—— Not bad.

Stepping in, he crosses the blades and leaves without being forced where he is about to be pushed back.

The opponent is stronger. There is also an opening for the level.

However, the speed can be inferred from the previous feeling to be mutual.

In addition, this one has “Super Lucky” special skills.

Kitra Veta, the brave man of the west, makes that gap of departure and identifies a belligerent black opponent besides his thoughts.

With a beautiful curvature, magic passes through the spiritual lettering engraved on a single-edged sword called Shamseal. I laugh nigga as I identify myself.

While recognizing that the one Kru often calls "bad looks" is just floating around right now.

The face I saw on the edge of my sight. I think of a brown-haired woman who came out plain, quite beautifully put together, and I'm motivated by Russia.

Whatever you think, she seems to be laughing all by herself about something that doesn't matter in this game right now.

Though I thought she was an unusual type of woman I've never dated before. I like it. To say I like it, I didn't know I could watch games where thinkers fight without worrying about it.

A little more like this, worrying, really wanting me to win, something I don't feel like praying for?

You really like that guy? and a simple question just came to mind, then back to the game with a deviant thought as to whether that would be a good idea.

—— Well, fine.

If that's what you want.

—— Be prepared, right?

Because I'll try to close that gap.

The last couple of days, Kru asked me about her, and I was intrigued —— but warmly loved -- by my wife's friend, with a heart count to make a breakthrough —— but I tried to touch her.

The moment I touched her, my instincts made me wonder if she was special to the world… that kind of strange discomfort.

There is a tendency for “brave men" who enjoy much of the favor by the gods to be more sensitive to the signs because their connection is deeper than others.

Protected by the Spirit. And the same is true of the “Eye of Disaster” special skills that Kru possesses.

Until we know what it is, those with rare things are strange signs.

Okay, so what the hell kind of secret does this kid have? and although I have explored the signs. A strange aura with no experience, slipping through without grasping.

What are you hiding?

Or what is the point of consideration that doesn't make me understand until I “touch” her...

It's like God tells you "you don't need to know," not that it's harmful, don't be a jerk.

And when I realized it, I couldn't help but laugh.

The significance of considerations that do not enlighten the brave (me) is due to the very simple thought that they are loved.

At first glance, mediocre, I love maidens who seem to be everywhere, the gods of this world---.

Think like that.

Yeah, I mean, you know, I get the “why” that didn't really fall.

Move your gaze over there again, and keep an eye on my wife's friend with the missing face between them.

Well, if that's what you want, I'll poke a blurry gap and carve my presence strongly into my consciousness.

Simply commensurate with the level you hear, you lay your gaze on your opponent, who still shows room for movement, and put your strength on a blade that crosses whether it's time to really hit it.

Is it because of your natural personality or because you are young again? Some brave men scattered across the continent don't accept what's going on, but it's a conversation at dinner the day before, or how you feel about trying to cross swords like this is "not bad".

Whether we talk a little crushed or watch the sword tip move, it's the only thing that makes me think he's a serious guy (him), a person I don't hate. Even the unorthodox cuts I set up with the intention of seeing how things were going have played at my leisure, and the way I did it was not a one-sided way, but rather a brilliant return enough to entertain this one.

Oh, this guy, he's tougher than me at risk.

It's been a long time since I fought someone stronger than myself.

This time is so much fun.

Above all, where you're still going to be able to fight at the top level?

I can't wait to feel this feeling of blood rolling for the first time in a long time.

Well, I don't think they're getting the same feeling.

I'll do it for real, if you ask me, he'll look at the stages and answer.

He's a really serious guy. Still, if you look at the depth of the opponent, maybe there's another different side to it.

I'm not going to be interested in the bastard, but a good impression inside, as much as I'd like to continue to hang out with him if I had the chance.

But it's a different story about her.

So, now, distance yourself from and decide the next word to hang.

You took that as a gap, you took the blow of the great sword that had been chasing you, whispering the word you decided on the approaching brunette.

"Hey, if I win. Why don't you let me take care of her?"

Then I showed you with my gaze, and I told you who it was.

Nothing, I don't think it takes the other person's approval, but it's like the last one to her, a strong will that has cast out the charm of the brave by the patronage of the goddess of love.

—— sah. I wonder how it works.

Oh, my God, on the other hand, I think it's mild, and if I can't see any reaction to this, I really don't want it.

Chris, a dark-haired, eastern brave man who catches people's eyes.

I received this sign that distracted my gaze during the battle and leaned my similarly grey eyes towards you.

—— I don't know?

Ask how it goes, and leave the scene once to take the next step.

As you can imagine for more than half the time, Chris has quickly turned his quiet gaze toward Chirali as if nothing had happened.

And I stepped back to pack the distance away again.

--Oh, her, no pulse.

Somehow pathetic. But thank you in a way.

This is why I received approval for the approach from the thinker first.

Then I decided not to hesitate to sell it, wrapped my magic in the position I took and stepped in at maximum speed, aiming for nostalgia, the same as the person approaching this one.

I'm sorry, but I got a “win".

But then, when I have a strong conviction of victory, things happen that I can't even think of.

At a distance from each other that approached me well, the moment I thought of winning.

Not long ago, Chris turned his gaze back toward you without a second thought.

And I can clearly tell that, with obvious love.

—— And whoa, whoa, whoa!

Wait! Wait!

Don't look!!

Turn around!!!

If you get this blade unprotected, you'll bleed as much as you want!?

Pushing hard inside into vertiginously moving thoughts can no longer stop at this distance. I regret the speed I put out too much, what should I do!? And as I ask myself, I quickly draw the best conclusion that my chilling self is.

--You 'll have no choice when you get here!

Whether it's a slightly deeper wound, the pain should be better than being weirdly off track.

I suddenly mocked you in this phase. It's your fault! and depict the spelling of "paralysis” in the back of the brain that undoes the rash sword tip and relieves pain at the same time.

And the cutting-edge of the object is on the verge of wearing a knife in its pocket.


A sudden development that I finally realized the reality of being beaten up without even being able to groan, around blinking my eyes with a strong back impact on a slight float.

—— You're lying... it can't be...

There have been two unexpected events in this short time.

When I buried myself in the wall of the arena and raised my pulled face, there was a Chris with the obvious “Shit..." face.

I rushed right away and said, "I'm sorry. How far are you safe?" You were seriously unconscious about the blow you just made… drink the words and speak with your gaze.

It's probably close to a miracle I could have followed it with my eyes. Even if I wasn't level enough for that level of speed, it would have meant I looked critical because I was a beast (me) specializing in instantaneous speed.

At that moment, I ruined my nervousness in such a time, and there was a blunt (frightening) in my sight that I stepped in at an impenetrable speed. It happened at the same time that I thought what that was and that was a pattern, and the next time I was flying. I mean, he slapped me down “unconsciously” with a fist holding the pattern.

Oh, my God, that... and I drop my shoulder, but I'm sorry I mistakenly thought I'd cut off the other guy's power. Chris was faster than he deserved.

In that sense, it was an extremely correct “defeat," but what I don't regret so much when I know it's a loss is the sense of superiority that we realized earlier that we didn't really realize it.

"Really bad"

And to a serious opponent from the root who looks sincerely sorry, it's okay, say one word back. If you mean enough to turn a raw warm gaze, well, you get a natural grin that you would normally be forgiven.

Apparently, the “super luck” in his possession was not a game win, and he expressed it to those who needed to be intact even after this much blow.

The matter seemed to be all the more so, and I looked over her shoulder as she took the extended hand, and another bitter laugh sprang up.

Because of this... at all.

--I 'm no match for my "beloved daughter”.

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