Fire Attribute spiritual grass needs to be steamed in a big fire, all it needs is full firepower. This is why Fang Yang master adapts himself to Fire Attribute handprints in the first place.

Because of this, I won't encounter any troubles, and I can get started directly instead of failing continuously like I do now.

The success of getting started with Fire Attribute mudra has actually given me a psychological hint, otherwise I won’t have a sense of frustration until after twenty consecutive failures. If I used to be myself, I would have already failed by one or two. After this time, my self-confidence collapsed.

It turns out that the master has already arranged everything for himself. This is because he wholeheartedly thinks about himself, and just now he said that his performance is normal now, and he just wants to tell himself, don’t lose confidence, yourself It can be successful.

After trying to understand the reason for Fang Yang’s arrangement, Xiang Cheng began to face up to the reason for the failure of this Water Attribute handprinting process of spiritual grass. This is definitely not the reason that Fang Yang didn’t know it, but he wanted to let him Comprehend the key to it yourself.

Fang Yang Divine Consciousness has been paying attention to Xiang Cheng here, he saw Xiang Cheng cheer up again, and he expressed satisfaction in his heart. It seems that Xiang Cheng should not be able to figure it out soon.

At this moment, Xiang Cheng is also staring at the previously failed spiritual grass, secretly comparing the different differences, he is completely in accordance with the handprint Spirit Art concocted, why did he fail?

Xiang Cheng couldn't think of anything else he didn't pay attention to. When Xiang Cheng was puzzled, Xiang Cheng suddenly remembered that Fang Yang just took the spiritual grass and said it was normal.

Wait, why did the master say that this is a normal situation? Xiang Cheng once again stared at the spiritual grass on the ground, and immediately thought of Fang Yang's action when he checked the spiritual grass.

Fang Yang's movements with spiritual grass seem to be too gentle, is this the key? That's right, the spiritual grass of Fire Attribute certainly needs spiritual power out.

Being good is like water, Water Attribute spiritual grass certainly needs flexible spiritual power. Thinking of this, Xiang Cheng directly took out new spiritual grass and started using the same handprint, but the spiritual power output was changed in a different way. As a result, It's done!

"Sure enough, it seems that the twelve mudra have different spiritual grass-based mudra methods. Now that my Water Attribute mudra is successful, the next step is high-intensity practice."

After Xiang Cheng calmed down his mind, he began to slowly repeat his movements, concocting water-based spiritual grass one after another with high intensity.

Fang Yang outside the room was very satisfied. This kid was smarter than he thought, and he realized the difference so quickly.

Fang Yang thought that if according to this trend, Xiang Cheng might be able to master the twelve mudra in a shorter period of time, can he relax next?

But this is the latter thing. I still have to remodel the pill room. After Xiang Cheng Twelve mudra is successful, I can let him start learning the technique of pill concocting.

Fang Yang returned to the pill room and took out the third rank alchemic furnace he hadn't used for a long time. From now on, this will be Xiang Cheng's alchemic furnace.

As for Lingmu, Fang Yang is not worried, when the time comes, there will naturally be someone who is willing to help.


Time just passed by like this. The Master in the middle of the mountain came to visit Fang Yang several times, but was turned away by Fang Yang. Now it is his own discipline to get started. How could he be interrupted during this critical period?

Fang Yang carefully arranged the sound insulation and placed it outside the spiritual grass, and directly yelled at the master of the mountain finger: "Shan finger, don’t come to me again, otherwise I will be annoyed by you. Just leave Mengze City."

The Master Shanzhi no longer comes here. As long as Fang Yang is still in Mengze City, he still has the opportunity to ask for advice. If Fang Yang is annoyed by himself, he will leave. With Mengzecheng, that was his own loss.

Of course, Xiang Cheng didn't know that during his practice of the Twelve Mudras, Master Shanzhi had visited him. Six months later, Xiang Cheng actually started all the Twelve Mudras!

This was completely out of Fang Yang's expectation. He didn't expect Xiang Cheng to complete the introduction to the twelve mudra faster than he expected.

Yes, do you want to teach Xiang Cheng some basics of Yin-Yang Pill Refining Art now?

Fang Yang hasn’t made a decision yet, Xiang Cheng jumped out by himself, "Master, I have completed the introduction to the twelve mudra of Yin and Yang Five Elements."

After that, Xiang Cheng knelt on the ground and banged his head three times. Of course he knew that he could complete the introduction to the twelve mudra of Yin and Yang Five Elements in half a month. It was not how high his innate talent was, it was entirely because Fang Yang provided it. Massive spiritual grass.

This kindness to Cheng simply didn’t repay him, so he can only kowtow to thank you now, "Master, I’ll cook for you first."

Half a year , Xiang Cheng was locked in the spiritual grass room by Fang Yang to concoct spiritual grass. He simply couldn't cook a meal for Fang Yang.

Since Xiang Cheng has now completed the initial introduction to the Twelve Mudras, he can also leave the spiritual grass room temporarily and go to prepare a meal for Fang Yang.

