The Spiritual Qi in Zhen Pi’s hands has already escaped. He wanted to beat him up as soon as he saw this little thief, so he wasted so much time, and you just picked the peaches. .

But after Zhen Pi entered the innermost layer, he found an empty medicine field without any silhouette, and he was also dumbfounded.

Other people also looked at each other in blank dismay. What's the matter? Simply no one came out. Where did the people who collect spiritual grass go?

Everyone doesn't know what to do. This is really what the fuck. What about the little thief who removed the spiritual grass?

Just when Zhen Pi and the others were puzzled, Fang Yang had already come to the next place.

Looking at the Flying Swords placed in the room, Fang Yang has a spectrum in his heart. This should be the Magical Artifact collection of the Master Cave Mansion.

For Flying Sword this kind of Magical Artifact, Fang Yang's heart does not fluctuate much. After all, most of Fang Yang's methods have nothing to do with Flying Sword.

If it is a knife Magical Artifact, it is best to use a Knife Magical Artifact that is attacking. Then Fang Yang will be happy to get it.

Fang Yang took a closer look at the four Flying Swords placed outside. They are all Top Grade Magical Artifacts, good things.

Since it’s a good thing, even though you can’t use it, you can’t give it up. It’s all money!

After Fang Yang has cleaned up the four Flying Swords, he always feels something is wrong. How can it be possible that there are only four high grade Magical Artifacts in a place where the Magical Artifact is collected?

Maybe it is the evil taste of the previous owner of Cave Mansion. It takes time for later generations to find his legacy.

Fang Yang originally thought that the master of Cave Mansion had also concealed the prohibited Formation here, concealing the real precious Magical Artifact, but it was a pity that Fang Yang went around and simply did not find any clues.

"What the hell, this is not playing cards according to the routine!"

Fang Yang really wants to cry without tears, he thinks he has figured out the evil of Cave Mansion previous owner Interesting, I can't imagine that the reality has taken the head for myself before the blink of an eye.

Okay, I took it, but this must be because I didn't find the right way. This place is absolutely impossible. There are only these four Flying Swords.

Fang Yang no longer uses Divine Consciousness to find the restriction. This is already a wrong method, but looking around here, there is simply no special place.

Where is the key to solving the problem? Fang Yang's heart is full of distress. Although he has an IQ of 250, this kind of riddle with no signs is impossible to guess!

Just when Fang Yang was in distress, he suddenly heard some noises coming from outside, Fang Yang thought, took out the concealment talisman, and hid in the corner, the system's breath-gathering skills were brought to the extreme.


When Zhen Chan came to Cave Mansion, her luck was much worse than Zhen Pi and Zhen Guan. After going around for two hours, she found out four or five. A child of Zhen Family.

Up to now, only seven people have gathered around Zhen Chan, so his face is not very good.

This time trial, Sixth Elder mentioned him intentionally or unintentionally. To seize this opportunity, if you do not perform well, then put out your thoughts and give up the fight for the next Position of Patriarch.

This time entering Cave Mansion was so unsuccessful that Zhen Chan felt happy in her heart, but it was not until Zhen Chan discovered the building in front of her that the unhappiness in her heart slowly dissipated.

"Weapon Storehouse Pavilion?"

Zhen Chan glanced at the words on the plaque. He finally came around and found the Weapon Storehouse Pavilion of the owner of Cave Mansion.

As the previous owner of Cave Mansion of Foundation Establishment Realm, Divine Weapon collected by Weapon Storehouse Pavilion is at least Top Grade Magical Artifact, right? Maybe there is Spiritual Artifact among them!

"Go, be careful, although the owner of Cave Mansion here is not murderous, but this kind of important venue may have traps. Be careful."

Others The seven nodded expressed that they understood that although their Divine Consciousness only extended one or two meters in Cave Mansion, they could also perceive the danger earlier.

Zhen Chan was ready to encounter danger, but after walking all the way to the door of Weapon Storehouse Pavilion, Zhen Chan still did not encounter any trouble.

"Does the Master of Cave Mansion really have no selfish intentions, anyone can use his magic weapons as long as they are predestined?"

Zhen Chan feels a bit incredible, but it is the case. They arrived in front of the Weapon Storehouse Pavilion without any trouble.

"Be careful, you first try to open the door and see if there are other abnormalities?"

Zhen Chan pointed to a Zhen Family kid to open the room of the Weapon Storehouse Pavilion The door, he was afraid of danger just after opening the door, after all, ordinary people generally relax their vigilance after opening the door.

But the facts show that this is Zhen Chan's carelessness. After the Zhen Family kid opened the door, the Weapon Storehouse Pavilion was still quiet and nothing unusual happened.

Zhen Chan ridiculed herself secretly. It seems that she is really serving the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, and Cave Mansion previous owner simply has no intention of hurting people.

Zhen Chan walked into the Weapon Storehouse Pavilion without any hesitation. It was different from what he had imagined. He thought there were a lot of Magical Artifacts in it, but the truth is that he didn’t see it. Any Divine Weapon.

"What's the matter? Did someone catch the worm the early bird?"

Zhen Chan's heart is full of questions, whether it is Zhen Pi or Zhen Guan, did they get there first Here, sweep this place.

Zhen Pi was very annoyed. It took him more than an hour to find this place. He thought it was his own time to revolve, but he couldn't think of just eating other people's leftovers.

The seven people who followed Zhen Chan were completely afraid to speak at this moment, they could tell. Zhen Chan must be full of anger at the moment, so it's better not to irritate him.

The anger in Zhen Chan's heart is getting heavier and he can't help but slash on the cutting board in front of him. Zhen Chan's weapon is also a high grade Magical Artifact, plus his Qi Refinement sixth layer cultivation base , I thought that the cutting board would be cut off by Zhen Chan, but the cutting board was unscathed.

Zhen Chan didn't have time to pay attention to these things at this moment. In order to find a way out, he attacked many things, but did not cause any damage.

So the cutting board was not cut completely, Zhen Chan didn't care too much, but the anger in his heart kept rising.

"Go, we have to seize the opportunity to find Zhen Guan and Zhen Pi. Maybe they are getting a chance at the moment.

We can't lag behind them too much. Our only way out now is to find them. , And forcibly snatch our way out from them!"

Zhen Chan left the Weapon Storehouse Pavilion without looking back, and the others also hurriedly followed up. He actually formed a team with Zhen Chan, thinking It is no longer realistic to take refuge in the other two.

It's better to just blog, anyway, it won't be worse than the current situation, maybe after one spell, things will turn around again.

After all, Zhen Chan is also one of the three Young Masters who inherit the Position of Patriarch. If he can help him reverse the situation, this credit can definitely make him soar.

After Zhen Chan left the Weapon Storehouse Pavilion, a few minutes later, Fang Yang's silhouette suddenly appeared in the empty Weapon Storehouse Pavilion.

Fang Yang carefully arranged a set of prohibitions outside the Weapon Storehouse Pavilion, and then closed the door of the Weapon Storehouse Pavilion, looking at the chopping board that was slashed by Zhen Chan but unscathed, he couldn’t help it. Laughed.

"Unexpectedly, the key to solving the puzzle of Weapon Storehouse Pavilion turned out to be this. The mind of the previous owner of Cave Mansion was truly extraordinary. I admire it!"

After Fang Yang mumbled to himself, he suddenly manipulated The law flew wildly, entraining a swell of Spiritual Qi and raging directly in the Weapon Storehouse Pavilion, just like perish together!

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