"Table 3. With your water luck!

"Cooked up! Number 15!

"Welcome -!

"Available kid, pick up your order at number 7!

Praise in your heart the hall leaders who skip instructions one after the other, grasping the flow in the store while providing customer service themselves. People everywhere you look! Man! The aisle set up between the tables is in a huge crowded store where female staff can barely pass, and her ability to take command so as not to cause accidents and stress to customers and staff is truly amazing.

—— From ears growing from blue hair, Mr. Beast. So I've had "sign perception” from the beginning, and I think I have some skills to fill the blind spot. In addition to that...

For some reason, the muscles around the belly that are dewy are deeply carved, and the huge double-edged axe carried can be releasing tremendous pressure around them. It has the effect of blocking the mouth of the guests, and thanks to it, even in hot and painful spaces filled with rags by crude men, there is nothing like developing into fights at present.

--Maybe he's showing his "intimidation” skills...

Right now, I hear that Warcraft (Percy), who is an inviting cat at the entrance to the dining room, has the same "level-dependent" effect as “intimidation” - the content of the effect is extrapolated - and is relatively easy for Beastmen to acquire. but.

—— I don't know, the... it's a huge store, just now.

A hard voice pops into my ear, which is becoming a little distant.

"My uncle with red hair and a sea eye! I'm gonna jump, so take it."

Another beast man, however energetic his daughter (Ko), wearing a white apron over her thin clothes, dives into the sea of man on a scaffold with a large plate in his hands, the railing next to the counter where he serves the dish.

This is the world of comics! and a designated person with such exuberant muscles that he can't help but penetrate, raise the handles of his own gain in good time without taking a glimpse of the direction in which she flies, and stop her there.

"Wait, wait, wait! You want me to ask you about your next drink?

I take the order paper out of my pocket after I put the large plate down and take one order after another from the guys sitting at the same table.

As well as going home, I would put an empty plate on my arm and jump from the spot and come back to where I came from. Whatever the hell the Miracle is, even with all that intense space, the white apron still doesn't even have one spot on it.

Threatened physical ability.

Yet another such daughter.

"My blonde brother. No, I'm gonna borrow your back hammer."

Fluffy at the same time as I say, I put my foot on the warhammer carried by Brother Blonde, and jumped even more. Put your feet on the empty floor of the group at the back table waiting to cook and leave that on your hands with a polite waist.

—— Seriously, it's not half the time, ladies...

My gaze, which has been stuck in the washroom for a long time, nailed the first time they worked jumping over common sense in mild shape. You'll never see a sight like this in a regular store. If the customer is a customer, the service will also be paid... No, no, no. In this case, the service is the paycheck and the customer is also the customer?

—— In short. You mean combat skills don't pick any battlefield! (-ω ) Killarn

I don't know how many times it's going to be. When I'm fluttering into dumb thoughts against the background of the "welcome" voice, the strong looking hall leader turns to this one and says sorry.

"I'm sorry, Belle. Can you go with Mr. 9?

He follows the eyes of the lady, who said "over there" with his gaze intact, and turns to the person with bright herd blue hair, who slowly lowered his back to the table behind him. Understand me with a question mark over my head, she said, whispering.

"I'm a dragon man..."

"Oh, I see."

It's a mystery to us what makes us do that, but a lot of beasts don't like dragon species. Originally it's about them being sensitive to the signs, so don't you have some kind of skill where dragon breeds are superior because of that? And I take it personally.

What about just people? Well, as you can see from my eyes, I have little to be cowardly because I am a proportionally dull creature. That would normally freak me out if it were the dragon figure, but the dragon man I rarely see is close to the figure of a person as his name suggests, so I'm not too scared or anything. Sometimes for that reason, they go surprisingly well with dragon species and only people, and it seems easy to have intermittent children.

I wonder if it is a world in which race to race rivalry is advantageous due to the presence of many different species of appearance. Unexpected or unexpected. I know it's because of the times, but this is a more tolerant and cluttered world for those who live there than you can imagine.

