Zhen Guan got up early in the morning, but today is the day when Zhang Yan and Fang Yang meet. If this is done, maybe Zhang Yan will be accepted where water flows, a canal is formed.

As soon as Zhen Guan thought of this place, she was full of enthusiasm. Early in the morning, she sent someone to the Intoxicated Immortal Building to book a box. After sorting it out, Zhen Guan was ready to pick up Fang Yang.

After all, Zhang Yan is the real Pill Refining Master, and Fang Yang is just the future Pill Refining Master. It is clear who is the most important position of both parties at this moment.

Fang Yang only got up when Zhenguan arrived at the loose cultivator union. When she saw Zhenguan, Fang Yang was taken aback. He came so early?

"Zhen Fellow Daoist Guan, why did you come so early?"

"haha, Fang Yang Fellow Daoist, I think you and my family will surely meet each other, all specially come I will pick you up."

I’m completely numb now. My little brother seems to have Great Destiny. He has such a good relationship with Zhen Family Second Young Master in a few days. admire!

Fang Yang cleaned up and set off with Zhen Guan, but within a quarter of an hour they arrived at the Intoxicated Immortal Building.

"Fang Yang Fellow Daoist, you have a rest here for a while, I will go back to Zhen's Mansion to enshrine my family."

" Zhen Fellow Daoist Guan Go ahead, I'm here Just wait."

After Zhen Guan and Fang Yang said hello, they ordered their guards to accompany Fang Yang first, and then left to return to the house to pick up Zhang Yan.

In fact, Zhang Yan is no longer so impatient in his heart. Since he knows that the so-called pill concocting genius is his honorary disciple, of course he is calm and composed.

Although he also knows that Fang Yang must have a secret, otherwise it is impossible to reach the Qi Refinement second layer cultivation base in a few months, which is still the kind of perfection.

But which cultivator has no hole cards has no secrets. Even if you are yourself, you have secrets that you can’t know. For example, the most direct thing is how you can become a Pill Refinement Master. He is a loose cultivator who has no one to rely on. .

Because of this, Zhang Yan didn't go deep into Fang Yang's secrets. Of course, there are also reasons for the close relationship.

Zhang Yan heard movement from the front yard. He also knew that Zhenguan had arrived, and as expected, people came before the voice.

"Master Zhang, I have arranged an appointment with the Fang Yang Pill Refinement Master of the trade union, and have received the Intoxicated Immortal Building, we can pass."

"Thank you Second Young Master Now, let’s go over here?"

"Of course."

When Zhen Guan took Zhang Yan to the Intoxicated Immortal Building, Fang Yang and Zhang Yan were definitely celebrities. The performance, the emotion of the first meeting, is fully in place.

Zhen Guan thinks that he is the lubricant for the two of them to communicate. As an intermediary, he pursues the left and the right, and neither side is negligent.

Unfortunately, he didn't know that the two people he thought were strangers had a tacit understanding. He was just adding laughter.

Fang Yang and Zhang Yan look like they hit it off at first sight, which makes Zhen Caring Li proud. This arrangement seems to make Zhang Yan a better impression of himself.

In this harmonious atmosphere, after talking for two or three hours, Fang Yang and Zhang Yan agreed to move around more before the banquet broke up.

Fang Yang returned to the labor union and naturally had Zhenguan arranged for the escort to send it away, and Zhang Yan even joked with Zhenguan when he returned to the mansion.

"Master Zhang, don’t know if you understand the current situation of my Zhen Family?"

"What do you want to say, Young Master?"

"Master, I do not hide it from you. Although my father is the Zhen Family patriarch, I have the grandson of Great Elder in this generation, and the grandson of Sixth Elder competes with me. Can the Master wish me a helping hand?"

Zhang Yan is a little dizzy. This Zhenguan doesn't look like a brave and inexperienced person. Why did he say things so suddenly?

But after thinking about it carefully, Zhang Yan also understood that Zhen Guan was forcing himself to stand in line.

Either you will submit, or you will become the enemy of Zhenguan. Choose one of the two, what will you choose? This is what Zhenguan means.

Thinking about this, Zhang Yan also feels that it is good for Zhenguan to be so straightforward. He is only an external offering. Although he is a Pill Refinement Master, he is also a cultivator belonging to the Zhen Family.

Thinking of this, I sighed in my heart. It seems that I have to express it, otherwise I can't pass this level.

"Second Young Master, I just want to concentrate on pill concocting, but if I really want to choose, I still hope that Second Young Master is a familiar person, so that I can also pill concocting more easily."

Although Zhang Yan did not explicitly support himself, the meaning of this sentence has already shown what he meant, and Zhen was overjoyed in his care.

"I guarantee that every day I am here, Master, you can pill concocting at ease without disturbing you."

This is the guarantee made by Zhen Guan, Zhang Yan and Zhen Guan Xiang looked at it with a smile, everything was silent.

When Fang Yang returned to the trade union, he was immediately pulled over by the old man.

"Fang Yang, where have you been this day? Did you go to Zhenfu as a guest?"

"Old Brother, you think too much, I am a Qi Refinement second How can the small cultivator of the layer go to Zhen Family?"

"But you are the Pill Refinement Master, there is a Pill Refinement Master friend, cultivation can be said to have taken a shortcut, such as the old way, it’s not because of you. Quickly break through the Qi Refinement sixth layer?"

Yichen also took a look at Fang Yang’s flattery. Fang Yang could only say with a smile, "I didn’t go to Zhen’s house, it’s in the Intoxicated Immortal Building and Zhen A Pill Refinement Master in the palace met and met and benefited a lot."

"Pill Refinement Master? I know, did Zhen Guan want to win you over, so I brought a Pill Refinement Master over? "

Yichen Old Road smiled very wretchedly, he thought Fang Yang must have received a lot of benefits, Fang Yang can only explain, "No, I just discussed the pill concocting experience, Old Brother, you really No need to guess anymore."

"I understand, I understand, I won't talk nonsense."

Looking at the face I understand, Fang Yang can only be speechless , OK, you continue to misunderstand, I'm going to be busy with my business.

Fang Yang left under the pretext of returning to his room, Fang Yang thought about it, for his future status in the trade union, this cultivation base must be a breakthrough.

Zhang Yan is a breakthrough. As long as you tell the outside world that you have obtained Zhang Yan’s Essence Recovering Pill, you will have a one-week breakthrough Qi Refinement three layer. Others will not doubt it. After all, you have already perfected the second layer of Qi Refinement. Up.

No, you can’t use the name of Zhang Yan. After all, he is already the worship of the Zhen Family. If you can’t involve him, you can just say the Essence Recovering Pill you treasure. After all, you are the Pill Refinement Master. Unable to investigate the truth.

Thinking of Fang Yang sighed in relief here, let people pass a message to the old-fashioned way. After he was going to retreat for a week, Fang Yang pretended to be in retreat.


A week later, the old way was taking a nap in the hall. Since Fang Yang has closed the door, he has no other place to go, so he just watched loose in the hall Cultivator, pass the time, by the way cultivation.

His Qi Gathering Pill is enough. You don't need to worry for a year or two. In another month, he will be the cultivator of the sixth layer of Qi Refinement, and he won't be a weak player in Yunzhong City.

Just when Yichen was so bored, suddenly his eyes went dark, he looked up and smiled.

"Fang Yang, are you out of the customs?"

"Yes, I am out of customs, I think Old Brother has nothing to do recently, right?"

" What can happen, everything is normal."

Just as Yichen said, he suddenly seemed to have discovered something, rubbed his eyes, took a close look at Fang Yang, and exclaimed: "You have a breakthrough? "

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