"Who said he didn't know a friend who can pill concocting?"

As soon as this word came out, everyone looked at the sound source, Fang Yang saw Their eyes repeated: "Can't he have such a friend?"

"Who are you?"

Zhen Guan frowned, looked at Fang Yang and asked , If the cultivation has such a Pill Refinement Master friend, how could he take his 1,000 Spirit Stone and stop showing up.

Yichen’s old way is happy in his heart, he knows that Fang Yang has come out because of him, otherwise this loose cultivator has nothing to do with Fang Yang, so why should Fang Yang take action at this moment.

Fang Yang didn’t have time to say his identity, so he said with a smile: "This is my guild Grade 1 Pill Refinement Master Fang Yang Master!"

" Grade 1 Pill Refinement Master?"

Zhen Guan looked at Fang Yang, and after listening to the old-fashioned introduction, his face was completely unbelievable, a cultivation rookie of Qi Refinement second layer, you told me yes Pill Refining Master?

"hahaha, Yichen Fellow Daoist, your joke is not funny, how can you bully me who don’t know your union, do you fool me now?"

Zhen Guan started to laugh Suddenly, his voice became louder, "I am Zhen Family Zhenguan, I want to blackmail me, and don't see who I am!"

Fang Yang pill concocting His ability has long been verified by facts, and he is not deceived. Since he told the truth, no matter what, the union will not let itself suffer. Otherwise, where is the dignity of the union?

"Zhen Young Master, I know Zhen Family is guarded by Foundation Establishment senior, how dare we deceive you, but Fang Yang is indeed Grade 1 Pill Refinement Master."

As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Yang took out his Grade 1 Alchemist Badge from the storage bag and put it on his chest.

Zhenguan expression congeals, the Alchemist Badge of the loose cultivator union, he knows him, seeing the Grade 1 Alchemist Badge pinned on Fang Yang’s chest, he said in a bit of amazement: "You really are the Grade 1 Pill Refinement Master. ?"

"Exactly," Fang Yang is neither humble nor overbearing, and he looks at the loose cultivator surrounded by Zhen Family cultivator, and then says: "Master Zhen Young, can you let go of my friend?"

When the loose cultivator heard this, he gave Fang Yang a grateful look. Of course, he would not be so stupid that he admitted that the relationship with Fang Yang was not a friend. It was just that he had a clean relationship before. Fang Yang helped practice pill.

Zhen Guan is also a bit in a dilemma now. This Grade 1 Pill Refinement Master is also a Pill Refinement Master. What's more, it is only a Pill Refinement Master of the Qi Refinement second layer, which shows that his algorithm talent is extremely high.

If Zhenguan is ready to use force to suppress people, then the loose cultivator union may tear the face away from Zhen Family and ask him to take people away, but it is possible to let Zhen Family and loose The cultivator is not a good thing when the union is grieving.

After all, I have already started to refine the Foundation Establishment Pill. Before that I could not cause trouble to the family. Thinking of this, Zhen Guan lifted his hand and asked Zhen Family cultivator to put loose cultivator Liang Shi .

The loose cultivator Liang Shi hurriedly thanked him, thank you Zhen Guan Zhen Second Young Master, but Zhen Guan laughed: "Since this Pill Refinement Master gives you a guarantee, then I won’t hold you accountable this time. Yes, but you have to pay me back the 1,000 Spirit Stone."

I feel aggrieved. There are people in Yunzhong City who don’t know him, and dare to lie to myself for 1,000 Spirit Stone. Stone, it was precisely because he believed that no one in Yunzhong City dared to provoke him, and Zhen Guan was deceived by the loose cultivator for a while.

The loose cultivator quickly took out the Spirit Stone from the storage bag, and after the Spirit Stone was collected, he took a deep look at Fang Yang, and he retired without saying a word.

After seeing Zhen Guan left, Yichen said to Fang Yang with a smile, "Fang Yang brother, thanks to you this time, I made the union less troublesome. "

After finishing speaking, the old-fashioned and fiercely said to the loose cultivator who caused the trouble, "Remember, this time is Fang Yang brother helping you, otherwise the union will not be able to save you as a fool."

"Many thanks Fang Yang Master for helping out this time, Liang Shi is grateful."

Liang Shi also knows the dangers today. He only blames himself for his greed and can give a thousand. How could someone with a low grade Spirit Stone fail to find their heels?

This time, if it wasn't for Fang Yang's help, maybe his fate would be to be taken away by Zhen Guan, adding a solitary soul, unbound ghost that fell on the road of cultivation.

Fang Yang was faintly nodded, and didn't say anything. If Yichen Old Dao had not taken action this time, in order to take care of Yichen Old Dao's face, he would not wade through this muddy water.

Zhen Guan is who, he has already known that he must have been on the blacklist of Zhen Guan this time, but as long as he is careful not to go out and stay in the union, what shouldn’t be? problem.

After all, although the strongest cultivation base of the loose cultivator union in Yunzhong City is Elder Shui Qi Refinement Great Perfection, while Zhen Family Old Ancestor is the Foundation Establishment cultivator.

But after all, the labor union was established by loose cultivator, and Zhen Family Old Ancestor is also impossible to do to the labor union, but this time the Zhenguan was so refreshing that Liang Shi was spared, saying that it was because of himself Fang Yang didn't believe it at all.

It seems that Zhen Guan had some concerns to let Liang Shi off so easily, and he didn't know what made him bear it.

Fang Yang didn’t take care of Liangshi, just nodded looked towards pill room and walked away, I feel like my face has risen sharply at this time. I glanced at the people around me and shouted: "What do you look at? , Are all okay? It's all gone for me."

After scolding other people who watched the excitement, he ran to catch up with Fang Yang, with a face of honor, "Fang Brother Yang, you are really awesome. This time, Old Brother, thanks to your stand up, otherwise I would if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off."

"That Liang Shi also not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth dared to lie to Zhen Family Second Young Master. Isn’t this courting death?"

Fang Yang will naturally not be the same at this moment, but rather confidant, "Yichen Old Brother, don’t you know the hardships of the dao cultivator, Liang Shi must be blinded by those thousand Spirit Stones, greedy, which caused this bitter fruit.

I have nothing, after all I don’t get out of the trade union very much, but Old Brother, you have to be careful. After all, you are the first person to stand up and discuss theories this time. I am afraid that he will hold a grudge, that would be a disaster."

Hearing this, Yichen is also nodded," Brother Fang Yang said it was reasonable, but I am not Liang Shi, but I just stood up and said a few fair words, this Zhen Family Second Young Master is not so stingy Right?"

Fang Yang resisted the urge to shake his head, "Old Brother, you usually understand so clearly, why are you confused at this moment? If it wasn't for you to come out just now, Liang Shi might have been taken to Zhen. I don’t know whether I’m going to live or die.

Now Liang Shi is okay, we are still letting Zhen Guan lose his face. I don’t mind the worst speculation about the thoughts in his heart."

Yichen Old Dao was just a little fluttering just now, and now Fang Yang said it was broken and reacted, it seems that he didn't give Zhen Guan face in front of so many people, maybe he really offended him.

"It seems that, like my brother, I have to avoid the limelight in the trade union first. Your refined for me Qi Gathering Pill will be enough for me for two years, so I don’t need to go out anymore."


Fang Yang smiled and nodded, this is the best, otherwise once I go out, I really don’t know what Zhenguan will have.

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