Okay, well, I'm going to get back on my mind, pick up the order form I was offered and go through the narrow aisle.

The dragon man and the whispered man were adult men who applied this and other hard beauty to their hair, characterized by the long stretch of the right side of the forehead and the loose spiral of the tip of the hair.

"Ask for your order"

When you say that and gaze at it, the longitudinal pupil that reminds you of a reptile moves just fine.

- Oh, golden.

As always, the fantasy world is amazing. And when I'm squeamish and waiting.

"Daughter, you, the smell of the beast is stained. I don't think so, but the array on the table is yours."

I couldn't connect as soon as they told me, but I got pompous.

The dragon man in front of me seems to be waiting for this reply without even moving with Pickle, so, ha, he makes a distracted voice.

"Are you talking about the Black Warcraft? Well, for once, it's a subordinate contract..."


Pressed by the signs of the person who gained momentum, he unwittingly takes half a step back.

When the man sees this pull and undoes the half-body he embarks on, he turns to Xiaolong with a silver scale lying on the table and says in a calm voice.

"--well. Grandpa, were you listening? He looks like a vulnerable daughter, but now he seems to have the strength to drop a country. I looked up to a human being."

—— uh... that. In this case, how do I react...?

The adventurer (uncle) in the back seat, who was trying to touch my buttocks, felt signs that he could pull his hand in sassy where he was stuck with words and stood up flat.

--... I see. Touch it all you want because it looks like the dullest and weakest member of the staff ever! Or so they thought. No, I sure don't have a lot of skills, and I'm actually weak. But, well.

I wonder if these misunderstandings can be useful once in a while, too, by looking around at the guys in the nearby seats with a niggling grin.

As soon as that happened, the men who were dazzled and lowered their hips when they were held in vain by Mr. Tsubaki's intimidating skills, clamored and saw him sit back in a good position.

How honest… and immersed in the subtle mood, I feel like I have to take orders from the customer I want.

"Today's recommendation is" Winged Dragon Tail ”. With a crispy, sliced tail with spicy sauce and a dish to eat..."

Say it, oops, I think, and say it again.

"Excuse me. Is“ Kunyanshanju "better for customers? It will be a meat-stewed dish with a refreshing vanilla effect."

The main ingredient is a field monster similar to a level of 30 pigs, which is one of the recommended dishes that adds a bit of a delightful effect to the man that the vanilla used to simmer is not only vigorously enhancing.

Waiting for a response with relief that I could successfully explain the burnt-out dish, I told BGM, "... sister strong." "What kind of brave guy would recommend dragon dishes to dragon breeds?" "You don't mean to blow up every store... do you...?" What a line I hear.

—— No, no, no. Just calm down, customers. When I say dragon dish, I don't really use dragon seeds... because monsters that look like dragons are just ingredients, right? The specialty book said that you're a completely different creature, and it's not so much a problem, is it? Still, for once, though I tried to be careful.

In fact, they feel like they've got something lined up right in front of them called dragon dishes that they can't help but carry into their mouths. It may be an unreliable opinion of nothing about the number of samples, 1, and just looking at them from a distance, but there is actually a verse that seems to me that doesn't matter other than about them, myself - and their partner if they have one...

If you turn your eyes to the herd blue dragon man without any concern that way, he says after a bare gesture of thinking a little.

"Bring me both for now."

"What do you want to do for a drink?

"I don't care if it's distilled liquor. Give Grandpa some juice."

"Yes, sir."

If we try to go back the way we came in with a light reply, like the sea crossing legend of a certain ethnic leader, the crowd sitting in a chair can cleverly crack left and right to make a slightly wider passage.

--Wow. I saw a legend here.

I'd rather pull this one over on them who pull their thoughts off.

but I think it's better than being demented, and for now, I'll say thank you to Percy in my heart.

In this day and age, when it comes to the country, it generally refers to the place where kings who rule the territory can sit down. If it is an empire, it is about an imperial capital, and if it is a kingdom, it is called a king capital. It is unfortunate that we do not know a clear number in order to only count the countries where the family registration system is solid, but would the number of people who come to such places be as high as 5,000? The line about dropping one country is that it destroys some of those collective areas, which in no way hits the scale of blowing up the wilderness and mountains included in the territory.

