Fang Yang has no time to worry about the salaryman standing aside at this moment. After all, pill concocting pays attention to concentration. A slight loss of concentration may result in failure.

Fang Yang guards the pill furnace cautiously and does not dare to relax at all. The better he performs, the more he will be affirmed by Elder Shui. Maybe he will be able to pill concocting in the future.

The more Fang Yang cares, the calmer he is now. The first practice of pill concocting is his calm mentality.

This time Fang Yang takes longer to refine Qi Gathering Pill than Fasting Pill, because although it is the same First Rank medicine pill, it is more cumbersome than Fasting Pill.

Just two hours later, Fang Yang is worthy of harvest. There are only six in this time, two in high grade and four in middle grade. When Fang Yang is going to continue the pill concocting, Was stopped by Elder Shui.

"Elder, I can still hold it."

Fang Yang doesn't know what the salaryman is going to do, but he still wants to do it again, and the salaryman shook the head.

"Okay, no need, your Qi Refinement second layer's cultivation base is very good now, don’t worry, you passed the assessment this time."

"I passed your assessment?"

"Yes, let's go, I have to do things for you."

"Do you do things for me?" Elder, what's the matter?"

"I'll know if you follow along."

Elder Shui walked in front, opened the door, and saw Yichen Dao suddenly jump up." Salary Elder Shui, how's it going?"

Salary Elder Shui did not speak, but walked directly to the union office. Fang Yang followed closely behind Salary Elder Shui, and he could only do nothing. Follow behind.

Fang Yang has passed the test of Elder Shui, whether he will pill concocting or not, these two people ignore themselves, but the old way is anxious.

The salaried Taoist did not go very fast, but the union was so big, and the salaried Taoist arrived at the office in a short time, and the people inside hurriedly saluted.

"Salary Elder Shui!"

The salaryman did not pay attention to them, so he went directly to the office steward. The chairman is not there, and all information must be processed by the steward.

Now the manager is called the payer. After seeing the payer, the payer quickly salutes, "Salary Elder Shui, do you have any instructions for coming over?"

"Salary manager , I want you to help me add a copy of the information of my Pill Refinement Master?"

"Pill Refinement Master? Does Elder Shui have a Pill Refinement Master dísciple?"

Salary payers are also a bit surprised, after all, with one more real Pill Refinement Master, the union will have one more way to obtain medicine pill.

"I don't know which colleague is it?"

The payer asked. Of course he also saw Fang Yang and Yichen. He knew exactly what the details were. The fundamentally impossible is the new Pill Refinement Master.

As for Fang Yang, I heard that he is the spiritual grass boy of the salaried Taoist, and he is the second layer cultivation base of Qi Refinement, and even more impossible is the Pill Refinement Master.

"Didn't you see it? It's Fang Yang, you can give him a Grade 1 Pill Refinement Master certification."

"Grade 1 Pill Refinement Master? He, Fang Yang "

The payroller is completely unbelievable. How could it be possible that this little spiritual grass boy of the second layer of Qi Refinement, how could he be the Pill Refinement Master?

But the salaryman did not give the salaryman time to refresh himself. Instead, he took out a Fasting Pill and Qi Gathering Pill and gave it to the salaryman.

After the payer got the two medicine pills, he glanced at Fang Yang, and then at the medicine pill, the payer went on to say: "You don't need to watch it, it was made by Fang Yang."

This payroller no longer doubts it. The payroller’s reputation has always been upright, and he will never lie, so Fang Yang of the second layer of Qi Refinement is really the Pill Refinement Master!

So it seems that Fang Yang's alchemy talent is really amazing, no wonder the salaryman personally came to help Fang Yang apply for the qualification of the union Pill Refinement Master.

Thinking of this, the payroller no longer hesitates, "Salary Elder Shui rest assured, I will immediately complete the qualification certification of Fang Yang Pill Refinement Master."

The payroller said , And finally let Fang Yang become Pill Refinement Master completely settled.

Fang Yang hasn’t come back to his senses yet, Yichen has put his hand on Fang Yang’s shoulder, "Fang Yang, I know you are the Pill Refinement Master, and then Old Brother’s medicine Pill is up to you."

"Yichen Old Brother is polite, my alchemy level is average, but Old Brother does not dislike it. I will definitely help Old Brother pill concocting."

"Good brother."

My old Taole has blossomed, my investment in Fang Yang is nothing short of magic. When Fang Yang's cultivation base is up, isn't it easy for me to want medicine pill?

The salaryman watched the salaryman sign Fang Yang's information again, and then said: "Since Fang Yang has become the Pill Refinement Master of the union, then he is not suitable to be my spiritual grass boy. You hurry up and find me a spiritual grass boy."

"This······Elder Shui, you know, spiritual grass boy is hard to find. In a short time, I’m afraid I will be I can’t find a suitable candidate.”

The payer is also a bit bitter. Elder Shui is the Pill Refining Master of the Yunzhong City Trade Union. He is a powerful man. I can’t offend him, but I want to find him in a short time. Suitable spiritual grass boy, that is almost impossible.

Just when the payroller was in a dilemma, Fang Yang said, "Salary manager is looking for it. If I don't find the time, I can temporarily take the place of spiritual grass boy. Payroll manager doesn't have to be embarrassed."

The payer was overjoyed when he heard this, but his face was embarrassed, "That's not good, after all, Fang Yang Fellow Daoist, you are already a Pill Refinement Master, it is really unreasonable to do so."

Although Fang Yang is the cultivation base of the second layer of Qi Refinement, because of his status as the Pill Refinement Master, the salarier actually calls him Fellow Daoist. It is conceivable that what is the status of the Pill Refinement Master Respect.

"You don’t need to be polite to payroll, anyway, my cultivation base is low, and it’s impossible to always pill concocting, taking into account the spiritual grass of the salaried Taoist. It’s nothing difficult."

The deputy reluctantly agreed, and glanced at the salaryman again, "How do you think Elder Shui is like this?"

"Then let's do this for now, but you should also look for spiritual grass boy, Fang Yang impossible all the time Taking both into consideration, this is a waste of his alchemy talent."

"Elder Shui, don’t worry, I must hurry up and look for the spiritual grass boy, and it won’t be too long."

"That's good. , I’ll show you a clear path. Now Four Great Families in Cloud City is recruiting Pill Refinement Master. There are always people who are impossible to apply. You can start from them and see if you can find a spiritual grass boy.

After all, many of these people are half a bucket of water and just want to get through, but they are also qualified to be spiritual grass boys."

"Many thanks Elder for pointing me, I will pay attention to this aspect."

Then the salaryman walked out the door directly, Fang Yang apologized to the salaryman with a smile, and hurriedly followed the salaryman to go out, Yichen Dao followed closely behind Fang Yang.

This thigh is something that I can't let go. I know each other in the last minute, this friendship is even more precious, I can't miss this opportunity.

After the three of Fang Yang left the office, all kinds of exclamations began. This is simply fish leaping over the dragon gate. This Fang Yang is completely brilliant.

It's a pity that I haven't faced this newly promoted Pill Refinement Master before, so I will have to deal with him well in the future.

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