When Zhen Sifan came back, his complexion had returned to normal. Ye Liangchen and the others were not in a hurry. They just sat peacefully. After so many years of cultivation, the effort of entering concentration has long become a habit.

"How about, Brother Zhen, have you considered it?"

Ye Liangchen asked with a smile, he simply couldn't think of any reason Zhen Sifan would refuse.

And the result was the same as he thought. Zhen Sifan was nodded and clapped his hands. Zhang Yan, who he had just brought up from the prison, had been sent up by the servants.

"This is?"

"This is Zhang Yan, and the Foundation Establishment Pill Pill Recipe came out of his mouth."

Heard here , Ye Liangchen's three eyes shined and said to Zhang Yan politely, "Sizhou Pill Refining Master Zhang Yan Master Zhang, I’ve been admiring my name for a long time." At this moment, Zhang Yan doesn’t know what is going on now, but Someone greeted himself, of course, in return, and then asked: "Patirarch Zhen, what did you bring me here?"

Zhen Sifan glanced at Ye Liangchen and the others, and said, "These three are Yejia patriarch Ye Liangchen, Chen Family patriarch Chen Beixuan, Li Family patriarch Li Yi, Foundation Establishment Pill Pill Recipe, you can tell."

Zhang Yan, frowned, seems to be taking his own words to get the letter Compared with the other Three Great Families, Zhang Yan did not hesitate. He has already become a prisoner of the ranks. What else is there to be proud of.

Zhang Yan said, "Foundation Establishment Pill Pill Recipe is Golden Vinegrass, Accumulating Spirit Flower, Return to Origin Vine, Tianxin Flower, Immortal Spirit Fruit, Purple Sparkle, Fallen Flower, Dragon Elephant Horn, Condensate Grass, Uquila, Jade Coral, Diyan Gall, Tianxing Grass, and then the weights are..."

Zhang Yan spoke for a few minutes, but Ye Liangchen did not interrupt. Instead, he listened to Zhang Yan attentively. After all, this is the Foundation Establishment Pill Pill Recipe.

When Zhang Yan stopped talking, Ye Liangchen said with a smile, "It’s not that I can’t believe in Master Zhang, but I still ask Master Zhang to take the oath, how about?"

Zhang Yan There is no hesitation, "I swear by the Dadao, Foundation Establishment Pill Pill Recipe has no mistakes or omissions at all, otherwise I will break the road and lose my soul."

After Zhang Yan took the Dadao oath, the atmosphere in the living room became even better. Harmony, the purpose of coming to Zhen Family this time is completely achieved, how can I be comfortable?

"Brother Zhen seems to have surrendered Master Zhang, which is really enviable."

At this time, Ye Liangchen started to shoot in order to eliminate Zhen Sifan’s dissatisfaction with the persecution of the three of them. Played Zhen Sifan's flattery.

What is face, as long as it can bring benefits, you can give up anything.

Zhang Yan also reacted when he heard this, Ye Liangchen should have misunderstood that he had been subdued by Zhen Family.

However, Four Great Families already know about themselves. If they don’t belong to the Zhen Family, Four Great Families is impossible to let go of the secrets of the Foundation Establishment Pill Pill Recipe.

Thinking of the result he was about to face, Zhang Yan suddenly had some clear comprehension, maybe he had to make a choice.

Either live in the Zhen Family or die, and now I already know the Foundation Establishment Pill Pill Recipe, I am totally sorry if I don’t live and hit the Foundation Establishment Realm.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yan no longer hesitated. Before Zhen Sifan spoke, he actually one-knee kneels, "I have seen patriarch, and Zhang Yan’s life will belong to the Zhen Family in the future."

Zhen Sifan was a little bit astonished, and then came to realize that the Foundation Establishment Pill Pill Recipe had been leaked, but after gaining such a Pill Refining Master as Zhang Yan, he had an explanation.

Zhen Sifan quickly helped Zhang Yan up, "Why Master Zhang needs such a gift? I promise, Master Zhang will be worshipped by my Zhen Family in the future, and I will definitely not treat you badly."

