It’s been three days since Fang Yang helped refine the Profound Essence Pill last time. Although the salaryman continued to pill concocting at the end, the 20 copies of the spiritual grass of the Profound Essence Pill ended up being only It succeeded in that furnace.

Moreover, the quality of the successful Profound Essence Pill is no more than third rank low grade, but the salaryman is still extremely satisfied. After all, the probability of success of one in twentieth makes him very happy.

And Qi Refinement Stage can successfully refine the Pill Refinement Master of the third rank medicine pill, which can be respected as Pill Refining Master by everyone.

After successful pill concocting, Fang Yang immediately asked Fang Yang to go back to rest. He went to retreat first to stabilize the cultivation base of Qi Refinement Great Perfection, so that his years of erysipelas were cleaned and his whole body spirit essence was integrated. .

He also expressed his gratitude to Fang Yang after he left the customs. At this moment, he still chose to retreat immediately.

After Elder Shui retreats, Fang Yang took a day off to restore spiritual power. Before he had time to sort out his harvest of helping the salaried Taoist refine the Profound Essence Pill, he was caught up in the dust.

"Fang Yang, you can save me."

As soon as I saw Fang Yang, Fang Yang couldn't help but ask: "What's the matter? Does anyone dare to make you old?"

This is not Fang Yang's sarcasm. After all, the old style is also an inferior high grade spirit root. It's just because there is no resources, so Qi Refinement 5- Layer’s cultivation base.

However, he has been in the union for a long time and is very qualified. Generally, no one dares to trouble him.

"Brother, this is all because of you. Didn't you help me refine the Qi Gathering Pill last time? I am a good person, so I helped you out to brag.

No, other people in the union asked me to help them refine medicine pill. There are only a few people at first. Now there are more and more people, and I can't favor one another, so I'm dying now.

If you don’t help me, my brother, my reputation will definitely be stinky, but if you help me, my brother, then I am too unhuman. After all, I promised too many people and will make you crazy.

Fang Yang heard this but eyes shined, "Old Brother, do you mean there are many people asking me to help pill concocting?"

"Yes, brother, listen to you Tone, are you willing to help?"

"It is okay to ask me to help, but I don’t want to divide the medicine pill after the refining is successful. Would you like to ask if they can accept it?"

"They must be willing," Yichen said directly after hearing this condition, "Brother, you don't know a bottle of Qi Gathering Pill, eight pills It takes two hundred Spirit Stones. You can refine Qi Gathering Pill at least eight. One hundred Spirit Stones is almost half the price. Even if you add the spiritual grass to refine the Spirit Pill, the cost is less than 20 Spirit Stones. They earn blood. ."

"Well, Old Brother, then you can ask, if anyone is willing to pay 100 low grade Spirit Stone, I will help them pill concocting."

Fang Regardless of how many orders Yang has received, at worst it is refined in a few days, a medicine pill with one hundred Spirit Stones, he is going to send it out.

I was so old and not inked, I immediately went to discuss with other people. Unsurprisingly, they all agreed to pay 100 Spirit Stones and let Fang Yang refine Qi Gathering Pill.

In this way, Fang Yang began the continuous refining of Qi Gathering Pill. It was not until three days later that Fang Yang stopped the pill concocting, because he finally helped all those who wished to refine it. Qi Gathering Pill.

Fang Yang went back to the room to rest on the excuse that he was too tired, and couldn’t wait to open his attribute panel:

Name: Fang Yang

cultivation base :Qi Refinement fourth layer (2%)

cultivation technique :

Divine Firmament Heart Channel

Yin and Yang Pill Refining Art

divine ability: Blade Intent (primary level )

system function:

Capture interest (no consumption)

Dao Heart Brightness (consumption: 10 energy minutes)

Energy value: 2280

External version: 2.0

This is the first time that Fang Yang’s energy value has exceeded four digits, and he is finally a small asset. My plan to become Pill Refinement Master was indeed a wise decision.

It's a pity that I should have cut the leeks of the union during this period, but it doesn't matter. After a while, these leeks will definitely grow again.

I took a look at the 2,452 low grade Spirit Stones in the storage bag. Hey, I am a rich man. I don’t need to save the Spirit Stone anymore. I will absorb every Spiritual Qi from the Spirit Stone, plus Qi. Gathering Pill, my own cultivation base may shorten the time again.

However, now is not the time to increase cultivation base to meditate and breathe Spiritual Qi, but to have enough energy. It is time to comprehend Qi Refinement Stage's Divine Firmament mental spell prohibition.

As for the spell prohibition and other attack methods in the future of Foundation Establishment Realm, don't think about it. If the cultivation base is not available, comprehend will definitely backlash.

Thinking of this, Fang Yang immediately sit in the lotus position, then enter the system, and instantly enter the state of Dao Heart luminous, cursed by spells, and he can finally lift your mysterious veil.

Fang Yang felt that he suddenly entered the realm of mystery and mystery. Between Heaven and Earth, it seemed that he had an extra pen, and started to draw Dao Rhyme with Heaven and Earth as a symbol.

Of course, this was just a momentary illusion of Fang Yang, and then Fang Yang completely entered the realm of the Divine Firmament mental spell.

All the spells of Qi Refinement Stage began to be slowly absorbed by Fang Yang. It turned out that this is the essence of spells. Fang Yang felt that he was incarnate as the creator of the Divine Firmament mental method, and began to use the pen on the talisman paper Engrave the picture talisman spell on it.

When Fang Yang woke up from the comprehension of the spell, Fang Yang was confused for a moment, and then he woke up.

"It turns out that this is a charm!"

At this moment, Fang Yang can't wait to draw a charm right away to test his gains from this enlightenment, but unfortunately he only understands the Divine Firmament Qi Refinement. The spell of the Realm world, and the prohibition is not yet comprehend.

Don’t blame Fang Yang for separating the comprehend, if the energy is not enough, wouldn’t it be pissed off? After all, the comprehend is halfway, no more, how does it feel?

Fang Yang opened his attribute panel and checked his status:

Name: Fang Yang

cultivation base :Qi Refinement fourth layer ( 2%)

cultivation technique :

Divine Firmament Heart Sutra

Yin and Yang Pill Refining Art

divine ability :Blade Intent (primary level)

System function:

Capture interest (no consumption)

Dao Heart is bright (consumption: 10 energy minutes)

Energy value: 1480

External version: 2.0

Sure enough, only the comprehend spell cost him 800 energy points. Although this cost a lot, Fang Yang felt it was worth it. After all, he In the future, his ability to attack and protect himself has greatly improved.

The power of the spell, Power of Heaven and Earth!

At this moment, looking at his own 1480 energy point, Fang Yang no longer hesitates, and continues to comprehend Divine Firmament's Qi Refinement Stage in the Qi Refinement Stage can control the prohibition, the prohibition method lies in the prohibition and the restraint, which can be described as restraining the enemy. And the best choice to ban everything.

It can be said that Formation is a manifestation of prohibition. How can Fang Yang not be irritated with this kind of defying method?

After Fang Yang was ready, he calmed down and entered the Dao Heart transparent state, and continued to comprehend this method.

Fang Yang only felt that when he came to Heaven and Earth, Heaven and Earth was in prison, and everything in time was restricted by Heaven and Earth.

This feeling flashed past, and then Fang Yang once again transformed into the creator of the Divine Firmament mental method, and began to practice the method of prohibition.

Ten minutes later, Fang Yang woke up. It turned out that this is the method of prohibition. The cultivation of Taoism is really walking the heavens-defying road.

In other words, to prohibit this method is to steal Heaven and Earth Might, which is extremely terrifying!

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