Doesn't it have enough destructive power to do that? If I respond to the question, that's well, though I can only say. As a matter of fact, if the center is destroyed, the country will lose its function and become a nation.

—— or... I wouldn't have that power in the first place, though.

No, but.

If you multiply the (bomb-like) artifacts that are given to Ish for protection, the larger spiritual stones of pickup, or the demon-sealed vials containing less powerful magic, with the amplified magic formations that are being written down and taken, or...

Walk down the aisle that appeared in the crowd thinking about things like that and give the order form to the lady who waited in front of the counter.

"It's an order"

—— I guess I can't.

"Thanks. That'll help."

"No eh. Call me back when you're ready to cook."

I've tried to recall a few attack-based items that have been branded as luxury leather bags, but I think that even if the tools are powerful, the user will find them. Specifically, I am anxious to escape even if I could set up a bombing. I am confident I will be caught instantly.

Oh, but, Mr. Bell, you have special skills! I thought you.

Sure, that's right. But “absolute evasion” dominates my absolute evasion event against “death" in a significant proportion, and it is surprisingly rare to be assigned to escape - which is also included in evasion - etc.

Skills are normally under the control of the person in possession and can control the magnitude of the output with one will. However, often the owner cannot interfere with a special skill named the same “skill” for some reason.

This is why I can't intentionally avoid encounting, and still occasionally the event of encounting avoidance is expressed, but the environment in which it is placed - such as the presence of Percy - and the accidental letters are more appropriate atmosphere. If it is expressed, for example, to an interpersonal rather than a monster, the number of people counted with one hand can be counted at the same time. There's no persistence, by the way. In proportion to the increase in skill rank, the kind of tolerance this willingness was able to intervene spread, but it ended up only to that extent where it reached the maximum value (MAX).

On the other hand. I feel like I'm losing control from the beginning as far as Feel, and I don't feel like I can do anything about it where the rank is MAX (rather something scarier is going to happen now...).

When we get this far, special skills are about special physique...? Though I don't think so. Skills - Skills - Technical Abilities... and chewed up, not to mention technical, which certainly cannot be said to be an ability in the case of Arr owned by Ish.

It's been a long time but that's why. Would you somehow understand that it can be a big deal not to die but to be caught?

Besides, there's no resentment against a nation for this. I don't have the personality to shake my life on a stick just to prove that I can. Because of my memories of my previous life, it seems to me that the eyes of the inhabitants of this world will see my actions flying, and they tend to think I have no idea. I'm still going to be choosing the most rational and least risky means of any situation I can envisage... and I'm the one called prudential in the first place.

On my back, which was toward the washroom in disquiet, I heard Mr. Xuan's voice saying that if that guest took a seat, it would be fine to lift up today, and I looked back in a bit of a hurry.

Adventurer guilds are generally open all day, mostly anywhere, assuming unexpected circumstances. In addition to the service to adventurers who have to leave at odd times at the convenience of their request, the dining room set up there is often open all day, just like the guild, because it assumes to be used as a stopover in the exact case. Of course, the cooks hired are only available before daylight and before midnight during the high number of hours, so they are changed to a simple menu between midnight and morning. but as you can see from this flow, it is normal to work here late at night.

Among other things, the lowest level of female staff hired on a temporary basis, I am contracted to finish the job a little earlier than the other kids due to the receptionist's consideration of being able to get home before it is a noisy time. For that matter, attendance hours from the next day were set early.

In a washroom like the one you've already decided to have, you can call again where you were clearing out the accumulated plates.

About three times (every time) I carried a dish I could and got a beverage order.

The herd blue dragon man, apparently finished his tummy, takes the silver dragon and disappears into the city at night. Drop him off and say hello gently to the ladies.

convolve a beige apron and exit the dining room through the door leading to the guild.

Received my bag from a receptionist with pink hair ——— business of the day, done.

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