Liangchen is also a little envious. With the existence of a Pill Refining Master, the probability of the offspring growing up safely, but this time I have obtained the Foundation Establishment Pill Pill Recipe. It is impossible to grab Zhang Yan again. The rabbit bites when he is anxious. What's more, Zhen Family is such a Foundation Establishment family?

Therefore, Ye Liangchen and the three of them have smiles on their faces, "Congratulations to Brother Zhen for winning the Pill Refining Master, and I will come to ask Master Zhang pill concocting in the future. Please don't stop Brother Zhen."

Zhen Sifan could only deal with Ye Liangchen with a smile, and sent someone to arrange a room for Zhang Yan, and then send Zhang Yan back to rest, and carefully hinted that the guards should watch Zhang Yan and not let him go out.

The room was quiet again, and Zhen Sifan asked: "I don't know how Brother Ye and the three learned that I have the news of Foundation Establishment Pill Pill Recipe?"

Ye Liangchen The three looked at each other, and it turned out to be an old fox. Now that the three of them got the Foundation Establishment Pill Pill Recipe, they asked themselves directly, and had to answer if they were at a loss.

Chen Beixuan said at this time, "Brother Zhen may not believe it, but someone threw the jade slip into the mansion last night. We only learned the news after the mansion guard discovered it."

"So, it's not the news that your family has investigated by itself, but someone secretly notified it?"

"Yes, that's the case."

"I pooh!"

Zhen Sifan cursed secretly in her heart. Someone told her that she was a fool. She used such a clumsy excuse to prevaricate herself.

Foundation Establishment Pill Pill Recipe is so important. If others know, why would they notify Three Great Families? What good is it for him?

Obviously, it was Three Great Families who installed insiders on their side, the news leaked, and they were greedy and didn't immediately deal with Zhang Yan and the others, only then left the beginning and the end, causing the current loss.

However, thinking that he had already told Ye Liangchen and three of the Foundation Establishment Pill Pill Recipe, Zhen Sifan had no emotion on his face, smiled without talking, and took a sip of tea, as if he believed Chen Beixuan's words.

In this way, the three of Ye Liangchen stayed in Zhen Family for one hour again, and everyone did not talk about how to compensate for the loss of the Foundation Establishment Pill Pill Recipe, because this is something that the three Old Ancestors can decide. .

I think that after a period of time, the four Old Ancestors will reach an agreement. At that time, it will not be too late to compensate Zhen Family according to the agreement.

After a while, Ye Liangchen and the three of them left, and Zhen Sifan personally sent the three of Ye Liangchen out of the house.

As soon as the three of Ye Liangchen left, Zhen Sifan's complexion changed. The ghost in the family must be caught, otherwise the Zhen Family has no secrets at all.

Not to mention that Zhen Sifan was going to conduct a large-scale search at home to find the inner ghost. Above the teahouse not far from Zhen's Mansion, Fang Yang saw Ye Chen Li Sanjia patriarch and Zhen Sifan laughing and saying goodbye, he couldn't help but let go half.

This situation shows that Three Great Families has obtained a satisfactory answer. As a person who can prove that the Foundation Establishment Pill Pill Recipe is accurate and can be trusted by the three patriarchs, Zhang Yan has finally been determined.

As long as Zhang Yan takes the great oath, he can convince Ye Chen and Li Sanjia that this is the real Foundation Establishment Pill Pill Recipe.

In this way, the Foundation Establishment Pill Pill Recipe has been impossible to keep secret, and the matter of killing a witness to silence them is completely uneconomical.

As a result, Zhang Yan was surrendered, and Zhen Family was able to recover some losses, at least one more Pill Refining Master was added to the family.

Of course, all of this is Fang Yang's guess. As for whether Zhang Yan is really out of danger, it is very simple. It depends on whether Zhen Mansion will buy anything in the past few days.

After all, many things of Pill Refinement Master need to be prepared, since Zhang Yan has been recruited. If you don’t let people pill concocting, wouldn’t Zhang Yan have nothing to do and wasted a Pill Refining Master?

So everything depends on the follow-up response, Master Zhang Yan, you have to hold on.

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