Xiang Chenggang is about to go to Fangshi, but Fang Yang is already ready. "Boy, you don't need to go to Fangshi. I have sent someone to Fangshi to deliver things."

Xiang Cheng couldn't help but want to give Fang Yang a thumbs up, his own master stepped in front, in order not to waste his time, he was even ready for this.

As for why Fang Yang can prepare the ingredients in advance today, it shows that Fang Yang is monitoring his progress all the time.

"master ······"

"Okay, don't be hypocritical, go cook."

Fang Yang doesn't want to see Xiang Cheng had a grateful expression on his face, so he might as well cook now.

Two hours later, after Fang Yang and Xiang Cheng had a feast, Fang Yang burped contentedly and comfortably.

Fang Yang lay paralyzed on the recliner, after watching Xiang Cheng wash, think for a while, "Xiang Cheng, are you willing to continue to improve your ability to concoct spiritual grass, or do you want to start learning pill now? Concocting?"

"Master, I want to continue concocting spiritual grass."

Xiang Cheng’s answer gave Fang Yang a moment's surprise, followed by admiring eyes, not bad, this The mentality of the kid is really good. He is a seedling to be a Pill Refinement Master.

"Okay, since you said that, then I don’t want to force you, so you can continue to make spiritual grass, but if you can’t add up to 30% of spiritual grass, I won’t teach you Pill Refinement Technique.

This is the result of your own decision to continue concocting spiritual grass. Do you have any comments?"

Shook the head to Cheng, but after saluting respectfully He continued to return to the spiritual grass room. Although he had lost his pill concocting inheritance, the concocting nature of spiritual grass determines the most basic ingredient of pill concocting.

Just as Xiang Cheng tried to improve his twelve mudra of Yin and Yang Five Elements, suddenly the Master Shanzhi came to Fang Yang's door again.

"Fang Yang Fellow Daoist, this time I really have the most urgent thing for you. I hope you can see me. This is not only related to me, in fact, you are not outside."

Fang Yang heard the request of the mountain finger to straight to the point, so he could only open the door. After all, he was impossible to really leave Mengze City. For his own peace, he could only choose to open the door.

"What's wrong, what happened, I hope you can give me an answer that satisfies me, otherwise, you may not know it yourself."

Fang Yang fiercely stared I glanced at Master Shanzhi, and I just wanted to live a peaceful life in peace, so why was it disturbed by Master Shanzhi so many times?

"Fellow Daoist, do you know that Mengze City is a subordinate force of the Yunmeng School, right?"

"Of course I know, I don't really know nothing."

Fang Yang is very strange about the mountain finger master, does anyone else know this?

"Fellow Daoist, this is what happened. Yunmeng sent a True Disciple. When Jiang You passed through a demonic beast valley north of Mengze City, he was discovered by a third-rank adult killer whale. Now.

A man and a beast fought together on the spot. You also know that the third-rank adult demonic beast is comparable to Qi Refinement Perfection and invincible, so Jiang escaped from the danger, but was also seriously injured.

Jiang You is now in our Dreamcloud City. You also know that he is a True Disciple of the Yunmeng School, so he can't have an accident in our Dreamcloud City.

But our Dreamcloud Pavilion in the Dreamcloud City At this moment, there is simply no third rank to heal Spirit Pill, and Jiang You simply can’t cure Jiang You.

It’s normal, but at this moment Jiang You escaped through occult technique, so he has to take third rank to heal Spirit within one day Pill.

City Lord's Mansion has asked the entire city’s Pill Refinement Master to quickly figure out a solution. After all, if Jiang You died in our Dreamze City, if the Yunmeng faction is held accountable, none of us will be able to run away."

Fang Yang heard this and probably understood the meaning of the mountain finger, but what does this have to do with himself. That’s why Fang Yang looked at the Mountain Finger Master with a cold look, "What does this have to do with me?"

"Fellow Daoist, don't you understand yet, the entire Mengze City is now on a rope Grasshopper, we must work with a common purpose to get through this difficult time."

The Master Shanzhi is also a little anxious. Why doesn’t Fang Yang get in? If something happens to Jiang You , He simply couldn't imagine how angry Yunmeng faction would be.

This is True Disciple. This is the future of Yunmeng School. Now Yunmeng School includes only four True Disciples including Jiang Youye.

Jiang You just completed the Wushou Qi Refinement Great Perfection in just 20 years of cultivation. Had it not been for this surprise attack by a third-rank killer whale, he would have been impossible to suffer serious injuries.

After receiving the order from City Lord's Mansion, Master Shanzhi is like an ant on a hot pot. This kind of thing cannot be avoided, but at the moment Shanzhi Master simply does not have a third rank to heal the Spirit Pill. .

City Lord's Mansion also said that as long as it is the Pill Refinement Master living in Mengze City, it is now temporarily recruited, and Jiang You must be able to successfully survive the crisis.

Only then did Master Shanzhi approach Fang Yang. He knew Fang Yang's pill concocting ability. At this moment, he could only ask Fang Yang for help.

