I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 11, 4 years old, moon to Merche again.

At Nash, the cookies were popular, so we decided to commission where we would also manufacture the ratios together. Or if we didn't get it until the fifth month, there was going to be a riot momentum. When Dan quickly created the tea mechanism, he quickly returned to Wang Du looking forward to his summer reunion.

"If I can't drink Gaga with you, I'll miss you."

"I'll be back in May, do you like Gaga that much?

"Pound cake, too, but you've already said it's a magician's drink."

"Hmm, if the Lamb Pavilion were here"

"What a great idea! It could have an impact on tea sales, but I guess we'll do it here."

"Store number two, no. Store number three... if you fund it from your savings or... secure the store manager you can count on..."

"Arsh, I'm leaving now, come back"

"Ha! No, see you in a month, Guild Leader!

"I'm waiting, lambs!

Even though it's only been two weeks, the wheat greens are thickening already. Dan fell out, but happily went back to Merche.

"Hey, you're back"

"Yes, could you just show me the kitchen? Then did you gather manpower?

"It's perfect."

"Then we'll just make a purchase and start breakfast and lunch tomorrow morning."

"Over here from the trial, you're stuck with the restart loudly. Thank you."

"And this is a favorite treat from Nash."

"That's a cookie, I think I'll ask the receptionist for a tasting, hey"

"What is it?

"I took this cookie tasting with me."

"Sell it out! Immediately! For the staff too!

"Oh, hey, Mr. Earsh, what do you think?"

"Okay, I'll serve it tomorrow at the tea sale."

And four moons, day one.

"Good luck with the first day of class D."

"Sorry I can't help you, but I'm coming!

Cyril and the others went to the dungeon. Breakfast was late but well served and sold out in no time. Well,

"Yes, this is your salary"

"Wow, 200 gills too! Thanks! Hey, honey!

"What do we do with this?

"Make it a snack."

"Yeah, well, think about it for a second?


"You're gonna have a snack today, and then you're gonna have money tomorrow?


"So how much will you stay if you hang in there tomorrow?

"Hmm 400 gills"

"Well, why don't you hang in there for 20 days?

"4000 gills. Huh! So much? Like an adult!"

"You can use it. But do you want me to save half of it every day, and then you can buy your mother a gift?

"Okay! Save half! I promise!"

"And use it when it matters."


"Oh you grow up saving up doing it..."

Cyril, you were educated.

The number of people to hire has also begun to increase steadily, so I take my hands off them one by one. At the end of the second week, from Maria,

"It's time to go, dungeon."

and permission was given.

"Are you sure?

"It's okay, two weeks of three months is tight and we can all use it"

"Cyril, Will, I can go tomorrow!

"All right, luggage, please!

"Welcome, please"


It's finally a dungeon for the four of us!

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