At this moment, the occult talisman on Fang Yang's body hasn't dissipated yet, and coupled with the system's ability to gather breath, they simply couldn't find themselves. When Fang Yang moved in his heart, he quietly went to where Zhenguan was. The place sneaked past.

Zhen Guan is facing two people faintly at this moment, these two people are the grandson of Great Elder Zhen Pi and the grandson of Sixth Elder Zhen Chan.

Zhen Pi frowned looking at Zhen Guan, and the location of Zhen Chan's station clearly shows that he and Zhen Pi are on the same front.

"Zhen Guan, you are not the heir of patriarch, and Old Ancestor never said this. Why do you command us?"

Zhen Guan's face is angry, this In front of Old Ancestor, Zhen Pi and Zhen Chan behaved in a well-behaved and natural manner, and they were hostile to themselves when they didn't expect to reach their destination.

I was just cautious. In order to ensure that my party was not being followed, I ordered the two children in the family to observe the surrounding environment. I did not expect Zhen Pi and Zhen Chan to attack themselves at this moment.

"Zhen Pi, I know you are targeting me, but this action is related to my Zhen Family's future 100-year plan. I hope you understand the situation and don’t make unnecessary little moves."

Zhen Guan speaks neither humble nor overbearing. He knows that he can't yell, only those who have no confidence can do so.

"It’s nice to say, what a century-old plan, Old Ancestor let us experience it, but you are better, as if you are the leader of the team, why, who gave you the power to lead us?

Don’t say that your father is a patriarch, you have the right to command us, as long as you don’t recognize Old Ancestor for a day, you are no different from us, why should we listen to you?"

Zhen Pi Contrary to Zhen Guan's needle point, no one else dared to say anything. This team is the young generation of the Zhen Family, respected by Zhen Guan, Zhen Pi and Zhen Chan, they are not qualified to interrupt at all.

"Zhen Pi, I advise you not to make troubles unreasonably. This incident is really important. If your non-cooperation leads to a problem with the action, you cannot bear this responsibility.

Zhen Chan, you are usually stable. Why is this time so unwise? You should know that I let other people look around and just act carefully. Are you going to follow Zhen Pi to make troubles unreasonably?"

Zhen Chan is in my heart. Anxi, Zhen Guan and Zhen Pi quarreled. He wanted to be like this. Sandpiper and clam war together. The fisherman was profitable. He wanted to stand aside and watch them quarrel.

Unexpectedly, Zhen Guan suddenly involved herself, so she had to stand up, otherwise she didn’t take responsibility. What would other Zhen Family children think of herself?

Zhen Chan can only stand up and take a look at Zhen Pi. She already has a scrutiny in her heart. After all, Zhen Guan has been ahead of herself and Zhen Pi too much in the past few years, and her family status has become more and more stable. She has only to join hands with Zhen Pi. It is possible to contend with it.

"Zhen Guan, I have not received orders from the elders in the family, so we don't need to follow your orders, so put away your aloof and remote posture, we are not your servants ."

Zhen Pi and Zhen Chan thought they would unite and Zhen Guan would shrink back. Unexpectedly, Zhen Guan smiled secretly at them and made them heart startled. Does Zhen Guan still have a back-up?

Zhen Guan suddenly shouted loudly: "I never thought of controlling you. I was just for the family. The family sent us to perform tasks. Isn’t it okay to be more cautious?"

What I said suddenly made Zhen Pi and Zhen Chan feel nodded and numb. Who are they complaining to? Is there someone in the family behind to protect us?

Next, the complexion of Zhen Pi and Zhen Chan was greatly changed, because suddenly there was an extra person in the field, and both Zhen Guan and Zhen Pi and Zhen Chan called out at the same time: "Second Elder!"

Zhen Guan is the voice of surprise, but Zhen Pi and the two voices are full of disbelief. How could it be possible that Second Elder would be sent here.