"Fellow Daoist, even if you don’t want to make your identity public, but Xiang Cheng, you have to consider him, and you also know that if you can make a big name in Mengze City, you say What will happen to Xiang Cheng in Mengze City in the future?"

The Master Shanzhi said that he could not move Fang Yang, so he could only lift Xiang Cheng out. He could see that Fang Yang was really wholeheartedly opposed. Cheng is good, this time Xiang Cheng is his breakthrough.


Fang Yang couldn't help but utter a national curse. Master Shanzhi still knew that the sound was going to hit the west. If he didn’t agree to Master Shanzhi this time, neither would Know what little moves he will do later.

He also saw that Master Shanzhi had already spared everything. It seemed that he was really driven to a desperate situation by the City Lord's Mansion.

"Okay, don't irritate me either. I don't have a third rank to heal the Spirit Pill. I can't do anything."

Shanzhi Master heard this. There is no depression, but a look of joy, waiting for you to let go, not afraid that if you don't have medicine pill, you are worried that you will be stubborn.

"Fellow Daoist, don't worry about it. In fact, City Lord's Mansion has already prepared countless spiritual grass, which is to ask us Pill Refinement Masters to go to the City Lord's Mansion site to pill concocting."

When Fang Yang heard this, he knew that he had been caught up by the Mountain Pointer, which was tantamount to nakedly letting himself on the thief ship.

However, Fang Yang didn’t get angry, because Master Shanzhi was right. Maybe because of this incident, he could successfully break into the high-levels of Mengze City. This is absolutely necessary for Xiang Cheng’s future cultivation. It helps a lot.

"Okay, but let me tell you, this time I'm pill concocting with you, not for me alone."

Shanzhi Master heard this After that, I felt like a pie in the sky, how could it be possible, why did Fang Yang share the credit for this kind of good deeds to himself.

Then the Shanzhi Master reacted. It seems that Fang Yang is still ready to do nothing, but he wants to make a name and pave the way for Xiang Cheng, and give half of the credit to himself, which is also for his future calm life.

After all, I am also one of the three Pill Refinement Masters in Qi Refinement Realm in Qi Refinement Realm. I have refined the third rank healing Spirit Pill, and most of my eyes will be on me.

Although the Shanzhi Master guessed Fang Yang's intentions, he simply couldn't refuse, because he was asking Fang Yang to come out of the mountain, and he simply couldn't say anything.

The mountain finger master will then pull Fang Yang away, but Fang Yang motions the mountain finger master to wait a while, then Fang Yang returns to the spiritual grass outside, commanded Xiang Cheng, and then followed the mountain Refers to the Master to leave.

Mengze City City Lord's Mansion is absolutely luxurious and exquisite. Numerous high-end construction materials from the cultivation world are piled up on the houses in City Lord's Mansion.

Fang Yang last time it was just that the household registration management office next door to City Lord's Mansion did his own residence and house sales. This time he entered the City Lord's Mansion in person.

A lot of Pill Refinement Masters have come to City Lord's Mansion, everyone's eyes are on Fang Yang, this person simply has no information himself, who is he?

While the Pill Refinement Master was still thinking about Fang Yang’s sacredness, City Lord finally began to enter the venue. Once he sat down, he said directly: "Masters, you should also be clear about things, Jiang You Young Master must be rescued this time, and at worst, he must be supported by Yunmeng’s people.

If our treatment fails this time, we can only wait to accept the anger of the Yunmeng faction. This time we City Lord's Mansion has fully prepared countless spiritual grass, and you can refine it.

My requirement is only one, and that is that today I must refine the third rank healing Spirit Pill, and Jiang You Young Master must keep him here Life and health."

Speaking of the end, the City Lord’s voice was a bit louder, and the foundation establishment middle stage’s cultivation base is clearly visible. This time he has really released this The matter has come to a conclusion!

In any case, all the Pill Refinement Masters present must do their best to refine the third rank healing Spirit Pill. The Master Shanzhi also secretly asked Fang Yang about sound transmission.

"Fellow Daoist, what do we refine?"

"Return to Origin pill, depending on what you said, Return to Origin pill is Return to Origin. I can definitely restore this Jiang from Young Master."


As soon as the Master Shanzhi was about to speak, Fang Yang stopped him again, "Go and City Lord If you want a quiet room, just say that our Pill Refining Secret Technique cannot be spread out. It shouldn't be rejected."

The mountain finger master thought for a while and bit clenching one's teeth and said:" Okay, just follow what Fellow Daoist said."

After the Master Shanzhi explained his requirements to the City Lord, he immediately arranged a separate room for him. At this moment, as long as he can refine Spirit Pill, he, the City Lord, unconditionally cooperates with these Pill Refinement Masters.

After arriving in the room arranged by the City Lord, Master Shanzhi looked at Fang Yang, meaning to ask Fang Yang if he was ready?

Fang Yang nodded, from the countless spiritual grass prepared by the City Lord, he took out the spiritual grass needed by the Return to Origin Pill, and he was ready to start pill concocting.

Next is the pill concocting 1st Step, concocting spiritual grass!

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