform Zhang Yan that we have been exposed, so I guess Zhang Yan has escaped."

"What? "

Zhen Guan looked furious, "What are you waiting for, don't you take us to find Zhang Yan."

Where did Jin Sancheng dare to delay, he quickly took Zhen Guan with him. The two of them rushed to Zhang Yan's house with Zhen Yude.

When they arrived at Zhang Yan's mansion, apart from a few mortal servants, there was no silhouette of Zhang Yan in the mansion.

"Damn it!" Zhen Guan slapped the table with a palm, and there was no way to vent the anger in his heart.

"Gold sect master, see what you do!" Zhen Guanqiang calmed himself down, and then called the mortal steward in Zhang Yan's mansion.

"When did your master go out?"

Zhen Guan's face was very bad, and Steward was also scared, "I don't know, the master is the god of aloof and remote Immortal thing, how could I know where the master went.

Besides, if the master doesn’t want us to know when he went out, it’s simply impossible for us to know how he went out."

steward It's also a look of not knowing what to do. When in Sizhou City, when there is such a fierce and evil person who dares to be so impudent in Zhang Mansion, even if it is Divine Immortal, because if you ask for Master pill concocting, which one is not polite to yourself?

But the Divine Immortal in front of him was not a good person at first glance, and he simply didn't care about his owner, and he didn't have any politeness at all.

"So, you don't know anything anymore?"

As soon as Zhen Guanhua asked, Steward quickly nodded, and then his pupils dilated, without any vitality.

"If you don't know, then go to death. You go on to say, where did your master go?"

A servant looked at Steward who was suddenly killed, and then he was named. , I was scared to pee my pants directly.

"I...no...don't know."


tone barely fell, just now the fellow fell directly on On the ground, there is no life.

The people broke down, crying and said, "We really don’t know, except for Zhang Yunan Young Master, the master’s whereabouts simply won’t tell us, we are just slaves, trifling mortals, how could the master care? We."

Zhen Guan grabbed the person who was speaking. "Zhang Yunan? Who is he?"

"He is the master's honorary disciple, another god immortal in the mansion."

"Where is he?"

"We don't know, he disappeared with his master."

Zhen Guan saw that he should never ask anything anymore. An Qi binding technique killed all the servants. Then he said to Jin Sancheng, "Sect master, I hope you will stand up for Zhang Yan and his dísciple as soon as possible, otherwise, you can imagine the consequences."

After that, Zhen Guan ignores Jin Sancheng. In response, he took Zhen Yude back to the three Blade Sect directly, and Jin Sancheng followed behind with a bitter expression on his face.

After they turned and left, they did not find a pair of eyes staring at them in the teahouse on the street.

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