At this time, Zhen Yanxiao, the Zhen Family Second Elder, glanced at Zhen Pi and Zhen Chan, and then said to Zhen Guan: "You are fine. Remember, this action must be cautious. Now everyone Everyone listens to Zhen Guan’s orders, and those who disobey, the family rules serve them!"

Zhen Pi Zhen Chan was unwilling, but she did not dare to impudent in front of Second Elder. He could only bow his head and said that he would obey Zhen Guan’s arrangements.

Zhen Pi and Zhen Chan have already bowed their heads, and the other Zhen Family children are even more afraid to violate Zhen Guan's orders. Zhen Pi knows that this time he has followed Zhen Guan's way.

But he can only keep this grievance in his heart, no way, Second Elder is right behind him, can he refute him?

Moreover, Zhen Pi still feels a little lucky. Fortunately, it is not Ninth Elder who has come, otherwise the situation will be worse. Ninth Elder is the one of Zhenguan!

After such a disturbance, there is no second voice in the Zhen Family team for the time being, so the marching speed is obviously accelerated.

Fang Yang followed them closely, thinking in his heart what is so precious that he actually wanted the Zhen Family to lay down and act so carefully.

And the appearance of Zhen Yanxiao makes Fang Yang more careful, if he reveals his traces, I am afraid that a fight will be inevitable.

Fang Yang followed closely behind the Zhen Family team, afraid to make a noise. After one hour, the Zhen Family team finally stopped.

Since Zhen Yanxiao has exposed her whereabouts, she no longer hides it, she is just and honorable in the team, acting with Zhen Guan and them.

After arriving at the destination, Zhen Yan said with a smile: "Everyone must be wondering why everyone was sent here. Now I will explain to you.

As for why not before departure Let me tell you, the reason is very simple, in case the news is leaked, our family has many eyes and no one knows how many spies in Dao Mansion.

Here, everyone is the best of my Zhen Family this generation. Youngster, there is no doubt about your loyalty to the family, but you should not spread it out afterwards, otherwise the family law will be severely punished.

Why you are called here, because there is a Foundation Establishment senior’s Cave Mansion, Old Ancestor In order to train everyone, so I let you come here to perform tasks related to the future of the family."

Speaking of this, Zhen Yanxiao paused, "Zhen Pi, Zhen Chan, and Zhen Guan, remember After you enter the Cave Mansion, do not have any quarrels or misunderstandings, wait until the Cave Mansion is detected, and then solve it."

"I can tell you that there is a lot of opportunity in this Cave Mansion, and Old Ancestor can As I said, there may be a Foundation Establishment Pill in Cave Mansion. You should be very clear about what the Foundation Establishment Pill stands for.

So you wait until you enter the Cave Mansion, and proceed with caution. This time is your harvest. It’s very important to the family.

Well, you don’t need to whisper to each other. I know this news is abrupt, but it is the case. It affects our luck for a hundred years, so let’s go!"

After speaking, Zhen Yanxiao took out the flag that Zhen Family Old Ancestor gave him. According to the instructions of Zhen Family Old Ancestor, he kept sealing art in his hand. Suddenly, on the left of the crowd, a Cave Mansion suddenly appeared.

"This is what Old Ancestor used to prevent people from discovering this Cave Mansion, so they laid out a few Formations around, everyone set off, I'll wait for your triumph outside!"

Zhen Guan said calmly, "Go to the Qi Refinement sixth layer to find the way, others follow and go!"

At this moment, Zhen Pi and Zhen Chan have no opinion, and they are ready to enter according to Zhen Guan's instructions. Cave Mansion.

Make you proud first, wait until I find the Foundation Establishment Pill in Cave Mansion, and see how I can clean you up.

The children of Zhen Family entered Cave Mansion one by one. Fang Yang, who was two miles away, was also overjoyed. It turned out to be the legacy Cave Mansion of Foundation Establishment senior, and he absolutely couldn't miss it.

Thinking of this, Fang Yang waited until all the Zhen Family children entered the Cave Mansion, and slowly sneaked to a point not far from Zhen Yanxiao.

This time, I also want to enter Cave Mansion, no one can stop it!

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